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Division of Revenue Amendment Act

Published: 2011-12-07

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Division of Revenue Amendment Act 20 of 2011
Please note that most Acts are published in English and another South African official language. Currently we only have capacity to publish the English versions.
This means that this document will only contain even numbered pages as the other language is printed on uneven numbered pages.
Government Gazette
Vol. 558 Cape Town 7 December 2011 No. 34833
No. 1028 7 December 201 1
It is hereby notified that the President has assented to the following Act, which is hereby published for general information:-
No. 20 of 2010: Division of Revenue Amendment Act, 2010.
Act No. 20 of2011 Division of Revenue Amendment Act, 2011
(English text signed by the President) (Assented to 5 December 2011)
ACT To amend the Division of Revenue Act, 2011, so as to provide for the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial and local spheres of government for the 2011/12 financial year and the responsibilities of all spheres of government pursuant to such division; and to provide for matters connected therewith.
WHEREAS section 214( I) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996, requires an Act of Parliament to provide for-
( a) the equitable division of revenue raised nationally among the national, provincial and local spheres of government;
(b) the determination of each province's equitable share of the provincial share of that revenue; and
(c) any other allocations to provinces, local government or municipalities from the national government's share of that revenue, and any conditions on which those allocations may be made;
WHEREAS the Division of Revenue Act, 2011 (Act No. 6 of 2011), gives effect to section 214(1) of the Constitution in respect of the 2011 I 12 financial year;
AND WHEREAS section 12(4) of the Money Bills Amendment Procedure and Related Matters Act, 2009 (Act No. 9 of 2009), requires that the Minister of Finance must table a Division of Revenue Amendment Bill with the revised fiscal framework if the adjustments budget effects changes to the Division of Revenue Act for the rel- evant year,
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:- Substitution of Schedules to Act 6 of 2011
1. Schedules 1 to 9 of this Act are hereby substituted for Schedules 1 to 9 of the Division of Revenue Act, 2011 (Act No. 6 of 2011 ), respectively. 5
Short title and commencement
2. This Act is called the Division of Revenue Amendment Act, 20 II, and takes effect on the date of publication thereof by the President in the Gazette.
Act No. 20 of2011 Division of Revenue Amendment Act, 2011
ColunutA ColnmnB
Spheres of Government 2011112 Forward Estimates Allocatlon 2012113 201Y.l4
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Naliooal1-" S62174845 624 832817 639463 889 Provincial :291735509 305725449 323604 408 Local 34107 9.01 37573396 3!1900288 TOTAL 888018255 !168131662 1 053028S8S 1. National illCiudiiS conditiOTIOI allocatiOfls to provincial and local spheres, generalful
levy sharinB with metropt:>litan nmnicipalities, debt service cast and t1ul cOfltingency re:Jerve. 2. ·11Je direct clrJJrges lor t1ul provincial equitable sharf! are netted out.
(as a direct clJ,arge against the National Revenue Fulld)
Co1umnA ColumnB .Province 20Uil.2 Forward Estimates
Allocation 2017113 2013114 R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO
Easi!mt Cape 44()44170 46495 024 4&931829 Free State 177225?9 18 430860 19 363 325 Gauteng 50967615 $3 973 ()66 57(!99363 KwaZulu-Natal 63584.195 66&77612 70992966 Limpopo 3679.32.08 38104133 39 884915 Mpwnalanga 23 662205 24570021 25786476 ~Ortbem Cape 782'1173 8207056 8688325 NorthWest 19 481922 20562214 21912710 ~l!lltem.Caoe Zl 052442 28505403 30344 499 TOTAL '2~1735509 ·. 30572544!1 3U604408
f I \ l
\ l
Aet No.lO of2011 Division of Revenue Amendment Act, 2011
National Fiuudal Year
C.lumaA C.lumaB
1011/12 Forward E51imates Number MUnicipality AUocadou 2012/13 201Yl4
A BUF Buffalo City .583 628 644542 686869 A NMA Nelson Mandel.a Bav 656653 730416 778401
B EC101 Camdeboo 33092 3658I 38 9(17 B EC102. Blue Cm~~e Route 34998 38693 41218 B ECI03 .tkwezi 13753 IS 192 16183 B EC104 Makana 59143 65410 69677 B EClOS Ndhuube 49522 548I3 58398 B ECI06 Sul!days River Valley 3:2105 35517 37845 B ECI07 Baviaans 15153 I6751 17848 B EClOS Kimga 41038 45585 48593 B Eci09 Kou-Kamma :2591C 28642 305.11 c DCIO Cacadu DistdctMullicipalitv (J7 22C 69666 72317 Total: Caeadu Mullldpalities 371935 406850 431557
B EC121 Mbtntsha 10S23a 116503 124173 B EC122 MnCJIIma l:M070 150518 160377
iB EC123 Oreat:Kci 28209 3IIS4 33221 B EC124 Amalilithi 7961E 87995 93737 B EC126 Ngqu.bwa 551411 60965 64949 B EC127 Nkonkobe 7609~ 84004 89451 B ECI28 Nxuba IS 62'1 20591 21935 c DC12 Amatale District Municimlitv 530281 583693 627182 Total: Amaiole MuJiclpalities 10292~ 1135453 1215023
B EC131 Jnxuba Yethemba l5 '17C 39.535 42109 B ECI32 Tsolwalla 2187B 24165 '25740 B BCl33 Iukwal!Ca 1574a 11399 18534 B EC134 Lnkhanji 9Ci Q(i2 106129 113 038 B EellS Illlsika. y ethu 78404 86613 92'256 B EC136 Bmalahlelll 61619 68112 725()4 B EC131 En@;ooo 6659l 73753 78619 B EC138 S:aldlillizwe 34165 37799 40278 c DCl3 Chds Bimi District Mnlllcillalitv 3'25 908 360052 384 758 Total: Chris HaJJi MuJiidpalitiu 736151 813.SSS Sli7 896
B EC141 Bhmdillf 1i4 SS5 71.762 76475 B EC142 Seno}J! 79190 87568 93295 B EC143 Maletswai 2022~ 223.51 23800 B EC144 Gtriep :22167 24507 26107 c DC14 101l Glsbi Distlil't Mulllcllllllitv 149031 164710 115$59 Total: Joe Goabl Mi.ulicl11aB1ies 33546 370898 395545
B EC!S3 Ngqtnlj Hill IJ7lS2 107 542 114611 B EC154 PoztSt Jahns 5953~ 658& 70188 B EC15S Nyalldtmi 111 9'25 123822 1JI944 B ECI56 Mhlontlo 87213 96486 102 818 B BCI57 King: ~ala.Dalindy.ebo 153 086 169585 180725 c DCI5 O.R. Throbo District Mtmiciualitv 416223 451}.:392 480874. Total: O.R, Tambo MualeinaHilew 92516 1013688 11181159
B EC441 Mat.atii:l.e \ "" ~ 0\ SCBEDULE4 :z
Vow Name or alloea.UOO: hrpuse Tyll(l of allo~:~~tion Province 2011113 Forward Estimates Allocation 3011/ll Z0131l4
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Agrkulture. Comprehensive Agricllllnrlll Support To expand the provision of agricullural Genetal conditionalllllocalion to Bastem Cape 174985 195 209 223 523 Forestry and Ptogmil'Jille Grant support services, promote and facilitate provinces Free State 102932 114 829 IS1484 Fisheries agricultmal development by targeting Gauwng 41173 45931 52594 (Vote26) smallholder and previously disadvantaged KwaZu1u-Nalal 164 691 183 726 210375
farmers. Limpopo 154 398 172243 197 226 Mpurnalanga 102932 114 829 131484 Norlllem Cape 12052 80380 92039 NorthWest 143 888 149 277 170 930 Western Cape 82346 91863 lOS 188 0 TOTAL l 039397 1148 '2Jf1 1314 843
Basic Education Education lnfmstructute Grant To .help accelerate coostructioo, General conditional allocation to Eastern Cape 1 093 535 1058 635 1116860 (Vote 15) ma.inten1inl;e, llpgrading and whabililalion provinces f/reeState 425256 458 483 483 699
of new and existing infi!l8truc tnre in Gauteng 461 011 508 633 536608 education: to enhance capacity to deliver KwaZulu-Nalal 1175956 1270878 1340777 in!Tastructnre in e®cation; and to repair Limpopo 897 937 865 485 913 086 schools affected by flooding. Mpumalanga 476481 463 237 488 715
