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Law 9/2012, May 31, To Amend The Law On Immigration

Original Language Title: Llei 9/2012, del 31 de maig, de modificació de la Llei qualificada d’immigració

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Law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration because the General Council in its session of May 31, 2012, has approved the following: Law 9/2012, May 31, to amend the law of immigration exhibition of illustrations and the approval of a new immigration law to replace the current so far , adopted and recast by the Legislative Decree of the 25th of June 2008, and also the law 17/2006 of 30 November, qualified passive residences, has been considered a necessity in order to achieve three fundamental objectives:-firstly, the regulation of the passive residences, which until now was framed in a separate policy, within the regulatory body which establishes the legal regime of the immigration in the Principality of Andorra.

-Secondly, to create new types of immigration permits to complete the set already exists and that respond to the need to increase the attractiveness of the Principality of Andorra as a destination of foreign people that respond to certain profiles.

-Thirdly, to include certain technical corrections to specify or clarify some issues included in the current regulations, the interpretation and practical application of which, in some cases, had raised some questions.

For reasons of urgency, the legislative regulation of the passive residences, a company for the first time in 1996, was the subject of a specific law, and held since then in a separate regulatory body of which regulates the legal immigration in Andorran territory. Fifteen years after that initial regulation, is estimated to be convenient, for reasons of proper legislative regulation, incorporate systematic so far was contained in the aforementioned law 17/2006, in the general rule governing immigration. For this reason, this regulation has been included, with the necessary adaptations to fit in this law, as a specific chapter in the new title IX of the latter, as will be shown later.

The traditional regulation of immigration permits turned around the dichotomy that exists between the two possible situations in which a foreign person could access the Andorran residence: on the one hand, the immigrants that came in Andorran territory with the aim of exercising a professional activity, sector or not, and is incorporated into the labour market and national services and , on the other hand, those who establish residency in Andorra without desire to exercise any activity and who were placed in the field of passive residences.

Leaving aside other situations already considered legally and that ended with a hybrid component between the two aforementioned situations, such as those of students and researchers, it has been observed the opportunity to give entry into the Andorran legal system in new types of immigration regimes that, without fit properly in any of the situations mentioned, that is to say, without referring to people with a desire to integrate fully in the labour market and national services , but also to remain in a situation totally passive, would have to provide coverage to foreigners who, enjoying a certain level of professional qualification or a renowned reputation in the fields of cultural, scientific or sports, wish to access the Andorran residence keeping your activity or professional work in the corresponding sphere, but with a highly international projection, that is to say, without substantially intervene in the Andorran market.

To accommodate these new categories of residents, have created two new types of permits: permits for residence for professionals with international projection and the residence permits for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions. Both types of authorisations have been framed within the so-called immigration permits of residence without work, that is the new heading under which also have been called the old passive residence permits.

Finally, the enterprise reform to this law introduces certain modifications in the regime of the until now called passive residences. First of all, it's been to be renamed residences without lucrative activity. Secondly, we have reviewed some of the requirements needed to obtain the corresponding authorization. As a novelty, more significant at this point, the new regulation requires that applicants for authorisation to take the commitment, the fulfilment of which must justify a posteriori, carry out investments in assets located in Andorra for a minimum amount of 400,000 euros. The purpose of this requirement, which does not replace the need to maintain a guarantee deposit to the INAF for an amount of 50,000 euros, is the need to restrict access to the residence without lucrative activity in an accurate and determined commitment to permanent links with the country, which would be undoubtedly guaranteed through the requirement of investment in these assets of Andorran base. At this point, moreover, the Andorran regulation happens to align with any of the major foreign jurisdictions in which similar kinds of regimes are established, with respect to the requirements, both quantitative as well as qualitative, conditions of access to the corresponding immigration permits in the respective countries.

With regard to the content, this law tries to respect in all that has been made possible the structure of the current immigration law until now has limited modifications to the strictly necessary to achieve the objectives targeted already.

The titles and (from the scope of application of the law), II (of the competent bodies in the field of immigration and of their powers) and III (of the Central Register of immigration), which have been maintained with minimal alterations in the contents, regulate general aspects concerning the application of the law and the determination of the bodies with competence in the area of immigration, both with regard to the definition of the corresponding policies as to the management of records, and delimit the General aspects of the functioning of the Central Register of immigration, the detailed regulation of which refers to the statutory regulations.

The titles IV (out of the entry in the Principality of Andorra) and V (tourist scheme), which also coincide with regard to content with the regulations in force so far, are concerned, with regard to the first, to regulate certain matters of general matters that concern the conditions for the entry into the territory of Andorra to foreign persons and, with regard to the second, the principles conditions and limitations that have to observe foreign access to Andorran territory in tourism.

Title VI (of the immigration permits and their initial concession) is to regulate the granting of the authorisations of immigration and to establish the General principles to be followed, the economic and social criteria that should guide government policy on the matter, the types of permissions that exist, the criteria for granting the authorisations and Finally, that related to the denial of the permit. In particular, the third chapter of this title VI, which delimit the various types of immigration permits, is what has been the subject of a deeper review, aimed at giving them entry to the new categories of permissions that this law incorporates, in addition to consecrate the new designations of which have undergone a change of heading.

The title VII (Of the renovation of the immigration permits) and VIII (Of the cancellation and expiry of the immigration permits) of this law have been the subject of minimal technical modifications aimed to ensure the fit with the remaining provisions of the law that have been reviewed and, in particular, with the newly-created categories. The first of the two titles establishes the criteria of both General noun as formal or procedural, which must verify the resident to access the renewal of its authorization, as well as a number of specific provisions on the matter for certain specific categories of permissions. The title VIII governs the grounds, procedures and effects of the cancellation of the permits, with or without a transcript, as well as everything that is related to the event of the expiry of authorisations and their regularization.

The title IX (the immigration permits of residence without work ") is a novelty with respect to the previous regulations in this law. It gives specific and separate check-in, such as a section within the general rule governing immigration, to the regime of the so-called immigration permits of residence without work, which comprise, on the one hand, the formerly known as passive residences, nursing homes currently without lucrative activity and, on the other hand, the new residences for professionals with international projection and residences for reasons of scientific interest sports, cultural and, already mentioned. The regulation contained in this title, with respect to which the remaining provisions of the law are rules of subsidiary application, aims to establish the specific requirements that you will need to observe the alien who intend to obtain the licences.

The title X (of the family regrouping), which has undergone minor modifications, considered the General principles applicable with respect to the people who request the Andorran residence for reasons of family regrouping, and takes care of setting up the catalogue of persons who are authorised to access, the necessary requirements for the purpose and the rules applicable to the initial grant and the denial of the corresponding authorizations.

The title XI (Of the irregular situation in the area of immigration) anticipated the consequences resulting in Andorran territory of foreigners who, for not having the mandatory authorization of immigration in force, are in an irregular situation. For its part, the title XII (administrative police measures to cease an irregular situation and its procedures) provides for the mechanisms that have law enforcement authorities of the Principality of Andorra to put an end to the irregular situations in the area of immigration in which it could find a foreign person, and are included in this effect the figures of the denial of access , and the ousting of the administrative expulsion.

Title XIII (Of the obligations of the employer or of the beneficiary of the provision of services) refers to the obligations of the employer or of the beneficiary of the provision of services, in connection with the situation in the area of immigration of the foreign person who has contracted in the framework of a provision of services, whether in the labour regime, either as a self-employed worker. These obligations extend from the moment of the contract up to the time of maturity of the relationship, as well as its duration. This title has only been subject to minor technical tweaks to adapt it technically more important modifications incorporated into the law.

Title XIV (infringements and sanctions) is divided into three chapters, which have the object, respectively, the definition of the types of infringements in the area of immigration, the establishment of penalties associated with each offender and, finally, the procedure that must be followed to impose these sanctions. Leaving aside the precise changes required to include within that sanctioning the new residency cases incorporated in this law include the reform of the disciplinary procedure undertaken by the law, which has resulted in the modification of articles 150 and 151.

The rates applicable to the delivery of the various categories of permits, certificates and duplicates, the regulation of which handles the title XV (fees in the area of immigration), have been the subject of review with regard to the amount and that it was necessary to accommodate the new types of permits with this law.

Finally, the Title XVI (special procedure abbreviated in matter of immigration) aims to regulate the procedure to be followed in matters of immigration, which is applicable in all that affects this specific matter of relations between the Administration and the administered, with the exception of the appeal against the aforementioned rates, which shall be governed by the General rules of administrative procedure. This title, which has experienced a minimal alterations in this law, establishes the administrative appeals that may be lodged against acts of the Administration in the field of immigration, as well as the procedure to be applied in the first and in the second instance.

The title and index. The scope of application of the Law Article 1. General scope of application Article 2. Treaties and international agreements Article 3. General rules of application to the staff of an Embassy, a Consulate, a permanent mission or of a foreign delegation on an intergovernmental organism, or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra Article 4. Staff of an Embassy, a Consulate, a permanent mission or of a foreign delegation on an intergovernmental organism, or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra, that works exclusively Title II. Of the competent bodies in the field of immigration and of their powers Article 5 Responsibilities of the Government Article 6. Powers of the Minister in charge of Home Affairs title III. Of the Central Register of immigration Article 7. Creation of the Central Register of immigration Article 8. Entry in the Central Register of immigration Article 9. Protection of the data of the Central Register of immigration Article 10. Access to the data of the Central Register of immigration title IV. The entry in the Principality of Andorra Article 11. Documents and visas Article 12. Article 13 public health. Security and public order Article 14. Title V financial means from the tourist scheme Article 15. The principle of free circulation Article 16. Duration of the stay Article 17. Prohibition of work Article 18. Rupture of the title VI tourist scheme. Of the immigration permits and their initial grant chapter. General principles Article 19. Mandatory authorization of immigration Article 20. The principle of Unicity Article 21. The principle of compliance with Article 22. Definition of the concepts of work and worker's second chapter. Economic and social criteria and advisors of the Government's policy on immigration Article 23. General policy in the area of immigration Chapter third. Types of immigration permits and resident status Section first. Authorisations for border workers Article 24. Work permit of Article 25 border. Temporary employment authorization of second Section border. Immigration permits for resident assets Article 26. Authorization of temporary immigration Article 27. Authorization of temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies Article 28. Residence permit and work Article 29. Residence permit and employment of the staff of the educational institutions Section third. Immigration permits of residence without work Article 30. Immigration clearance for studies, in internships or research Article 31. Residence permit for reasons of rally Article 32. Residence permit without lucrative activity Article 33. Residence permit for professionals with international projection and residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions section four. Resident status Article 34. The fourth Chapter definition. Criteria for granting the authorisations of Immigration Section first. General award criteria Article 35. General principle of granting in chronological order Article 36. Criteria of social cohesion Article 37. Criteria for the granting of permits of temporary immigration Article 38. Criteria for the granting of the authorisations of residence and immigration or border of Article 39. Conditions for the granting of the authorisations of immigration for studying, training, internships or research Article 40. The principle of priority in the granting of authorisations Article 41. Exceptions to the principle of priority in the granting of authorisations Article 42. Derogation for family regrouping section second. Personal criteria Article 43. Security and public order Article 44. To live and/or work in Article 45. Accommodation in Article 46. Old third Section. Employment criteria Article 47. Regulation of work and salary Chapter five. Denial of an authorization of initial immigration Article 48. Competent authority Article 49. Illustrations and Article 50. Authorization of immigration of replacement Article 51. Effects of the denial Title VII. The renewal of authorizations of immigration chapter. Criteria for renewal of authorisations of Immigration Section first. General criteria Article 52. Permanent work and effective Article 53. Permanent residence and effective Article 54. Integration, security and public order Article 55. Obligation to apply for renewal in accordance with the situation of the applicant and prior to the expiration of the authorization section second. Renewal criteria according to the type of authorization of immigration Article 56. Renewal of the work permit of the border Article 57. Renewal of the authorisation of residence for immigration rally Article 58. Renewal of the residence permit and work the third Section. Special provisions Article 59. Particular provisions for the holder of a residence permit and work that you can receive the benefit of the family regrouping Article 60. Particular provisions for the holder of a residence permit and work that is retiring Article 61. Particular provisions for the holder of a residence permit for reasons of rally that studies abroad, second chapter. Renewal of a residence permit and work or residence for reasons of rally granted for at least seven years Article 62. Renewal of the residence permit and work at least seven years ago granted Article 63. Renewal of the residence permit and work, granted for at least seven years, to a retired person

Article 64. Renovation of the residence and work permit granted to a person who resides legally in Andorra for at least seven years and who will be receiving the benefit of the family regrouping Article 65. Renewal of the residence permit and work granted after a residence permit for reasons of rally if the holder has resided in Andorra for at least seven years Article 66. Renewal of a residence permit for at least seven years ago granted rally third Chapter. Denial of renewal of an authorisation of Immigration Section first. Reasons for denial of renewal Article 67. Section two assumptions. Procedure for refusal of renewal Article 68. Procedure of instruction Article 69. Resolution Article 70. Principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident Article 71. Exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for the holder of a work permit of third Section border. Effects of the denial of renewal Article 72. An irregular situation and notification on the Master Title VIII. Of the cancellation and expiry of authorisations of immigration chapter. Cancellation of an authorisation of Immigration Section first. Cancellation by via to file Article 73. Illustrations and Article 74. Procedure of instruction Article 75. Resolution Article 76. Principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident Article 77. Exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for the holder of a work permit of temporary border or the border Article 78. Effects of cancellation by way of file section second. Cancellation with no need of file Article 79. Reasons and the cancellation of registration Article 80. Loss of rights arising from the voluntary, of the firm or firm conviction administrative expulsion to a supplementary penalty of expulsion pronounced by a criminal court second chapter. Expiry date of the authorization of immigration Article 81. Obtaining of a renewable authorization expired Article 82. Situation abroad Article 83. Reasons for denial of the regularisation Article 84. Instructional procedure Article 85. Resolution Article 86. Principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident Article 87. Exceptions to the principle of the suspensive effect Article 88. Effects of the denial of obtaining a Title IX. Of the immigration permits of residence without first Chapter work. Common provisions section one. General rules Article 89. Scope of application Article 90. General requirements section second. Authorisation of residence of persons by Article 91. Resident status by Article 92. Concession to rally Article 93. Extinction of the main licensing Article 94. Phasing out of the situation of dependency second chapter. Of residence permits without lucrative activity Article 95. Concept of resident without lucrative activity Article 96. Investment in the Andorran assets Article 97. Persons exempt from Chapter three. Of the permit of residence for professionals with international projection Article 98. The concept of professional with international projection Article 99. Applicable Chapter fourth. Of residence permits for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions Article 100. Concept of residence for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions Article 101. Applicable Title x. of the family regrouping chapter. General principles Article 102. People who can apply for family regrouping Article 103. People who can regroup Article 104. General requirements of security and public order for the grant of authorisation Article 105. Requirements for proof of marriage, filiation or guardianship Article 106. Requirements for debt consolidation second chapter. Immigration authorizations granted within the framework of family regrouping Section first. Family regrouping with a person of Andorran nationality Article 107. Family regrouping and access to the work of the spouse and children of a person of Andorran nationality and aliens of the children of their spouse Article 108. Family regrouping and access to other people's work that regroup with a person of Andorran nationality section second. Family regrouping with the holder of a residence permit and work Article 109. General principle of granting an authorisation of immigration for reasons of rally Article 110. Family regrouping and access to the work of the spouse and the children of foreign holder of a residence permit and work and your spouse's children Article 111. Family regrouping and access to other people's work that regroup with the holder of a residence permit and work the third Chapter. Refusal to grant a permit initial immigration within the framework of family regrouping Article 112. Conditions and reasons for refusal Article 113. Effects of the denial Title XI. Of the irregular situation in the area of immigration Article 114. General principle of abandonment of the territory Article 115. Exceptions to the general principle of abandonment of the territory Article 116. Disobedience to the order of abandonment of land Title XII. Administrative police measures to cease an irregular situation and procedures chapter. Denial of access Article 117. Definition of the denial of access Article 118. Competition on the subject of denial of access second chapter. Ousting Article 119. Definition of ousting Article 120. Competition in the area of ousting third Chapter. Administrative expulsion Section first. General principles Article 121. General definition of the administrative expulsion Article 122. Administrative expulsion as a measure of prevention of public order Article 123. Administrative expulsion as a measure to enforce Article 124. Limitations to the extent of administrative expulsion section second. Administrative expulsion procedure Article 125. Instruction of the transcript Article 126. Competition in the area of administrative expulsion Article 127. Principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident Article 128. Exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for non-resident foreign third Section. Effects of the decision of administrative expulsion Article 129. Prohibition of entry to the territory Article 130. Disobedience to a measure of administrative expulsion section four. Temporary suspension and revocation of the expulsion Article 131. Temporary suspension without prior permission

Article 132. Administrative authorization of temporary suspension Article 133. Revoking administrative expulsion fifth Section. Warning of expulsion Article 134. Definition, procedure and the 13TH Title effects. Of the obligations of the employer or of the beneficiary of the provision of services chapter. Obligations of the employer Article 135. Definition of the concept of pattern Article 136. Obligations of the employer at the time of the contracts of employment Article 137. Obligations of the employer during the employment relationship Article 138. Obligations of the pattern in the maturity of a temporary authorization second chapter. Obligations of the beneficiary of the services provided by the holder of an authorization of temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies Article 139. Detail of the obligations the 14TH Title. Infringements and sanctions chapter. Infractions Article 140. Minor offences Article 141. Serious offences Article 142. Very serious offences Article 143. Prescription of infringements second chapter. Penalties Article 144. General principles Article 145. Penalties for minor offences Article 146. Penalties for serious infringements Article 147. Penalties for very serious offences Article 148. Prescribing sanctions Article 149. Recidivism third Chapter. Sanctioning procedure Article 150. Instruction of the transcript Article 151. Competition in the field of administrative sanction Title XV. Of the fees in the area of immigration Article 152. Concept and fact generator fees Article 153. Taxable Article 154. Tax fee and tax debt Article 155. Incurrence Article 156. Time of payment the 16TH Title. The special procedure abbreviated in immigration Article 157. Scope of application of the special procedure abbreviated Article 158. Administrative appeals Article 159. In the first instance procedure Article 160. Procedure at second instance first additional provision second additional provision second third transitional provision transitional provision first transitory provision repealing provision final provision title and from the scope of application of the Law Article 1 general scope this law regulates the entry, the living room and the establishment of the Principality of Andorra of the people who are not of Andorran nationality.

International agreements and Treaties article 2 this law applies in all that is not foreseen in the treaties and international agreements by virtue of which the Principality of Andorra has been bound in the matter.

Article 3 General rules applicable to the staff of an Embassy, a Consulate, a permanent mission or of a foreign delegation on an intergovernmental organism, or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra, the conditions for entry, stay and residence in the Principality of Andorra of the foreigners that are accredited officials or members of the administrative and technical staff or accredited service staff of an Embassy , a consular office, to a permanent mission of a foreign delegation on an intergovernmental organism, or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra, and/or the appointment of which has been communicated to the Government of Andorra, as well as family members who live with them, are regulated by international treaties, by virtue of which the Principality of Andorra has been forced and the national regulations in force on the matter.

Article 4 Staff of an Embassy, a Consulate, a permanent mission or of a foreign delegation on an intergovernmental organism, or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra, that works exclusively foreign members of the administrative staff and technical or service staff of an Embassy, a Consulate, a permanent mission or of a foreign delegation in an intergovernmental body , or of an international organization or intergovernmental, based in Andorra, as well as family members who live with them are subject to the provisions of this law if they want to exercise in the Principality of Andorra another activity sector or not-for-profit character of wage earning.

Title II. Of the competent bodies in the field of immigration and of their powers Article 5 Responsibilities of the Government of the Government, in accordance with the provisions of the law, determines the general policy in the area of immigration in terms of the social and economic needs of the country. To this end, the Government provides the tools and services necessary for, try and analyze all data and useful information on the subject and regulate migratory flows.

The Government structure, and the responsibilities attributed administrative services that ensure the administrative management of immigration.

Article 6 Powers of the Minister in charge of Home Affairs, in addition to the powers that this Act expressly attributed to him, the Minister in charge of Interior supervision and coordinates the Immigration Service and the medical service of immigration, as well as all other services and instruments that can be created in the future to contribute to the Mission of the administrative management of immigration.

Title III. Of the Central Register of immigration Article 7 Creation of the Central Register of immigration creates the Central Register of immigration, which centralizes all records and data relating to the immigration status of all foreigners in the Principality of Andorra.

The Immigration Service is the only service ability to manage the Central Register of immigration, under the authority of the Minister in charge of the Interior.

The Government has to regulate via the operation of the statutory Central Register of immigration.

Article 8 entry in the Central Register of immigration 1. The Immigration Service must register at the Central Register of immigration all foreigners, except those who sojornin in the Principality of Andorra in a situation of tourist scheme.

2. The immigration situation of a foreigner in the Principality of Andorra is credited solely and exclusively for the information contained in the Central Register of immigration.

Enrollment in other administrative records that are subject to the general administration, of a corporation or a public body or parapúblic not credited the immigration status of a foreigner.

3. When the registration in some administrative record presupposes a situation of immigration different from tourist regime, the administration or the body concerned cannot register overseas without verify prior registration at the Central Register of immigration.

4. The Government should ensure to ensure coordination between the Central Register of immigration and other administrative records.

5. The document certifying the immigration situation is the card that the Immigration Service delivered at the time of grant or renew an authorization. This document can only deliver a copy to the owner, or his legal representative, in case of loss, theft or destruction, duly accredited in the manner established by regulation.

Article 9 protection of the data of the Central Register of immigration is up to the Government to take all necessary measures to ensure the protection and the confidential nature of the data of the Central Register of immigration.

Article 10 access to the data of the Central Register of immigration All foreigner has the right to request the communication of the data of the Central Register of immigration that affect or may affect minors or the disabled is the legal representative or guardian.

The Immigration Service is the body in front of which they exercise their right to information, access and rectification in relation to the Central Register of immigration, in the terms established in the legislation on the protection of personal data. In front of this record cannot exercise the right of removal and opposition.

The Immigration Service delivered certificates of registration and of the registration and certificates proving the immigration status of a foreigner in the country.

The members of the police force and the staff of the Department can apply for the consultation of the Central Register of immigration to those responsible for the registration, in accordance with the prescriptions of the law 15/2003, of December 18, qualified protection of personal data.

Title IV. The entry in the Principality of Andorra Article 11 Documents and visas 1. With the exception of special provision provided by an international agreement approved by the General Council and in force in the Principality of Andorra, to enter Andorran territory, an alien must be in possession of a passport or a travel document, recognized internationally, issued by their State of origin or validly came from or to an international organization enabled to this effect in international law, proving their identity and nationality and that it is in force.

2. A national of a Member State of the European Union and the European economic area can enter Andorran territory if it has a valid national identity document.

3. the documents referred to should not present any sign of having been manipulated, altered or falsified. The photographs that contain must correspond to the likeness of the person who declares to be its owner.

Article 12 public health Are foreigners who want to enter in the Principality of Andorra may not represent a serious risk to public health. The Government determines the regulations the conditions and diseases that represent a risk to public health, in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of the World Health Organization and in accordance with the provisions in the health care legislation.

Article 13 security and public order Are foreigners who want to enter in the Principality of Andorra in tourist scheme may not represent a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

Article 14 financial means Are foreigners who want to enter in the Principality of Andorra in tourist scheme must be able to justify that have sufficient economic means to deal with the projected duration of the stay in the country. The sufficiency of means is determined by regulations, paying attention especially as a criterion for calculating the cost of basic goods and services.

Title v. Of tourist scheme Article 15 principle of free movement 1. Abroad in tourism scheme does not need any type of authorization from immigration.

2. Overseas tourism and circulates freely elected regime in his home in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 16 Duration of stay abroad in tourism scheme may not want an apartment in the Principality of Andorra more than ninety days from the date of their entry into the country, and within three hundred and sixty-five days of the entry.

Article 17 prohibition of work abroad in tourism scheme cannot work in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 18 breakdown of overseas tourist regime that contravenes one of the principles set out in the two previous articles is in an irregular situation and cannot be considered in tourism.

Title VI. Of the immigration permits and their initial grant chapter. General principles Article 19 mandatory immigration authorization 1. In accordance with the expressed in article 16 above, no foreigner may not want an apartment more than ninety days in the Principality of Andorra without having an immigration authorization appropriate to their situation.

2. no alien may not work in the Principality of Andorra without having an immigration authorization appropriate to their situation.

3. The alien who wants to want an apartment more than ninety days and/or work in the Principality of Andorra must apply for and obtain a permit by the Immigration Service of immigration one of the kind set out in this law.

Article 20 principle of Unicity 1. The alien may not simultaneously be a member of two or more immigration authorizations.

2. If the foreigner holder of an authorization of immigration requests and obtains, during the term of this, a new immigration authorization of another type, the Immigration Service cancels the first, without the need to file.

Article 21 Principle of adjustment 1. The immigration permits may only be granted in accordance with the rules and following the procedures laid down in this law, particularly in article 23.

2. The type of authorisation granted must be determined in accordance with the criteria established in the fourth chapter of title VI of this law.

3. With the exception of particular provision expressly foreseen derogatory in this law, the legal regime applicable to the holder of an authorization for immigration and the real situation and/or work in the Principality of Andorra of this person will have to adapt to circumstances and always must be in conformity to the rules of the third chapter of title VI of this law applicable to the particular type of permission.

