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Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification

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Animals and Birds Act
(Chapter 7, Definition of diseasein section 2)
Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
N 2
G.N. No. S 479/2002
(29th February 2004)
[15th September 2002]
1.  This Notification may be cited as the Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification.
Declared diseases
2.  The diseases set out in the Schedule are declared to be diseases within the meaning of the Act.
1.  African horse sickness
2.  African swine fever
3.  Anthrax
4.  Aujeszky’s disease
5.  Avian infectious bronchitis
6.  Avian infectious laryngotracheitis
7.  Avian mycoplasmosis caused by M gallisepticum and M synoviae
8.  Avian tuberculosis
9.  Black quarter (blackleg)
10.  Bluetongue
11.  Bovine anaplasmosis
12.  Bovine babesiosis
13.  Bovine brucellosis
14.  Bovine genital campylobacteriosis
15.  Bovine malignant catarrh
16.  Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
17.  Bovine tuberculosis
18.  Caprine arthritis/encephalitis
19.  Caprine/ovine brucellosis
20.  Contagious agalactia
21.  Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia
22.  Contagious caprine pleuropneumonia
23.  Contagious equine metritis
24.  Cysticercosis of bovine and porcine origin
25.  Dermatophilosis
26.  Dourine
27.  Duck virus enteritis (duck plague)
28.  Duck virus hepatitis
29.  Ebola disease
30.  Echinococcosis/hydatidosis
31.  Enzootic bovine leucosis
32.  Epizootic lymphangitis
32A.  Epizootic ulcerative syndrome
[S 422/2008 wef 01/09/2008]
33.  Equine encephalomyelitis
34.  Equine encephalosis
35.  Equine infectious anaemia
36.  Equine influenza
37.  Equine piroplasmosis
38.  Equine rhinopneumonitis
39.  Equine viral arteritis
40.  Escherichia coli O157 : H7
41.  Foot-and-mouth disease
42.  Fowl cholera
43.  Fowl plague (avian influenza)
44.  Fowl pox
45.  Fowl typhoid (Salmonella gallinarum)
46.  Getah virus disease
47.  Glanders (Farcy)
48.  Haemorrhagic septicaemia
49.  Hanta virus disease
50.  Heartwater
51.  Hendra virus disease
52.  Horse mange
53.  Horse pox
54.  Infectious bovine rhinotracheitis
55.  Infectious bursal disease (Gumboro disease)
56.  Japanese B encephalitis
56A.  Koi herpesvirus
[S 422/2008 wef 01/09/2008]
57.  Leishmaniosis
58.  Leptospirosis
59.  Listeriosis
60.  Lumpy skin disease
61.  Lyme disease
62.  Lymphocytic choriomenigitis
63.  Lyssa encephalitis
64.  Maedi-visna
65.  Marburg disease
66.  Marek’s disease
67.  Melioidosis
68.  Menangle virus disease
69.  Murray Valley Encephalitis
70.  Myxomatosis
71.  Nairobi sheep disease
72.  New World screwworm (Cochliomyia hominivorax)
73.  Newcastle disease
74.  Nipah virus disease
75.  Old World screwworm (Chrysomya bezziana)
76.  Ovine pulmonary adenomatosis
77.  Paratuberculosis
78.  Peste des petits ruminants
79.  Porcine brucellosis
80.  Psittacosis (ornithosis)
81.  Pullorum disease
82.  Q fever
83.  Rabbit haemorrhagic disease
84.  Rabies
84A.  Red sea bream iridoviral disease
[S 422/2008 wef 01/09/2008]
85.  Rift Valley fever
86.  Rinderpest
87.  Salmonellosis caused by S. abortusovis
88.  Salmonellosis caused by Salmonella enteritidis
89.  Scrapie
90.  Sendai virus infection
91.  Sheep pox/goat pox
92.  Simian B Herpes virus
92A.  Spring viraemia of carp
[S 422/2008 wef 01/09/2008]
93.  Strangles
94.  Surra
95.  Swine erysipelas
96.  Swine fever
97.  Swine vesicular disease
98.  Theileriosis
99.  Toxoplasmosis
100.  Transmissible spongiform encephalopathies
101.  Trichinellosis
102.  Trichomonosis
103.  Trypanosomiasis
104.  Tularaemia
105.  Ulcerative lyamphangitis
106.  Vesicular stomatitis
106A.  White spot disease
[S 422/2008 wef 01/09/2008]
107.  Yellow Fever.
[G.N. No. S 479/2002]


Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
(CHAPTER 7, N 2)
This Legislative History is provided for the convenience of users of the Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification. It is not part of this Notification.
G. N. No. S 187/1994—Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification 1994
Date of commencement
29 April 1994
1995 Revised Edition—Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
Date of operation
1 April 1995
G. N. No. S 452/1999—Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification 1999
Date of commencement
15 October 1999
2001 Revised Edition—Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
Date of operation
31 January 2001
Date of commencement
15 September 2002
2004 Revised Edition—Animals and Birds (Disease) Notification
Date of operation
29 February 2004
G. N. No. S 422/2008—Animals and Birds (Disease) (Amendment) Notification 2008
Date of commencement
1 September 2008