Law 11/2011, from October 13, extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the agreement between the Government of Andorra and the Chamber of Notaries in Andorra for the continuation of the project of microfilming, digitalisation and machining of the notary protocols property of the State since the General Council in its session of October 13th, 2011 has approved the following : law 11/2011, from October 13, extraordinary credit in order to finance the costs of the agreement between the Government of Andorra and the Chamber of Notaries in Andorra for the continuation of the project of microfilming, digitalisation and machining of the notary protocols of the State property preamble on May 8, 2008 the Government of Andorra and the Chamber of Notaries of Andorra signed the agreement for the continuation of the project of microfilming , digitalisation and machining of the notary protocols property of the State. This agreement establishes that the Chamber of Notaries of Andorra assumes the continuation of the execution, management and control of the project, over a period of four years, to preserve with full guarantee the notarial documentation and streamline and ensure the proper daily management of legal traffic. At the same time, States that the Government, through the Ministry of Justice and the Interior, must deal with the expenses arising from the provision of sufficient human and technical resources in order that the Chamber of Notaries may end the computer applications of the project.
The 2011 is the last year of validity of the agreement and the payment that must be paid by the Government is an amount of 191,284 euros.
Seen that the Government has no real investment credits needed to deal with the payment of this expense to the Chamber of Notaries;
Seen that the character of urgency and necessity of this expense is justified by the fact that the Chamber of Notaries of Andorra must have budgetary credits in order to meet the payment commitments contracted for the year 2011.
Seen the report of the General intervention;
Seen the Government agreement of 7 September 2011;
Article 1 approves an extraordinary credit for an amount of 191,284 euros for the following budget: 520 Department of the Interior-administrative and General Services 525 Press.-PROJ-0001 general services of inner-64010 studies of new computer applications Article 2 This extraordinary credit funded by the following budgetary: 810 Department of Tourism-tourism Area 810-49200 abroad-PROJ-0048 tourist offices abroad final provision this law shall enter into force the day after being published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, 13 October 2011 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília Nicolas Sarkozy President of the French Republic and the Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra