Law 17/2013, of 10 October, on the introduction of the euro in the framework of the Monetary Agreement signed between the Principality of Andorra and the European Union since the General Council in its session of October 10th, 2013 has approved the following: index preamble Title i. introduction Article 1. Article 2 object. Title II Definitions. Competent authorities Article 3. Competent national authorities Article 4. The National Central Office Article 5. National Center for the analysis of Article 6 Coins. National Center of analysis Article 7. Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances Article 8. The Ministry in charge of Home Affairs, Article 9. The Ministry in charge of finance title III. Subject required Article 10. Individuals Article 11. Organizations that handle cash title IV. Rules regarding coins and notes chapter i. rules regarding Article 12 coins. Issue 13 Article. Designations or nominal values Article 14. Design of the national sides of Article 15. Use of the common face design of the euro coins Article 16. Commemorative coins Article 17. Article 18 collection coins. Authentication of euro coins Article 19. Required test and coin processing machines Article 20. Withdrawal and refunds of euro coins unfit for circulation Article 21. Packaging of euro coins unfit for circulation Article 22. Checks of euro coins unfit for circulation Article 23. Control measures and establishment of corrective measures Article 24. Reporting, evaluation and communication Chapter II. Rules relating to Article 25 notes. Designations and requirements of euro banknotes Article 26. Authentication of euro banknotes Article 27. Classification and treatment of euro banknotes to banknote processing machines Article 28. Detection of unfit euro banknotes Article 29. Exceptions Article 30. Exchange of euro banknotes authentic damaged Article 31. Withdrawal of euro banknotes Article 32. Common procedure for testing banknote handling machines Article 33. Surveillance activities and imposition of corrective measures Article 34. Information title V obligations. Prevention of fraud and counterfeiting chapter i. Article 35 Coins. Obligations of the entities that handle cash in connection with the euro coins Article 36. obligation of delivery of counterfeit coins Article 37. Medals and tokens Article 38. Exceptions on medals and tokens Article 39. Authorization of exceptions on medals and tokens Chapter II. Article 40 notes. Obligations of the entities that handle cash in relation to euro banknotes Article 41. Detection of counterfeit euro banknotes Article 42. Obligation to delivery of counterfeit euro banknotes Article 43. Unauthorised tickets Article 44. Rules of reproduction of euro banknotes Article 45. Application of measures against irregular reproduction of euro banknotes title VI. Cooperation and assistance Article 46. Competent authorities in connection with the cooperation and assistance Article 47. Centralization of information at national level Article 48. Collection and access of technical data and statistics Article 49. Cooperation for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting Article 50. Legal capacity of the Europol Title VII. 51 Article rates. Treatment rate of coins Article 52. Treatment rate of tickets Title VIII. Sanctioning Article 53. Article 54 powers. Subject offenders Article 55. Administrative offences Article 56. Sanctioning procedure Article 57. Penalties Article 58. Deadlines and prescription Article 59. Responsibility Article 60. First final provision second final provision resources ANNEX preamble before the signature of the Monetary agreement between the Principality of Andorra (hereinafter also "Andorra") and the European Union, on 30 June 2011, Andorra did not have an official currency, nor had held no monetary agreement, or with the Member States of the European Union, or with third countries. Coins and banknotes of Spain and France were used de facto in Andorra, and were replaced by euro banknotes and coins on 1 January 2002, after the January 1, 1999, the euro replaced the currencies of Member States participating in the third stage of economic and Monetary Union, among whom were Spain and France in accordance with the regulation of the Council (EC) No. 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro. Andorra had also issued some coins of collection called money.
As set forth in the Monetary Agreement, Andorra has the right to issue euro coins and has the obligation to give legal tender banknotes and euro coins issued by the Eurosystem. The agreement also allows Monetary in Andorra continue issuing coins of collection called money. In addition, in accordance with the quoted Monetary Agreement, Andorra has the right to use the euro as their official currency, as established by the regulation of the Council (EC) No. 1103/97 of 17 June 1997 on certain provisions relating to the introduction of the euro and Council Regulation (EC) 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro.
This Bill is divided into eight (8) titles: Title i. introduction, title II. Competent Authorities, Title III. Compulsory Subjects, Title IV. Rules relating to coins and notes, Title V. Prevention of fraud and counterfeiting, title VI. Cooperation and assistance, Title VII. Tax and Title VIII. System of sanctions; and is intended to ensure the proper fulfilment of commitments to Andorra, with the signing of the Monetary agreement in connection with the adoption of all European Union policies and legal acts mentioned in the Annex to the agreement relating to Community rules on euro banknotes and coins and to the prevention of fraud and the counterfeiting of euro banknotes and coins.
Specifically, provisions incorporated into the Andorran legal framework by means of this Bill are the following:-rules on euro banknotes and coins:-Regulation (EC) 975/98 of the Council, of 3 May 1998, relative to the nominal values and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation.
Amended by: Regulation (EC) 423/1999 of the Council, of 22 February 1999, by which modifies Regulation (EC) 975/98 relative to the nominal values and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation.
Regulation (EU) 566/2012 of the Council, of 18 June 2012, which modifies Regulation (EC) 975/98 relative to the nominal values and technical specifications of euro coins intended for circulation.
-Conclusions of the Council of 10 May 1999, on the system of control of the quality of euro coins.
-Conclusions of the Council of 23 November 1998 and November 5, 2002, on the coins of collection.
-Recommendation C (2008) 8625 of the Commission, of 19 December 2008, relative to the establishment of common guidelines with respect to the national sides and the issuance of euro coins intended for circulation (2009/23/EC).
-Regulation (EU) 651/2012 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 4 July 2012, relative to the issuance of euro coins.
-Communication of the Commission C (2001) 600, of 22 October 2001, relative to the protection of copyright on the design of the common face of the euro coins (2001/C 318/03).
-Regulation (EU) 1210/2010 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 15 December 2010, relative to the authentication of euro coins and handling of euro coins unfit for circulation.
-Guidance of the European Central Bank ECB/2003/5 of 20 March 2003 on the application of measures against irregular reproduction of euro banknotes and on the Exchange and withdrawal of euro banknotes.
Modified by: orientation of the European Central Bank ECB/2013/11 of 19 April 2013, which modify the orientation of the European Central Bank ECB/2003/5 on the application of measures against irregular reproduction of euro banknotes and on the Exchange and withdrawal of euro banknotes.
-Decision of the European Central Bank ECB/2013/10 of 19 April 2013, on the denominations, specifications, reproduction, Exchange and withdrawal of euro banknotes.
-Regulation (EU) 2532/98 of the Council, of 23 November 1998, concerning the powers of the European Central Bank to impose sanctions that has been transposed to the Bill adapting it to the fact that Andorra is not a Member State of the European Union.
-Rules relating to the prevention of fraud and counterfeiting:-Regulation (EC) 1338/2001 of the Council, of 28 June 2001, by which define the necessary measures for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting.
Amended by: Regulation (EC) 44/2009 of the Council, of 18 December 2008, that modifies the regulation 1338/2001 by which will define the necessary measures for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting.
-Decision 2003/861/EC of the Council of 8 December 2003 concerning analysis and cooperation with regard to counterfeit euro coins.
-Regulation (EC) 2182/2004 of the Council, of 6 December 2004 concerning medals and tokens similar to euro coins.
