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WAC 132E-120-310: Student conduct committee hearing procedures

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132E > Chapter 132E-120 > Section 132E-120-310



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WAC 132E-120-310

Student conduct committee hearing procedures.

(1) The student conduct committee shall conduct a hearing within fourteen working days after disciplinary action has been referred to it. Proceedings shall be governed by chapter 34.05 RCW. (2) Proceedings before the student conduct committee shall be conducted in a manner that will bring about a prompt and fair resolution. (3) The student has a right to a fair and impartial hearing before the student conduct committee on any allegation of violating the student conduct code and shall be provided notice of the hearing at least seven days in advance. If the student fails to attend the hearing held by the student conduct committee, the committee may proceed with the findings of fact, conclusions and recommendations. (4) The student may appear with another to advise and assist him/her as he/she appears before the student conduct committee. Any person who accompanies the student may provide support or guidance to the student, but may not speak, represent, or advocate for the student before the college official or student conduct committee. An accommodation of a spokesperson (a person who would address the college official, or assist the person in addressing the college official) may be approved if a person's disability warrants such an accommodation. Other circumstances regarding a request by the student for the use of a spokesperson would be considered by the chief student affairs officer or designee. (5) The student may have a duly licensed attorney, admitted to practice in the state of Washington, present at the hearing to advise the student in the presentation of his/her appeal. The attorney may not address the student conduct committee unless he/she is called as a material witness in the case. An accommodation of the student's attorney addressing the college official, or assisting the person in addressing the college official may be approved if the student's disability warrants such an accommodation. Other circumstances regarding a request by the student for the use of a spokesperson will be considered by the chief student affairs officer or designee. If the student chooses to have an attorney present to advise him/her, the student shall notify the chair at least five days prior to the hearing. (6) The chief student affairs officer or designated representative(s) shall make the first presentation. Each witness may be cross-examined by the student; and after cross-examination is completed, any committee member who wishes may ask questions of the witness but only after both direct examination and cross-examination of the witness have been completed. Upon completion of the presentation by the student, both sides shall then be permitted to make any closing arguments after which the committee may ask questions. (7) The hearing will then be closed and the committee will retire to executive session for deliberation. At the conclusion of the executive session, the proceeding will be adjourned and the student conduct committee shall, within ten working days, make findings of facts, conclusions, and recommend disciplinary action/sanctions as appropriate, if any. (8) The record in a formal hearing shall consist of all documents as required by law and as specified in RCW 34.05.476. (9) All records of disciplinary proceedings shall be maintained in the appropriate administrative office and shall be available only during the course of the disciplinary proceedings to the student conduct committee, the student, and his/her attorney, and any other college official designated by the president. (10) Following the conclusion of the disciplinary proceedings, access to records of the case and the hearing files will be limited to the student and to those designated by the college president. (11) The time of the hearing may be advanced by the student conduct committee at the request of the student or continued for good cause. (12) If at any time during the hearing a visitor disrupts the proceedings, the chair of the student conduct committee may exclude that person from the hearing room. (13) A recorder shall be present at the hearing to record the proceedings. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 14-04-048, § 132E-120-310, filed 1/27/14, effective 2/27/14. Statutory Authority: Chapters 28B.50 and 28B.10 RCW. WSR 07-11-165, § 132E-120-310, filed 5/23/07, effective 6/23/07. Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 00-17-015, § 132E-120-310, filed 8/3/00, effective 9/3/00.]