Article 22 Definition of the concepts of work and worker

For the purposes of application of this law, and except for the immigration authorizations provided for in Title IX of this law, it is understood by all sector activity sector or not, work part time or full time, made by their own or of others, of a lucrative and that does not consist in the management of the heritage itself. Worker is understood to be the person who exercises any of these activities.

Second chapter. Economic and social criteria and advisors of the Government's policy in the area of immigration policy in the area of immigration Article 23 1. The Government analyzes the quantitative and qualitative needs of the economy and society of Andorra in the field of immigration, as well as the national situation of work. Use for this purpose the data and analysis provided by the competent body in the field of employment, as well as all the other instruments of observation and study at your fingertips.

2. The Government complete this analysis by making all the inquiries it considers appropriate about the Chamber of Commerce, industry and services, business, professional and trade union organizations and close to the national associations that have an interest in the area of immigration.

3. On the basis of this analysis the Government defines the general policy in the area of immigration, favouring access to jobs of the Andorran people and foreigners legally resident, with the aim of promoting social cohesion.

4. When considered necessary to open globally or were created the market of inner work to new immigrants, the Government adopts all the rules and promote all necessary measures so that the immigration permits involving the right to work will grant following the criteria of priority established in article 40 of this law.

5. At the same time, the Government, on the basis of this analysis, determines the appropriateness of giving entry to the Andorran territory to foreigners without integration into the labour market of the Principality, it is considered that the fact that there is an interest in the country reside, depending on the activities that develop or its commitment to invest in the Andorran assets, to give satisfaction as well as to the quantitative and qualitative needs of the economy and the Andorran society.

6. The Government takes into consideration the analysis carried out and the priorities set out in this chapter to set periodically by via, from regulatory immigration policy defined, the quotas of immigration permits.

7. The Government, in accordance with the analysis defined in the previous sections of this article, fixed by regulation, and for a limited period, a special quota of permits to cover the needs of labor that have not been met by the market of inner work and correspond to activities that, by their own characteristics, can only be exercised in Andorra during a certain season of the year.

8. The Government, in accordance with the analysis defined in the previous sections of this article, fixed, through regulatory and for a limited period, a special quota of permits for a certain professional activity if a shortage of manpower for this professional activity in a specific economic sector. This shortfall must correspond to a short-term increase of activity and should not be able to be satisfied by the market of inner work.

9. The temporary permits for employees of foreign companies can be granted on the basis of the applications, provided that they conform to the legal assumptions defined in article 27 of this law and the economic criteria determined in advance by the Government through regulatory for the granting of such authorisations.

10. The number of residence permits without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection and for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions that can be granted in a certain time is fixed periodically in accordance with the economic and social circumstances of the Principality of Andorra. The determination of the maximum number of permissions is done by via in the same regulatory rule that note the contributions of immigration permits or in another of the same hierarchy. All of these residence permits will be calculated within the approved quota, with the exception of those relating to the persons who access to resident status without lucrative activity in accordance with the provisions of articles 91, 93 and 94. Nor does it count the people who are in one of the situations referred to in article 97.

Third chapter. Types of immigration permits and resident status Section first. Authorisations for border workers Article 24 border work permit 1. The alien requested and obtained a work permit is authorized to work in the border of the country but have to stay overnight in the conventional manner outside the territory of Andorra.

2. The border work permit is delivered for a duration of three years and can be renewed for periods of the same duration.

Article 25 border temporary work authorization 1. The alien requested and obtained a temporary work permit must routinely share border outside the territory of Andorra and is allowed to work while their authorization has expired.

2. The duration of the work permit of the border fits in one season of the year previously determined when it granted in the framework of a special fee set by the Government in accordance with article 23.7 of the present law.

3. The duration of the work permit of the border may not exceed a period of 12 months in a row when it granted in the framework of a special fee set by the Government in accordance with article 23.8 of the present law.

4. The authorization of temporary work of the border involves conditions that limit the possibilities to a certain work activity in a specific economic sector, in accordance with legal criteria and the international agreements in force.

5. The authorization of temporary work has two character border, and its owner, once sold out the term, may not apply for or obtain another temporary immigration permission until you have spent at least five months from the date of expiration of the previous authorization.

Second section. Immigration authorizations for the temporary resident permit immigration Article 26 assets

1. The alien requested and obtained a temporary immigration permit is authorized to work and reside temporarily in the Principality of Andorra while force their authorization.

2. The duration of the authorization of temporary immigration fits in a season of the year previously determined when it granted in the framework of a special fee set by the Government in accordance with article 23.7 of the present law.

3. The duration of the temporary immigration permit may not exceed a period of 12 months in a row when it granted in the framework of a special fee set by the Government in accordance with article 23.8 of the present law.

4. The authorization of temporary immigration brings with it particular conditions that limit the possibilities to a certain work activity in a specific economic sector, in accordance with legal criteria and the international agreements in force.

5. The authorisation of temporary immigration has two character, and its owner, once sold out the term, may not apply for or obtain another temporary immigration permission until you have spent at least five months from the date of expiration of the previous authorization.

Article 27 temporary immigration permit for workers of foreign companies 1. The person who you want to hire the services of a foreign company to perform a specific job in Andorra must apply for and obtain a temporary immigration permit for employees of foreign companies.

2. Foreign workers dependent on the foreign company or foreign self-employed who are holders of this type of permission must have an insurance policy that covered in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra, during the period of execution of the work, any kind of medical or health-related expenditure as well as the disability arising from a work-related accident. The sufficiency of the insurance is determined by the regulations.

3. The granting of such authorisation allows their holder only to execute the authorized work and reside in the Principality of Andorra while supplies last the works for which he has received this authorization.

4. This authorization may be extended exceptionally until the effective end of the works that had motivated, without, however, that the total duration of the initial authorisation and its extensions can exceed six months. Sold out this maximum period, the company can apply for an authorisation for the same person until they have spent five months more, as a minimum, from the date of expiration of the previous authorization.

5. In the event of the temporary immigration permits for employees of foreign companies granted to perform some works of general interest by a public administration, the duration of the authorization complies to the duration of the works that have been carried out, although this is greater than six months.

6. The Government determines, by regulation, the nature and frequency of short duration, which in any case may not exceed fifteen calendar days, for the realization of which the person who you want to hire the services of a foreign company should not request any authorization of immigration, and for whom it is enough prior written communication to the Immigration Service.

Article 28 authorisation of residence and work 1. The foreign person who requested and obtained a residence permit and work is authorized to reside and work in the Principality of Andorra, under the conditions determined by law.

2. The residence permit and work is delivered by an initial duration of one year and can be renewed three times for periods of two years. During the first year, the holder of the authorization may not change the economic sector for which it has requested and obtained authorisation. Economic sectors grouped together for this purpose are determined by the regulations.

3. After seven years from the date of grant of the authorisation, the successive renewals are handed out for periods of a duration of ten years.

Article 29 residence permit and work of the staff of educational institutions 1. The overseas teaching or non-teaching staff member of an educational institution based in the Principality of Andorra concerned by an international treaty under which the Principality of Andorra has been forced, gets, to have his appointment, after proof of quality, and then request it, a residence permit and work for the duration of his appointment in Andorra.

2. When this alien is appointed for an indeterminate length of time, get a residence permit and work of a duration of ten years.

3. This authorization is renewed following the same criteria as long as they keep the initial conditions of award.

4. If the holder of this authorization is retiring and continues to reside permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra, you can renew your authorization; in this case, the duration of the renewal is the same as the duration of the initial authorisation, or of the last renewal if it had been renewed. Successive renewals are handed out for periods of a duration of ten years.

The third section. Immigration permits of residence without immigration for a Permit 30 Article work in internships or research 1. The foreign person who requests and receives an authorization of immigration by studying, in internships or research is authorized to study, to carry out internships or to carry out scientific research or similar and to reside in the country only as long as the duration of the studies, practices or the searches for which he has received this authorization. You must attach to the application a calendar of the research activities, internship or study that you wish to make a specific forecast for its completion.

2. With regard to the previous section of this article, it is understood to internships, unpaid activity developed in the context of an enterprise located in the territory of the Principality of Andorra and with a purpose exclusively for training people who enjoy the appropriate academic or professional qualifications, but that have not been integrated into the labour market.

3. The authorization for immigration in an establishment of education based in the Principality of Andorra and recognized by the Government or the authorization of immigration in internships or research presupposes in all cases the justification of an insurance policy that covers in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra any kind of medical or health-related spending. The sufficiency of the insurance is determined by the regulations.

4. The authorization of immigration for study in a minor requires the express permission of the person who is the legal guardian or representative, as well as guardianship in Andorra on behalf of an institution, entity or person of legal age. If the keeper of the minor lies in an institution or entity, this institution or entity should be in Andorra, and if falls on a person, it should be of Andorran nationality or have the quality of resident in the Principality of Andorra and was the holder of an authorization of immigration for a period of at least the current duration of the study projected.

5. The authorization of immigration by studying, in internships or research can be extended only if it proves that it has been impossible to execute in the forecasts and the temporary limits the maximum indicated in the schedule attached to the request.

6. The authorization of immigration for studying, training, internships or research requires justify that it has sufficient financial means to live in Andorra for the duration of the studies, practices and research, and also a place of proper housing. The sufficiency of the resources and of the housing are determined by the regulations.

Article 31 residence permit for reasons of rally 1. The alien requested and obtained a residence permit for reasons of rally is authorized to reside in the Principality of Andorra with a person of Andorran nationality or with the holder of a residence permit and work, within the framework of family regrouping, according to the specific provisions of the present law.

2. The initial duration of a residence permit for reasons of rally is determined in accordance with the provisions of articles 107 to 111 of the present law.

3. The residence permit for reasons of rally can be renewed. In this case, the duration of successive renewals shall be determined in accordance with the provisions of article 28 of this law, taking into account the duration of the residence permit for reasons of initial rally granted.

Article 32 residence permit without lucrative activity 1. The alien requested and obtained a residence permit without lucrative activity is authorized to reside in the Principality of Andorra, in accordance with the specific provisions laid down in the second chapter of title IX of this law.

2. The initial authorization of residence without lucrative activity is granted for a period of one year and may be extended. Renewals are granted for periods of three years.

3. The foreign person owner for at least seven years of a residence permit without lucrative activity gets, if you request it and meet the requirements established by this law, the renewal of this authorization for a duration of ten years. The same term is applied to the successive renovations.

4. Spanish, French and Portuguese nationals obtained the initial authorization of residence without lucrative activity for two years extendable. The renewal is for a period of three years.

5. the Spanish, French and Portuguese national headlines for at least five years of a residence permit without lucrative activity they get, if they request it and meet the requirements established by this law, the renewal of this authorization for a duration of ten years. The same term is applied to the successive renovations.

Article 33 authorisation of residence for professional reasons and residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions abroad requested and obtained a residence permit for professional reasons or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports interest is authorized to reside in the Principality of Andorra according to the specific provisions set out in the third and fourth, respectively, in Title IX of this law.

The initial term and the renewal of permits for residence for professional reasons or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions are determined in accordance with the provisions of paragraphs 2 to 5 of article 32 of this law.

Section four. Resident status Article 34 Definition the condition of residing in the Principality of Andorra and the rights deriving from it attributed to all foreigners holding a valid immigration permit, with the exception of border workers.

The fourth chapter. Criteria for granting the authorisations of Immigration Section first. General award criteria Article 35 general principle of granting in chronological order The Immigration Service to process requests for authorization of immigration and, when these are in compliance with the legal requirements, grant the permissions corresponding immigration, following a strict chronological priority order according to the date of entry of the applications.

Article 36 social cohesion criteria prior to the presentation of a request for authorisation of immigration, the applicant company must justifiably that the demand cannot be satisfied by the job market and must be made at the same time, all the paperwork required by the regulations by the competent body in the field of employment.

Article 37 criteria for the granting of the temporary immigration permits 1. The alien who applied for a work object of a special fee in force and previously determined by the Government in accordance with article 23.7 of the present law, can obtain, within the limits of this fee, the immigration permits the following: a) A temporary immigration permit if it requests to work for an Andorran company and lived in the Principality of Andorra.

b) A temporary work permit if it requests border work for an Andorran company and to stay overnight outside the territory of Andorra.

2. The alien who applied for a work object of a special fee in force and previously determined by the Government in accordance with article 23.8 of the present law, can obtain, within the limits of this fee, the immigration permits the following:

in A temporary immigration permit) if it requests to work for an Andorran company and lived in the Principality of Andorra.

b) A temporary work permit if it requests border work for an Andorran company and to stay overnight outside the territory of Andorra.

3. The person requested to hire the services of a foreign company or a freelance worker overseas for a certain work in Andorra, you can get a temporary immigration permit for workers of foreign companies for foreigners who have to perform these works, in accordance with the provisions of article 23.9, and 27 of the present law.

