Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust(Incorporation)(Amendment) |
Preamble. | WHEREAS a portion of the area hitherto under Lions Clubs International District 306A has become part of the new Lions Clubs International District 306C ; | | AND WHEREAS the Board of Trustees of the Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust has passed a resolution that the said Youth Trust should be jointly administered by Lions Clubs International District 306A and 306C : | | BE it therefore enacted by the Parliament of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka as follows :- | |
[17th June , 1998 ] |
Short title. | 1. This Act may be cited as the Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Incorporation) (Amendment) Act, No. 35 of 1998. | Amendment of section 3 of the principal enactment. | 2. Section 3 of the Lions Clubs International District 306A" Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust (Incorporation) Act, No. 16 of 1980 (hereinafter referred to as "the principal enactment") is hereby amended by the repeal of subsection (2) thereof and the substitution of the following subsection therefor:- | "(2) The Board of Trustees of the Trust (hereinafter referred to as "The Board") shall consist of the following Members :- | (a) the District Governor of the Lions Clubs International District 306A of Sri Lanka and the District Governor of the Lions Clubs International District 306C of Sri Lanka ; | | (b) the immediate past District Governor of Lions Clubs International District 3O6A and the Immediate past District Governor of Lions Clubs International District 306C ; | | (c) the Cabinet Secretary of Lions Clubs International District 306 A and the Cabinet Secretary of Lions Club International District 306C ; | | (d) the Cabinet Treasurer of Lions Clubs International District -306A and the Cabinet Treasurer of Lions Clubs International District 306C ; | | (e) one member from the Lion Clubs in Lions Clubs International District 306A who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the said District and one member from the Lions Clubs in Lions Clubs International District 306C who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the said District; | | (f) one member from the Lions Clubs in Lions Clubs International District 306A who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the said District on the recommendation of the District Cabinet and one member from the Lions Clubs in Lions Clubs International District 306C who shall be appointed by the District Governor of the said District on the recommendation of the District Cabinet; | | (g) two past Governors from Lions Clubs International District 3O6A and two past Governors from Lions Clubs International District 306A who shall be appointed by the respective District Governors.'. | | | General Amendment to the Principal Enactment. | 3. In every context in which the Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust is mentioned (whether by that name or by the abbreviation of "The Trust" in the principal enactment or in any rule, notice or other document made or issued under the principal enactment, there shall unless the context otherwise requires, be substituted for the expression "Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust", the expression "Lions Clubs International District 306A and 306C-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust". | Savings for contracts & c. | 4. Every contract, agreement or other instrument or document whatsoever made issued or executed prior to the date of commencement of this Act, by or in favour of "Lions Clubs International District 306A-Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust" shall be deemed from and after date of commencement of this Act to be, and to have been made, issued or executed by, or in favour of, the "Lions Clubs International District 306A, 306C Youth Education, Rehabilitation and Employment Trust". | Sinhala text to prevail in case of inconsistency. | 5. In the event of any inconsistency between the Sinhala and Tamil texts of this Act, the Sinhala text shall prevail. | |