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WAC 132Z-115-065: Conduct review hearings-Review of initial decision

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 132Z > Chapter 132Z-115 > Section 132Z-115-065



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WAC 132Z-115-065

Conduct review hearings—Review of initial decision.

(1) Requests for review of the initial decision of the conduct review officer will be heard by the vice-president (or designee). The vice-president shall have the same authority on review as the conduct review officer to take disciplinary action. (2) The vice-president will review the hearing record and will afford the parties the opportunity to file written statements explaining their views of the matter. The vice-president may make any inquiries necessary to ascertain whether the proceeding should be referred to the student conduct committee for a formal hearing. (3) Within twenty days of the date for the parties to submit written statements, the vice-president will serve a written review decision upon the respondent, the student conduct officer, and any complainant in a proceeding involving sexual misconduct allegations. The review decision will explain the reasons for the decision and will provide a notice that judicial review may be available. (4) In a proceeding involving sexual misconduct allegations, the review decision will explain the reasons for modifying any disciplinary action taken with respect to such allegations. The copy of the decision provided to a complainant will be redacted as needed to exclude any confidential student information not relating to the sexual misconduct allegations. (5) The review decision of the vice-president (or designee) shall be final. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 15-14-013, § 132Z-115-065, filed 6/19/15, effective 7/20/15.]