Article 38 criteria for the concession from the immigration and residence permits or border of 1. The alien requested to live permanently in the Principality of Andorra and a work not affected by a special fee in force can obtain an authorization of immigration of residence and work within the limits of the general fee in force for this type of authorisations.

2. If this same person to stay overnight outside the territory of Andorra, you can request and obtain an authorization of immigration of the border on the limits of the general fee in force for this type of authorisations.

3. The alien who obtains an authorization from immigration residence and work in the framework of a family regrouping may exercise any type of work, although this activity is affected by a special fee in force.

Article 39 conditions for the granting of authorisations for immigration, in internships or research the Government can condition the granting of authorizations for immigration, in internships or research on the existence of specific agreements or the principle of reciprocity with the country of origin of the applicant.

Article 40 the principle of priority in the granting of authorisations The authorisation of temporary residence and work, immigration, border's, and a temporary border, are granted priority to nationals of the two neighbouring States and of the other Member States of the European Union or of the European economic area and nationals of other States based on anticipating the provisions of international treaties in the area of immigration law in force in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 41 Exceptions to the principle of priority in the granting of authorisations 1. However the provisions of the previous article, the Government may establish by regulation, and fee for fee, a number of permissions that can be granted to nationals of other States who may not benefit from its provisions, when there is all the requirements outlined in the following section and justify to the needs of the labour market.

2. In the case provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Immigration Service is not given any authorization if the applicant is not renowned for their high degree of specialization and/or professional experience to the job you want and if you do not register a salary in relation to the accredited qualification.

Article 42 Repeal for family regrouping The immigration permits are granted in the framework of the family regrouping in accordance with the provisions of title X of the present law. The granting of such permits is not conditioned on no criterion of nationality or be denied due to lack of available quota.

Second section. Personal criteria Article 43 security and public order the person who is requesting an immigration authorization may not represent a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order, and must prove it does not have a criminal record as a result of the Commission of offences, fraudulent behaviour or in the Principality of Andorra, or the countries of residence above.

Article 44 to live and/or work the person who request an immigration authorization must be declared fit to live and/or work by the medical service of immigration, according to the following criteria: a) cannot represent a serious risk for public health according to the provisions for the health care legislation and the recommendations and guidelines of the World Health Organization.

b) the State of health of the person must be suitable to the work that has to be developed.

c) cannot represent an excessive burden for the Andorran public health care system that can jeopardize their economic viability or there are serious imbalances can enter.

Article 45 Accommodation the accommodation of the applicant must comply with the minimum legal conditions of occupancy if this person must certify a home in Andorra.

Article 46 Age the applicant must be over eighteen years of age, except in cases of family regrouping and immigration permits for studies, in internships or research.

The third section. Employment criteria Article 47 the regulation of work and pay In the granting of authorisations of immigration that lead to a work permit, the Government must take into account: a) the conditions under which the employer that hires the labour services applies the rules of work.

b) working conditions and remuneration offered to the foreign workers, which in no case may be less than the nature who enjoy nationals and residents.

Chapter five. Denial of an authorization of initial immigration Article 48 competent authority the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government, can deny a request for authorisation of initial immigration.

Article 49 Reasons is only reason for denial of the initial request for authorization of immigration the realization of one or more of the following cases: a) the breach of any of the requirements and criteria of the initial concession established by this law and the regulations that develop.

b) spoofing or the omission of data, documents or information in the transcript of the initial request, without prejudice to the criminal liability that may be incurred by the applicant.

c) the fact of representing a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

of) the fact of having been declared not suitable to live and/or work by the medical service of immigration.

e) the lack of available quota.

Article 50 Authorization of immigration of replacement

When a request for initial immigration cannot be granted because they do not meet the requirements and criteria required for a given type, but meets the requirements and complies with the conditions for being granted for another type, the Immigration Service can grant to the foreign person initial authorisation for this second type, if you expressly accept the applicant in all cases, and the pattern, when it is an authorization of immigration with work, without prejudice to the priorities established in the chronological article 35 of the same law.

Article 51 effects of refusal 1. The alien who has been refused a request for authorisation of initial immigration is in an irregular situation.

2. When the refusal affects a request for authorisation of immigration involved a demand for labour, the Immigration Service must also report this resolution on the master.

Title VII. The renewal of authorizations of immigration chapter. Criteria for renewal of authorisations of Immigration Section first. General criteria Article 52 permanent and effective Work 1. With the exception of special provision of the present law, for the renewal of a permit authorizing immigration to work, the person who is the owner must have exercised a professional activity on a permanent basis and effective from the date of inception if it is an initial authorisation, or of the date of the last renewal in other cases.

2. Is calculated in the permanent and effective exercise of a professional activity that takes place abroad, if the person who is the holder of the authorization from immigration authorizing to work permanently and effectively resides in the Principality of Andorra, under the conditions defined in article 53.

3. Will be calculated in the permanent and effective exercise of the professional activity: a) the holidays and temporary job terminations for illness, accident, maternity or adoption that occurred during an employment relationship, as well as the final low for invalidity.

b) cycles of professional training abroad made by decision of the pattern, for a limited time, and that will prove properly.

4. Also will be calculated in the permanent and effective exercise of professional activity the periods during which the holder of a permit authorizing immigration to work does not certify that occupies a place of work to a maximum of sixty days and 90 days per calendar year, provided and how much during these periods the person concerned has been registered in the conditions set out in the regulations by the administrative service charge to propose and manage the policies of employment and of mediation in the labour market.

Article 53 permanent and effective Residence 1. To obtain the renewal of any immigration permission, the person who is the owner must have resided permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra from the start date if it is an initial authorisation, or of the date of the last renewal in other cases. Are excepted from this rule are holders of an authorisation of border immigration.

2. Will be calculated during the period of permanent residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra the absences caused by holidays, for medical treatment abroad as a result of an illness or an accident, to a cycle of training abroad under the conditions defined in article 52.2, or by a shift of employment abroad, agreed to by the employer in the framework of the realization of certain projects with a maximum duration of no more than 6 months.

Article 54 Integration, security and public order 1. Overseas holder of a residence permit and work that demonstrate a good level of knowledge of the language, institutions, culture, history and the natural environment of the country can get the renewal of his residence permit and work, in accordance with the requirements established by the law, but the duration of the renovation of residence and work is immediately next to correspond.

2. To obtain the renewal of any immigration permission, the person who is the owner should not represent a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

Article 55 duty to apply for renewal in accordance with the situation of the applicant and prior to the expiration of the authorization 1. In accordance with paragraph 3 of article 21 of this law, the holder of an authorization of immigration can only obtain renewable renewal of this authorization, if this suits your situation effectively and at the date of filing of the application for renewal.

2. The holder of an authorisation has been renewed immigration apply for renewal before expiration.

3. However, if the holder of an authorization which entitles renewable immigration work cannot certify the exercise of a professional activity in particular requests the renewal, you can adapt your situation effectively to the expiration date of your authorization.

Second section. Renewal criteria according to the type of authorization of immigration Article 56 renewal of the work permit of the border for the renewal of a work permit from the border, the person who is the owner must have worked in the Principality of Andorra on a permanent basis and effective.

Article 57 of the immigration authorization Renewal of residence for reasons of Rally for the renewal of an authorisation for residence immigration rally, the person who is the owner must have resided in the Principality of Andorra on a permanent basis and effective.

Article 58 renewal of the residence permit and work for the renewal of a residence permit and work, the person who is the owner must have resided and worked in the Principality of Andorra on a permanent basis and effective.

The Immigration Service refused the first renewal if the initial authorization was obtained in fraud of law or if the conditions of specialization or wages have ceased to be the which allowed an exception to the principle of priority in the granting of the authorisations, in accordance with article 41.

The third section. Special provisions Article 59 Special Provisions for the holder of a residence permit and work that you can receive the benefit of the family regrouping

The holder of a residence permit and work that you can receive the benefit of the family regrouping in accordance with the provisions of the present law, must have resided in the Principality of Andorra on a permanent basis and effective for the renewal of its authorization.

Article 60 Special Provisions for the holder of a residence permit and they will be retiring the holder of a residence permit and they will be retiring and who continues to reside permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra, you can renew your authorization.

Article 61 the particular Provisions for the holder of an authorization for reasons of rally that studies abroad When the son of a resident or the son of the spouse who is the owner of a residence permit for reasons of rally and studied abroad, requests the renewal of its authorisation, will be calculated as a permanent and effective residence in the Principality of Andorra the periods spent abroad for their studies up to the end as long as the studies constitute the activity the main applicant.

Second chapter. Renewal of a residence permit and work or residence for reasons of rally granted for at least seven years Article 62 renovation of the residence and work permit granted for at least seven years 1. Abroad the owner for at least seven years of a residence permit and that he lived and worked on a permanent basis and effective in the Principality of Andorra during the last period of renewal of its authorization is obtained, after requested, the renewal of the residence permit and for a duration of ten years.

2. The further renewal of this authorization is granted for a duration of ten years and can only be denegades for reasons of public order or if it confirms the interruption of the residence of the owner in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 63 the renewal of the authorization of residence and work, granted for at least seven years, to a retired person 1. Abroad the owner for at least seven years of a residence permit and the work that has been retired and is still residing in the country gets, after requested, the renewal of his residence permit and for a duration of ten years.

2. The further renewal of the authorization mentioned in the previous section are granted for a duration of ten years and can only be denegades for reasons of public order or if it confirms the interruption of the residence of the owner in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 64 of the Renovation work and residence permit granted to a person who resides legally in Andorra for at least seven years and who will be receiving the benefit of the family regrouping 1. Abroad the owner for at least seven years of residence and work authorisation cannot prove who has worked permanently and effectively in Andorra but they can accommodate the benefit of family regrouping in accordance with the provisions of this law, and who has resided permanently and effectively in the Principality during the last period of renewal of the authorisation , get, after requested, the renewal of the residence permit and for a duration of ten years.

2. The further renewal of the authorization mentioned in the previous section are granted for a duration of ten years and can only be denegades for reasons of public order or if it confirms the interruption of the residence of the owner in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 65 renewal of the residence permit and work granted after a residence permit for reasons of rally if the holder has resided in Andorra for at least seven years 1. In the case of the residence permit and work granted after a residence permit for reasons of regrouping with the holder of a residence permit and work, the renewal is obtained for a duration of ten years when the applicant has resided permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra for seven years under the successive regime of both permits.

2. The further renewal of the authorization mentioned in the previous section are granted for a duration of ten years and can only be denegades for reasons of public order or if it confirms the interruption of the residence of the owner in the Principality of Andorra.

Article 66 renewal of a residence permit for at least seven years ago granted rally 1. Abroad the owner for at least seven years of a residence permit for reasons of rally that has resided permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra during the last period of renewal of its authorization is obtained, after requested, the renewal of this authorization for a duration of ten years.

2. The further renewal of the authorization mentioned in the previous section are granted for a duration of ten years and can only be denegades for reasons of public order or if it confirms the interruption of the residence of the owner in the Principality of Andorra.

Third chapter. Denial of renewal of an authorisation of Immigration Section first. Reasons for denial of renewal Article 67 Cases is only reason for denial of the application for renewal of an authorization of immigration the realization of one or more of the following cases: a) the breach of any of the requirements and criteria for the renewal of authorizations of immigration established by the present law.

b) spoofing or the omission of data, documents or information in the file of the application for renewal, without prejudice to the criminal liability that may be incurred by the applicant.

c) the fact of change of economic sector during the first year of the authorization.

of) the fact of representing a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods and for public order in general.

Second section. Procedure for refusal of renewal Article 68 instructional Procedure when it confirms the existence of one of the reasons for refusal of renewal set out in the previous article, the competent Immigration Service for this purpose and the corresponding administrative incoa instruct according to the procedure established in the code of the administration.

Article 69 of resolution

The Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government is competent to assess the events that have caused the opening of the case and, on the basis of this assessment, to decide motivadament the denial of renewal or to file the case.

Article 70 the principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident appeal presented by a foreigner who has resident status against a decision of refusal of renewal of its authorization of immigration have suspensive effects until the top court ruling firm. In case of withdrawal from the appellant at any time during the procedure or in the event of expiry of the record, the decision of refusal is a seasoned immediately.

Article 71 the exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for the holder of a work permit from the border 1. The appeal presented by a foreigner holder of a work permit from the border against a decision of refusal of renewal of its authorization does not have suspensive effects and the extent is a seasoned immediately.

2. However, taking into account the situation of the person concerned, the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government can grant you a maximum period of thirty days counted from the day after the date of the notification to leave the territory.

The third section. Effects of the denial of renewal Article 72 notification and irregular in pattern 1. The alien who has resident status is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of a firm decision of denial of renewal of their immigration authorization in accordance with the provisions of article 70 of this law.

