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Law 13/2016, Of 28 July, Hunting

Original Language Title: Llei 13/2016, del 28 de juliol, de caça

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law 13/2016, of 28 July, hunting law 13/2016, of July 28, of hunting since the General Council in its session of 28 July 2016 has approved the following: law 13/2016, of 28 July, hunting exhibition of illustrations and article 31 of the Constitution determines the principles and the requirements of nature conservation , and States that it is a function of the State to ensure the rational use of the soil and of all natural resources, in order to guarantee everyone a decent quality of life and to restore and maintain for future generations a sound ecological balance in air, water and land, and to defend the native flora and fauna. Wildlife as a pillar of our natural heritage is an idiosyncratic identity element and of its citizens. This wealth of flora requires the attention of the State, in order to preserve it and strengthen it in a balanced way and tidy. The Bern Convention of 19 September 1979 on the conservation of wildlife and the natural environment in Europe led to an effective adaptation of the hunting area of the Member States of the Council of Europe, with a unifying vocation at the European level. The hunting Act of 13 April 2000 was already a hunting area in accordance with these precepts. However, the hunting activity, its management and the population of the caçables species have evolved considerably since the adoption of the law on hunting, and its provisions need also to adapt to the new reality. The creation of game reserves, as well as the management of the chamois, have led to an increase of populations. These populations of marmots have been growing both inside and outside the game reserves. This shows the important role that have had the most visited in terms of dissemination throughout the national territory, to get in the last few years a growing population. This law introduces new methods objectives of calculation, in order to be able to keep in time this population, with the application when appropriate hunting plans defined in accordance with the evolution of the rate of growth of the population and of the variation of the adult and youth population. This evolution has also been marked by periods of epizoòties that make clear the need to determine, as established in this law, population parameters as minimum requirements that must be met to make hunting plans. These requirements have been established in accordance with the features of Andorra, the management and the systems of hunting of Chamois and the historic population data of the species in the country. A good hunting area management requires protection measures as the prohibition of the exercise of hunting of chamois is regulated in this law when the population parameters are unfavorable to the maintenance of the population. Security in the hunt has taken importance in recent years and this law introduces a specific title. The security zones that must be respected during the activity of hunting have been redefined to adapt to changes in the Organization of the territory in recent years, and in certain areas to allow hunting activity with security for the correct management of populations. The goal of modernization, streamlining and simplification of procedures of hunting is also taken into account in this law, which determines the validity of the hunting license is set by the regulatory pathway. So you can extend the validity of the licence to several seasons of hunting, and the Hunter will be responsible for bringing the existing documentation license certificate of liability insurance and gun permit. In order to adapt the legal provisions that regulate the exercise of hunting in Andorra to the constitutional precept mentioned and also to update them, it is necessary the enactment of this law of hunting, that replaces the April 13, 2000. The scope of this hunting Law is limited to the Organization of the hunting activity, as it is considered advisable to reserve general regulation for the conservation of nature and natural resources in future provisions, in accordance with the framework set out in the Constitution. The repeal of this law second has rank of law to the extent that the articles of the agreement of 492 and 493 law 9/2005, of 21 February, qualified of the criminal code. Article 492 typifies criminally various ducts of illegal hunting and is considered more appropriate in the severity of these behaviours that are administratively in the manner provided for in this law. With regard to article 493, criminally illegal fishing behaviour typifies different that are also classified as an administrative offence in the law of fishing and management of the aquatic environment, from the 28th of June 2002, and of a criterion of consistency in the sanction of infringements related to the wild fauna, is believed to be also convenient administratively punish these behaviors and repealed the criminal typification. Title i. General provisions Article 1. Purpose this law is to regulate the exercise of hunting in a manner that is compatible with the protection, conservation, promotion and the use of the national wealth of flora, respecting the international commitments acquired. Article 2. Definitions according to this law, is meant to: action of hunting: the activity exercised by the people through the use of arts, weapons or adequate means in order to find, attract, Chase or acuitar animals, with the aim of capturing them alive or dead. Roundup: hunting method which consists in the fact that a person or a group of people called batters, with the assistance of dogs or without, changed the arruix of raising them and forcing them to approach towards the stalls where armed hunters remain down them. Habitat: area where the environmental conditions for the presence or the development of species or populations of species, whether of fauna or flora. Inhabited place: building occupied by people with access to top width 2.5 metre shot. Not understood by "inhabited places" the cabins and mountain refuges. Weapon in his Holster: it is understood that a gun is in his Holster when it is not in sight, and the cover or any other item of clothing covering completely. Title II. Species caçables Article 3. Concept only are caçables species of wild animals that are defined by the regulations in accordance with this law and the international agreements signed by the Principality of Andorra. Article 4. Management plans 1. The Ministry responsible for the hunt makes the management plans for the species caçables, depending on the unit of management of each population. 2. the management plans must be based on the following principles: a) analysis of the characteristics of the territory. b) knowledge of existing wildlife populations. c) definition of the objectives of the management. d) means required to achieve the objectives. Article 5. Type of species caçables species can be defined species and species subject to a game plan. Article 6. Adjustable species 1. Are adjustable in The dangerous species are: health) or to public safety. b) that cause major damage to agricultural activities, forestry, biotopes, the fauna or flora in general. 2. The status of species and specific regulation adjustable you have to apply to the species the defines the Government regulations. 3. The Ministry responsible for the hunt can authorize, throughout the year and throughout the country, shooting at night or other suitable procedures for the control of adjustable species. The authorization must establish the precepts that have been obliged to respect. Article 7. Species subject to a hunting plan 1. Are subject to a plan to hunt the chamois and other species that obtain this designation for the regulatory pathway. 2. The hunting of these species is regulated by means of a management plan. 3. The regulations must contain at least the application of the management plans through the hunting plans, the process of adjudication of catches, and should define the obligations of the Hunter in the development of the capturing piece attributed and the procedure to be followed in terms of marking, registration and control of the captured piece. Article 8. Deer hunting 1. As for the game plan of the chamois that applies in common ground and the cinegetic temporary charge management plan defines the management unit, which is made up by the common hunting ground for temporary reserves cinegetic and game reserves, certain regulations, which does not apply a specific game plan. 2. To set the hunting plan will take into account population parameters such as the rate of growth and the evolution of the adult population and youth, among others. 3. Is applicable only a plan for annual hunting deer when you meet both the following parameters: a) the annual growth rate of the population of isards management unit is greater than or equal to 14%. Is meant by "growth rate" the percentage of goats of Chamois with respect to the total population of isards management unit. b) the total population in the land of cinegetic temporary reserves and hunting is greater than 300 chamois. 4. The hunting of Chamois and their meat cannot be the object of purchase, sales or consumption in public establishments. 5. The little goats, chamois hunt at any time of the year is prohibited. Article 9. Species of cinegetic interest 1. The Government can establish anyalment a plan of measures aimed at restocking and the furtherance of the cinegetic species of interest. 2. for the reforestation cannot employ individuals of little varieties adapted to the conditions of the Andorran territory phenological or which could cause genetic or health risk pol·lucions between the existing native fauna population. 3. Any repopulation requires the prior authorization of the Ministry in charge of the hunt, according to established regulations. 4. In the event of introduction of non-native species, has been to prepare a preliminary study, incorporating the experience of similar cases, with the purpose to analyze the feasibility and its impact on the environment. Article 10. Transport, import and export transport, import and export of hunting and/or their meat is developed by regulation. Article 11. Capture and/or animal sacrifice the Ministry responsible for the hunt can authorize, throughout the year and throughout the country: a) the use of tranquilizers or other methods to capture and/or the sacrifice of animals for scientific purposes, b) capture and/or the sacrifice of animals that have become harmful or may involve a danger to people , for other animals or for the environment. Title III. The hunting grounds of Article 12. Hunting land classification are classified in: a) areas of terrain common cinegetic b) game reserves c) hunting Article 13 temporary reserves. Areas of terrain common cinegetic 1. Are areas of land the cinegetic that have not been defined as game reserves or as a temporary hunting reserves. 2. In the areas of terrain common cinegetic, the exercise of hunting can be practised with no other limitations than those provided for in this Act or in the regulations that develop and the complementary norms. Article 14. Game reserves 1. Game reserves are geographical areas in which all hunting action is forbidden and who have to ensure the protection, conservation and promotion of native species. 2. The creation, modification or cancellation of the game reserves are made by law. Article 15. Temporary hunting reserves 1. The temporary hunting reserves are geographical areas in which the action of hunting is prohibited for a certain period of time, for the purpose of temporarily protecting all animal species that inhabit it. 2. The Government sets anyalment to the regulatory pathway are temporary hunting reserves, taking into account the balance between the parishes in terms of the total area affected by hunting reserves and temporary reserves. 3. In the temporary reserves will allow the hunting of Chamois for the working period for this type of hunting, under the conditions established in this law, the regulations that develop and the complementary norms. Article 16. Common provisions to game reserves and temporary hunting reserves 1. In the game reserves and temporary reserves of hunting it is prohibited to carry any weapon. In inhabited places, roads, secondary roads and General shortcuts to households included in these reserves will only be authorized to bear arms if they are unloaded and properly sheathed. 2. for regulation, you can arrange the capture of certain units when, in application of the plans of management of game reserves and of temporary reserves of hunting, and in keeping with the game plans of each species, These plans you have. Title IV. Security in the hunting Article 17 Security Zones 1. Are considered to be areas of security: a) The urban built-up areas and inhabited places. b) near to the urban areas, urban areas and inhabited places, at a distance less than or equal to one hundred and fifty (150) metres. c) General and secondary roads open to vehicle traffic. of the General and secondary roads) open to vehicle traffic, in a distance less than or equal to twenty-five (25) meters. e) huts, cabins and mountain refuges, in a distance less than or equal to twenty-five (25) meters. f) areas of human activity in which the Government, on demand of the ordinary affected, according to the official hunting activity via temporarily. 2. Security in the areas of article 17.1 and 17.1. c, the action of hunting is prohibited. To transport the weapon, must be downloaded and in his Holster, and should be avoided in the view. 3. in the rest of the security zones of article 17.1, the game action has been limited to find, attract, Chase or acuitar animals, but it is prohibited the use of the weapon, that has to be downloaded and in his Holster and may not be in sight. 4. In any case, when caci on the limits of the areas of security, you should always do back in these areas. 5. To demand for a common, the Government may, by regulation, to ban temporarily the activity of hunting in areas of human activity. Article 18. Responsibility 1. The hunters are required to compensate for the damages they have caused in the exercise of the Chase. 2. All the hunter must be holder of a civil liability insurance policy in force, established by an insurance company authorized to act within the national territory, which covers civil responsibilities in which they may incur the Hunter directly or their dogs, for a sum that must be set for the regulatory pathway. Article 19. Precautionary measures the hunters must take precautionary measures to ensure the protection and safety of people, animals and property. Article 20. Security measure in the form of RAID 1. Hunters in hunting action in the form of courts, and the people who are at all times in accordance with article 28, they have to carry on and to look at a piece of clothing of high visibility orange color that has to be a CAP, a jacket or a vest. 2. The Government may establish the regulations on security measures in the form of courts. Title V requirements for exercise of hunting and hunting license Article 21. Requirements has the right to hunt any person over the age of sixteen to be owner of the hunting license, in accordance with this law, the provisions that develop and the complementary norms. Article 22. Hunting license 1. The hunting license is a document personal and untransferable, tenure and the port which are required for the practice of hunting. 2. Any holder of a hunting licence must be a member of the Andorran Federation of hunting. Article 23. Special hunting licenses 1. Are special licenses that enable the hunting hunting certain species as a function of management plans. 2. The license is personal and non-transferable document hunt special tenure and the port which are required for the hunting of certain species. 3. The Government, by regulation, set the types of special licenses of hunting. Section 24. Delivery of hunting hunting license licenses and special licenses for hunting are delivered by the Ministry responsible for hunting, in the economic, administrative and conditions of validity laid down by this law and the regulations that develop it. Article 25. System of evaluation 1. The people who are applying for the first time a hunting license or the request having been disabled by administrative breech or court order must pass an evaluation on knowledge of wildlife, habitats, use of firearms and legislation on the protection of the environment, of hunting and weapons. 2. The Government, by regulation, establish the system of assessment, the contents and the minimum number of calls of the evaluation. Article 26. Prohibitions 1. Can't get the hunting license: to) those who do not meet the requirements and conditions established by law and regulations. b) Are disabled by judicial resolution. c) violators of this law or of the rules that develop as it does not prove the fulfilment of the penalty that has been imposed by a firm resolution relapse. of) those who have been sanctioned, a firm resolution to relapse into file, with the sanctioning of the hunting license suspension and disqualification for the, during the term of compliance with the sanction. 2. The persons who have been deprived of legally bear arms does not have the right to enjoy the hunting license. Article 27. Other requirements for the exercise of hunting for hunting is required: to) bring documentation at all times stating that the Hunter is the owner of the insurance policy of civil liability. b) was the owner of the firearm permit in force and bring it in conformity with the current regulations concerning the possession and transport of weapons. Article 28. Accompanying people who accompany or guide the hunters during the hunting practice should not be hunting license holders, but they can't bring gun or capture any piece. Title VI. Article 29 hunting season. Time limits the exercise of the right to hunt is subject to opening dates, and the days fixed anyalment by the Ministry responsible for hunting. Article 30. Hours 1. You can only catch of the day. "day" is understood to mean the time between sunrise and the first foscant. 2. It is forbidden to hunt snowing and during the 24 hours following the nevada if the snow covers the ground sufficiently to make it easy to follow the trail of the game, with the exception of the species and the species subject to hunting plan, according to established regulations. Article 31. Temporary ban of the Ministry responsible for the hunt can temporarily banned hunting in the areas affected by fires, floods, epizoòties or other special circumstances. Title VII. Hunting systems Article 32. Types of weapons 1. Only allowed the exercise of hunting with firearms, type shotgun or rifle, bow and with stab. 2. The only stab is authorized to give death a wounded animal. Article 33. Use of dogs 1. The use of dogs in hunting practice is defined by the regulatory pathway. 2. If you are hunting dogs, the hunter must act diligently enough to avoid that they can pass through without any control and cause damage. 3. Without prejudice to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it is understood that there is negligence in the courts when, after the Roundup, the Hunter does not have access to the body of the loss of the forest guard dog. 4. The use of dogs in hunting of chamois is prohibited. Article 34. Claims and The types of players use of claims or of sounds players in the practice of hunting are regulated by regulations. Article 35. Prohibitions it is forbidden to use the widgets and the following methods to hunt: a) Ties of all kinds, traps, nets, branches with League, hooks, ferrets and/or other media or similar methods. b) electrical appliances able to kill or stun; artificial light sources; mirrors and other dazzling objects; white lighting appliances; mira devices with electronic image converter; infrared devices. the residual light intensification devices; silencers and similar widgets. c) explosives, poisons, drowsy, emmetzinats lures or tranquilizers; gases or fumes; live animals used as a teaser. d) rifles and compressed air guns. e) semi-automatic Weapons with more than two cartridges, not counting the one in the bedroom; that is, the maximum allowed is three features with semi-automatic weapons, rifles and shotguns. The higher-capacity Chargers tenure to two cartridges is also prohibited. f) motor Vehicles, cable cars, chairlifts, ski lifts, aircraft and any mechanical means of transport, and any other