Law since the General Council in its session of the 22nd September 2010 has approved the following: law 64/2010, dated September 22, to cope with the extraordinary credit grants for integrated conservation, restoration, maintenance and improvement of cultural heritage exhibition of illustrations and law 9/2003, of 12 June , of the cultural heritage of Andorra, and in particular article 35 relative to public grants, provides that "the Government should establish an annual investment program to give grants for integrated conservation, restoration, maintenance and improvement of the cultural heritage. The budget for this program must be at least equal to 0.5% of the investment in public works that plans to award the Government during the year ".
Point 5 of this article stipulates that "the Government, considering that cultural heritage is a common good, will boost its conservation and promotion, enhance and promote private initiatives directed towards the understanding, protection, restoration and revitalization of cultural heritage".
In order to continue with the heritage policy initiated in 2003 with the granting of aid for the conservation of heritage, it is necessary to equip the Department of Cultural heritage with the economic means needed in order to comply with article 35 of the law 9/2003, of 12 June, of the cultural heritage of Andorra.
The draft budget for the financial year 2010 foresaw a provision to deal with aid to contribute financially to the implementation during the year 2010 of integrated conservation measures, conservation and restoration, maintenance and improvement of the cultural heritage for the execution of works of conservation and restoration, maintenance and improvement of personal property and real estate of the cultural heritage of Andorra.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive cannot deal with capital transfers, with the exception of the transfers in the Commons, that the head of Government, with the prior agreement of the Government, be made effective. As a result, the Government does not have the credits necessary to deal with these expenses, which are encrypted in 300,000 euros.
Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of the concept of capital transfers expenditure is justified by the fact that the Government has to encourage the contribution of the society for the preservation of cultural heritage, and which has the duty of establishing an annual investment program to give grants for integrated conservation, restoration, maintenance and improvement of the cultural heritage;
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 27 May 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for a total of 300,000 euros, for budgetary as follows: Cultural Heritage Department, 560-561 property and ethnological heritage protection Area-78249 grants for the conservation of cultural heritage-PROJ-0103 conservation and improvement of the Cultural heritage.
Article 2 This extraordinary credit is financed by budgetary 220 Department of budget and expenses and financial operations 221-Heritage-PROJ-0009 Public Debt-30000 interests of public debt.
Final provision this law comes into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 22 September 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra