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WAC 181-78A-125: Field placement agreements

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 181 > Chapter 181-78A > Section 181-78A-125



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 181-78A-125

Field placement agreements.

Beginning September 1, 2010, all educator preparation programs approved or authorized by the professional educator standards board or programs approved in other states operating field experiences in Washington state shall establish and maintain field placement agreements with all Washington school districts in which candidates are placed for field experiences leading to certification or endorsement. Each field placement agreement shall include, but not be limited to: (1) Assurances that: (a) Fingerprint and character clearance under RCW 28A.410.010 must be current at all times during the field experience for candidates who do not hold a valid Washington certificate; and (b) Programs shall ensure candidates are placed in settings where they can be objectively evaluated. (2) Qualifications of the proposed site supervisor for each site and qualifications of each school's cooperating educator/administrator; (3) Clear description by institution of duties and responsibilities of site supervisor and cooperating educator/administrator; (4) Anticipated length and nature of field experience; (5) Signatures from district representative. [Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.410.210. WSR 14-16-023, § 181-78A-125, filed 7/25/14, effective 8/25/14; WSR 11-23-073, § 181-78A-125, filed 11/15/11, effective 12/16/11; WSR 09-24-047, § 181-78A-125, filed 11/24/09, effective 12/25/09.]