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WAC 200-01-075: Costs of providing public records

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 200 > Chapter 200-01 > Section 200-01-075



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 200-01-075

Costs of providing public records.

(1) There is no fee for inspecting public records. DES may impose a charge for providing public records. DES will maintain a fee schedule on its web site.
(2) The charge for providing public records may be the actual cost incident to providing the records.
(a) The charge may include the actual cost of the postage or delivery, including the cost of the shipping container, cost of duplicating tape recordings, videotapes, photographs, slides, disks or similar media.
(b) There will be no charge for e-mailing electronic records to a requestor, unless another cost applies.
(3) If determining the actual cost is too burdensome or if the cost cannot be determined, DES may charge fifteen cents for each page, however produced.
(4) Before beginning to copy public records, the public records officer may require:
(a) A deposit of up to ten percent of the estimated costs of copying all the records selected by the requestor;
(b) The payment of the remainder of the copying costs before providing all the records; or
(c) The payment of the costs of copying an installment before providing that installment. The department will not charge sales tax when it makes copies of public records.
(5) Payment may be made by cash in the exact amount charged, check, or money order to the department of enterprise services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.19.011 and chapter 42.56 RCW. WSR 12-02-004, § 200-01-075, filed 12/22/11, effective 1/22/12.]