2. Overseas holder of a work permit of the border is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of an administrative decision of denial of renewal.

3. When the denial of renewal affects immigration authorization which involves the right to work, the Immigration Service must notify this decision to the pattern.

Title VIII. Of the cancellation and expiry of authorisations of immigration chapter. Cancellation of an authorisation of Immigration Section first. Cancellation by via to file Reasons 73 Article is a cause for cancellation of an authorization of force immigration the realization of any of the following cases: a) the holder of the authorization of current immigration not residing in the Principality of Andorra on an ongoing basis and effective.

b) That the holder of the authorization of immigration legislation that authorizes you to work not work permanently and effectively in the Principality of Andorra and which is not in one of the specific situations provided for in articles 59, 60, 63, 64, 65 and 62.2.

c) which will ascertain the falsification or omission of data, documents or information in the dossier which led to the granting of the permit or its renewal, without prejudice to the criminal liability that may be incurred by the holder.

d) that the holder of the authorization of the economic sector has changed during the first year of the authorization.

e) that finds that the holder of an initial authorization obtained in application of the provisions of article 41 leave have the right to exception of the principle of priority, before the second renewal, for failure to comply with the conditions of specialization or wages.

f) that finds that the holder of the authorisation has been obtained in fraud Bill.

g) that finds that the holder of the authorization represents a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

Article 74 the procedure of instruction when it confirms the existence of one of the reasons for cancellation of an immigration authorization mentioned in the previous article, the competent Immigration Service for this purpose and the corresponding administrative incoa instruct according to the procedure established in the code of the administration.

Article 75 the Minister in charge of Resolution or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government is competent to assess the events that have caused the opening of the case and, on the basis of this assessment, to decide the cancellation or to file the case.

Article 76 the principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident appeal presented by a foreigner who has resident status against a decision of withdrawal of his authorization of immigration have suspensive effects until the top court ruling firm. In case of withdrawal from the appellant at any time during the procedure or in the event of the expiry, cancellation of the decision is immediately a seasoned.

Article 77 the exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for the holder of a work permit of temporary border or border of 1. The appeal presented by a foreigner holder of a work permit of temporary border border or against a decision of cancellation of their authorization has no suspensive effect and the measure is a seasoned immediately.

2. Taking into account the situation of the person affected, the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government, can give you a maximum of thirty days counted from the day after the date of the notification to leave the territory.

Article 78 the effects of cancellation by way of file 1. The alien who has resident status is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of a firm decision of cancellation of their immigration authorization in accordance with the provisions of article 76 of this law.

2. Overseas holder of a work permit of temporary border or the border is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of an administrative decision of cancellation of their authorization.

3. If the cancellation affects an immigration authorization which involves the right to work, the Immigration Service must notify this decision to the pattern.

Second section. Cancellation with no need of file Article 79 Illustrations and registration of the cancellation 1. Is a cause for cancellation of an authorization of immigration, without the need to open any file, the realization of any of the following cases: a) The voluntary resignation of the owner, duly notified to the Immigration Service.

b) to obtain, by the holder of an authorization of immigration in force, an immigration authorization of another category.

c) the firm's administrative expulsion.

d) condemnation to a firm accessory of expulsion pronounced by a criminal court.

e) the acquisition of Andorran nationality of the holder.

f) during one year from the date on which any immigration permission expires.

g) the lack of justification of the common registration where lies the holder of a residence permit without lucrative activity, a residence permit for professional reasons or a residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, once spent a year since the initial acquisition of the same authorization.

h) the lack of justification for investment on Andorran assets under the conditions envisaged in the third paragraph of article 96 of this Act.

2. The death of the owner of an immigration authorization will be equally in the Central Register of immigration.

Article 80 loss of rights arising from the voluntary, of the firm or firm conviction administrative expulsion to a supplementary penalty of expulsion pronounced by a criminal court 1. The owner of an immigration permit cancelled by voluntary resignation, expulsion or firm conviction to a firm administrative accessory of expulsion pronounced by a criminal court loses all the rights that are derived from the authorization of immigration that has been canceled. This person is in an irregular situation if they do not leave the Principality of Andorra, without prejudice to the criminal liability that may be incurred if you are in one of the situations mentioned in the sections c and d) of the preceding article).

2. In all the cases provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Immigration Service must also notify this withdrawal to the pattern when it concerns an authorization of immigration that it involved the right to work.

Second chapter. Expiry date of the authorization of immigration Article 81 of Regulation a renewable authorization expired after the expiry date of the authorization, the holder may request the regularization of their situation if justified that he lived so effective and in Andorra since the date on which it was granted the last authorization and if it meets all other requirements established in the present law to renew its authorization.

Article 82 Situation abroad 1. The holder of an authorization to apply for renewal within its period of validity may reside in the Principality of Andorra and/or you can work within the limits of the rights you granted the permission, even though the renewal to be effective after the expiry period.

2. The holder of a renewable authorization expired for less than one year, that request the regularization, can reside in the Principality of Andorra and/or you can work within the limits of the rights you granted the authorization expired, until until a firm decision regarding his application for regularization.

Article 83 the reasons of denial of the regularisation is only reason for denial of the application for obtaining an immigration authorization expired renewable the realization of one or more of the following cases: a) the breach of any of the requirements and criteria for the renewal of authorizations of immigration established by the present law.

b) spoofing or the omission of data, documents or information in the file of regularization application, without prejudice to the criminal liability that may be incurred in the applicant.

c) the fact of representing a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods and for public order in general.

84 article instruction Procedure when it confirms the existence of one of the reasons for refusal of regularisation of an immigration authorization mentioned in the previous article, the competent Immigration Service for this purpose and the corresponding administrative incoa instruct according to the procedure established in the code of the administration.

Article 85 Decision the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government is competent to assess the events that have caused the opening of the case and, on the basis of this assessment, to decide the denial of the regularization or to file the case.

Article 86 principle of the suspensive effect of the appeal for the alien resident appeal presented by a foreigner who has resident status against a decision of refusal to regularise their immigration authorization renewed expired for less than one year when the suspensive effects regularization until the top court ruling firm. In case of withdrawal from the appellant at any time during the procedure or in the event of expiry of the record, the decision of refusal is a seasoned immediately.

Article 87 Exceptions to the principle of the suspensive effect 1. The appeal filed against a decision of refusal to regularise their immigration authorization of border work and an immigration authorization renewed expired from at least a year when on request the regularization does not have suspensive effects and the extent is a seasoned immediately.

2. Taking into account the situation of the person affected, the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government, can give you a maximum of thirty days counted from the day after the date of the notification to leave the territory.

Article 88 the effects of regularisation denial 1. The alien who has resident status and is the owner of an immigration authorization expired renewable for less than a year when apply for regularisation is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of a firm decision of denial of obtaining his authorization in accordance with the provisions of article 86 of the present law.

2. Overseas holder of a work permit from the border or the holder of another type of immigration authorization renewed expired from at least a year when apply for regularisation is in an irregular situation when he has been the subject of an administrative decision of denial of obtaining their permission.

3. When the denial of obtaining immigration permission affects which involves the right to work, the Immigration Service must notify this decision to the pattern.

Title IX. Of the immigration permits of residence without first Chapter work. Common provisions section one. General rules Article 89 scope of application 1. The provisions of this title are applicable to the granting and termination of the immigration permits of residence without work mentioned in articles 32 and 34 of the present law.

2. In everything that is not specifically set forth in this title will be subsidiary application the remaining provisions of this law.

Article 90 General requirements for residency permits without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, the applicant, as a main headline and initial, should meet the following requirements: a) Being of legal age or lower emancipat, and not be inability to judicial resolution.

b) demonstrate that you have sufficient financial means, in accordance with the requirements established by the regulations, which allow the applicant and to the person in charge, or by their spouse or partner stable, reside in the Principality of Andorra for all the time of validity of the residence.

c) to justify and keep in force for Andorra and insurance coverage for illness, disability and old age for the applicant and for the persons in charge or by their spouse or partner stable for all the time of validity of the same, with the exception of minors and people over sixty years , which must be accountable and take into force for Andorra and insurance coverage for illness.

d) Demonstrate documented that it is the owner or tenant of a dwelling that meets the minimum conditions of occupancy required by the regulations, or that has initiated the process to purchase a home in the Principality under the same conditions, which must be concluded within a period of one year from the filing of the application for residence. In the event that there is a relationship of parenting in a straight line or collateral to the third degree inclusive, between the applicant and a resident without lucrative activity, a resident in the concept of international professional or a resident for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, also principal, is enough to prove that it has the right to reside in the same dwelling of the latter , provided that the conditions of the housing permits in accordance with the legislation in force.

e) the signature of the applicant and of the people in the name of the person who requests the residence permit, of a commitment to fix your primary residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra and to keep in force the insurance contract mentioned in paragraph c).

Second section. Authorisation of residence of persons by Article 91 resident status by 1. Can access the legal status of resident without lucrative activity, in concept of professional with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, in addition to the person that requests to itself as primary and initial holder and under the same conditions and terms that this: a) the resident's consort, as long as they are not legally separated or in fact at the time of applying for resident status , without being able to group more than one spouse, although the law allows foreign staff this type of marriage.

b) the person who has made a stable Union of a couple with the resident, provided that it has been constituted in accordance with the requirements established by the law that regulates and that is not terminated for any of the causes provided for by law.

c) The parents of the resident or his spouse or stable partner as long as they are in charge.

d) children under the age of not emancipated of the resident and those of their spouse or partner in the same conditions. In the case of adopted children will be required to certify that the Constitution of the adoption has been made in accordance with the requirements necessary to be recognized in the Principality of Andorra.

e) the children of legal age with disabilities in accordance with the prescriptions of their personal law, of which the resident or his or her spouse or partner is stable legal representative, or that are considered disabled in accordance with the provisions of the law on guarantees of the rights of persons with disabilities, of 17 October 2002, and are in charge of the resident or his spouse or stable partner , or who are legally entitled to receive food from any of them according to their personal law.

f) the children of legal age, but under 25 years of age, of the resident or his spouse or stable partner whose main activity or only study or further study.

g) Are other descendants of the resident or his spouse or partner stable, in the same conditions as children, when they are in charge of any of them.

h) Are legally protected or who are under the protection of a resident without lucrative activity, in concept of professional with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, your spouse or partner in the framework of an institution similar to that recognized in the law and not contrary to Andorran national public order.

2. For the purposes of the present Law is understood as person in charge that it depends on financially or personally of the applicant of residence without lucrative activity, in concept of professional with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports or interest of the resident without lucrative activity, in concept of professional with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions , in accordance with their personal law.

Article 92 concession to rally

1. The persons mentioned in the previous article may apply for resident status without lucrative activity, in international professional resident or resident for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions at the time that the main request the residence or, later, for family regrouping, as long as the owner of the residence can prove that it has sufficient resources to take care of these people and has an accommodation with the legal conditions of habitability enough, and that the person who wishes to acquire resident status does not represent a risk to the security of the State, people, property or the public order, has an insurance policy that covered in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra any kind of medical or health-related spending, and does not constitute a risk to public health. The compliance with this last requirement is credited by means of a medical certificate issued by the forensic medicine and forensic service, in the case of minors up to 14 years, or by the fact of having been declared unfit to reside by the medical service of immigration, in the case of older age.

2. For the purposes of application of the article above the stable partnerships will equate to marriage, with the following salvetats: a) the person who has given you the right to family regrouping their partner cannot give the right to family regrouping for a new partner until at least five years have passed since the last entry in the register of stable partnerships.

b) if terminated the stable Union of a partner of a person who has obtained an authorization of immigration of residence without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions in the framework of the family regrouping, the eventual new stable Union of a couple of this person cannot give rise to family regrouping of the new partner until they have spent at least five years from the cancellation , the record of stable partnerships, stable Union above.

The main article 93 authorization 1. In the event of the death of the principal owner, if you one of the people in charge want to apply for ownership of the residence without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions that carried the deceased may request that you keep the same authorisation of this as long as they meet the requirements that this law requires for the main headlines and provide the documents that he had been required as a person in charge.

2. The above request, which will result in the payment of the fee for a renewal, must be presented within a period of one year from the death of the main holder. The term of validity of the authorization is governed by the same rules that regulate the renewal of authorization.

Article 94 of dependent termination of any person who holds a residence without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection or for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, in charge of a main headline and cease to be in charge of this, you will need to apply for, if you want to continue to have this condition, a new residence permit without lucrative activity for professionals with international projection or for reasons of scientific interest cultural and sports, as a main headline, in accordance with the requirements of this law. However, if you request within a maximum period of one year, the payment of fees and the period of validity of the authorization shall be governed by the same rules that regulate the licensing and renewal will be required only the documents that he had been required as a person in charge.

