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WAC 458-53-210: Appeals

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 458 > Chapter 458-53 > Section 458-53-210


End of Chapter

No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 458-53-210


If an assessor, landowner, or owner of an intercounty utility or private car company has reviewed the ratio study as provided in WAC 458-53-200, that person or company may appeal the department's indicated ratio determination, as certified for that county, to the state board of tax appeals pursuant to RCW 82.03.130(5). The appeal to the state board of tax appeals must be filed not later than fifteen days after the date of mailing of the certification.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 84.08.010, 84.08.070 and 84.48.075. WSR 96-05-002, § 458-53-210, filed 2/8/96, effective 3/10/96. Statutory Authority: RCW 84.48.075. WSR 84-14-039 (Order PT 84-2), § 458-53-210, filed 6/29/84; WSR 79-11-029 (Order PT 79-3), § 458-53-210, filed 10/11/79. Formerly WAC 458-52-150.]