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WAC 172-90-140: Summary Process

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 172 > Chapter 172-90 > Section 172-90-140



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 172-90-140

Summary process.

(1) Initiation: The summary process may be initiated when: (a) The instructor and student both agree to the summary process; (b) The vice-provost agrees that the summary process is appropriate to the circumstances; (c) The student has no prior violations of academic integrity; and (d) The alleged behavior would most likely not warrant a sanction of suspension or expulsion. (2) Student notification: The vice-provost will notify the student of the violation, proposed sanctions, and of their response options. Notification will be made to the student's official university e-mail address. If the student is no longer enrolled in the university, the vice-provost shall send the notification to the student's last known address. Notification will include: (a) All information provided by the instructor when the violation was reported and all documents related to the alleged violation. However, information and documents should be redacted to the extent their release would compromise test or examination contents or if the documents include other student's education records; (b) Documents related to the alleged violation; (c) A description of the university's academic integrity rules and processes, including a list of possible sanctions; (d) A description of the student's options; and (e) Contact information for the vice-provost's office where the student can request further information and assistance. (3) Student response options:
(a) Concur: The student may accept responsibility for the stated violation and accept all sanctions imposed and/or recommended by the instructor. The student indicates their acceptance by following the instructions provided with the notification. The vice-provost will coordinate sanctioning with the instructor and/or the AIB as needed. (b) Conference: If a conference had not already occurred, the student may request to meet with the instructor in order to discuss the alleged violation and/or proposed sanction(s). If the instructor declines the request, the matter will be referred to the AIB for further review and action. The instructor and student may discuss the matter by any means that is agreeable to both (e.g., in-person, telephonically, or via e-mail). The student shall contact the instructor to arrange a discussion time/method. (i) In arranging a conference, the instructor shall make a reasonable effort to accommodate the student's preferences, but is not obligated to meet with the student outside of normal "office" hours. If the student and instructor cannot agree on a date/time to meet, the instructor or student may refer the matter to the AIB for review and action. (ii) During a conference, the instructor and student will attempt to reach an agreement regarding the allegation and sanction(s). (iii) If the student and instructor come to an agreement, the instructor will inform the vice-provost of the outcome. The vice-provost will coordinate sanctioning with the instructor and/or the AIB as needed. (iv) If the student and the instructor cannot come to an agreement within seven instruction days, the instructor will inform the vice-provost and the matter will then be referred for AIB review and action. (c) AIB review: The student may request that the matter be referred to the AIB for review and further action. (d) Failure to respond: If the student does not respond to the notification within three instruction days, the vice-provost will send another notification to the student. Failure of the student to respond to the second notification within three instruction days will be treated as an admission of responsibility and acceptance of the proposed sanctions. The vice-provost will coordinate with the instructor to impose the appropriate sanction(s). [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.35.120(12). WSR 15-14-079, § 172-90-140, filed 6/29/15, effective 7/30/15; WSR 14-20-082, § 172-90-140, filed 9/29/14, effective 10/30/14.]