Second chapter. Of residence permits without lucrative activity Article 95 concept of resident without lucrative activity 1. It is considered a resident without lucrative activity for the purposes of this law the individual who does not have the Andorran nationality and establishes his principal residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per calendar year without exercising any occupational or professional activity.

2. However, the resident without lucrative activity can develop the activities necessary for the management of their own heritage and, in particular, the functions that correspond as administrator of the entities in the capital or in the own funds of which have a stake greater than or equal to 50 per cent, and as long as the position of administrator is not remunerated.

Article 96 investment in Andorran assets 1. The owner of a residence without lucrative activity has to invest on an ongoing basis and pay a quantity of at least four hundred thousand euros (EUR 400,000) in one or several types of assets that are indicated below: a) real property situated in the territory of the Principality of Andorra.

b) shares in the capital or in the equity of companies resident in the Principality of Andorra.

c) or debt Instruments issued by financial entities resident in the Principality of Andorra.

d) Debt Instruments issued by any public administration of the Principality of Andorra.

e) unpaid Deposits in the Andorran National Institute of finance.

2. In any case, the owner of a residence without lucrative activity has been made and deposited at the Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances the amount of fifty thousand euros (EUR 50,000) not jobs. In addition, the main holder must also deposit the amount of ten thousand euro (€ 10,000) unpaid for each of the people in charge who acquire resident status without lucrative activity. These amounts will be subject to deduction in respect of the amount referred to in paragraph 1 of the present article. In the event that will give it low, that cancel or not renew the residence permit, will return the deposit, with the reservation of the deductions that can be produced by non-compliance with the obligations in the face of the administration.

3. The applicant for a residence permit without lucrative activity must demonstrate, at the time of the application, its commitment to pay the investment referred to in paragraph 1 of this article within a maximum period of six months. After this period of time, the resident must provide, under conditions to be determined by the regulations, the documents proving the investment described in the previous section of this article. In the event that the resident without lucrative activity did not contribute, under the terms established by the regulations, the documents attesting to their investment, the residence permit without lucrative activity will be cancelled.

Article 97 People exempt for the purposes of this law are not considered residents without lucrative activity and, therefore, are exempt from the conditions necessary to access this condition the following individuals: a) the person who established their residence in the Principality of Andorra for family regrouping, as a person in charge of the holder of a residence permit and work or of a person of Andorran nationality.

b) The holder of a residence permit and work that is retiring, your spouse or partner is stable and the people in charge.

c) the person who request and obtain an authorization of immigration to study or further study or perform research work or unpaid employment training, in any public or private centre of Andorra, as long as it complies with the requirements of this law.

d) the person who resides temporarily in Andorra to continue medical treatment, as long as they can prove this fact and limit their stay at the duration of the treatment.

Third chapter. Of the permit of residence for professionals with international projection Article 98 concept of international professional 1. It is considered professional with international projection, the individual who does not have the Andorran nationality and establishes his principal residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per calendar year, to develop a professional activity in the following terms: a) the seat or base from which develops his professional activity in the territory of the Principality of Andorra.

b) in the development of their professional activity in the Principality of Andorra, the international professional count as a maximum with a person engaged in work.

c) Are services provided by the professional with international projection are mainly recipients persons or entities not resident in the Principality of Andorra. Is understood to have met this requirement provided that at least 85% of the services provided by the professional with international projection may be used in any other country or territory different from the Andorran.

2. The professionals with international projection can only develop lucrative activities in the territory of Andorra in the terms indicated in the previous section of this article. Any other activity, sector or not, part time or full time, made by their own or of others and of non-profit-making, requires obtaining the corresponding authorization of immigration in terms of this law.

Article 99 the applicable Regime granting and termination of permits for residence for professionals with international exposure are governed entirely by the provisions in the second chapter of title IX of this law, with the following specialties: a) for the purpose of meeting the requirement stipulated in section b) of article 90, the applicant has to prove the economic viability of the project that aims to start and prove that this project will generate sufficient financial resources that allow both he and the people in his charge, reside in the Principality of Andorra for all the time of validity of the residence for professional reasons.

The Government determines the regulations the requirements that must be met for the proof of the existence of sufficient financial means in the terms indicated.

b) the professional activity to develop the applicant must be framed in one of the sectors where the Government, given his analysis of the situation and of the quantitative and qualitative needs of the Andorran economy, consider convenient to give entry into the territory of Andorra, professionals who make it possible to meet these needs.

The Government determines the regulations, within the framework of the establishment of the authorisations provided for in article 23, section 10 of this law, the professional sectors that, in accordance with the analysis indicated in the previous paragraph, require the entry into the Principality of Andorra of foreign nationality.

c) the authorisations granted by the competent body for professionals with international exposure, taking into account, in addition to the circumstances described in paragraphs a) and b) above, the level of qualification and professional experience of the applicant in the sector in which to frame the activity to develop, so that they can meet the quantitative and qualitative needs of the Andorran economy in accordance with the provisions of the section above).

The Government determines the regulations the requirements of qualification and professional experience that applicants must meet in order to obtain the residence permit for professionals with international projection.

d) the holder of a residence permit for professionals with international exposure has made and deposited at the Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances the amount of fifty thousand euros (EUR 50,000) not jobs. In addition, the main holder must also deposit the amount of ten thousand euro (€ 10,000) unpaid for each of the people in charge who acquire resident status as professional with international projection. In the event that will give it low, that cancel or not renew the residence permit, will return the deposit, with the reservation of the deductions that can be produced by non-compliance with the obligations in the face of the administration.

The fourth chapter. Of residence permits for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions Article 100 concept of residence for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions

1. It is considered resident for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports interest foreign physical person that enjoys international recognition for its talent in the world of science, culture and sports, and established his primary residence and effective in the Principality of Andorra for at least 90 days per calendar year.

2. Persons who obtain the residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions can continue developing professional activities that are own, always having as main recipients persons or entities not resident in the Principality of Andorra. Is understood to have met this requirement if at least 85% of the services provided by the resident for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions are used in any other country or territory different from the Andorran.

3. Without prejudice to the compliance with the requirements listed in the next article of this law, the Government grants permits for residence for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions, evaluating the needs and the situation of the Principality of Andorra in the field in which to register the activity of the applicant. To this end, the Government has full discretion to appreciate if the person requesting the residence permit for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports interest meets the conditions to understand that enjoy international recognition for his talent in the world of science, culture and sports.

Article 101 applicable concession and the termination of residence permits for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions are governed entirely by the provisions in the second chapter of title IX of this law, with the following specialties: a) for the purpose of meeting the requirement stipulated in section b) of article 90, the applicant has to prove that the activity that develops in the field of science , the culture or the sport allows you to generate sufficient financial resources because both he and the people by its may reside in the Principality of Andorra during all the time of validity of the residence for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions. The Government determines the regulations the requirements to be met for the proof of the existence of sufficient financial means in the terms indicated.

b) the holder of a residence permit for reasons of interest in science, culture and sports has made and deposited at the Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances the amount of fifty thousand euros (EUR 50,000) not jobs. In addition, the main holder must also deposit the amount of ten thousand euro (€ 10,000) unpaid for each of the people in charge who acquire resident status for reasons of scientific, cultural and sports attractions. In the event that will give it low, that cancel or not renew the residence permit, will return the deposit, with the reservation of the deductions that can be produced by non-compliance with the obligations in the face of the administration.

Title x. of the family regrouping chapter. General principles Article 102 people who can request the family rally 1. Can request the family regrouping according to the specifications of the present law, the person of Andorran nationality that resides in the Principality of Andorra or abroad the holder of an authorisation for residence and immigration that have resided legally and effectively and permanently to Andorra last year.

2. The foreign person the holder of an authorisation for residence without immigration family regrouping for work in accordance with the provisions laid down in Title IX of this law.

Article 103 people who can regroup 1. A person of Andorran nationality that resides in the Principality of Andorra or a foreigner holder of an authorisation for residence and immigration work that resides in the Principality of Andorra and you have resided legally and effectively and permanently last year, can request the family regrouping with: a) the spouse.

b) their children under age, and children under the age of the spouse of whom the guard and legal custody.

c) children of legal age, and children over the age of the spouse, by and of which exercise legal supervision or have under his protection in the framework of a similar institution.

of) The parents in charge who are at least 65 years of age or who are retired.

e) Other people who mentioned in previous letters when the applicant any exercising legal supervision or have under his protection in the framework of another similar institution recognized by the Andorran legal system and not contrary to public order, national provided that both parents have lost or have become extinct the parental authority.

2. In the case of the children referred to sections b and c)) above, the rally will be immediate, if the spouse who was able to regroup with the other gets, in turn, a residence permit and work, all complying with the other requirements.

3. For the purposes of this title, is considered by the person who does not have personal resources sufficient to live and that depends economically on the applicant of the family regrouping. The sufficiency of means is determined by regulations, taking into account especially as criteria for calculating the cost of basic goods and services and the objective evaluation of the economic needs of all the people in charge.

Article 104 General requirements of security and public order for the granting of authorisation 1. The application of family regrouping may be denied if the person that you want to regroup with a Andorra or the holder of a residence permit and work represents a risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

2. It is prohibited any type of family regrouping assimilated to a practice poligàmica or equivalent. The authorizations delivered are cancelled for all the family in case of realization of one of the above-mentioned practices.

Article 105 requirements for proof of marriage, filiation or guardianship marriage, filiation or guardianship could be for the family regrouping should be duly accredited, and may not be contrary to the national and international public order or be of a fraud Bill. The conditions for accreditation are set by regulation.

Article 106 requirements for rally

1. The resident requesting the family regrouping with one of the people described in the article 103 of this law, must demonstrate that it has sufficient financial means to ensure them a dignified standard of living and a suitable accommodation. The accommodation must meet the minimum conditions of occupancy. The sufficiency of means is determined by regulations, taking into account especially as criteria for calculating the cost of basic goods and services and the objective evaluation of the economic needs of all the people in charge.

2. The person in charge, or who is under the guardianship of the applicant must have an insurance policy that covered in a sufficient and valid for the Principality of Andorra any kind of medical or health-related spending. The sufficiency of the insurance is determined by the regulations.

3. The accommodation of the spouse and the children under 16 years in charge of the applicant is only home to the same applicant. The sufficiency of the family home is determined by the regulations. If the situation of coexistence of the couple changes after obtaining the right to rally, the address of each spouse may be different, as long as it is also sufficient, in accordance with the regulatory provisions.

Second chapter. Immigration authorizations granted within the framework of family regrouping Section first. Family regrouping with a person of Andorran nationality Article 107 family regrouping and access to the work of the spouse and children of a person of Andorran nationality, aliens and the children of their spouse 1. When you meet the requirements for family regrouping in the present law, the spouse, children and foreign children of the spouse of a person of Andorran nationality obtained a residence permit for reasons of rally. Obtain a residence and work permit if the applicant is also an employment contract.

2. These authorizations are granted for a duration of ten years.

Article 108 family regrouping and access to other people's work that regroup with a person of Andorran nationality 1. When it covers the requirements for family regrouping with a person of Andorran nationality, any person other than those mentioned in the preceding article obtained a residence permit for reasons of Rally for a duration of ten years.

2. If you want to work, that person must apply for an authorization of immigration of a type that allows it to work. This request is being processed and is subject to the criteria and conditions for granting an authorisation and is not applied to the derogacions for family regrouping provided in articles 42 and 112.2 of the present law. If granted, the new permission is subject to the regulatory and legal provisions that regulate an authorization of initial immigration.

Second section. Family regrouping with the holder of a residence permit and work Article 109 general principle of granting an authorisation of immigration for reasons of regrouping the person who meets the requirements for family regrouping with the holder of a residence permit and a residence permit for reasons of rally. The residence permit for reasons of rally is delivered by an initial duration of one year and can be renewed three times for periods of two years. After seven years from the date of grant of the authorisation, the successive renewals are handed out for periods of ten years.

Article 110 family regrouping and access to the work of the spouse and the children of foreign holder of a residence permit and work and of the children of your spouse 1. When you meet the requirements for family regrouping in this law and prove an employment contract, the spouse, the children, and the children of the spouse of the owner of a residence permit and obtain a residence permit and work.

2. The duration of these authorizations is the same as the previous article.

Article 111 family regrouping and access to other people's work that regroup with the holder of a residence permit and work 1. When it covers the requirements for family regrouping with the holder of a residence permit and work, any person other than those mentioned in the preceding article obtained a residence permit for reasons of rally. The period of duration of this authorization is provided in article 109.

2. If you want to work, that person must apply for an authorization of immigration of a type that allows it to work. This request is being processed and is subject to the criteria and conditions for granting an authorisation and is not applied to the derogacions for family regrouping provided for in articles 42 and 112.2. If granted, the new permission is subject to the regulatory and legal provisions that regulate an authorization of initial immigration.