Norlllem Cape 289 158 317 450 334 909 NorthWest 473927 515 812 544 182 Western Cape 385 039 424 558 447 909 TOTAL 5678300 5883171 6206745
Health (a) Health Infrastruclllre Grant To !luppleQWI'lt provincial fonding of health Genel'ij) conditiOnal allocation to Eastern Cape 300264 327 673 345 695 (Vote16) infraslruct1:ln'l to accelerate the provisin of provinces Free State 131 717 141911 149 716
healiiJfacllities and ensure proper Oauteng 142 694 157 434 166093 maintenance of provi.ncial health KwaZuln-Nalal 358 471 393367 415 002 infmstructnre. Limpopo 270 802 20/888 282622
Mpmualanga 146 368 143 383 151269
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Norlllem Cape 89501 98 258 103662 Norlll West 145 466 159 656 168 437 Western Cape 119 179 131411 138 638 TOTAL 1704462 1820981 1921134
> IV .. 00 ... SCHEDl1LE4 z f>
Vore Name 11f llll!IQ!Uon i'lu'pase Type of alto~;~~tion ProvlllCe 2011112 Forward EstJmams Allocation 2011/13 201.3114
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Heabh (b) Health Professions Training and Support provinces to fund !lei'Vice costs Nationally assigned function to BastemCape 170071 178 730 188 560 (Votel6J DevelopmentOmnt aswciared with train)ng of beallh provinces Free State 124444 130930 138 131
pmfesllionals; deyelopiiiilnt 8lld Oliuteng 690803 725 310 765202 recrnitiiiilnt of medical special.i&ts in undu- KwaZulu-Natal 249917 261860 276262 &ef\ledprovitk:es; and support lllld Limpopo 99730 103 913 109 628 strengthen undergraduate !llld pa~lgmduate Mpomalanga 80718 85208 89 894 lllliningproc~ in health flltilities, NOI:them Cape 65510 68583 72356
NonhWest 88323 93522 98 666 WestemCaJ>e 407794 428 120 451667 Cl TOTAL I97H10 2076176 2190366
(c) National Tertil!ry Services Grant Tttcrunpensatetertiaryfacililiesforthe Nationally assigned function to BastemCape 609327 660693 698 110 additional ca.ts Q!lljoclallld wi.tb spi.U. ovel' provinces fnle State 715204 769964 800 000 effects; and to ensure ad~uate provision Gauteng 2 759 968 2 933 361 3 100 895 ..... 2. N
Vote Name of allocaUon Purpose City 2011/12 Forward EIIJmates · AllocaiJon 2012113 2013114
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Human Urban Settlemenfll DevelopmentGmnt To improve the efficiency and coordill!ltioo Qf investments in the built Buffalo City 423 446 497 908 547 338 Settlements envirorunent by prnviding large Illllnieipalities witll appropriate resources CityofC~Town 824030 972 615 1067 485 (V(lte31) and con!rol nver the selection and ptmuit of investment programmes in tile City Df J ohan~bo:rg 1 00.7 970 1216260 1333 559
buill environment City Df Tshwane 891081 1 053 856 1155 692 Bkurtuileni 1 094276 1 297 640 1421452 eThekwini I 091574 1 299 706 1 421322 Manganng 411995 483 427 531 884 Nelson Ma!Jdela Bav 502626 588100 648 074 TOTAL 6266993 7 409 512 8126 806 a
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SCHEDl1LE5 z ;:> N z = ::> Q ... ...., SPECIFIC PURPOSE ALLOCATIONS TO PROVINCES N """ ~ 00 ....,
ColumnA ColumnS - ...., Vole Name of allocatiQII Purpose Type of aDoc:ation Province 2011/12 Forward Estimate~
Allocation 2012/13 2013114
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Agrlcultnre, (a) Agriculture Disaster Management To relieve farmers from lhe effects of Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 997 - - Foredtyand Grant floods. Free State 4 736 - - Fisheries Gauteng I 745 - - (Vote 26) KwaZulu-Natal - - -
limpopo 8475 - - Mpumalanga - - - Northern Cape 131 862 - - North West I 745 - - Western Cape - - - a TOTAL 149 560 - - 0
