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WAC 308-103-070: Continuances

Published: 2015

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WACs > Title 308 > Chapter 308-103 > Section 308-103-070



Agency filings affecting this section

WAC 308-103-070


(1) After a hearing has been scheduled, it may be continued, rescheduled, or adjourned only at the discretion of the hearing officer. (2) Requests for a continuance, reschedule, or adjournment must be made in writing, to the assigned hearing officer, and shall include the basis for the request. (3) Except in the case of an emergency, the hearing officer must receive the continuance request at least two business days before the scheduled hearing. Absent an emergency, requests made with less than two business days' notice may be summarily denied. (4) The hearing officer may continue, adjourn, or reschedule at any time, including on the date of the administrative hearing. (5) Hearings that are continued, rescheduled, or adjourned may be reset to a date within sixty days of the driver's arrest, or within sixty days of the date notice of the department's intention to suspend, revoke, or deny the petitioner's license, permit, or privilege to drive is given in the event notice is given by the department following a blood test, unless a written waiver of the sixty-day hearing requirement of RCW 46.20.308 accompanies the written continuance request, or unless the petitioner is deemed to have "waived" the statutory time frame. (6) A petitioner is deemed to have waived the statutory requirement that the hearing be held within sixty days if petitioner requests an action that cannot be accommodated within the sixty-day period. (7) A party shall not consider a hearing continued, rescheduled, or adjourned until notified by the hearing officer or his or her designee. (8) The hearing officer may require the party who requests a continuance, reschedule, or adjournment to submit documentary evidence that substantiates the reason for the request. (9) A second request for a continuance, reschedule, or adjournment will only be granted in the event of an emergency and at the discretion of the assigned hearing officer. (10) Notwithstanding any provisions of this section to the contrary, a hearing officer may continue a hearing in the event a law enforcement officer who has been subpoenaed as a witness fails to appear. The hearing officer must continue a hearing in the event a law enforcement officer who has been subpoenaed as a witness fails to appear and the petitioner is a holder of a commercial driver's license or was operating a commercial motor vehicle at the time of the driver's arrest. A hearing continued under this subsection must be adjourned until such time as the subpoena may be enforced under RCW 7.21.060. Action taken by the hearing officer to enforce a subpoena issued on the petitioner's behalf is considered to be at the request of the petitioner for purposes of WAC 308-103-070(6). [Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.20.308. WSR 15-15-070, § 308-103-070, filed 7/13/15, effective 8/13/15. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110, 46.20.308, 46.25.120. WSR 06-15-081, § 308-103-070, filed 7/14/06, effective 8/14/06. Statutory Authority: RCW 46.01.110 and 46.20.308. WSR 02-11-011, § 308-103-070, filed 5/3/02, effective 6/3/02.]