Third chapter. Refusal to grant a permit initial immigration within the framework of family regrouping Article 112 conditions and grounds for refusal 1. The request for authorisation of initial immigration within the framework of family regrouping can only be denied under the same conditions and for the same reasons that any request for authorisation of initial immigration, or lack of one of the specific requirements established for family regrouping in the present title.

2. However, this request cannot be denied for reasons of public health or of inability to work or residence for medical reasons.

Article 113 the effects of denial the alien who has been refused a request for authorisation of initial immigration within the framework of family regrouping is in an irregular situation.

Title XI. Of the irregular situation in the area of immigration Article 114 the general principle of abandonment of the territory All foreigner who is in an irregular situation, according to the provisions of the present law has to leave the territory of Andorra.

Article 115 Exceptions to the general principle of abandonment of the territory does not apply the general principle of duty of abandonment of the Andorran territory to the people who are in one of the following cases:

in the sojorna the foreign) Principality of Andorra more than ninety days and for which it has filed a request for authorisation of immigration within the framework of family regrouping with Andorra or the holder of a residence permit and work. This person may want an apartment in the country until the top administrative resolution with regard to the application of rally.

b) the holder of an authorization of immigration that allows you to only reside in the Principality of Andorra and works without having the corresponding authorization. If this person cease immediately to work, can continue living there without prejudice to the sanctions that may be imposed on him.

c) the holder of an authorisation of that border to stay overnight in the conventional manner in the Principality of Andorra. If that person returns to the night outside the territory of Andorra, you can continue working on it in accordance with the modalities that will allow their authorisation, without prejudice to the sanctions that may be imposed on him.

d) the holder of an authorization of temporary immigration or an authorization of temporary immigration of the border that allows you to work in certain ways or with certain limitations and that works without respecting them. If this person cease immediately to work in the non-authorized and respects the limitations imposed, you can continue working, without prejudice to the sanctions that may be imposed on him.

Article 116 disobedience to the order of abandonment of the territory to any person in an irregular situation who have been notified that you have to leave the country and that this is not done within the period fixed, you can apply the corresponding administrative police measures established in the present law.

Title XII. Administrative police measures to cease an irregular situation and procedures chapter. Denial of access Article 117 definition of denial of access 1. The denial of access is a measure of administrative police intended to prohibit the entry into the territory of Andorra abroad that does not meet at least one of the requirements to enter the Principality of Andorra.

2. Overseas holder of a valid immigration permit cannot be subject to denial of access for reasons of public health, public order and safety or for lack of sufficient financial means.

3. The denial of access is not incompatible with the opening of a file of administrative expulsion.

118 article Competition on the subject of denial of access are competent to refuse access to the Principality of Andorra the Andorra police officials.

Second chapter. Article 119 ousting ousting definition 1. The ousting is a measure of administrative police intended to lead to the border and leave the national territory and abroad who entered irregularly in Andorran territory, or that is located in the tourist and regime in one of the situations detailed below: a) possesses the documents or, if necessary, visas to enter legally established in the Principality of Andorra.

b) represents a serious risk for public health. This risk is assessed according to the criteria defined in article 12.

c) represents a serious risk and confirmed for the security of the State, of persons or goods, or to public order.

d) does not have sufficient economic means of notoriously to continue sojornant in Andorra.

e) has been notified or warned that it is in one of the situations provided for in paragraphs a) to d) and has not left the Principality of Andorra within the period fixed.

2. It is understood by the irregular entry of the alien who has entered the territory of Andorra for a border crossing is not enabled, or has come despite having been the subject of a denial of access.

3. The ousting is not incompatible with the opening of a file of administrative expulsion.

Article 120 in ousting Competition 1. Respecting strictly the instructions and general guidelines received by the Minister in charge of the Interior, the director or a Commissioner of the police force may decide to chase away a foreigner who is in one of the situations provided for in the previous article.

2. The director of the police report to the Minister in charge of the Interior, in the briefest period possible, precise and detailed way of ousting any decision the reasons who have founded.

Third chapter. Administrative expulsion Section first. General principles Article 121 general definition of administrative expulsion 1. The expulsion is a measure aimed at stopping and/or prohibit access of an alien in the territory of Andorra.

2. The administrative expulsion should not be confused in any case with the accessory penalty of expulsion which can pronounce a penal court.

Article 122 the administrative Expulsion as a measure of prevention of public order 1. As a preventive measure, the administrative expulsion falsehood stems from the finding, on the basis of proven elements of risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order that represents the entry or presence, in the Principality of Andorra, the person subject to the measure.

2. The administrative expulsion must be necessarily motivated. The motivation must involve the precise statement of the considerations of law and of fact constituting the grounds for the decision.

3. The duration of the measure of expulsion as a preventive measure is set depending on the importance of risk that represents the person who is the object of the measure and may not exceed a maximum period of ten years.

Item 123 Administrative Expulsion as a measure of compulsory execution 1. As a measure of compulsory execution, the administrative expulsion applies abroad to which it has been notified that he was in an irregular situation and who has not left the Principality of Andorra within the period fixed.

2. In this case, the duration of the administrative expulsion may not exceed a maximum period of two years.

Article 124 limitations to the extent of administrative expulsion may not be the subject of an administrative measure of expulsion: a) the alien minor.

b) abroad of legal age who has born in Andorra and that there are lives since birth continuously.

c) the alien who resides legally in Andorra continuously for at least twenty years, except in the case of imperative for the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

Second section. Administrative expulsion procedure Article 125 of the transcript

1. Following instructions of the Minister in charge of Home Affairs, or on its own initiative, the director of the police force and instruct the incoa for services file of administrative expulsion.

2. Once instructed the transcript, the director of the police report for his services to the affected person the administrative expulsion proposal as well as the reasons that justify them.

3. The person concerned has a maximum period of ten working days counting from the day after the notification to make the allegations as it deems appropriate by the police force.

4. The director of the police force can file the case or send the proposal to the Minister in charge of administrative expulsion of the Interior.

Article 126 in matters of administrative expulsion the Minister in charge of Interior is competent to decide the expulsion and to fix the duration, to replace this measure by a warning of expulsion or to file the case.

Article 127 of the suspensive effect of the Principle resource for resident abroad 1. The appeal presented by a foreigner resident against a measure of administrative expulsion that the suspensive effects affects until the top court ruling firm. In case of withdrawal from the appellant at any time during the procedure or in the event of expiry of the transcript, the measure of expulsion becomes immediately a seasoned.

2. However, the alien that, previously to the resource, has lost its status as a resident, you cannot invoke the suspensive effects outlined in the previous section.

Article 128 the exception to the principle of the suspensive effect for non-resident abroad 1. The appeal against a decision of administrative expulsion presented by a non-resident alien has no suspensive effect and the measure is a seasoned immediately.

2. Taking into account the situation of the person affected, the Minister in charge of the Interior may grant you a maximum of thirty calendar days to abandon the territory from the day after the date of the notification of the resolution.

The third section. Effects of the decision of expulsion Article 129 administrative prohibition of entry to the territory the person eliminated can not enter in the Andorran territory, even in tourist regime, during the term of administrative expulsion.

Article 130 disobedience to a measure of administrative expulsion The police stops and put to justice every person subject to a measure of administrative expulsion that violates the prohibition mentioned in the previous article for the alleged Commission of a crime of disobedience to an order of administrative expulsion under the provisions of the penal code in force.

Section four. Temporary suspension and revocation of the expulsion Article 131 temporary suspension without prior authorization by the person subject to a measure of administrative expulsion that has been cited to appear in a criminal or view in the course of a criminal instruction, as an imputed, of processed, of injured party or as a witness, you can come in and want an apartment in the Principality of Andorra for the time strictly necessary for the appearance. In this case, the person turned out not to need a prior authorization but must be able to certify your citation in the opinion should be controlled by a police officer.

Item 132 administrative authorization of temporary suspension 1. Except in the case set forth in the previous article, the person who is the subject of a measure of administrative expulsion that you wish to enter and/or want an apartment in the Principality of Andorra justifiable address, prior, a request to the Minister in charge of Interior justified.

2. The Minister in charge of the Interior, or the person delegated for that purpose by the Government, can grant a temporary suspension of the measure of expulsion.

Article 133 revocation of administrative expulsion 1. The person who is the subject of an administrative expulsion may request to the Minister in charge of Home Affairs, the revocation of this measure by means of a written reasoned.

2. The Minister in charge of the Interior, if necessary, you can choose the requested revocation or, Alternatively, reduce the duration of the expulsion initially planned or suspend it conditionally for a certain period.

Fifth section. Warning of expulsion Article 134 definition, procedure and effects 1. The warning of expulsion is a measure intended to warn a foreigner to the fact that, if his conduct would worsen, would result in a risk to public order or the security of the State, of persons or goods.

2. The warning of expulsion follows the same procedures of instruction, of allegations and the proposal that the expulsion.

3. The Minister in charge of Interior is competent to decide the warning of expulsion.

4. The warning of expulsion does not affect the situation of immigration and the rights of the person subject to the measure.

5. The warning of expulsion is a necessary requirement prior to the opening of a file of administrative expulsion against a foreigner who has resident status but when applied as a measure of compulsory execution or in case of serious risk to the security of the State, of persons or goods or for the public order.

Title XIII. Of the obligations of the employer or of the beneficiary of the provision of services chapter. Obligations of the employer Article 135 definition of the concept of pattern for the purposes of application of the present Law, it is understood as a patron the physical or legal person for whom the overseas work.

Article 136 obligations of the contract at the time of the pattern 1. Any employer who wishes to hire the services of a foreign person labour must check that this person has a current immigration authorization appropriate to the job object of the contract. The employer has the obligation to notify the Immigration Service contract of the worker and the end of the employment relationship.

2. If a pattern you want to hire the services of a person's foreign labour does not have a proper immigration authorization must be signed jointly with that person the request for authorisation by the Immigration Service.

3. The Government set for the regulatory pathway the situations in which the employer who signs a request for authorisation of temporary immigration, or temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies, must guarantee the payment of the costs of repatriation of foreign workers in their country of origin.

4. The employer has prohibited a foreign person to obtain proper immigration authorization effective.

Article 137 obligations of the employer during the employment relationship The employer has the obligation to cease immediately the work to his employee when the Immigration Service notifies the cancellation, the denial of the renewal or the obtaining of the authorization of immigration or the voluntary resignation of the worker.

Article 138 of the Obligations upon maturity pattern of a temporary authorisation 1. The pattern that hires the services of a foreign holder of a temporary immigration permit has the obligation to cease immediately the work of the worker at the expiration of his permit.

2. The pattern that hires the services of a foreign holder of a temporary immigration permit has the obligation to notify the Immigration Service the cessation of the work of the worker if this occurs before the expiration of the authorization.

Second chapter. Obligations of the beneficiary of the services provided by the holder of an authorization of temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies Article 139 of the obligations the person you want to hire the services of dependent workers of a foreign company or a freelance worker abroad, has the following obligations: a) must apply for a temporary immigration permit for employees of foreign companies.

b) cannot leave work these foreigners to obtain authorization effective.

c) must leave work only foreigners to carry out the work for which they have been duly authorized.

d) must immediately cease the activity of the foreigners at the expiration of the authorization.

Title XIV. Infringements and sanctions chapter. Infractions Article 140 minor Infractions Committed a mild violation: a) Who work in the Principality of Andorra without being the holder of any immigration authorization.

b) Who work in the Principality of Andorra with the modalities and conditions other than those which are specified in the authorization of immigration.

c) Who work in the Principality of Andorra following the expiration of a temporary authorization.

d) Who work in the Principality of Andorra, in spite of being given voluntary by the Central Register of immigration.

e) Who pernocti in the conventional manner in the Principality of Andorra being holder of a border permit.

f) Who pernocti in the conventional manner in the Principality of Andorra being holder of a temporary authorisation of the border.

g) Who is the holder of a permit renewable immigration expired.

h.) the pattern that does not comply with the obligation to report the hiring of a worker and/or the completion of the work of the latter, in accordance with articles 136 and 138.

Article 141 serious Offences Committed a serious violation: a) the pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person the holder of an authorization of residence or work place of residence without immigration for reasons of rally.

b) pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person in conditions and inadequate methods to their immigration authorization.

c) the pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person after the expiration of their temporary licensing.

d) The pattern that will rescabali of a foreign worker, of any kind of expenditure that has paid for his travel to Andorra, and also making tax withholdings on salary for any expense of transfer of the working person or their family or by the concepts or the corresponding rates satisfy as a pattern.

e) the person beneficiary of the services rendered by foreign workers dependent on a foreign company or foreign self-employed workers, stop to check the work before obtaining the authorization of temporary immigration for workers of foreign companies or to stop performing the works of short duration without having carried out the previous communication to the Immigration Service.

f) the person beneficiary of the services rendered by foreign workers dependent on a foreign company or foreign self-employed workers, which allows to carry out works that have not been authorized.

g) the individual beneficiary of the services rendered by foreign workers dependent on a foreign company or foreign self-employed workers, which lets you continue the execution of the work after the expiration of the authorization without having obtained the corresponding extension.

h) Who work in the Principality of Andorra after you have denied the renewal of the authorization which allowed him to work.

