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WAC 388-76-10980: Remedies-Specific-Stop placement-Admissions prohibited

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-76 > Section 388-76-10980



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-76-10980

Remedies—Specific—Stop placement—Admissions prohibited.

(1) The department may order stop placement and prohibit the admission of residents if the home does not meet the requirements of chapters 70.128, 70.129, 74.32 RCW or this chapter. (2) Once imposed, the adult family home must not admit any person until the stop placement order is terminated. (3) If the home requests, the department may approve readmission of a resident to the home from a hospital or nursing home during the stop placement. (4) The department must end the stop placement only after the department finds the: (a) Deficiencies necessitating the stop placement have been corrected; and (b) Home can show it has the capacity to maintain adequate care and service. [Statutory Authority: Chapter 70.128 RCW. WSR 15-03-037, § 388-76-10980, filed 1/12/15, effective 2/12/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 70.128.040 and chapters 70.128 and 74.34 RCW. WSR 07-21-080, § 388-76-10980, filed 10/16/07, effective 1/1/08.]