Amended by: Regulation (EC) 46/2009 of the Council, of 18 December 2008, Regulation (EC) 2182/2004 of 6 December 2004 concerning medals and tokens similar to euro coins.
-Framework Decision 2000/383/JHA of the Council, of 29 May 2000, concerning the strengthening of the protection by means of penal sanctions and of another kind, against the counterfeit currency with a view to the introduction of the euro.
Modified by: Framework Decision 2001/888/JHA of the Council, of 6 December 2001, by which modifies the framework Decision 2000/383/JHA, on the strengthening of the protection by means of penal sanctions and of another kind, against the counterfeit currency with a view to the introduction of the euro.
-Decision 2009/371/JHA of the Council, of 6 April, 2009, for which it creates the European Police Office (Europol).
-Decision 2001/887/JHA of the Council, of 6 December 2001, relative to the protection of the euro against counterfeiting.
-Framework Decision 2001/413/JHA of the Council of 28 May 2001 on combating fraud and counterfeiting of means of payment other than cash.
-Decision of the European Central Bank ECB/2010/14, September 16, 2010, on the checking of the authenticity and fitness of banknotes of the euro and its recirculation (2010/597/EU).
Amended by: decision of the European Central Bank ECB/2012/19 of September 7, 2012, for which modifies the decision ECB/2010/14 on the checking of the authenticity and fitness of banknotes of the euro and its recirculation (2012/507/EU).
Title i. introduction Article 1 Purpose this law aims to complete the legal framework necessary for the broadcast, on behalf of Andorra, euro coins, in accordance with the provisions of the Monetary Agreement between the Principality of Andorra and the European Union signed in Brussels on 30 June 2011.
This law establishes the necessary measures related to the issuing of euro coins, the authentication of coins and banknotes and the prevention of fraud and counterfeiting. Finally, the law establishes the specific sanctions applicable to those behaviours that constitute an infringement of the provisions established in this law and its development regulations.
Article 2 Definitions for the purposes of this law, is meant for:-Monetary Agreement: Monetary Agreement between the Principality of Andorra and the European Union, signed in Brussels on 30 June 2011, published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra, Nr. 79, dated 22 December 2011, and which came into force on 1 April 2012.
-Authentication of euro coins: the process of checking the authenticity of the coins (denominated in euro) and their fitness to travel.
-European Central Bank (ECB): the Central Bank for the single European currency, the euro.
-Counterfeit banknotes and coins denominated in euro banknotes and coins: or have the appearance of euro banknotes and coins, which have been manufactured or altered fraudulently.
-Unsuitable Tickets: euro banknotes that have been classified as inappropriate for recirculation after checking their fitness.
-National Centre for analysis (CNA): the centre assigned to the INAF to which reference is made in article 6.
-National Center for analysis of currencies (CNAM): centre assigned to the INAF to which reference is made in article 5.
The European technical and Scientific Centre (CTCE): body created by the decision 2005/37/EC within the European Commission and that depends on the European anti-fraud Office (OLAF).
-European Commission: the institution of the European Union is regulated by article 17 of the Treaty of the European Union, which promotes and represents the general interest of the European Union and takes the appropriate initiatives for this purpose.
-The Council of the European Union/Council: European Union institution regulated by article 16 of the Treaty of the European Union composed by Ministers of the Member States of the European Union, which defines the general political direction and priorities of the European Union.
-Geneva Convention: International Convention for the Suppression of counterfeiting currency, signed at Geneva on 20 April 1929.
-Distributors of cash: automatic devices that, through the use of a credit card or other means, distributing euro banknotes to the public and made a post to a bank account, such as an ATM. The automatic payment terminals with which the public can pay for goods or services using a credit card, cash or other means of payment, have a function of cash withdrawal, made by which cash dealers are also considered.
-Credit institutions: a) banks such as are defined in article 8 of the law 7/2013, of 9 may, on the legal regime of the operating entities of the Andorran financial system and other provisions that govern the exercise of the financial activities in the Principality of Andorra; or b) electronic money institutions, in accordance with the legislation in force.
-Operational Entities of the financial system: entities referred to in article 3 of the law 7/2013 of 9 may, on the legal regime of the operating entities of the Andorran financial system and other provisions that govern the exercise of the financial activities in the Principality of Andorra.
-Organizations that handle cash: credit institutions and, within the limits of their payment activity, other payment service providers, as well as any other economic agent who participates in the treatment and the delivery to the public of notes and coins, including:-organizations that engage in change notes or coins of different currencies, such as the exchange offices;
-transporters of funds;
-other economic agents, such as traders and casinos, participating so accessory in the treatment and the delivery to the public of banknotes through ATMs (cash distributors), within the limit of these commercial activities.
-Member State: State that is part of the Treaties of the European Union and, therefore, subject to the privileges and obligations of membership in the European Union.
-Participating States: States that, on the basis of the agreement with the European Union, have the right to use the euro as its official currency in accordance with regulations EC/1103/97 and EC/974/98, and have granted legal tender status to euro banknotes and coins.
-Euro: single European currency.
-Europol: European Police Office, established according to the decision of the Council of 6 April 2009 that has competence in the area of fight against crime and terrorism.
-Eurosystem: the ECB and the national central banks of the Member States which have the euro for currency, constitute the Eurosystem.
-Counterfeiting: any of the following activities: (a) all manufacture or fraudulent alteration of notes or euro coins, regardless of the media used;
(b) the illegal circulation of notes or counterfeit euro coins;
(c) to import, export, transport, receiving, or to seek notes or counterfeit euro coins, knowing that they are forged and with the purpose of putting them into circulation;
(d) the manufacture, export, transport, illegal manufacturing, receiving, obtaining or possession of:-instruments, articles, computer programs and other means specially adapted for the manufacture or the fraudulent alteration of euro banknotes and coins; o-holograms or other components which serve to protect the euro banknotes and coins against fraudulent making or alteration.
-Range of reference for the size of medals and tokens (reference Range): the set of combinations between the values for diameter and values for the thickness of the edge that suits, respectively, in the range of reference to the diameter and to the range of reference to the thickness of the edge. The range of the reference diameter is between 19.00 and 28.00 millimetres and the range of reference to the thickness of the edge between 7.00% and 12.00% of each value with respect to the range of the reference diameter.
-Group of Experts on counterfeiting currency ("GEFM"): the group formed by the managers of the CNAM and the CTCE.
-Technical information and statistics: information through which counterfeit banknotes and coins can be identified (technical description of type of counterfeit) and information on the number of counterfeit banknotes and coins by their origin, mainly geographical.
-Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances (INAF): authority of the Andorran financial system regulated by law 10/2013, of 23 May, of the Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances.
-machines of treatment tickets: machines handled by customers or by personnel who have the characteristics described in the Regulation carried out by this law.
-medals and tokens: metal objects, with the exception of preformed mould or disc, the appearance or technical characteristics of which are similar to those of a coin, but the issue of which has not been carried out in accordance with the internal legislation or other legal provisions and that, therefore, there are no legal means of payment nor legal tender coins.
-currency: the role of currency (including banknotes) and metallic money, put into circulation by virtue of a legal provision, including the notes and the circulation of the euro coins which has been legally authorized, by virtue of Regulation 974/98 of 3 May 1998 on the introduction of the euro.
-commemorative coins: coins intended for circulation and to commemorate a special event, as described by this law.
-euro coins unfit for circulation: authentic euro coins that have been rejected during the authentication process or euro coins the appearance of which has been altered significantly.
-collection: coins euro coins for the collection that have not been issued to be put in circulation.
-Coins intended for circulation: euro coins intended for circulation, the technical specifications and nominal values of which are specified in this law and the regulations that develop it.
-regular Coins: coins in circulation which are not commemorative coins.
-the National Central Office (OCN): centre assigned to the area of Criminal Police attached to the Police Department, to which reference is made in article 4.
-Gold, silver and Platinum: alloys containing gold, silver and Platinum with a purity of at least 375 mg, 500 mg and 850 mg respectively. This definition does not affect the agreements of minting applicable to Member States of the EU and Andorra.
-legal Person: any entity that enjoy such a legal regime on the basis of the legislation in force, except for States or other public bodies acting in the exercise of their public authority and for public international organisations.
-Personal presentation: employees of entities that handle cash and they have: (a) knowledge of the different elements of public security of euro banknotes, as specified and published by the Eurosystem, and the ability to check them; and (b) knowledge of the selection criteria listed in the guidelines for the development of the present law, and ability to apply them in the check of euro banknotes.
-procedure of test: test procedure, specified by the ECB, which must be applied by the national central banks of the Member States which have the euro as a currency and the ANC or the body to which they have been delegates these powers, to test the treatment of bills.
-payment services providers: the following institutions are payment service providers: (a) credit institutions;
(b) postal institutions in accordance with the legislation in force;
(c) payment institutions in accordance with the legislation in force.
-Recirculation: the Act of an entity that handles cash to put back into circulation, directly or indirectly, notes that he has received.
-playlist: all tangible or intangible image that is totally or partially on a ticket of euro according to the specifications of the regulation carried out by this law, or in parts of the individual elements of your design, such as the color, the size, the letters or symbols, and you can assimilate to a euro ticket or give the overall impression of it, irrespective of (a) the size of the image; or (b) the material or technique used to produce it; or (c) if they have been added, or not, in the picture, elements or illustrations, such as letters or symbols, which have not been taken out of the Bills; or (d) if the design of the ticket, such as his letters or symbols, have been altered or not.
-irregular Reproduction: any reproduction that: a) is illegal in accordance with the provisions laid down in this law and the regulations that develop it. or that b) violates the rights of author of the ECB on euro banknotes; for example, negatively affects the prestige of the euro banknotes;
-the euro Symbol: the symbol representing the euro (€), the graphic representation of which is attached in the Annex.
-types of machines of treatment tickets: ticket processing machines type that can differentiate themselves from other machines of treatment among the notes described in Regulation carried out by this law.
Title II. Competent authorities Article 3 competent national Authorities the INAF and Police Department are designated as national authorities competent to detect counterfeit coins and banknotes.
Article 4 National Central Office 1. The Department of Criminal Police of the Police Department is designated as a National Central Office (OCN) according to the provisions of this law and article 12 of the Geneva Convention.
2. The OCN is the competent authority to collect information on the counterfeiting of the euro and to proceed to their analysis.
3. This Office should perform its functions in coordination with: a) the service of emissions of the Ministry responsible for finance;
b) other areas, units and groups of the Department of police; & c) headquarters of the other Member countries of the Geneva Convention.
3. The OCN should centralize all information that may facilitate the investigation, prevention and suppression of the forged currency.
Additionally, the OCN makes the necessary communications in compliance with the existing agreements or to be established in the future with the Interpol and Europol.
Article 5 the national coin Analysis Centre 1. It designates the INAF as National Center for analysis of currencies (CNAM).
2. The CNAM is the competent authority to collect and analyse technical information and statistics relating to the counterfeiting of euro coins.
Article 6 National Center of analysis 1. It designates the INAF to act as a National Centre for analysis (CNA).
2. The ANC is the competent authority to collect and analyse technical information and statistics relating to the counterfeiting of euro banknotes.
Article 7 Institut Nacional Andorrà de Finances 1. The INAF is the competent authority with regard to euro coins and banknotes unfit for circulation.
2. In addition, the INAF is the competent authority for the implementation of the technical standards necessary for the effectiveness of the implementation of this law and its Regulation.
3. Finally, the INAF, as an authority of the Andorran financial system, it is the competent authority to exercise disciplinary power over the operating entities of the financial system.
Article 8 the Ministry in charge of The Interior Ministry in charge of the Interior, of which depends on the Police Department, is the authority competent to exercise disciplinary power over individuals and entities operating not in the financial system.
Article 9 the Ministry in charge of The Finance Ministry in charge of finance, within the scope of its powers, is responsible for preparing the regulations for the development of this law, without prejudice to the powers corresponding to the INAF and Police Department.
Title III. Subject required Article 10 individuals are considered subjects forced all those individuals who are required to comply with the provisions of this law.
Article 11 organizations that handle cash 1. The entities that handle cash must comply with this law and with those provisions that the develop, without prejudice to the laws that can be applied in each case.
2. However, articles 18, 19 and 23 are not applicable to other economic agents, such as traders and casinos, participating so accessory in the treatment and the delivery to the public of banknotes through ATMs, within the limit of these commercial activities, listed in the third indent in the definition of the concept of entities that handle cash provided for in article 2.
Title IV. Rules regarding coins and notes chapter i. rules regarding the coins Article 12 Issue 1. The euro coins are regulated by this law are divided into: (i) regular coins;
(ii) commemorative coins; and (iii) collection coins.
2. You can issue two types of euro coins: coins intended for circulation and collection coins.
3. The series of euro coins issued include eight nominal values, from one (1) cent up to two (2) euros, and have the technical specifications described in the regulation carried out by this law.
Article 13 denominations or nominal values of euro coins intended for circulation should be put into circulation at face value. This does not prevent, in accordance with the limitations established by the Monetary Agreement, a proportion of the coins issued by Andorra may not put into circulation at face value.
Article 14 design of the national sides 1. The coins intended for circulation should have a common European side and a national side differentiated for each State participant and for each Member State that have the euro as a currency.
2. on the national face of coins intended for circulation, will not repeat the whole or part of its name, nor the name of the single currency or of any fractional unit unless this indication obey to the use of a different alphabet.
3. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 2, the legend engraved on the edge of the two (2) euros you can get an indication of the denomination, provided that it is used only the figure "2" and/or the term "euro".
4. The national face for all nominal values of coins intended for circulation should include the indication "Principality of Andorra" or an abbreviation.
5. on the national face of coins intended for circulation, there are include twelve stars that should fully surround the national design, including an indication of the year of issue and the name "Principality of Andorra". This does not prevent some elements of the design are extended out of the circle of stars, as long as the stars are clearly and completely visible. The twelve stars represent the same way that appear on the European flag.
6. the design of the national face are selected considering that the euro coins circulate in all Member States which have the euro as a currency.
7. The designs used for the national sides of regular coins can only be modified every fifteen (15) years, regardless of the changes necessary to prevent counterfeiting.
8. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 7, the designs used for the national sides of regular coins can be modified in the event that there is a change of head of State represented in the coins. The fact that the position of head of State left vacant temporarily, or that it is temporarily busy, you don't have to give the right to modification.
9. Set up a Commission known as "Euro Commission" formed by members of the service of emissions of the Ministry in charge of finance, of the INAF and OCN, who advises the Ministry in charge of the economy on the process established in this article.
10. All the relevant information relating to new designs of euro coins intended for circulation is published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra and in the official journal of the European Union.
Article 15 use of the common face design of the euro coins 1. The Ministry in charge of economy ensures the compliance with the regime of a reproduction of the design such as set forth following.
Authorises the reproduction of all or part of the common face design of the euro coins, without the need to perform specific procedures, in the following cases:-in photographs, drawings, paintings, films, images and, in general, any reproduction in plan (without relief), as long as they keep a similar true and that its use does not harm or desvalori the image of the euro;
-in reproductions in relief, on objects other than coins, medals or tokens or any other object that may be confused with a coin;
-in reproductions in chips made with soft materials or plastic, as long as its size is at least a 50% larger or smaller than the actual coins.
2. the reproduction is not authorised on medals and tokens made of metal or any other object that may be confused with a coin.
3. Any other reproduction of all or part of the common face design of the euro coins you need the permission of the Ministry in charge of the economy, as a competent authority responsible for this matter.
4. The Ministry in charge of the economy should report to the members of the "Euro Commission" all authorisations granted in relation to all or part of the common face design of the euro coins.
5. The Ministry in charge of the economy has to inform the "Euro Commission" and the European Commission of any measure taken by the fulfillment of the diet of a reproduction of the design.
Article 16 commemorative coins 1. Commemorative coins have national designs different from what appears in the regular coins and can only celebrate national or European events of high importance.
2. Commemorative coins can only have a nominal value of two euros.
3. Andorra can issue annually up to two commemorative coins.
4. The legend engraved on the edge of commemorative coins intended for circulation should be the same as that which appears in the regular coins intended for circulation.
5. The total number of commemorative coins put into circulation in each issue may not exceed the greater of the two following limits: a) the 0.1% of the total number of two-euro coins put into circulation to all Member States which have the euro as a currency until the beginning of the year prior to the year of issue of the commemorative coin; This limit can be increased up to 2.0% of the total number of two-euro coins of all Member States which have the euro as a currency when it commemorates a fact highly symbolic and worldwide; in this case, the issuing Member State refrains to proceed to new issues of commemorative coins intended for circulation basing on the extended limit during the four years following and motivates the application of this higher limit; or b) 5.0% of the total number of two-euro coins put into circulation by the Member State until the beginning of the year prior to the issuance of the commemorative coin.
Article 17 collection Coins 1. Collection coins issued by Andorra are legal tender in Andorra. The name of Andorra should be clearly and easily visible in the currency.
2. The collection coins can only be marketed by its face value or above this.
3. counting collection coins emissions globally in the volume of issuance of coins that must be approved by the ECB.
4. The INAF adopts all the appropriate technical measures to deter the use of collection coins as a means of payment.
5. So that they can be easily differentiated from coins intended for circulation, collection coins must comply with the following requirements: a) the normal value must be different to that of the coins for circulation;
b) cannot use images similar to those of the common face of coins intended for circulation or at any of the national sides of coins intended for circulation, unless, in the latter case, your overall look still allows to distinguish them easily;
c) its colour, diameter and weight should differ perceptibly of coins intended for circulation, at least two of these three characteristics; the difference is considered to be detectable if the values, including tolerance, are placed outside the tolerance margins set for the coins for circulation; and d) do not have a edge shaping with a Festoon end in the form of "Spanish flower".
Article 18 authenticate euro coins 1. The entities that handle cash guarantee that euro coins received and who intend to return to the circulation are subject to a process of authentication. To ensure this process are: a coin processing machines) included in the consolidated list published on the website of the European Commission; and/or b) personnel.
2. After the authentication of all suspected counterfeit coins, these are delivered to the CNAM for part of the operational entities of the financial system that handle cash or to the OCN in all other cases, in accordance with article 35, and the coins unfit for circulation must be delivered to the INAF.
3. The counterfeit euro coins sent to the CNAM and OCN are not subject to processing fees or any other fee. How much coins unfit for circulation delivered to the INAF, the provisions of articles 21 and 22 are applied.
Article 19 required Test and coin processing machines 1. The entities that handle cash must use exclusively the type of coin processing machines that have passed a screening test carried out by the competent national authority or by the CTCE and the date of its acquisition, included in the list published on the official website of the European Commission which is published on the consolidated list of coin processing machines. The institutions must ensure that these machines are adjusted periodically to maintain its capability of detection, taking into account the modifications introduced to the list mentioned. The screening test should ensure that the treatment of currencies can reject the counterfeit euro coins is known for and, also, in the same process, the euro coins unfit for circulation and all other similar pieces in currencies that do not meet the specifications of the euro coins authentic.
2. During a transitional period until 31 December 2017, can be envisaged specific exceptions to the provisions of the first sentence of paragraph 1, with respect to the treatment of coins that were in operation at the date of entry into force of this law and have demonstrated their ability to detect counterfeit euro coins, euro coins unfit for circulation and other pieces that do not meet the specifications of the euro coins authentic even when these machines have not been included in the list referred to in paragraph 1. These exceptions are adopted after consultation at GEFM.
Article 20 withdrawal and repayment of euro coins unfit for circulation 1. The INAF or the agency delegated by the INAF removed from circulation, refunded or replaced coins unfit for circulation.
2. The euro coins that have ceased to be suitable due to its long circulation or accident, or which have been rejected during the authentication process for any other reason, they are repaid or replaced. The INAF or the agency delegated by the INAF can refuse a refund of euro coins unfit for circulation which have been altered, either intentionally or by a process that would be reasonable to expect that had to alter them, without prejudice to reimbursement of coins collected for charitable purposes, such as those that are launched in the sources.
3. The euro coins unfit for circulation are destroyed through physical and permanent deformation because it cannot be readmitted in circulation or be subject to reimbursement.
4. before you destroy coins intended for non-circulation euro coins unfit for circulation, the INAF consult the Member States which have the euro as a currency, through the relevant Subcommittee of the economic and Financial Committee, and informs the directors of the factories of the currency of the Member States which have the euro as a currency.
Article 21 the packaging of euro coins unfit for circulation 1. The natural or legal person who carries out the delivery of euro coins for your refund or replacement must separate them by denomination in standardised bags or boxes, as follows: a) the bags or boxes should contain: and) 500 coins of each of the names of two (2) and one (1) euro;
II) 1,000 coins for each of the denominations of fifty cents of euro (€ 0.50), twenty euro cents (€ 0.20) and ten euro cents (0.10 euros);
III) 2,000 coins of each of the names of five euro cents (€ 0.05), two euro cents (€ 0.02) and a euro cent (€ 0.01);
IV) for smaller numbers: 100 coins of each denomination;
b) each bag or box should carry details of identification of the natural or legal person who carries out the delivery, the value and the name of the content, weight, date of packaging and the number of the box or bag; the natural or legal person who carries out the delivery should provide a list in which he related the bags or boxes delivered; When the coins have been treated with chemicals or other hazardous substances, the different standardized packages must be accompanied by a written statement in which he indicated exactly the substances that have been used;
c) in the event that the total amount of euro coins unfit for circulation is less than the amount specified in the requirements to which reference is made to the letter a), these euro coins are separated by denomination and can be delivered with a standard not packed.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions of paragraph 1, the INAF or the agency delegated by the INAF can maintain different packaging requirements in accordance with the legislation in force on the date of entry into force of this law.
Article 22 Checks of euro coins unfit for circulation 1. The INAF or the delegate body verifies the euro coins unfit for circulation as indicated below: a) the amount declared is verified by weighing each bag or box;
b) the authenticity and the appearance is controlled by sampling a 10% of the delivery, at least.
2. In the event that, in the verifications referred to in paragraph 1 above, will detect anomalies or divergences with regard to the provisions of article 21, it verifies the entire bag or box.
3. When the acceptance or the treatment of euro coins to present a health risk to the staff in charge of their treatment or when the delivery does not fit the rules of packaged and labeled, the INAF may refuse to accept the coins.
4. You can envisage the adoption of the measures which are appropriate with respect to the natural or legal persons who have given the coins referred to in the previous paragraph.
Article 23 measures of control and establishment of corrective measures 1. The CNAM or the delegate body, carried out on-site controls in organizations that handle cash to verify, through detection tests, the correct functioning of a representative number of coin processing machines in operation. In the event that the staff of the entities controlled manually check the authenticity of euro coins to be put back into circulation, the CNAM has to obtain, of these entities, guarantees that its staff has received the appropriate training to do so.
2. If during a visit in situ, the CNAM or the delegate body detect a breach of the provisions of this law or of other provisions, require companies that handle that adopt corrective measures for a specific period. Until the breach is not corrected, the CNAM or other delegated body can ban these organizations that handle that re-moving the denominations affected. If the breach has been caused by an error of the type of coin processing machine, it can be the removal of the type of machine in the list referred to in paragraph 1 of article 19.
Section 24 Reports, evaluation and communication 1. The CNAM presents, annually, through the INAF, in the European Commission, reports relating to the activities of authentication of euro coins. The information provided includes the number of controls carried out in accordance with article 23 and coin processing machines verified, the results of the tests, the volume of coins processed by these machines, the number of allegedly counterfeit coins that have been analysed and the number of euro coins unfit for circulation which have been repaid as well as details of any exception provided for in this Act or in the regulations that develop it.
2. In order that the CNAM can monitor compliance with this law by the entities that handle cash, these provide, at least once a year, upon request: a) the type and number of coin processing machines used;
b) the location of each coin processing machine; and (c)) the volume of coins processed by each machine coin processing, by year and by name, at least for the three largest denominations.
3. The information on the designated authorities to reimburse or replace euro coins and specific models as well as the packaging requirements and treatment rates are available at locations determined by Regulation carried out by this law.
Chapter II. Rules relating to Article 25 notes Denominations and requirements of euro banknotes The euro banknotes should include seven denominations of between five (5) and five hundred (500) euro, representing the subject "Years and styles of Europe", with certain basic requirements in Regulation carried out by this law.
Article 26 Authentication of euro banknotes 1. If two or more entities that handle cash involved in the recirculation of the same euro banknotes, the entity that handles cash responsible for the checking of the authenticity and fitness of banknotes is designated in accordance with the rules of internal law or, in the absence of these, in accordance with the contractual provisions established between the two entities that handle cash.
2. The checking of the authenticity and fitness takes place by means of a type of machine in the treatment of the Bills have passed the test of the ANC or manually by staff trained.
3. The euro banknotes can only be re-circulats by means of machines handled by customers or distributors of cash if its authenticity and competence have been checked and the Bills qualified as authentic and suitable for one type of machine for the treatment of the Bills have passed the test of the ANC. However, this requirement is not applicable to the euro banknotes delivered directly to an entity that handles cash by the ANC or by another entity that handles cash you've already checked, as has been explained, the authenticity and fitness of banknotes.
4. The machines handled by staff, when they intended to check the authenticity and fitness of banknotes, and the machines handled by customers can only be used by organizations that handle cash if they have passed the test of the ANC and have been included in the list of the website of the ECB, as laid down in paragraph 2 of article 32. The machines are used only with the denominations and series of euro notes listed at the website of the ECB for the corresponding machines, with the normal configuration from factory, which includes, therefore, any update that you have passed the test successfully, unless the ANC and the entity that handles cash should agree a more restrictive settings.
5. the euro banknotes, the authenticity and fitness of which has been checked and who have been qualified as real and by staff trained, but not to a type of machine for the treatment of the Bills have passed the test of the ANC, can only be re-circulats to one-stop shop.
6. This provision does not apply to the authenticity and fitness checks of euro notes made by the ANC.
Article 27 classification and treatment of euro banknotes to banknote processing machines in the terms and conditions relating to the classification and treatment of euro banknotes checked by machines handled by customers or staff are determined according to Regulation carried out by this law.
Article 28 detection of unfit euro banknotes 1. The manual and automatic check of the fitness is carried out in accordance with the minimum standards laid down by the regulation carried out by this law.
2. unfit euro banknotes are delivered to the INAF according to establish this law and the regulations that develop it.
Article 29 Exceptions 1. The ANC may authorize the remote offices of credit institutions with a low volume of transactions in cash for the check of the fitness of euro banknotes must be re-circulats through machines handled by customers or distributors of cash, is made manually by staff trained, as long as the check of the authenticity is made by a treatment of the Bills have passed the test of the ANC. To request authorization, credit institutions present at the ANC Office remote condition tests in question and its low trading volume in cash. The ANC looks after because the volume checked manually does not exceed 5% of the total volume of tickets distributed annually through machines handled by customers or distributors of cash in respect of credit institutions nationwide.
2. If an extraordinary circumstance that severely affects the supply of euro banknotes, the staff trained in the entities that handle cash can, temporarily, and with the consent of the ANC in relation to this extraordinary circumstance, manually check the authenticity and fitness of euro banknotes to be re-run through machines handled by customers or distributors of cash.
Article 30 Exchange of euro banknotes authentic damaged the INAF can exchange, demand, euro notes, with the conditions laid down in the regulations-impaired authentic that develops this law and the relevant decisions of the Governing Council to which refers article 31, when: a) will present more than 50% of the ticket of euro; or b) when 50% or less of the ticket is presented in euro, if the applicant proves that the missing parts have been destroyed.
Article 31 withdrawal of euro banknotes 1. The withdrawal of a euro banknote type or series will be regulated by a decision of the Governing Council of the ECB published for general information in the official journal of the European Union and other media. This decision covers, at a minimum, the following points:-the type or series of euro banknotes must be withdrawn from circulation;
-the duration of the exchange period;
-the date on which the type or series of euro banknotes cease to be legal tender; and-the treatment of the euro banknotes presented once the withdrawal period and/or once they have ceased to be legal tender.
2. INAF announces the decisions of the Governing Council of the ECB to withdraw types or series of euro banknotes in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra in accordance with the instructions of the Executive Committee of the ECB.
Article 32 common Procedure for testing banknote handling machines 1. The ANC or the delegate agency validates the types of machines of treatment according to the common procedure notes test.
2. the types of machines of treatment of the Bills have passed the test appear in a list on the website of the ECB during the period of validity of the results of the test specified in paragraph 3.
The type of treatment machine notes that during this period is unable to detect all the forgeries of euro banknotes known to the Eurosystem is removed from the list in accordance with the procedure established by the ECB.
3. If a type of banknote processing machine exceeds the test, the results are valid throughout the euro area for a year counting from the end of the month in which the test is carried out, provided that the type of machine still continues to be able to detect all the forgeries of euro banknotes known to the Eurosystem during this period.
4. The ANC and the Eurosystem does not respond to the fact that a type of ticket processing machine, having passed the test to which reference is made in this article, you will not be able to classify and process the euro banknotes in accordance with the regulation carried out by this law.
