Law 89/2010, from 16 December, of the Andorran Red Cross since the General Council in its session of December 16, 2010 has approved the following: Law 89/2010, from 16 December, of the Andorran Red Cross exhibition of illustrations and The Andorran Red Cross, hereinafter also the institution, since its founding on December 20, 1980 in accordance with the Geneva International Conference of 1863 , recognized by the International Committee of the Red Cross since 24 March 1994 and forming part of the International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent from the General Assembly in Geneva on 27 November 1995, is developing the corresponding activities after deducting the fundamental principles of the international movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent essentially relating to the promotion and participation in the achievement of social welfare, the development of volunteerism and the promotion of solidarity.
The Andorran Red Cross currently requires a recognition of the Andorran legal system that the configure as a humanitarian institution of a voluntary nature and of public interest, which carries out its activities as a wizard and collaboration in the public administrations under the protection of the State, preserving and maintaining their independence and autonomy, with full acceptance of the principles of the international movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.
Under the protection of these background and motives, the Andorran Red Cross approved on October 9, 2009 new statutes in order to accommodate and adapt their internal regulation in the legal system in force.
The legal connotation of the activities of the Red Cross depends on the national legal system of the country in which they develop their functions. That's why the legislature should determine the General principles guiding their activity as opposed to changing needs and circumstances.
Law Article 1 Purpose this law regulates the legal status of the Andorran Red Cross.
Article 2 nature and legal 1. The Andorran Red Cross, founded in 1980, is a humanitarian institution of voluntary and public interest that operates as assistant public authorities of the Principality of Andorra, under the protection of the Andorran State.
2. The Andorran Red Cross is governed by the international agreements adopted by the Principality of Andorra, by the national legislation applicable to him and by its own internal rules.
3. The Andorran Red Cross carries out its activity in the territory of the Principality of Andorra as the only National Red Cross Society, with indefinite duration.
4. The Andorran Red Cross has its own legal personality to carry out their goals.
5. The Andorran Red Cross, acts as a wizard and a partner of public authorities in the humanitarian and social activities promoted by the same, preserves the independence and autonomy of the institution, and carries out its work in accordance with the fundamental principles of the international movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service , unity and universality.
6. Any natural or legal person may be a member of the Andorran Red Cross, without any discrimination, in accordance with the form, terms and conditions, rights, duties and responsibilities determined by the statutes and internal regulations of the institution.
Article 3 objectives and main purposes 1. The Andorran Red Cross in its humanitarian action caters to all the people who need it, without any discrimination for reasons of sex, age, race, birth, origin, religion, political or religious opinion or any other personal or social condition.
2. Its objectives are: a) The research and promotion of peace, as well as national and international cooperation.
b) the dissemination and teaching of international humanitarian law.
c) The promotion and defence of fundamental human rights.
d) performance, in situations of armed conflict, in favor of all civilian and military victims, and preparation in times of peace, as in the public health services, in all fields covered by the Geneva Conventions and additional Protocols in the Principality of Andorra is part of it.
e) caring for people and groups who suffer, preventing and mitigating the human pain.
f) the protection and aid of those affected by accidents, catastrophes, public calamities, epidemics, diseases, social conflicts and other risks or accidents and family events, as well as the prevention of damage caused by the same, taking part in the actions that are necessary for that purpose, in the form established in the laws and in the national plans or corresponding territorial.
g) promotion and collaboration in actions of solidarity, cooperation and development of social welfare in general, and health care and social services, with special attention to groups and people with difficulties in their social integration.
h.) the promotion and participation in health programs and actions for your altruistic character special, are more convenient for the public health.
and) the promotion of voluntary participation and efforts of individuals and legal entities, public or private, in the activities and in the maintenance of the institution for the fulfillment of its purposes.
j) the promotion of the participation of children and young people in the activities of the institution, and programming including the principles of the international movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent, of international humanitarian law and of fundamental rights, as well as the ideals of peace, mutual respect and understanding between all men and peoples.
k) the development of training actions aimed at the attainment of the above aims.
Article 4 by-laws 1. The Andorran Red Cross has the right to modify its statutes to adapt them to the needs and circumstances of each moment.
2. The approval of the statutes and any amendments corresponds to the Andorran Red Cross General Assembly by a majority of two-thirds of the participants in the call.
3. The modifications must respect and conform to the resolutions adopted by the International Conference of the Red Cross and coincide with the fundamental principles of the international movement of the Red Cross and the Red Crescent.
Article 5 financial resources 1. The property, rights, and resources of any nature of the Andorran Red Cross are a unique heritage that field to the name of the institution and for the fulfilment of its functions and purposes.
2. The Andorran Red Cross has the following resources for the development of its activities: a) the fees of its members.
b) grants and grants of the public administrations.
c) contributions, bequests and donations from organizations and individuals.
d) yields of their heritage.
e) the contributions and contributions for services and social and healthcare services or of any other nature.
f) Any other input that you can receive from organizations and individuals, public and private, for the achievement of its purposes.
3. The statutes of the Andorran Red Cross regulate the functions of the technical bodies of financial and budgetary control and supervision.
4. The public authorities should pay for the cost of those services or activities that rely on the Andorran Red Cross in the field of its mission and its objectives. The conditions to provide such services or perform such activities will have to be made through agreements signed between the Red Cross and the public administrations.
5. The Andorran Red Cross can benefit to the diets of exemption and/or reduction and/or desgravament of tax obligations, provided that fingers are schemes covered and regulated by the current tax law or that you can make in the future.
Article 6 name, emblem and badges 1. The Andorran Red Cross uses the emblem of the Red Cross on a white background in order to identify their activities and services, always in accordance with the Geneva Conventions of 1949.
2. The designation "Red Cross" and "Red Crescent" and the emblem and the hallmarks of the Andorran Red Cross are for the exclusive use of the same institution. Its use will be regulated by the internal rules of the same.
3. Improper use of name, emblem or distinctive is pursued and sanctioned in accordance with Andorran legislation and international agreements in the Principality of Andorra is part of it.
First final provision this law enters into force on the day of its publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 16 December 2010 Josep Dallerès Codina, General Syndic Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra