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WAC 388-828-9235: How does DDD determine your environmental support score?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-828 > Section 388-828-9235



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-828-9235

How does DDD determine your environmental support score?

DDD determines your environmental support score by adding the sum of your assessment responses to employment support limitations in the following table:

Response Employment Support/Limitations Score

1 Behaviors impact workplace 1

2 Employment goals too specific 1

3 Fearful/scared of new situations 0

4 Frequent job changes 1

5 High turnover of natural supports 1

6 Hygiene issues unresolved 1

7 Lacks social skills 1

8 Little work history 1

9 Narrow scope of job requirements 1

10 Needs support arranging childcare 1

11 Others not supportive of employment goals 1

12 Others unable to support employment goals 1

13 Transportation 1

14 Unable to regularly get to work on time 1

15 Uncertain about work 0

16 Uncooperative/lacks motivation 0

Maximum employment support limitation score is: 13

Example: If you have selected responses 1, 3, 8, 13, and 15, the sum of your scores for employment support limitations would be 3, resulting in an environmental support score of 3 for WAC 388-828-9230.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.020(3), 71A.12.040(4), and 2009 c 564 §§ 103(7) and 205(c). WSR 11-13-039, § 388-828-9235, filed 6/8/11, effective 7/9/11.]