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WAC 388-828-9325: How does DDD determine the number of hours you may receive for employment support services?

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 388 > Chapter 388-828 > Section 388-828-9325



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 388-828-9325

How does DDD determine the number of hours you may receive for employment support services?

DDD determines the number of hours you may receive for employment services using information from the following:
(1) Your employment support level determined as described in WAC 388-828-9205;
(2) Your employment status determined as described in WAC 388-828-9330;
(3) Your employment service level and employment service hours determined as described in WAC 388-828-9335;
(4) Your employment service type;
(5) You meet one of the conditions identified as described in WAC 388-828-9345 and require add-on hours identified in WAC 388-828-9350.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030 and 2012 c 49. WSR 13-01-076, § 388-828-9325, filed 12/18/12, effective 1/18/13.]