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2282 Verbal Permits (Formerly Reg. No. 88)

Published: 2015

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Title 2 Transportation

Vehicle Services

2282 Verbal Permits (Formerly Reg. No. 88)

1.0 Authority

Pursuant to Title 21, Section 2103, the Department may, at its discretion, grant temporary or limited registration permits, in no case to be valid for more than 15 days.

2.0 Issuance of Verbal Permits

In accordance with the above-mentioned law and the Division's policy of issuing verbal permits since 1986, the following policy and procedures are hereby adopted:

2.1 The Division of Motor Vehicles will issue verbal permits to allow vehicle owners with expired license plates to bring vehicles to DMV lanes for inspection and registration renewal. The verbal permit will be issued using a taped telephone recording.

2.2 The vehicle owner will be required to drive the vehicle to the inspection lane by the most direct route and only during the hours DMV is open.

2.3 Proof of insurance for the vehicle is required.