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§23-17.14-12  Review process by department of health for conversions involving for-profit hospital as the acquiree. –

Published: 2015

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Health and Safety

CHAPTER 23-17.14

The Hospital Conversions Act

SECTION 23-17.14-12

   § 23-17.14-12  Review process by department

of health for conversions involving for-profit hospital as the acquiree. –

The department of health shall review all proposed conversions involving a

for-profit hospital as the acquiree and either a for-profit corporation or a

not-for-profit hospital or corporation as the acquiror in accordance with the

provisions for change of effective control pursuant to §§ 23-17-14.3

and 23-17-14.4.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1997, ch. 372, § 1; P.L. 1999, ch. 470, § 1; P.L. 2000, ch.

325, § 1.)