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WAC 392-151-025: Route Plans

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 392 > Chapter 392-151 > Section 392-151-025



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 392-151-025

Route plans.

Suggested route plans shall be developed for each elementary school that has students who walk to and from school. It shall recommend school routes based on considerations of traffic patterns, existing traffic controls, and other crossing protection aids such as school patrols. These route plans shall limit the number of school crossings so that students move through the crossings in groups, allowing only one entrance-exit from each block to and from school. The route to school plan shall be distributed to all students with instructions that it be taken home and discussed with the parents.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.61.385. WSR 96-22-057 (Order 96-17), § 392-151-025, filed 11/1/96, effective 12/2/96; Order 7-75, § 392-151-025, filed 12/22/75. Formerly WAC 392-24-220.]