use of widgets and/or methods contrary to the art of hunting in general. Title VIII. Advisory Committee of the Hunting Article 36. Collaborating entities The Andorran Federation of hunting, the Association of farmers and Ranchers of Andorra and the associations of animal protection and defence of nature, in accordance with the purposes set forth in its bylaws, act as partners of the Government agencies in compliance with this law, the regulations that develop and the complementary norms. Article 37. Advisory Committee of the hunt 1. The Monitoring Committee of the hunt, which is a consultative body made up of the following members: a) the Chairperson of the Commission, a position that falls on the Minister/head of the hunt. b) the Vice-President of the Commission, a position that falls on the president of the Andorran Federation of hunting. c) the supervisor or head of Department in charge of the hunt. d) a command of the area responsible for hunting. e) the supervisor or command of the forest guard's body. f) a representative of the Department responsible for hunting. g) Two members appointed by the Andorran Federation of hunting. h) one member appointed by the Association of farmers and Ranchers of Andorra. and a representative of protective associations) of animals and of defence of nature. 2. The objectives and functions of the Monitoring Committee of the hunt are, but not exhaustive, the monitoring and management of the hunt. 3. The Government establishes regulations for the operation of the Monitoring Committee of the hunt. Title IX. Infractions and sanctions Article 38. General layout 1. Failure to comply with this law gives rise to minor offences, serious or very serious. 2. If there is a criminal process in progress, concurring with an administrative record instructed to the same violation, suspended the processing of this last until until a firm judgment. 3. Without prejudice to the administrative or criminal liability in which have been incurred, violators have to satisfy the amount of the damages and damages caused. Article 39. Minor infractions 1. Are minor infractions, punishable with a fine of thirty (30) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year if it does not meet the fine, the following: a) do not undergo the captured pieces to the controls established by the regulations. b) return, outside the period established in the regulations, the dial-up system issued by the Government of capture of species subject to a game plan. c) Hunt is the owner of the hunting license, weapon and permission of the document that proves to be the owner of the insurance policy and do not take one or more of these documents. d) does not respect the requirements established by the authorization given by the Ministry to control adjustable species. e) Any other action or omission that violates the requirements of this Act or the regulations that develop and not be constitutive of an offence more serious than the precedents. 2. administrative offences Are minor, punishable with a fine of one hundred and fifty (150) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year if it does not meet the fine, the following: a) to use dogs without sufficient diligence to avoid that cause damage. b) in relation to the species subject to a plan of hunting, do not return the dial-up system to capture the animal issued by the Government set regulations as non-transferable between hunters (ring or other systems). c) in relation to the species subject to a hunting plan, register incorrectly dialing system to capture the animal issued by the Government set regulations as non-transferable between hunters (ring or other systems). Article 40. Serious offences 1. Administrative offenses are serious, punishable with a fine of three hundred (300) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year if it does not meet the fine, the following: a) and hard Not to look at a piece of clothing of high visibility orange color when it is in action or as a hunting companion , in the form of courts. b) Violating the security measures established by the regulations by the Government in the form of courts. c) to destroy or damage the installations and the ToolTips for the protection, promotion and information about the fauna and hunting areas. d) Hunt breaking the regulations in relation to the use of semi-automatic weapons set out in article 35. e. 2. administrative offences Are serious, punished with a fine of three hundred (300) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year, the following: a) Hunt species caçables not subject to hunting plan, outside of the corresponding working days within the period set out in the field common cinegetic. We apply a surcharge of fifty (50) euros per piece captured. b) Exceed the limitations established by regulation to capture and transport by day and Hunter of the caçables species not subject to hunting plan. We apply a surcharge of fifty (50) euros per piece captured more. c) Hunt snowing and 24 hours after snowfall, if the snow covers the ground sufficiently to make it easy to follow the trail of the game, with the exception of the species and the species subject to hunting plan. We apply a surcharge of fifty (50) euros per piece captured. d) Use dogs in the practice of the way defined by the regulations. e) in the form of courts, it does not communicate to the body of a dog's loss of Policemen after the RAID. f) Practice the hunting of Chamois using dogs. g) Violating the regulations on the use of claims or the devices sounds players established in article 34 and the regulation that develops. 3. administrative offences Are serious, punishable with a fine of one thousand (1,000) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year, the following actions relating to species subject to a game plan: to) Capture a different genre of the play adjudicated without prejudice to the requirements established by the hunting plan. b) Hunt outside of the corresponding working days within the period established. c) Hunting by means of the method of hunting is not established by the regulations. of the dial-up system Not required) when the Hunter is hunting action. 4. administrative offences Are serious, punishable with a fine of one thousand five hundred (1,500) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year, the following: a) perform any repopulation with caçables species without the prior authorization of the Ministry. b) does not comply with the indications that the duly authorized agent of the Government or a member of the body of Policemen in case of hunting with. c) Bring the gun loaded or without also awarded in the security zones defined in article 17. 5. administrative offences Are serious, punishable with a fine of one thousand five hundred (1,500) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable to get it for a year, the following actions relating to species subject to game plan: to) does not notify in the time established by the regulations to be able to perform the control of the catch. b) Register incorrectly labeling system to capture the animal issued by the Government set regulations as a transferable among hunters (ring or other systems). c) does not return the dial-up system to capture the animal issued by the Government set regulations as a transferable among hunters (ring or other systems). d) Hunt out of the management units where you apply the hunting plan. Article 41. Very serious offences 1. Administrative offences are very serious, punishable with a fine of two thousand (2,000) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable for it for three years, the following: a) Hunt a species does not caçable. b) Be hunting in action without being the owner of the hunting license. c) be in combat and not be the owner of the insurance policy of civil liability. d) be in combat and not be the owner of the firearm permit in force. e) Exercise hunting using weapons not allowed or with a purpose other than the permitted in accordance with article 32. f) Hunting rifles and pistols using compressed air. g) Control with any system or medium the movements of agents of the forest guard's body, with the aim of facilitating the illegal hunting or hide the pieces and hunting utensils, whether it's done personally as if it rubs off on other people. h) Infringe the regulations of transport, import and export of hunting and/or their meat. 2. administrative offences Are very serious, punishable with a fine of two thousand (2,000) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable for it for three years, the following actions relating to species subject to hunting plan. to) buy or sell marmots, or meat. b) consumption of chamois in public establishments. c) Make a screenshot with the dial-up system to capture the animal issued by the Government (or other ring systems) of another Hunter, as long as the rules establish that this system is not transferable between hunters. d) transfer dial-up system to capture the animal issued by the Government (or other ring systems) to another Hunter or between groups, as long as the rules establish that this system is not transferable between hunters or between gangs. e) Manipulate, damage or shut down improperly labeling system to capture the animal issued by the Government (or other ring systems). f) the lack of marking the captured piece in the manner established by the regulations or the lack of registration of the dial-up system of the animal's capture issued by the Government (or other ring systems). g) Move and/or transport any piece in a forbidden way. h) Capture specimens identified with and equipped facility. and) be in hunting action without being the holder of the special license. 4. administrative offences Are very serious, punishable with a fine of three thousand (3,000) euros, the suspension of the license of hunting and disable for it for three years, the following: a) does not help or hinder the tasks of Policemen. b) obstruction of the exercise of the functions of inspection, investigation and control that correspond to the Policemen's body in accordance with the powers attributed to it by the legislation. c) to hunt out of season without authorization. d) hunting at night without permission. e) Hunt the goats of Chamois at any time of the year. f) Do any restocking with caçables species that may trigger or cause genetic pollution or health risk among the population of existing local fauna. g) hunt and/or make use of weapons in game reserves with infringement of articles 14 and/or 16, without authorization. h) hunt and/or make use of weapons in temporary reserves hunting with infringement of articles 15 and 16 or, without authorization. I) Practice hunting in the security zones that is prohibited or without respecting the limitations for their practice when it is authorized. j) Hunt within the limits of the security zones without doing it in these areas. k) be in hunting action in areas of human activity in which hunting is prohibited by the regulations. the fighter banned areas) be in combat in temporarily in accordance with article 31. m) Hunt using all kinds of ties, traps, nets, branches with League, hooks, ferrets and/or other media or similar methods. n) Hunt using electrical appliances able to kill or stun, artificial light sources, mirrors, devices or other objects of dazzling white lighting, look at devices with electronic image converter, infrared devices, apparatus for intensification of the residual light, silencers and similar widgets. o) Hunt using explosives, poisons, drowsy, emmetzinats lures, or tranquilizers, gas or fumes and live animals as a claim. p) Hunt using motor vehicles, cable cars, chairlifts, ski lifts, aircraft and any mechanical means of transport, and any other use of widgets and/or methods contrary to the art of hunting in general. Article 42. Provisional Comís 1. Any police report serious or very serious infringement against rules of hunting entails making the weapons, ammunition, provisional comís and optical material and utensils or illegal systems, and of the game, dead or alive. In the game pieces are given the destination determined by the Government. The goods seized are comissats and on deposit at the expense of the Government, until the payment of the penalty, unless by judicial or administrative decision is available otherwise. 2. If the offender is a non-resident person is obliged, before leaving the country, to leave a deposit of the amount of the possible sanction provided for in the crowded of infringement, in addition to the comís specified in the previous section for minor infringements, serious and very serious. Article 43. Recidivism 1. Recidivism simple: does "recidivism simple" having two penalties of the same infringement of this law in a period of three years. 2. multiple Reoffending: is meant by "multiple number" the fact of having three penalties for the same offence in three years; or have two penalties of various infractions of this law in a period of two years. 3. The simple number in any of the offences established in this law, the use of a fictional identity and performance with violence or threats involve the application of double the amount of the penalty. 4. In the event of recidivism, the Government imposed multiple triple the amount of the penalty and disqualification for the hunting license for a year, to add to the disqualification as provided in this law. Article 44. Prescribing The offences to which this law refers to prescribe after a year with regard to minor offences, two years and three years, very serious. Article 45. Term the term of prescription of infringements will be counted from the day on which they have committed. The prescription of the exigibilitat of the infringements is interrupted with the opening of the corresponding sanctions. Article 46. Opening, processing and sanctioning resolution 1. Corresponds to the body of the Policemen opening and the processing of all the sanctioning and the resolution of the proceedings caused by mild and serious infringement. 2. The Minister responsible for hunting, or the person delegated by him, the resolution of the proceedings caused by very serious infringement. Repealing the hunting Act hereby repealed this law first, of 13 April 2000, and all other provisions that the versus offline. Repealing second are repealed articles 492 and 493 of law 9/2005, of 21 February, qualified of the criminal code. First final provision repealing The second of this law has the rank of law to the extent that agreement of two articles of the law 9/2005, of 21 February, qualified of the criminal code. The rest of the precepts of this law have the rank of ordinary law, without being subject to the limitations of the articles 57.3 and 60.2 KB of the Constitution. Second final provision the Government dictates the rules and regulations for the application and development of this law. Third final provision the amounts fixed in articles 39, 40 and 41 are updated periodically according to the budget Law. The fourth final provision this law enters into force within 15 days to be published in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. Casa de la Vall, 28 July 2016 Vicenç Mateu Zamora Syndic General Us the co-princes the sancionem and promulguem and let's get the publication in the official bulletin of the Principality of Andorra. Joan Enric Vives Sicília François Hollande Bishop of Urgell, President of the French Republic Co-prince of Andorra Co-prince of Andorra