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Chapter 468-38 Wac: Vehicle Size And Weight-Highway Restrictions-Equipment

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WACs > Title 468 > Chapter 468-38

Last Update: 9/19/13

Chapter 468-38 WAC


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Purpose and scope.




Temporary additional tonnage permits.


Special permits for extra-legal loads.


Maximums and other criteria for special permits—Nondivisible.


Maximums and other criteria for special permits—Divisible.


Measurement exclusive devices.


Special permit exemptions for authorized vehicles and/or loads.


Emergency load restrictions for heavy vehicles.


Emergency road restrictions due to weather or other conditions.


Pilot/escort vehicle and operator requirements.


Transport of extra-legal manufactured housing.


Safety equipment for special permit moves.


Highway travel restrictions—Days, times and highway use.


Tow trucks—Permitting for oversize/overweight.


Specialized equipment.


Retractable axles.


Farm implements.


Building/house moves.




Bridge restrictions.


Permitting for emergency responses.


Three-vehicle combinations. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 83-16-018 (Order 39, Resolution No. 195), § 468-38-010, filed 7/25/83; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-010, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-010, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-010.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Temporary additional tonnage permits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 94-07-054 (Order 142), § 468-38-020, filed 3/11/94, effective 3/11/94; WSR 85-22-002 (Order 50, Resolution No. 253), § 468-38-020, filed 10/24/85; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-020, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-020, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-020.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-080 (part).

Compliance with federal bridge law. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.098. WSR 88-01-081 (Order 65, Resolution No. 312), § 468-38-035, filed 12/21/87.] Repealed by WSR 91-10-023 (Order 71), filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071.

Special log tolerance transportation permits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-040, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-040, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-040, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-040.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Liability of permittee. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-060, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-160. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-060, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-060.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-050.

Loading restrictions and requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 83-16-018 (Order 39, Resolution No. 195), § 468-38-090, filed 7/25/83; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-090, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-370. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-090, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-095.] Repealed by WSR 00-11-019 (Order 197), filed 5/9/00, effective 6/9/00. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Escort vehicle requirements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 03-20-070, § 468-38-110, filed 9/29/03, effective 10/30/03; WSR 00-11-020 (Order 198), § 468-38-110, filed 5/9/00, effective 6/9/00; WSR 99-08-025 (Order 191), § 468-38-110, filed 3/30/99, effective 4/30/99; WSR 98-16-048 (Order 179), § 468-38-110, filed 7/31/98, effective 8/31/98; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-110, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-190. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-110, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-110.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-100.

Lights—Stop and turn signals. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-130, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-410. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-130, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-200.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Transportation of radioactive or hazardous materials. [Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.270, 47.48.010 and 47.48.050. WSR 84-05-045 (Order 89), § 468-38-135, filed 2/21/84.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-095.

Flags. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-140, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-200. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-140, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-210.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Flagpersons. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-150, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-210 and 468-38-220. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-150, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-300.] Repealed by WSR 99-07-098 (Order 190), filed 3/23/99, effective 4/23/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Rear-view mirrors for overwidth loads. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 98-16-088 (Order 181), § 468-38-160, filed 8/5/98, effective 9/5/98; WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-160, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-160, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-160, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-303.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Amber lights on escort vehicles. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-170, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-230. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-170, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-306.] Repealed by WSR 99-07-098 (Order 190), filed 3/23/99, effective 4/23/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Brakes. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-180, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-400. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-180, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-309.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Signs. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 92-22-074 (Order 132), § 468-38-190, filed 11/2/92, effective 12/3/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071. WSR 91-10-022 (Order 70), § 468-38-190, filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-190, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-240. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-190, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-312.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Safety chains and devices. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-200, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-200, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-420. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-200, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-315.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Two-way radio. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-210, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-250. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-210, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-318.] Repealed by WSR 99-07-098 (Order 190), filed 3/23/99, effective 4/23/99. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Moves in convoy. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-220, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-360. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-220, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-321.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Days on which permit movements are prohibited. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 98-24-024 (Order 185), § 468-38-230, filed 11/23/98, effective 12/24/98; WSR 92-22-074 (Order 132), § 468-38-230, filed 11/2/92, effective 12/3/92; WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-230, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-230, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-260. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-230, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-324.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Commuter traffic restrictions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 92-22-074 (Order 132), § 468-38-235, filed 11/2/92, effective 12/3/92; WSR 84-04-011 (Order 40, Resolution No. 210), § 468-38-235, filed 1/20/84; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-235, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-300.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Cargo prohibition on reversible lane roadways. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-240, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-070. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-240, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-327.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Days on which permits are issued. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 03-02-057, § 468-38-250, filed 12/27/02, effective 1/1/03; WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-250, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-250, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-270. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-250, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-330.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-050.

