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§10-9.1-4  Application – Contents. –

Published: 2015

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Courts and civil procedure–Procedure in particular actions

CHAPTER 10-9.1

Post Conviction Remedy

SECTION 10-9.1-4

   § 10-9.1-4  Application – Contents.


The application shall identify the proceedings in which the applicant was

convicted, give the date of the entry of the judgment and sentence complained

of, specifically set forth the grounds upon which the application is based, and

clearly state the relief desired. Facts within the personal knowledge of the

applicant shall be set forth separately from other allegations of facts and

shall be verified as provided in § 10-9.1-3. Affidavits, records, or other

evidence supporting its allegations shall be attached to the application or the

application shall recite why they are not attached. The application shall

identify all previous proceedings, together with the grounds therein asserted,

taken by the applicant to secure relief from his or her conviction or sentence.

Argument, citations, and discussion of authorities are unnecessary.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1974, ch. 220, § 3.)