Law since the General Council in its session of the 22nd September 2010 has approved the following: Law 70/2010, of 22 September, extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the installation of a lift and the replacement and upgrading of furniture of the meeting room of the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in Brussels exhibition of illustrations during the year 2010 the Government should deal with the transfer of capital they have to fund, on the one hand, the complementary works in the main contract for installation of an elevator in the Embassy of Andorra in Brussels, and on the other hand, the replacement and improvement of the furniture of the meeting room of the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in Brussels.
The complementary work of installation of an elevator in the Embassy of Andorra in Brussels to build access to the second floor to be able to use the facilities during the execution of the work, change the doors manuals for automatic doors, modify the health of the first floor and place emergency lighting, change the carpet of offices and meeting rooms and redo the ceiling of the first floor.
At the same time, due to the deterioration of some of the existing furniture in the meeting room, it is necessary to entapissar and repair 28 chairs.
The draft budget for the financial year 2010 foresaw the credits necessary to deal with the transfer of capital that must finance the investment costs of the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in the European Union, Benelux and accredited countries. This provision included the credits to finance the costs of the installation of a lift and the replacement and upgrading of furniture of the meeting room of the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in Brussels.
When the General Council does not approve the general budget Law, as in the case of this year, the Executive cannot deal with capital transfers, with the exception of the transfers in the Commons that the head of Government, with the prior agreement of the Government, can make effective in accordance with the general law of public finance. As a result, the Government does not have credits to fund these costs, which are encrypted in 50,768.09 euros.
The character of urgency and necessity of these expenses is justified by the obligation of compliance with the clauses of the contract established with the company in which they were awarded the work mentioned above, and also by the need to repair the damaged chairs in the meeting room of the Embassy.
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the governmental agreement of 12 May 2010;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the installation of a lift and the replacement and upgrading of furniture of the meeting room of the Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in Brussels, for the next budget starting: 310 Department of institutional relations and European Affairs-310 service of diplomatic relations, Europe-Proj. 0046 Embassy of the Principality of Andorra in the European Union, Benelux and accredited countries-capital Transfers 79200, for an amount of 50,768.09 euros.
Article 2 This extraordinary credit is financed by budgetary 610 Department of Territorial-617 Department of accounting and Secretariat-47290 to other private companies-Public Works PROJ0001, for an amount of 50,768.09 euros.
Final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 22 September 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra