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WAC 182-26-410: How To Appeal A Hip Decision

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 182 > Chapter 182-26 > Section 182-26-410



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 182-26-410

How to appeal a HIP decision.

(1) To appeal a HIP decision, submit a signed letter of appeal to the HIP. The HIP must receive the letter of appeal within thirty calendar days of the date of the decision. The letter of appeal should include:
(a) The appealing party's name, mailing address, and HIP account number if assigned;
(b) A copy of the notice of the decision being appealed or an explanation of the decision being appealed; and
(c) A statement explaining why the appealing party believes the decision was incorrect, outlining the facts surrounding the decision and including supporting documents.
(2) If an appealing party would like an opportunity to explain in person or by phone, the appealing party should include that in the letter of appeal.
(3) Within fifteen calendar days of the date the HIP receives the letter of appeal, the HIP will send the appealing party written confirmation of receipt of the appeal. If requested by the appealing party, the HIP will schedule an opportunity for the appealing party to explain in person or by phone.
(4) Within sixty calendar days of the date the HIP receives the letter of appeal, the HIP will send the appealing party written notice of the HIP appeal decision. If the appeal is from a third party, the HIP will send a copy of the notice to the appealing party. The notice will include the reasons for the appeal decision and instructions for requesting a review of the appeal decision.
(5) The appeal decision becomes the final agency decision unless the HIP receives a valid request for an additional review from the appealing party. To be valid the request must:
• Be received by the HIP within thirty calendar days of the date of the appeal decision;
• Include a summary of the decision to be reviewed and explain why the appealing party believes the decision was incorrect; and
• Provide additional information or documents the appealing party would like the HIP to consider in the review.
(6) When a valid request for an additional review is received, HIP appeal decisions will be reviewed by a presiding officer according to the requirements of RCW 34.05.488 through 34.05.494. These review decisions will be based on the record and documents submitted, unless the presiding officer decides that an in-person or telephone hearing is needed. If an in-person or telephone hearing is needed, the presiding officer will decide whether to conduct the hearing as an informal hearing or formal adjudicative proceeding.
(7) The presiding officer will send a written notice of the review decision, including the reasons for the decision, within twenty-one calendar days of receiving the request for review, unless the presiding officer finds that additional time is needed for the decision.
(8) If the appealing party disagrees with a review decision under subsection (5) of this section, he or she may request judicial review of the decision, as provided for in RCW 34.05.542.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.47A.060. WSR 08-22-041 (Order 08-02), § 182-26-410, filed 10/31/08, effective 12/1/08.]