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§6-11-3  Sterling Silver. –

Published: 2015

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Commercial Law – General Regulatory Provisions


Gold and Silver Products

SECTION 6-11-3

   § 6-11-3  Sterling silver. –

Any person, firm, corporation, or association who or that makes for sale or

sells, or offers to sell or dispose of, or has in his, her, or its possession

with intent to sell or dispose of, any article of merchandise made in whole or

in part of silver or of any alloy of silver, and having marked, stamped,

branded, engraved, or imprinted upon any part of the article, or upon any tag,

card, or label attached to it, or upon any box, package, cover, or wrapper in

which the article is encased or enclosed, the words "sterling silver" or

"sterling," or any colorable imitation thereof, unless nine hundred twenty-five

one-thousandths ( 9 2 5/1000) of the component parts of the metal appearing or

purporting to be silver of which the article is manufactured are pure silver,

subject to the qualifications prescribed by this chapter, is guilty of a

misdemeanor; provided, that in the case of all articles, there shall be allowed

a divergence in fineness of four one-thousandths ( 4/1000) parts from the

previously mentioned standard.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1907, ch. 1454, § 2; G.L. 1909, ch. 199, § 2; G.L. 1923, ch.

226, § 2; G.L. 1938, ch. 399, § 2; G.L. 1956, § 6-11-3; P.L.

2014, ch. 528, § 7.)