(b) llima!Letsetna PrqjectB Orant To assist targeted wlnerable South African Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 45 000 42000 44310 < tT1 farming comnmnities to increase Free State 52000 54 600 57 603 agricultural production and improve Gauteng 20000 21000 22155 farming skills. KwaZulu-Natal 60000 63 000 66 465
Limpopo 40000 42000 44 310 Mpumalanga 40000 42000 44310 Northern Cape 60000 63 000 66465 NorthWest 40000 42000 44310 Western Cape 48 000 50400 53 172 TOTAL 405000 420000 443100
(c) Land Care Programme Grant: Poverty To enhance the sustainable conservation of Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 9 244 16823 15 866 Relief and Inf~tructure Development natural agriculture :resources lhrongh a Free State 4 622 8 953 8571
co1Illiillnity-based participatory approach: Gauteng 4 044 6 246 6163 createjob opportunities throngh lhe K waZulu-Natal 9 244 20304 18 746 Expanded Public Works programme; and Limpopo 8 667 20356 19 562 to create an enabling environment for Mpumalanga 5198 10 958 10 249 improved food 11ecurity and poverty relief. Northern Cape 6355 12 724 12 oss
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:: North West 6 932 11 557 10 552 Western Cape 3 466 7740 7 233 TOTAL 57772 115 661 108 997
> ~ ~
00 ~ ~
ColumnA ClllumnB
Vote Nallll! of alloc:alion Purpose Type of allocation Province 2011112 Forward Estimates Allocation 2011/13 2013/14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Arts and Culture Community Library Services Grant To lmnsform I!Iban and nualcommunity Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 95 474 79 273 75 633 (Vote 14) libraryinfrastructi!Ie, facilities and Free State 47 909 50 304 55 070
sernces (primarily targeting previously Oauteng 54 716 57 452 60 611 disadvantaged communities) through a KwaZulu-Natal 48 971 48 619 56 297 recapitalised programme at provincial lev~ Limpopo 74941 69 822 73 662 in support of local government and MpDJillllanga 66497 69 822 7'; 662 national initiatives. Northern Cape 69 900 73 395 77 430
North West 62832 65 973 69 601 WestemCane 48694 56129 60216 Cl TOTAL 569934 570789 602182
Basic Edumtlon (a) Dinaledi Schools Grant To promote Mathematics and Physica:l Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 8400 12000 12 660 ·-(Vote 15) Science teac bing and learning; to improve Free State 5040 7 200 7 596
~--~ learner perforliJance in Mathematics and Gauteng 14 140 20200 21 311 Physical Science in line with the Action KwaZulu-Natal 12320 17 600 18 568
~' Plan 2014; and to improve teachers content Limpopo 7140 10200 10 761
" knowledge of Mathemali£s and Physical Mputnalanga 6440 9 200 9 706
Science. Northern Cape 2 380 3 400 3 587
~ - --------- ------ --
NorthWest 7420 10 600 11183 -·
·---- --- --------- wmemcaoe 6720 9 600 10 128 - - TOTAL~ 70000 100 000 105 500
(b) HN and Aids (Life Skills Education) To support South Africa's lt!Vprevention C ondi tiona! allocation Eastern Cape 34346 35 322 37265 Grant strategy by lncrea&ing sexual and rqxoductive Free State 1! 772 12 561 13 252
knowledge, sltills aud SJPOIJtiate decision Gauteng 28 175 29 217 30 824 makillg among learners and educa!(lrs; to mitigate. 1he impact of mv by providing 3 K waZulu-Natal 45 114 46876 49 445
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caring. supportive and enabling environment Limpopo 28 088 30 012 31663 N N 0 0 for lear Delli .mi educat(J[s; aud to ensure the Mpumalaoga 16 388 17 486 18 448 pwvision of a safe, rlgttts-based eovitomruml in Northern Cape 4 357 4 649 4 905 &drools tl1at is free of discl'imination, stiwa North West 14 700 15 685 16 555 .mi any form of sexual harassmentlamse.