I) Who work in the Principality of Andorra after you have denied the regularization of the expired authorization which allowed him to work.

j) Who work in the Principality of Andorra with a permission of a category that enabled it to work but it has been canceled.

k) Who work in the Principality of Andorra being holder of a residence permit for reasons of rally.

l) Who work in the Principality of Andorra and was the holder of an authorisation for residence without immigration work.

Article 142 very serious Offences Committed a very serious infringement: a) the pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person without authorization from immigration.

b) pattern that makes them work in the Principality of Andorra a foreign person who is in an irregular situation in the cases provided for in articles 72, 78, 79 in), c and d), 80 and 82), on the basis of the notification of the Immigration Service on the master.

c) Any person who induces, promotes, encourages or facilitates, directly or indirectly, individually or belonging to an organization, illegal immigration, or the irregular stay of people in the Principality of Andorra, provided that the Act does not constitute a crime.

Article 143 prescription of infringements infringements provided for in this chapter prescribe within three years of the date of Commission.

Second chapter. 144 Article sanctions general principle can only be punishing the Commission of the offences set forth in chapter I of this title.

Article 145 Penalties for minor infringements 1. The infringements established in article 140 give rise to the imposition of a penalty of an amount from 50 to 200 euros.

2. The amount of the penalty is fixed depending on the number of infractions and this option was taken into account a possible recidivism.

Article 146 Penalties corresponding to serious infringements

1. The offences classified in the sections a), b), c), d), f), g), h, j, k, i)))) and article 141) give rise to the imposition of a penalty of an amount of 1,000 to 3,000 euros. The offence classified in section e) of article 141 gives rise to the imposition of a penalty of an amount of 300 to 1,000 euros.

2. The amount of the penalty is fixed depending on the number of infractions and this option was taken into account a possible recidivism.

Article 147 Penalties for very serious offences 1. The infringements established in article 142 give rise to the imposition of a penalty of an amount of 3,000 to 6,000 euros.

2. The amount of the penalty is fixed depending on the number of infractions and this option was taken into account a possible recidivism.

Article 148 prescribing sanctions sanctions provided for in this chapter prescribe within three years of the date on which they become firm.

Article 149 Recidivism 1. For the purposes of the provisions contained in this chapter, it is considered that there are recidivism if the same person has been sanctioned for the same type of infringement in a period of two years.

2. In case there is recidivism the sanction to impose is double that of the previous time, without being able to in no case to exceed twice the maximum amount established for the type of infringement.

Third chapter. Sanctioning procedure Article 150 of the record 1. When it confirms the existence of one of the offences set forth in chapter I of this title, the competent Immigration Service for this purpose incoa and instruct the administrative sanction, taking into account that: a) is a sanctioning transcript incoa against the pattern in which the details individually the Commission of each of the offences provided for in articles 140 , 141 or 142, employee by employee.

b) is sanctioning a incoa against the beneficiary of the provision of services carried out in the framework of a temporary authorization for employees of foreign companies in which the details individually the Commission of each of the offences set forth in article 141.

c) is sanctioning a incoa against every person who has committed a very serious infringement, the typified in article 142 section c), in which the details individually the Commission of each of the offences committed.

d) is a file holder against the incoa sanctioning of an immigration authorization expired renewable that have committed the offence typified in article 140 mild section g).

2. Once instructed the transcript, the head of the competent Immigration Service to this effect does notify the person affected the administrative sanction proposal, as well as the reasons that justify them.

3. The person concerned has a maximum period of ten working days counting from the day after the notification to make the allegations as it deems appropriate by the head of the Immigration Service competent for this purpose.

4. The head of the competent Immigration Service for this purpose can file the case or send the proposed administrative sanction to the Minister in charge of the Interior.

Article 151 competence in matters of administrative sanction the Minister in charge of the Interior or the person expressly delegated for that purpose by the Government is competent to assess the events that have caused the opening of the case and, based on this assessment, decided motivadament the sanction and fix its amount, or to file the case.

Title XV. Of the fees in the area of immigration Article 152 concept and fact generator fees In the area of immigration, the rates are fixed taxes that are generated by the provision of one of the following administrative functions: 1. Delivery of the receipt of request.

2. Delivery of the receipt of request for authorisation of residence without immigration work.

3. Delivery of border immigration authorization (initial).

4. Delivery of border immigration permit (renewal).

5. Delivery of authorization of temporary immigration of the border.

6. Delivery of temporary immigration permit.

7. Delivery of temporary immigration authorization for employees of foreign companies.

8. Delivery of immigration for a permit, in internships or research.

9. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (initial).

10. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (initial for family regrouping).

11. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (renovation).

12. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (initial for family regrouping).

13. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (renewal for family regrouping).

14. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (initial).

15. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (renovation).

16. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence for the resident in charge (initial).

17. Delivery of registration certificate.

18. Delivery of certificate of registration of authorisation of residence without immigration work.

19. low certificate delivery.

20. Delivery of low immigration authorization certificate of residence without work.

21. Issue of duplicate card.

22. Issue of duplicate of immigration authorization card of residence without work.

Article 153 taxable the pattern is required of the tax generated by the provision of one of the administrative services mentioned in sections 3, 5, 6, 7 and 9 of the previous article.

The person who requests the family regrouping is obliged for tax administrative services set forth in sections 10, 12, 13 and 16 of the previous article.

The physical person of foreign nationality who apply for the provision of administrative service is required of the tax generated by the provision of other administrative services mentioned in the previous article.

Article 154 tax Fee and tax debt tax dues rates in immigration are the following: Description Euros 1. Delivery of the receipt of application for 5.40 2. Delivery of the receipt of request for authorisation of residence without immigration 6.40 work 3. Delivery of border immigration authorization (initial) 179.90 4. Delivery of border immigration permit (renewal) 21.30

5. Delivery of temporary immigration permit 179.90 border 6. Delivery of temporary immigration permit 179.90 7. Delivery of temporary immigration permit for workers of foreign companies 179.90 8. Delivery of immigration for a permit, in internships or research 21.30 9. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (initial) 179.90 ten. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (initial for family regrouping) 21.30 11. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence and work (renovation) 21.30 12. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (initial for family regrouping) 21.30 13. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (renewal for family regrouping) 21.30 14. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (initial) 211.60 15. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence without work (renovation) 52.90 16. Delivery of immigration authorization of residence for the resident in charge (initial) 179.90 17. Delivery of certificate of registration 5.40 18. Delivery of certificate of registration of authorisation of residence without immigration 6.40 work 19. Delivery of low 2.20 certificate 20. Delivery of low immigration authorization certificate of residence without 3.20 work 21. Delivery of duplicate 21.30 card 22. Delivery of duplicate of immigration authorization card of residence without tax dues 52.90 work rates in the area of immigration can be updated by the law of the budget.

Article 155 The Incurrence of immigration fees will accrue on the day of the filing of the application or on the day of delivery of the certificate of receipt or the authorization of immigration.

Article 156 the time of payment The payment of the fees in the area of immigration is done in the moment in which they accrued.

Isn't delivered the certificate, the receipt or the authorization of immigration without payment of the corresponding fee.

Title XVI. The special procedure abbreviated in immigration Article 157 scope of application of the special procedure abbreviated except for the actions that have to go against the fees in the area of immigration, which is governed by the general rules applicable, all other actions that are exercised by appeal against administrative acts and decisions in immigration stipulated in this law is substancien in accordance with the rules of special procedure abbreviated provided in this title.

Article 158 administrative acts or decisions of the Administration in the area of immigration are likely to appeal in front of the Government according to the modalities and the terms of the common law applicable to administrative appeals, except with regard to the following deadlines: the deadline to make replacement resource against an unfavourable event of the Administration in the area of immigration is eight working days from the notification of the Act against which it covers.

The Government has a deadline of 15 working days from the date of filing of the replacement resource to resolve it. After this period without having notified the corresponding resolution, the resource is considered deprecated and remains open the Court.

The deadline to submit jurisdictional claim against the defendant expressed or tacit replacement resource is eight working days.

Article 159 the procedure in first instance the demands against acts or decisions of the Administration in the area of immigration is substancien according to the modalities and the terms of the common law applicable to contentious administrative proceedings, except in the following terms:-If the Administrative Section of the Court of Batlles accepts the demand, the Mayor West quotes the defendant to answer the demand and intends to practice the evidence it deems relevant within a period of eight working days.

-Answered the demand or upon expiry of the period of eight working days provided for in the preceding paragraph, the Mayor West has a period of 30 days to decide on the admission or denial of each of the proposed tests and for the practice of the test admitted.

-At the end of the practice of the tests, the Mayor speaker gives the parties a period of eight working days to examine the aunt, ask for copies, if applicable, and formulate the respective conclusions's writings. You can bypass the procedure of conclusions if the aunt listed only the written demand and answer or if the parties expressly waive this procedure.

-When you have presented the conclusions or procedure has been discontinued or sold out the deadline for doing so, the Court of Batlles gives judgment in the non-extendable period of eight working days.

Article 160 the procedure in second instance Against the decision of first instance can be lodged an appeal, which is presented directly in front of the judge rapporteur, within a period of eight working days from the date of notification of the decision, by means of a written appeal, which includes all the basics that motivate the claim of revocation of the decision.

The same mayor speaker moves the written appeal to the apel·lada part in the five days from the receipt, for the apel·lada can claim what deems relevant within a period of eight working days.

Within five calendar days after the practice of the activities mentioned in the previous section, the Mayor West rises the aunt in the living room-administrative of the High Court of Justice.

The magistrate of the Administrative Room should settle in the five days following on the eventual practice of testing, according to the modalities and limitations provided for in the administrative procedure of the common law. The practice of testing may not, however, exceed a period of 15 calendar days counted from the decision of the speaker.

In all cases, the administrative of the High Court of Justice gives judgment in the non-extendable period of fifteen calendar days counting from the end of the tests or of the resolution that denies the practice or, if there is, the reception of the aunt.

First additional provision

1. At the request of the interested person or on its own initiative and after appropriate checks, the Immigration Service regularizes the situation of foreigners who regrouped when they were minors in one of the cases provided for in this law, and who, despite not having been registered with the Immigration Service, they have resided permanently and effectively to Andorra from the date of the family regrouping.

2. The Immigration Service granted to the persons concerned a residence permit for reasons of rally or a residence permit and work in accordance with the provisions stipulated for this purpose in the present law in case of family regrouping.

3. It is considered as the start date of the new authorization effective date of rally of less than specified by the Immigration Service on the basis of their checks.

Second additional provision of the Decree of creation of the medical service of immigration remains in force in all that does not contradict this law. The service is responsible for the immigration medical file and is the body in front of which you can exercise the right of information, access and rectification in the terms provided for in the law 15/2003, of December 18, qualified protection of personal data, without which it may exercise the rights of opposition and suppression.

First transitional provision While not regulated by law the content, requirements, and General characteristics of issuance of visas that should deliver the Andorran authorities to enter Andorran territory, an alien who is not a Member State of the European Union or of the European economic area must have at least the required visas to enter and circulate legally in France or Spain and to enter it from the Andorran territory. This provision does not apply to persons who legally reside in the Principality of Andorra.

Second transitional provision Continues in force the law 21/2004, 14 December 2004, described bridging measures of the law of immigration, of 14 May 2002, the transitional regime of access to the labour market between the European Union and the new Member States.

Applies the same suspension, and also the right to be left without effect, set out in the above-mentioned Law, with regard to the nationals of other States which become members of the European Union to have by now. The maximum term of seven years of suspension must compute to calculate the time that each State can become a new Member. However, in order to coordinate the Andorran legislation with that of France and Spain in accordance with the agreement between the Principality of Andorra, the Kingdom of Spain and the French Republic on 4 December 2000, the Government may, by Decree, to establish a period of suspension equivalent at the maximum, to adopt the two neighboring States.

Third transitional provision holders of immigration permits of residence without lucrative activity granted in accordance with the law on modification of the law 17/2006 of 30 November, qualified passive residences, are subject to the conditions and requirements established in this law.

Repealing provision With the entry into force of this law are repealed the Legislative Decree of June 25, 2008, the revised text of the law of immigration, of 14 May 2002, with their successive modifications, and the law 17/2006 of 30 November, qualified passive residences, as well as all of the above rules of rank less than or equal to object or versus offline.

Final provision this law enters into force on the same day to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

Casa de la Vall, 31 May 2012 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.

François Hollande, President of the French Republic of Andorra Co-prince Joan Enric Vives Sicília Bishop of Urgell Co-prince of Andorra