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WAC 388-76-10995: Notice, hearing rights, and effective dates relating to imposition of remedies

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-76 > Section 388-76-10995



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-76-10995

Notice, hearing rights, and effective dates relating to imposition of remedies.

(1) Chapter 34.05 RCW applies to department actions under this chapter and chapter 70.128 RCW, except that orders of the department imposing license suspension, stop placement, or conditions on license are effective immediately upon notice and must continue pending a final administrative decision.
(2) An adult family home contesting the imposition of any remedy by the department must within twenty-eight days of receipt of the decision:
(a) File a written application for an adjudicative proceeding by a method showing proof of receipt to the agency at the mailing address contained in the department's notice imposing the remedy; and
(b) Include in or with the application:
(i) The reasons for contesting the department decision; and
(ii) A copy of the contested department decision.
(3) Administrative proceedings are governed by chapter 34.05 RCW, RCW 43.20A.215, where applicable, this section, and chapter 388-02 WAC. If any provision in this chapter conflicts with chapter 388-02 WAC, the provision in this chapter applies.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040. WSR 10-03-064, § 388-76-10995, filed 1/15/10, effective 2/15/10; WSR 09-03-029, § 388-76-10995, filed 1/12/09, effective 2/12/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. WSR 07-21-080, § 388-76-10995, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]