Published: 1980-06-12
Key Benefits:
STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS [Original Service 2001]
11. Candidates should attend for examination promptly at the times and place or places stated by the Registrar. Candidates will not be admitted to the examination room more than twenty (20) minutes after the time laid down for commencement of the examination.
12. Candidates may not leave the examination room during the first thirty (30) minutes of the examination, nor during the last fifteen (15) minutes of the examination.
13. The pass mark for each examination is sixty (60) per centum. Conditional passes are awarded in the Final Part only, provided the candidate has failed only one paper and, in that paper, has attained a mark of not less than fifty (50) per centum.
14. All papers shall be reviewed by the Panel prior to the publication of examination results, and the results of such review shall be final. In the case of papers which in the first instance have been awarded a mark of less than sixty (60) per centum but of more than fifty (50) per centum, such papers shall be reviewed before review by the Panel by a member or members of the Panel designated for this purpose by the Registrar.
15. Examinations shall be held in June and September of every year on dates to be published by the Registrar.
(SECTION 34) [Commencement 12th June, 1980]
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Bar (Exemption from Examination) Regulations.
2. In these Regulations — “candidate” means a person seeking admission to
service under articles or who is in service under articles;
“Secretary” means the member of the Bar Council discharging the Council’s secretarial functions;
“subjects” means those courses of legal study which are deemed by the Bar Council to be necessary for call to the Bar;
Attendance for examination.
Conduct of examinations.
Pass marks.
Review of examination papers.
Time of examinations.
S.I. 34/1980
–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– [Original Service 2001] STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS
“examination” means an examination deemed by the Bar Council to be necessary for call to the Bar.
3. A candidate may be exempted from examination in such subjects as the Bar Council may in its discretion permit upon being satisfied by a candidate that he has passed examinations in subjects of equivalent content administered by a University or professional body which is recognized by the Bar Council.
4. An application for exemption by the Bar Council under regulation 3 shall —
(a) be made in writing to the Secretary; (b) be supported by evidence of academic achieve-
ment required under regulation 5, and may be made either at or after the time of making an application for entry into service under articles.
5. Evidence of academic achievement necessary to satisfy the Bar Council shall include —
(a) certified copies of transcripts of studies and examination results;
(b) certified copies of the relevant syllabus; and (c) such other information as the Bar Council may
deem necessary.
(SECTION 35) [Commencement 1st November, 1979]
1. These Regulations may be cited as the Bar Articles Regulations.
2. In these Regulations — “candidate” means a person seeking admission to
service under articles; “Secretary” means the member of the Bar Council
discharging the Council’s secretarial functions. 3. A counsel and attorney shall not admit a person
to service under articles without first obtaining the approval in writing of the Council.
Bar Council may exempt candidate.
Application for exemption.
Evidence of academic achievement.
S.I. 71/1979
Prerequisite of Council’s approval.