Article 33 monitoring Activities and imposition of corrective measures 1. However, the provisions in force, the ANC or the delegate, you can: and) to carry out inspections on the spot, even without announcing them, the establishments of the entities that handle cash, to control their machines of treatment notes, in particular their ability to check the authenticity and fitness of banknotes, and to track down the owner of the account of the alleged forgeries of euro banknotes and euro banknotes not clearly authenticated; and ii) to verify the procedures of handling and control of machines of treatment notes, the treatment of the euro banknotes checked and the manual, if appropriate, of the authenticity and fitness.
2. The ANC or the delegate, you can grab samples of euro banknotes processed by to check on their own premises.
3. If the ANC or the delegate body detects a breach of the provisions of this law or its implementing regulations to part of an entity that handles cash, required in this entity that adopt corrective measures in a certain period of time. Until you correct the non-compliance, the ANC or the authorized body, to ban on behalf of the ECB to the entity that handles cash that re-circulate the denominations in euros of the affected series. If the failure is due to an error of the type of ticket processing machine, can result in the removal of this type of machine in the list to which reference is made in paragraph 2 of article 32.
Article 34 information Obligations in order that the ANC may supervise the fulfilment of the present chapter on the part of the entities that handle cash and that these follow the evolution of the cash cycle, these entities: and) inform previously the ANC, written, means that includes electronic communication, of the entry into operation of a type of ticket processing machine; and
II) provide information that is determined in the regulation carried out by this law.
Title v. the prevention of fraud and counterfeiting chapter i. Coins Article 35 obligations of the entities that handle cash in connection with the euro coins 1. The entities that handle cash are required to ensure that you have checked the authenticity and have detected the falsifications of the euro coins which they have received and which they intend to put in circulation.
2. This check must be carried out in line with the procedures established in the Regulation carried out by this law.
3. The entities that handle are obliged to withdraw from circulation all euro coins and they know or have sufficient reason to believe, that they are counterfeit.
Article 36 the obligation of delivery of counterfeit coins 1. The operational entities of the financial system and the general public have given respectively and immediately to the CNAM and OCN all euro coins and they know or have sufficient reason to believe that they are counterfeit. The OCN should inform the CNAM or organisation of the reception of the coins allegedly forged that can have been delivered, should allow the analysis by the CNAM or body of the suspected counterfeit coins and must provide, without delay, for their analysis and identification, the necessary copies requested by the CNAM or body of each type of coin allegedly forged as well as technical data and statistics that are available. The CNAM, through the INAF, transmitted to CTCE all new types of counterfeit coin corresponding to the criteria adopted for presumably the latter. To this end, the ECB makes available to the CNAM, through the INAF, technical data and statistics available relating to counterfeit euro coins.
2. In order to facilitate the control of the authenticity of the euro coins in circulation, it allows the transport of counterfeit coins amongst the competent national authorities, as well as the institutions and bodies of the European Union and Andorra. During transport, the counterfeit coins must be at all times accompanied by transport orders received to this effect from the authorities, institutions and organisations mentioned above.
3. Everything that has been mentioned previously is applicable so that it does not prevent the use and conservation of allegedly counterfeit coins as objects of proof in the context of criminal proceedings.
4. However, the competent national authority may give the CNAM and, if applicable, the CNAM, through the INAF, can be provided to CTCE, a part of set of counterfeit coins to be analyzed and verified.
5. The CTCE must communicate the final results of the counterfeit euro coins at the CNAM, through the INAF.
Article 37 medals and tokens 1. Notwithstanding the provisions of articles 38 and 39, the manufacture and sale of medals and tokens, and their importation and distribution for sale or other commercial purposes, are prohibited in the following cases: a) If on its surface appear the terms "euro" or "euro cent" or the euro symbol; or b) if its size is within the range of reference; or c) if the design on the surface of medals and tokens is similar to any of the designs, or) and their parts, which appear on the surface of the euro coins, including in particular the terms "euro" or "euro cent", twelve stars of the European Union, the image of the geographical representation and the numbers, in the same way that are represented in the euro coins;
II) those symbols representative of national sovereignty of the Member States and of other States which issued euro coins, as they appear to the euro coins, including especially the efígies of the head of State, the coat of arms, the discovery marks, the name of the State (sender);
III) the shape or design of the edge of the euro coins; or iv) the symbol of the euro.
2. The Ministry responsible for finance, following the decision of the European Commission, stated: a) If a metallic object fear medal be qualified or description in accordance with the definition of article 2;
b) If a medal or a token corresponds to the prohibition stipulated in paragraph 1.
However the provided for in paragraph 1, the European Commission takes into account, inter alia, the quantities of medals and tokens produced, the selling price, your presentation, the inscriptions on the medals and tokens and their advertising.
Article 38 Exceptions on medals and tokens 1. Does not prohibit the medals and tokens bearing the terms "euro" or "euro cent" or the euro symbol without an associated nominal value if its size is out of the range of reference unless, on its surface, there is a similar design appears on one of the items referenced in the letter c) of paragraph 1 of article 37.
2. Does not prohibit the medals and tokens whose size is inside the reference range, if you meet with any of the following conditions: a) having a central hole greater than 6 millimeters, or polygonal shape up to six faces, provided that they respect the provisions of the letter c);
b) that are made of gold, silver or Platinum; or c) when they meet the following conditions: (i) the combinations of diameter and edge height of medals and tokens differ clearly from the games defined in each of the cases specified in the Regulation carried out by this law;
(ii) the combinations of diameter and edge height of medals and tokens are outside the range defined in each case regulated by Regulation carried out by this law.
Article 39 the authorization of exceptions on medals and tokens the Government can request the European Commission special authorisation for the use of the terms "euro" and "euro cent" or the euro symbol on the surface of medals and tokens in controlled conditions of use provided that there is no risk of confusion. In these cases it is clearly indicated, on the surface of the medal or token, the relevant economic operator of the Member State and, if given a nominal value associated with the medal or token, there appear the stamp "not legal tender" on the obverse or the reverse of the medal or token.
Chapter II. Notes Article 40 obligations of the entities that handle cash in relation to euro banknotes 1. The entities that handle cash are required to ensure that you have checked the authenticity and that they have detected the forgeries of euro banknotes that have received and that they intend to put in circulation.
2. This check must be carried out in line with the procedures established in the Regulation carried out by this law.
3. The entities that handle are obliged to withdraw from circulation all euro banknotes received which they know, or have sufficient reason to believe, that they are forged. The operational entities of the financial system must deliver them immediately to the ANC while other entities have given them immediately to the OCN.
Article 41 detection of counterfeit euro banknotes 1. There is the obligation to cooperate with the ANC and the OCN in the withdrawal from circulation of all counterfeit euro banknotes that are received. The counterfeit notes were delivered to the ANC or the OCN may not be exchanged for legitimate tickets.
2. The general public delivery, without delay, the counterfeit euro banknotes detected in the OCN.
3. The euro banknotes that are not considered to be authentic, according to the classification made in accordance with the regulation carried out by this law or in accordance with the manual checking of the authenticity made by staff trained, are delivered immediately to the entities that handle cash that are operational entities of the financial system to the ANC while the other entities that handle cash do the OCN in accordance with the provisions of the regulation that develops this law and, in any case, within a maximum of twenty (20) working days.