WestemCape 16 388 17 486 18 448 TOTAL 199328 209294 220 805
> ...., !l 00
SCHEDULES z ? .... z C> ? ... ...., SPECIFIC PURPOSE ALLOCATIONS TO PROVINCES .... """ :: 00 ....,
ColumnA ColumnS .... ....,
Ville' Name or allocation Purpose Type or allotation Pr!lvince 201V12 Forward EstJmates Allocation 2012/13 2013.'14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Basic Education (c) Naliooal School Nlllrition Programme To provide lllllritiollll meals to targeted Conditional allocation BastemCape 845166 909 644 959 674 (Vote IS) Grant leat'lltU'S. Free Slate 244699 263 367 277 852
Oauteng 509798 548 690 578 868 KwaZulu-Natal l 070013 11:51 644 1 214 985 Limpopo 829 669 892 964 942 077 Mpll.lnalanga 440923 474:560 500 661 Northern Cape 105116 113 136 119 359 North West 305935 329 301 347 412 Western Cape 227 433 244 784 258247 TOTAL 4 578752 4928090 5199135
0 0
(d) Technical Secondary Schools To recapitalise technical schools to Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 40272 39 464 41635 < m Recapitalisation Grant improve the capacity to contribute to skills Free Stete 14 428 15150 15 983
development and training. Oauteng 30596 32127 33 894 KwaZulu-Nalal 38563 40490 42717 Ulnpopo 31894 28822 30 407 Mpumalanga 21464 18 983 20027 Northern Cape 7667 80S2 8 49:5 NorthWest 17 015 17 867 18 850 Western Cape 8 619 9 045 9 542 TOTAL 210 518 210 000 221550
Health (a) Comprehensive HIV and Aids Grant To enable !he health lle(;IOI: to develop an Conditional allocalioo Eastern Cape 864 173 1014 134 1 222 480 (Vote16} effective response to HlV and Aids Free Slate 530 440 621 824 750788
including universal access to HIV Gauteng I 620 673 1 934 057 2 294 326 counselling and resting; m support !he KwaZulu-Natal 1 889' 427 2246 099 2 675 081 implernenlation of !he N atiO!lal Limpopo 624 909 733 963 884 146 Operational Plan fm comprehensive tnv Mpumalanga 490 366 578 087 694264
0 :>:I z :r s: iii' s· m z = -l e, 0 :>:I > ... N < ... m = ~ c ... > 3 -..I ... 0 = m Q. 3 (") ... m a s: > o:1 .., m .r :>:I N N
8 0 and AidJl t:rea.ttnen( and care; and to Northern Cape 2.12923 247 228 301557 subsidise in-part funding for anliretroviral North West 599 437 70S 969 848 533 treatment prog,rlUilllle. Western Cape 660614 743 249 935 489
TOTAL 7492 962 8824 610 10606664
> """ ll. 0 SCHEDULES z
? ... z = ? 0 ... w SPECIFIC PURPOSE ALLOCATIONS TO PROVINCES ... """ = 00 - w w ColumnA ColumnB Vote Name of ldlo~:alion Purpose. Type of alloartioa Proviace 2011112 FotWard Estimates
A~tion 2012113 2013/14 R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO
Health (b) Forensic Pathology Services Grant To conlilllle the development and provillion Condiliooal allocalicm BastemCape 73506 (Vote16) of adequate forensic pathology services in Free State 39 451
all provinces. Clauteng 97966 - K.waZulu-Natal 161 550 Limpopo 42308 - Mpnmall!nga 53114 - - Nordtern Cape 24240 - NorthWest 28019 - Western Cape 70226 - - 0 TOTAL 590380 - .
(c) Hospillll R.evitalisation Clmnt To provide funding to llllll.ble provinces to Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 411 048 402678 387104 plan, manage, modernise, rationalise and Free State 417 883 438140 412 172 1r.msform health infrastructure, health Gauteng 857 465 828 552 760206 technology, monitoring and evaluation of KwaZulu-Natal 547 698 566605 533 432 the health facilities in line with natio.nal Limpopo 371672 392410 369 152 policy otJjectives. M.pwnalanga 356557 378 014 355 081
Northern Cape 406892 427 263 401940 NorthWest 370074 401 ISO 377375 Western Cape 481 501 501096 471397 TOTAL 4 220 790 4 335 90!f 4067859
Human (a) Housing Disaster Relief Grant To provide funding for relief in support of Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 56700 - Se.ttlemenls recostruction wwk to housing and related Free State 44100 - (Vote31) infmslm.!ture drunaged by floods. Gauteng 36 - -
KwaZulu-Natal 31140 - Limpopo 21474 - Mpwnalanga 360 - Northern Cape l0350 - -
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NorthWest lS 840 Western Cape - - - TOTAL 180000 - .
