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§42-62-5  Entitlement. –

Published: 2015

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State Affairs and Government


Catastrophic Health Insurance Plan Act

ARTICLE 42-62-5

Health Benefits Protection – Entitlement

SECTION 42-62-5

   § 42-62-5  Entitlement. –

Each person residing in the state regardless of age, sex, race, religion,

occupational status, or previously existing physical condition shall be


   (1) To receive financial protection from costs of health

services under conditions and limitations established by this chapter;

   (2) To have access to available diagnostic, curative, and

rehabilitative health services which are medically necessary; and

   (3) To obtain through insurers financial protection against

the costs of these health services provided by qualified programs.

History of Section.

(P.L. 1974, ch. 50, § 1.)