Night-time movements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 98-12-063 (Order 177), § 468-38-260, filed 6/1/98, effective 6/1/98; WSR 92-22-074 (Order 132), § 468-38-260, filed 11/2/92, effective 12/3/92. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071. WSR 91-10-023 and 91-10-054 (Orders 71 and 71A), § 468-38-260, filed 4/23/91 and 4/29/91, effective 5/24/91 and 5/30/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-260, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-260, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-290. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-260, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-333.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Drawbar—Towlines. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-300, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-430. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-300, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-345.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-155.

Adverse weather. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-310, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-310, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-348.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-095.

Enforcement officer may restrict movements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-320, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-320, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-351.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-095.

Consideration of traveling public. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-330, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-330, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-354.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Speed limits. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 03-03-035, § 468-38-340, filed 1/10/03, effective 1/10/03; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-340, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-340, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-357.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-175.

Lane of travel. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-350, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-350, filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-350, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-360.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090.

Triple saddle mounts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 85-22-002 (Order 50, Resolution No. 253), § 468-38-370, filed 10/24/85; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-370, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-450. WSR 81-15-098 (Order 25, Resolution No. 119), § 468-38-370, filed 7/22/81. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-370, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-366.] Repealed by WSR 91-10-023 (Order 71), filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071.

Special permits for movement over state highways of overleaf size or weight loads—Construction equipment. [Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-380, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-369.] Repealed by WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-270.

Winter road restrictions. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 02-06-106, § 468-38-390, filed 3/5/02, effective 4/5/02; WSR 92-22-074 (Order 132), § 468-38-390, filed 11/2/92, effective 12/3/92; WSR 89-23-110 (Order 68), § 468-38-390, filed 11/22/89, effective 12/23/89; WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-390, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-280. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-390, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-372.] Repealed by WSR 05-04-053, filed 1/28/05, effective 2/28/05. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-095.

Load limitations on state highways within Mount Rainier National Park. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-400, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-050. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-400, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-375.] Repealed by WSR 91-10-023 (Order 71), filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071.

Load limitations on certain state highways adjacent to Mount Rainier National Park. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-410, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-060. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-410, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-378.] Repealed by WSR 91-10-023 (Order 71), filed 4/23/91, effective 5/24/91. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090 and 47.01.071.

Load limitation on State Route 11. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-430, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-140. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-430, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-384.] Repealed by WSR 86-20-030 (Order 105), filed 9/24/86. Statutory Authority: RCW 47.01.260 and 47.01.101(5).

Reservation of facilities for transit and cardoons. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), § 468-38-440, filed 8/20/82. Formerly WAC 468-38-080 and 468-38-090. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-440, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-387.] Repealed by WSR 83-19-013 (Order 83), filed 9/12/83. Statutory Authority: RCW 34.04.010, 46.61.165 and 47.52.025.

Special permits for movement over state highways of overleaf size or weight loads—Triple saddle mounts. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.038. WSR 80-04-044 (Order 14, Resolution No. 71), § 468-38-450, filed 3/20/80. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-450, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-390.] Repealed by WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-370.

Farm implements. [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. WSR 81-15-097 (Order 24, Resolution No. 118), § 468-38-460, filed 7/22/81. Statutory Authority: 1977 ex.s. c 151. WSR 79-01-033 (DOT Order 10 and Comm. Order 1, Resolution No. 13), § 468-38-460, filed 12/20/78. Formerly WAC 252-24-393.] Repealed by WSR 82-18-010 (Order 31, Resolution No. 156), filed 8/20/82. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.44.090. Later promulgation, see WAC 468-38-290.