> .... ~
SCHEDtlLE5 z p .... z = p 0 .... v.> SPECIFIC PURPOSE ALLOCATIONS TO PROVINCES .... .... = 00 - v.> v.> ColumnA ColumnS
Vo14! N4UDI! or almauoo Pllrpose Type or ~dlocatilln Pr~Jvlnee 2011Jll Forward Estimates Allocation 20U/13 201:3114
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Homan (b) Hll!llllll SeUlemenls Develqullllnt Gtant To provide-funding {Qt tbe creation of Condi 1ional allocation Basl4lmCape 2 177676 2274820 2403 688 Settlemenw sustainable human setllemenll>. Free State 913 907 954 326 1 006 814 {Vate3l} Gauteng 3804611 H70951 4186 987
Kwa:Zu~Nalal 2 769 871 2 891 813 3 050 176 Limpopo 1 398 914 1459 839 1539 788 Mpurnalanga 916677 957 218 I 009 865 Northern Cape 322639 336906 355 437 NorthWest 998 376 1 042 529 I 099 868 Western Cape I 638 845 1711 035 1804 785 0 TOTAL 14 941 516 15599437 16457 408
Public Works (a) Devolution of Property Rate Fonds To facilitate the tro.nsfer of property mtes Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 192 709 202854 214 360 £Vom7} Ol:ant expenditure responsibility to provinces. free State 219 916 233 737 249~90
Gauteng 270775 284314 299 951 KwaZulu-Natal 518 585 556669 599 ~19 Limpopo 34054 35757 37725 Mpumalanga 73964 77 647 84 601 Northern Cape 41754 44355 47303 NorthWest 160 192 179 984 206241 Western Cape 291 281 322730 351963 TOTAL 1803 230 1938047 Z090BS3
(b) Social Sector Expanded Public Wotks To incentivise provincial social sector Conditional allocation [Eastern Cape 5 070 7120 9 139 !Prog:ialnme Incentive Grant far Provimes depattn:tents identified in the 2011 Social Free State 15586 18 703 22 444
SectorEPWPLog-frame to increase job Oauteng 34848 41 818 50 181 creation .by focusing on the strengthening KwaZulu-Natal 30269 32485 34354 and expansion of social service !Limpopo 28332 33 998 40798 programmes that have employment Mpumalanga 13 407 16 088 19306 potential Northern Cape 13 890 16669 20002
North West 42222 54229 65 901
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Western Cape 16734 20394 23903 TOTAL 100358 141 504 286028
> ""' 2. ""' SCHEDULES 2
~ .... z = p o::> ... ...., SPECMC PURPOSE ALLOCATIONS TO PROVINCES .... ""' ;: 00 ...., - ...., ColumnA ColumnB
Vult: Name:ofal~on Purpose. Type ut allocation Pr!lvlnce Z01l112 F11rward Estimales Allocation 2012/13 2013/14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Sport aDd Mlllill Sport aDd Reaeation Participation To facilitale mass participation within Conditional allocation Eastern Cape 63 570 66749 70420 Recreation Gmnt Col!llllunities and schQols through selected PreeStaie 33 078 34732 36642 South Af'rlca activities, empowerment of communities Gauteng 71148 74 705 78 814 (Vote20) and scboolti in coqj unctioo with relevant KwaZulu-Natal 87694 92 078 97 142
stakeholders. Limpop """ ~ "' z Column A ColumnB ? .... z = p = ... ....,
Vote Name of allocalton Purpose 2011112 Forward Estimates Allocation 2011113 I 2013/14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO .... """ :: 00 ...., - ...., RECURRENT GRANTS CoQpetatlve Municipal SysiAlm Improvement Grant To assist numici{l'.ilitieA in building in-house capacicy to perform their functions and stabilise Govem"nce and institutional and governance sysiAJUB as required in the Municipal Systems Act and related 220 210 230 096 242 734 Traditional legislation. policies and local government turnaround strategy. Affairs Vote3}
National Local Government Financial Management To promote and support reforms in finl!llcial management by building capacily in municipalities to Treasury Grant implement the Municipal Finance Managemeht Act (MFMA ). As part of strengthening financial and 423 641 479 333 526 086 (Vole 10) assetmahagernent iu municipalities, the grant provides funding for water and energy intemsbip
progranune to graduates in selected water boards and municipalities.
