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WAC 381-70-030: Scope

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 381 > Chapter 381-70 > Section 381-70-030



No agency filings affecting this section since 2003

WAC 381-70-030


(1) The provisions of this chapter shall apply to adult felony offenders granted parole from a Washington prison sentence who are alleged to have violated the terms of their order of parole, those state officials charged with the supervision of such parolees, and parties to parole revocation hearings.
(2) The indeterminate sentence review board will exercise its authority over parolees in a manner that:
(a) Places a high priority on public safety.
(b) Facilitates sentencing system transition consistent with the purposes of the Sentencing Reform Act.
(c) Imposes only those reasonable and enforceable conditions of parole necessary to encourage responsibility, and to assist the offender's lawful reintegration into the community.
(d) Supports the role and responsibility of the community corrections officer to assist offenders to reenter the community in a law abiding manner.
(3) The indeterminate sentence review board, as the successor agency to the board of prison terms and paroles, was directed by the legislature to facilitate the transition to the determinate sentencing system and to implement a gradual phase out of the indeterminate system. Violations of parole, including felony behavior being prosecuted under the Sentencing Reform Act, shall be considered.
(4) In making a parole revocation or reinstatement decision, the indeterminate sentence review board will consider the following factors in addition to factors that are case specific:
(a) Whether or not the parole violation behavior also resulted in an SRA conviction;
(b) The relationship of the parole violations behavior to the committing offense and the nature of the violation;
(c) The length of time the parolee has been on parole as well as time previously served on the conviction;
(d) The perspective and recommendation of the victim;
(e) The recommendation and supporting reasons offered by the community corrections officer, the parolee, and the assistant attorney general;
(f) The level of risk to the community posed by the parolee;
(g) The previous board action during the period of parole;
(h) Purposes and ranges of the SRA as well as the original judge and prosecutor's recommendations;
(i) The sanction range under the administrative sanction grid.
[WSR 98-09-045, § 381-70-030, filed 4/15/98, effective 4/13/98. WSR 92-22-008 § 381-70-030, filed 10/21/92, effective 10/19/92. WSR 91-14-029, § 381-70-030, filed 6/26/91, effective 7/27/91.]

Reviser's note: Under RCW 34.05.030 (1)(c), as amended by section 103, chapter 288, Laws of 1988, the above section was not adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, but was published in the Washington State Register and codified into the Washington Administrative Code exactly as shown by the agency filing with history notes added by the code reviser's office.