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WAC 388-145-2070: What record keeping requirements exist for medically fragile children?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-145 > Section 388-145-2070



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-145-2070

What record keeping requirements exist for medically fragile children?

(1) In addition to meeting standard requirements for keeping records per WAC 388-145-1520 and 388-145-1525, you must also keep the following information for medically fragile children that have been in placement for more than thirty days in your facility: (a) Report of a physical examination and diagnosis by a physician and information about the child's daily care including treatment plans, medications, observations, medical examinations, physicians' orders, proper treatment for allergic reactions, consent authorizations, releases, diagnostic reports, and revisions of assessments; (b) Upon discharge, a summary including diagnoses, treatments, and prognosis by the person responsible for providing care, and any instructions and referrals for continuity of care; and (c) Evidence of meeting criteria for eligibility for services from the developmental disabilities administration, if appropriate. [Statutory Authority: Chapters 13.34 and 74.13 RCW, RCW 74.15.030(2), 74.15.311(2), 74.13.032, 13.04.011, 74.13.020, 13.34.030, 74.13.031, 13.34.145, 74.15.311, 74.15.030, and 2013 c 105. WSR 15-01-069, § 388-145-2070, filed 12/11/14, effective 1/11/15.]