Water Affairs Water Services Operating Subsidy Grant To subsidise and build capacicy- in water schemes owned and/or operated by the Department of Water (Vote38) Affairs or by other agen.-ies on behalf of the depart.ment and transfer these schemes to local 542345 399 000 420 945
government I TOTAL 1186196 1108429 1189 765 0
0 ~RASTRUCTUREGRANTS < Cooperative Mnnicipallnftastructure Gmnt To provide specific capital finance for basic municipal infrastructure backlogs for poor households, Governance and micro enterprises and social institutions servicing poor communities. ll 443 505 13 914132 14 679 408 Traditional Affairs (Yole3) ,Energy (a) Integrated NationaiElectriftcation To impleJD.el!tthe Integra~ National Electrification Programme (INBP) by providing capital (Vote29) ~ogranune (Municipal) Grant ~ubsidies to municipalities to address the electrification backlog of occupied residential dwellings, I 096612 I 151 443 1214772
the installation of bulk iflfrastructure- and rehabilitation and refurbishment of electricity i!lfrasttucture iii order to improve quality of sUpply.
(b) Electricicy Demand Side Management To implement the Electricity Demand Side Management (EDSM) programme by providing subsidies (Municipal) Grant to licenced distributors to address BDSM in residential dwellings, communities and municipal 280000
infrastructure in order to tnitigate the risk of load shedding and supply interruptions.
National Neighbourhood Development Partnership To support neighbourhood development projects that provide communicy- infrastructure and create Treasury Grant the platform for other public and private sector development. towards improving the qualicy of life of 750000 800 000 800 000
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LTOTAL 4 028664 4 444 774 4 734 094 N N 0 8
> Vt rio N
ColumnA ColumnB - ..... Vow Name of allOQIUon Purpose Type or allocation Province 2011112 Forward Estlmales
Allocation 2012/13 2013'14 R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO
PnbUcWorks Expanded Public Wom Progmmme To incentivise proviooi~ departments lo Incentive allocati!Jillo province& BastemCape 30 431 - - (Vote7} Incentive Grant for ProVinces increase job creati!Jil efforts in Free State 10606 -
infull!ttncture, environment and culture Gauteng 44210 - - programmes til!:oogb tile use of labour- KwaZulu-Nalal 129 836 - intensive metllods and the expansion of job Limpopo 9 545 -
cr~on in line Witll the BJtpanded Public Mpnmalanga 9486 -
Wotb Programme (EPWP) guideli!lell. Norlbem Cape 4810 - - NorlbWest 5758 - - Western Cape 22587 - Cl Unallocated - 325220 401588 TOTAL 261269 325220 401 Sll8
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ColumnA ColumnB
Vow Name of allocation Purpose 2011112 Forward Estimates Allocation 2012/13 2013'14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO Public Works Expanded Public Wom Programme To incentivit::! > .... N 3 ~ .... 0 ::> r:n Q. 3 () .... r:n a a: > o:l r:n p. ;>::! N N
ITOTAL 619583 665678 779496 0 8
> v. ... .j:. ... SCHEDllLE9 z
? .... z 9 .. ... w UNALLOCATED PROVISIONS FOR PROVINCES FOR DISASTER RESPONSE .... .j:. ;: 00 w - w ColumnA ColumnB Vow Name or ldloa~tlou Purpose Province lDllll2 Forward Estimates
AJioa~tion 2012/13 2013/14
R'OOO R'OOO R'OOO CoopuaUve Provincial Disaster Grant To provide for the immediale release of fonds for disa&ler response.. BastemCape - - Governance and Free State - Traditional Clauteng - - Atrairs KwaZulli-Nalal - - (Volej) Limpopo - - -
Mp!Uillllanga - - - Norlhem Cape - Nord! West - - Western Cape - - CJ Unallocated 305000 180000 190000 TOTAL 305000 180 000 190 000
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