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WAC 458-20-235: Effect of rate changes on prior contracts and sales agreements

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 458 > Chapter 458-20 > Section 458-20-235



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 458-20-235

Effect of rate changes on prior contracts and sales agreements.

(1) Introduction. This section explains the principals that determine the applicability of changes in the rates of tax imposed under the Revenue Act, with respect to contracts, sales agreements, and installment sales made prior to the effective date of the change.
(2) Unconditional sales contracts.

• When an unconditional sales contract to sell tangible personal property is entered into prior to the effective date of a rate change, and the property is delivered after the rate change date, the new tax rate applies to the transaction.
• When an unconditional sales contract to sell tangible personal property is entered into prior to the effective date, and the property is delivered prior to the rate change date, the tax rate in effect for the prior period applies.
• When a contract to sell tangible personal property contains a specific provision to pass title at some time prior to delivery of the property, such a specific provision is controlling and the tax rate in effect at that time applies.
(3) Conditional and installment sales. The taxes due on conditional and installment sales must be wholly reported during the period in which the sale is made (see WAC 458-20-198 Installment sales, method of reporting), even when the seller receives payment in installments. Sellers who receive installment payments after the effective date of a rate change on conditional and installment sales made prior to that date do not need to adjust the installment payment amounts to reflect the rate change.
(4) Leasing or rental of tangible personal property. Lessors who lease tangible personal property are required to collect from their lessees the retail sales tax measured by the gross income from leases or rentals as of the time the lease or rental payments are due (WAC 458-20-211 Leases or rentals of tangible personal property, bailments). Lessors must collect and remit taxes to the department of revenue (department) at the new rates on all lease or rental payments due on and after the effective date of a rate change, including lease or rental payments on contracts entered into prior to that date.
(5) Repairing or improving tangible personal or real property. When persons install, repair, clean, alter, imprint, or improve tangible person property for others, or improve buildings or other structures upon real property of others:
• Sales and use tax rate increases apply to the first billing period starting on or after the effective date of the increase; and
• Sales and use tax rate decreases apply when bills are rendered on or after the effective date of the decrease. (RCW 82.08.064)
The new tax rate applies to the full contract amount if the contract was executed prior to the effective date of the rate change, unless the contract work is completed and accepted prior to the effective date.
If under the terms of the contract, the seller is entitled to periodic payments, which amounts are calculated to compensate the seller for the work completed to the date of payment, the applicable tax rates upon such payments (including, in the case of public works contracts, the percentage retained by the public agency pursuant to the provisions of RCW 60.28.010) will be those in effect at the time the seller is entitled to receive the payments.
(6) Do you have questions on rate changes? If you have questions on how a rate change may affect you, please contact the Telephone Information Center at 1- 800-647-7706, or write the department at:
Taxpayer Information and Education
Department of Revenue
P.O. Box 47478
Olympia, WA 98504-7478.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300, 82.01.060(2), and 82.08.064. WSR 10-07-135, § 458-20-235, filed 3/23/10, effective 4/23/10. Statutory Authority: RCW 82.32.300. WSR 83-07-032 (Order ET 83-15), § 458-20-235, filed 3/15/83; Order ET 70-3, § 458-20-235 (Rule 235), filed 5/29/70, effective 7/1/70.]