Article 42 obligation to delivery of counterfeit euro banknotes 1. The OCN communicated to the ANC or agency delegate the reception of alleged counterfeit, delivered to the entities that handle cash, allows them to be analyzed by the ANC or agency Executive, and immediately the models required by the ANC of each type of counterfeit to be analyzed and identified as well as the technical information and statistics that you can have. The ANC through the INAF, transmitted to the ECB all the new types of allegedly counterfeit notes that correspond to the criteria adopted by the ECB.
2. In order to facilitate the control of the authenticity of the euro banknotes in circulation, it allows the transport of counterfeit notes amongst the competent national authorities, as well as between the European Union and the Andorran institutions and bodies. During transport, the counterfeit must be at all times accompanied by transport orders received to this effect from the authorities, institutions and organisations mentioned above.
3. Everything that has been mentioned in paragraphs 1 and 2 is applicable in a way that does not impede the use and conservation of allegedly counterfeit tickets as objects of proof in the context of criminal proceedings.
4. However, the competent national authority may deliver to the ANC and, if appropriate, the ECB through the INAF, a part of the counterfeit to be examined and verified.
Article 43 unauthorised Tickets whenever possible, the provisions set out in articles 42, 47, 48 and 49 apply to notes denominated in euro which have been manufactured using facilities and legal materials, infringing the provisions under which the competent authorities may issue currency, or that have been put into circulation by violating the conditions under which the competent authorities can put currency in circulation , and without the consent of those authorities.
Article 44 of the reproduction rules euro banknotes 1. It is illegal for any reproduction that the general public can be confused with genuine euro banknotes.
2. it is considered lawful reproductions that comply with the requirements established in the regulations that develops this law, since it does not involve risk to be confused with genuine euro banknotes.
3. All questions or request to confirm whether a reproduction is lawful should be treated: (a) on behalf of the ECB, by the INAF when playback has been or is produced in Andorra; or (b) by the ECB in the following cases: (i) the origin of the irregular reproduction cannot reasonably be established; or (ii) the irregular reproduction has been or will be produced outside Andorra.
4. Additionally, the INAF informs the ECB about the answers to the demands of information to which it refers.
Article 45 application of measures against irregular reproduction of euro banknotes 1. If the INAF learns that an irregular reproduction has taken place in Andorra, ordered the author to stop producing irregular reproductions by issuing a standard letter of the ECB and, if appropriate, orders everyone who owns an irregular reproduction, which will deliver. If the INAF learns that an irregular reproduction is available electronically on the Internet, by cable or wirelessly, or by other means that will allow the public access from a place and time chosen, you have to remove it immediately.
2. If the author does not comply with the order of the previous paragraph, the INAF informs immediately the ECB.
3. The subsequent decision to initiate criminal proceedings adopts the INAF. Before adopting the decision, the INAF informs the ECB about the initiation or possibility to initiate criminal proceedings, on the basis of the applicable law and the existence of any other legal basis, such as the author's rights, to act against the irregular reproduction.
Title VI. Cooperation and assistance Article 46 authorities in relation to the cooperation and the assistance the INAF communicated to the ECB a list of competent authorities set out in title 2 which is published in the official journal of the European Union.
Article 47 information Centralization nationwide competent national Authorities ensure that the national information in relation to the cases of counterfeiting is communicated, since the first check, the OCN to be forwarded to the Interpol or Europol, in accordance with the agreements that have been signed or will sign in the future.
Article 48 technical and statistical data collection and access 1. The technical and statistical data relating to counterfeit banknotes and coins must be collected and cataloged by CNA and the CNAM in collaboration with the OCN. The INAF submits these data to the ECB for storage and treatment.
2. The ANC, CNAM or the OCN, through the INAF, and the European Commission have access to all the technical data and statistics of the ECB.
Article 49 cooperation for the protection of the euro against counterfeiting 1. To ensure an effective protection of the euro against counterfeiting, is required the cooperation of Andorra, the European Commission and of the ECB.
2. In particular, on the one hand, the ANC and CNAM cooperate through the INAF with the European Commission and the ECB; and, on the other hand, the OCN in compliance with the agreements established or to be established in the future, cooperates with the Interpol and Europol.
This cooperation is carried out:-exchanging information on preventing counterfeiting and combating the circulation of counterfeit banknotes and coins;
-reporting periodically on the extent of the falsifications to make a strategic analysis;
-providing mutual assistance in the prevention of counterfeiting and struggling against the circulation of counterfeit banknotes and coins, which includes, among others, scientific support and training.
3. In the field of mutual assistance and without prejudice to the role of Europol, the OCN establishes a system of exchange of messages pertaining to the technical data (quick alert) with other National Central Offices to which refers to article 12 of the Geneva Convention, with the ECB and, if necessary, with the European Commission, in the field of their respective competencies. Any communication or exchange of information between the European Commission and the ECB, or the OCN is carried out through the INAF.
Article 50 capacity of Europol Europol has legal capacity in Andorra, in the terms laid down in the cooperation agreement that has been signed between the Principality of Andorra and the Europol, so that it can support and strengthen the action of the competent authorities and cooperate in the area of preventing counterfeiting and combating the circulation of counterfeit coins and banknotes.
Title VII. 51 Article rates the treatment Rate of Exchange 1. This article establishes the rates of treatment applicable to the euro coins unfit for circulation.
2. INAF can retain, by way of rate of treatment, up to 5% of the face value of coins unfit for circulation delivered. In the case of verification of a box or bag as a whole, it adds an additional fee of up to 15% of the face value of the coins delivered.
3. The INAF can provide general or partial exemptions from rates of treatment when the individuals or legal entities that carry out the delivery of the currencies cooperate closely and regularly with the competent authorities, in the withdrawal from circulation of counterfeit euro coins and coins unfit for circulation, or when such exemptions obey to the public interest.
4. The transport and related costs were in charge of the natural or legal person who carries out the delivery of the euro coins.
5. Without prejudice to the exemption provided for in paragraph 3, the INAF can anticipate that each year is exempt from the taxes of treatment the maximum amount of a kilo of euro coins unfit for circulation by denomination and by physical or legal person who carries out the delivery of euro coins.
If a specific delivery of coins contains coins treated with chemicals or other hazardous substances, in such a way that may pose a health risk to the people in charge of your treatment, it is added to the rates applied in accordance with paragraph (2), an additional fee equivalent to 20% of the nominal value of the euro coins delivered.
Article 52 treatment Rate of banknotes 1. This article establishes the rates of treatment applicable to euro banknotes.
2. INAF load to entities that handle cash a rate when ask to the INAF, in accordance with article 30, which is exchangeable authentic euro notes that have been damaged by anti-theft devices.
3. The rate is 10 cents per Note deteriorated.
4. The fee is only applied if you exchanged with at least 50 damaged notes. The fee is charged to all tickets exchanged.
5. Will not be charged any fee when the euro banknotes have been damaged in a robbery or a burglary, theft or any other criminal activity.
Title VIII. Sanctioning Powers Article 53 1. The INAF exercise disciplinary power over the whole of the operating entities of the financial system, for the fulfillment of the provisions of this law and the regulations that implement and, to that end, procedures and proceedings, and solves the incoa determines the corresponding sanctions, when the violation has been committed by the allegedly operating entities in the financial system.
2. The Department of police and the Ministry in charge of the Interior are competent, respectively, by steps and process on the one hand, and to resolve on the other hand, the disciplinary procedures regulated by this title, when infringements have been allegedly committed by natural or legal persons operating not in the financial system.
Article 54 Subject offenders 1. Offenders are subject to the natural or legal persons who commit the actions or omissions as established in this law.
2. in addition, they are subject offenders who hold positions of directors or general direction, in fact or in law, to the authors and those responsible for the violation, when the violations are attributable to their fraudulent conduct or negligent.
3. For the purposes of the provisions of this article, exercise or administration charges of general management, in fact or in law, administrators or members of boards of Directors, or persons who exercise management functions.
55 article Administrative Violations 1. Constitutes an administrative infringement of the entities that handle cash: a) the breach of the obligations laid down in articles 19, 35 and 36 on euro coins;
b) the breach of the obligations set forth in articles 40 and 41 on euro banknotes;
c) re-circulating euro notes through machines handled by customers or distributors of cash when its authenticity and fitness has been checked manually, without the extraordinary circumstances that severely affects the supply of euro banknotes, or in the event that you give this extraordinary circumstance, whether the consent of the ANC;
d) not allow on-site inspections or not to cooperate with the competent authorities in the framework of the in situ inspections regulated in articles 23 and 33;
e) does not take corrective measures ordered in accordance with the provisions of articles 23 and 33;
f) breach of the obligation of information mentioned in articles 24 and 34;
g) the total or partial reproduction of the common face design of the euro coins without the corresponding authorization;
h) the reproduction of the common face design of the euro coins, medals and tokens made of metal or any other object that may be confused with a coin;
I) the breach of the provisions set out in this law relating to the manufacture and sale of medals and tokens, as well as its import and distribution with other commercial purposes or sale;
j) the disobedience to the order to stop producing reproductions of euro banknotes or irregular objects that could be confused with genuine banknotes.
k) the disobedience to the order of delivery of reproductions of euro banknotes or irregular objects that could be confused with genuine banknotes.
l) breach of the obligation to delivery of coins and banknotes unfit for circulation.
2. Constitutes an infringement of the general public: a) the breach of the obligation to delivery of counterfeit coins and banknotes as described in articles 36 and 41;
b) the total or partial reproduction of the common face design of the euro coins without the corresponding authorization;
c) the reproduction of the common face design of the euro coins, medals and tokens made of metal or any other object that may be confused with a coin;
d) failure to comply with the provisions set out in this law relating to the manufacture and sale of medals and tokens, as well as its import and distribution with other commercial purposes or sale;
e) the disobedience to the order to stop producing reproductions of euro banknotes or irregular objects that could be confused with genuine banknotes.
f) the disobedience to the order of delivery of reproductions of euro banknotes or irregular objects that could be confused with genuine banknotes.
3. Likewise, it is an offence in the regulations any infringement administrative present law not listed in sections 1 and 2.
Article 56 the sanctioning Procedure 1. When infringements have been allegedly committed by operational entities of the financial system, the sanctioning procedure used is the provisions of the law regulating the disciplinary regime of the financial system, of 27 November 1997, or the rules that have amended or modified or may amend or modify it later.
2. When infringements have been allegedly committed by natural or legal persons other than those mentioned in the previous section of this article, the sanctioning procedure used is the regulatory procedure established in the regulations of sanctioning, of 21 October 1998, or the rules that have amended or modified or can fix it or change it later.
Article 57 Penalties 1. The limits within which the INAF or the Ministry responsible for internal affairs may impose coercive fines and periodic payments to offenders are as follows: a) fines: the upper limit is five hundred thousand (500,000) euros; and b) recurring payments of coercive: the maximum limit is ten thousand (10,000) euros per day of infringement.
2. the recurring payments of coercive correspond with the amount of money you have to pay an infringer in the event of continued infringement, in concept of penalty, which will be calculated for each day of continued infringement following the notification of a decision to the offender, in accordance with the provisions of article 56, to which requires the cessation of offender behavior.
3. The coercive recurring payments can be imposed for a maximum period of six months from the notification of the decision to the offender, in accordance with the provisions of this law.
4. To determine whether to impose a penalty and what should be, the INAF or the Ministry responsible for Interior is guided by the principle of proportionality.
5. Whenever appropriate, the INAF or the Ministry responsible for internal affairs have in consideration of the circumstances of the specific case, such as: a) on the one hand, the good faith and the degree of transparency of the offender in the interpretation and application of the obligation with respect to the applicable regulations, as well as the degree of diligence and cooperation shown by the offender or, on the other hand, any evidence of intentional deception on the part of the workers of the offender;
b) the lack of surveillance, the gaps or inadequacies of the forecasting mechanisms;
c) the severity of the effects of the infringement;
d) the repetition, frequency or duration of the infringement on the part of the offender;
e) the benefits obtained by the infringer as a result of the infringement;
f) the economic dimension of the offender; and g) previous conduct of the entity in relation to the compliance with the rules and regulations, as well as in relation to the requests that have been made as expected, considering the sanctions imposed over the last five years, irrevocable.
6. A Commission made up of the INAF and the Ministry in charge of the Interior is responsible for ensuring a consistent application of sanctions corresponding to the offences set forth in this title. With this in mind, this Committee issued the guidelines needed to be taken into consideration when it imposed the sanctions set out in this law.
7. When the offence consists of the breach of an obligation, the application of a penalty does not exempt the offender from compliance with this obligation.
Article 58 and prescription Periods 1. The violations prescribed after one (1) year from the time that the authority competent to initiate the sanctioning procedure will learn of his Commission and, in any case, after five (5) years from the date on which the infringement has been committed; or, in the case of continued infringement, five (5) years after the violation has ceased.
The prescription is interrupted by the introduction of the corresponding sanctions.
2. The penalties prescribed after three (3) years from its imposition.
For the purposes of this article, the period of prescription of sanctions will be counted from the day following that on which firm is the resolution that imposes the penalty.
Article 59 Responsibility 1. The offences set out in this application are without prejudice to the responsibilities that may arise from the fact that incriminats are subject to criminal sanction.
2. When the infractions may be constitutive of the crime, the INAF and, if applicable, the Police Department, report it immediately to the public prosecutor's Office and suspended the procedure until the top of the resolution sanctioning administrative criminal proceedings.
3. However, not suspended the sanctioning procedure when there is an infringement of the principle "non bis in idem" between the criminal procedure and administrative law; that is to say, when the penalty rules have different purposes, when the facts are sancionables different or when there is an identity between the persons allegedly responsible.
4. In the event that the instruction to a summary, which would lead to a firm condemnation of the criminal jurisdiction in those compulsory subjects of the present law, allows the concurrence of administrative violations, will proceed to the opening of the corresponding sanctions.
Article 60 Resources 1. The resolutions that, in accordance with this law, enforces the INAF are not susceptible of administrative resource and can only be appealed directly to the Administrative Section of the Court of magistrates, in the period of thirteen (13) days counting from the day following counters of the notification of the resolution.
2. The resolutions that, in accordance with this law, obliges the Ministry in charge of the Interior are susceptible of administrative resource in accordance with the provisions of the code of the administration.
3. The resource, is jurisdictional or administrative, does not suspend the execution, in accordance with the provisions of the code of the Administration, without prejudice to the powers of the authority to which compete their resolution that is collected in the same code of the Administration and concordant provisions.
First final provision the Government approves the regulation develops the provisions of this law within a period of one month from the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra of this.
Second final provision this law enters into force three (3) months after its publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Casa de la Vall, October 10, 2013 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra.
Joan Enric Vives Sicília François Hollande Bishop of Urgell, President of the French Republic Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra ANNEX Annex. Symbol to which reference is made in article 2 Download the document