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Samoa International Finance Authority Act

Published: 2005

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2005, No.7

24 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

AN ACT to establish the Samoa International Finance
Authority and to prescribe its functions, powers and
duties. [22nd
April 2005]

BE IT ENACTED by the Legislative Assembly of Samoa in
Parliament assembled as follows:-

1. Short title and commencement–(1) This Act may be
cited as the Samoa International Finance Authority Act 2005.
(2) This Act or any part or section thereof shall come into
force on a date or dates to be nominated by the Minister.
(3) Notice of commencement of this Act or any part or
section thereof shall be published in Samoan and English in the
Savali and one other newspaper circulating in Samoa.

2. Interpretation-(1) In this Act, unless the context
otherwise requires -
“Authority” means the Samoa International Finance
Authority established under section 3:
“Board” means the Board of Directors established under
section 6:
“Central Bank” means the Central Bank of Samoa
established under the Central Bank of Samoa Act 1984:
“Chief Executive Officer” means the Chief Executive
Officer of the Authority established under section 10:
“controller” has the same meaning as provided in section 2
of the International Banking Act 2003:
“Government” means the Government of the Independent
State of Samoa:
“international financial services” includes the carrying on of
and the provision of services in relation to the
businesses of trustee companies, banking, insurance,
investment, asset management, trusteeship or company
administration or the provision and administration of
corporate and other business structures and any matters
ancillary to such businesses or structures, pursuant to
any international financial services legislation:

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 25

“international financial services legislation” means the
International Companies Act 1987, the Trustee
Companies Act 1987, the International Banking Act
2003, the International Trusts Act 1987, the
International Insurance Act 1988, the International
Partnership and Limited Partnership Act 1998, the
Segregated Fund International Companies Act 2000 and
any successor legislation to those Acts or any other
legislation as may, from time to time, be designated by
the Minister as being international financial services
legislation under this Act:
“Minister” means the Minister of Finance.
(2) Any reference in this Act to an enactment is, unless the
context otherwise requires, a reference to that enactment as
amended, extended, re-enacted, or applied by or under any other
enactment, including this Act.

3. Establishment of the Samoa International Finance
Authority (SIFA)-(1) There is established a body corporate
called the “Samoa International Finance Authority” or by its
acronym, “SIFA”, which shall have the functions and powers
conferred on it under this Act.
(2) The Authority shall -
(a) have perpetual succession and a common seal;
(b) be capable of suing and being sued in its corporate
(c) be capable of entering into contracts, acquire, hold
and dispose of real and personal property and be
capable of doing all such other acts and things as
bodies corporate may lawfully do;
(d) be capable of exercising all such authorities and
powers as shall be necessary or expedient for the
due administration of this Act.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall have custody of the
common seal, which shall only be affixed to a document
pursuant to a resolution of the Board, and which shall be
attested to by the signature of the Chairperson of the Board and
one other Director or in the absence of the Chairperson by a
director nominated by the Board and one other director.

26 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

4. Functions of the Authority - The functions of the
Authority are -
(a) to monitor and supervise the conduct of international
financial services provided within Samoa;
(b) to protect and maintain the good repute of Samoa as
a centre for international financial services;
(c) to ensure coordination and cooperation between the
public sector agencies, private corporations and
non-governmental organisations concerned in
any way with international financial services;
(d) to promote Samoa as a centre for international
financial services;
(e) to make recommendations for the creation and the
improvement of any facilities likely to enhance
the attraction of Samoa as a centre for
international financial services;
(f) to make recommendations for the introduction,
amendment or replacement of legislation
pertaining to international financial services,
companies and other forms of business
(g) to carry out research and commission studies on the
international business sector and related services;
(h) to develop national objectives, policies and priorities
for the orderly administration of international
financial services in Samoa;
(i) to be responsible for the general administration of
international financial services legislation and for
the collection of all fees, charges and other
revenue due thereunder;
(j) to advise and make recommendations to the
Government generally on any matter relating to
international financial services; and
(k) such other functions in relation to international
financial services as may by Order be made by
the Head of State.

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 27

5. Powers of the Authority-(1) The Authority shall have
such powers as necessary or incidental to the proper
performance of its functions.
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of
subsection (1), and in addition to any other powers provided for
by this Act, the Authority shall have the following powers -
(a) to purchase, lease, sub-lease or otherwise acquire and
hold any property, whether movable or
immovable, required for the carrying out of its
functions and dispose of any such property no
longer required for such purposes;
(b) to develop its land or other property and erect and
maintain buildings or other structures;
(c) to purchase, rent, or erect houses for the use of its
officers and employees;
(d) to enter into any contract with any person for the
supply to or by it of any goods or services;
(e) to pay any expenses it has properly incurred;
(f) to produce, publish, issue, circulate and distribute,
whether for payment or otherwise, in paper,
electronic or magnetic form such reports, papers,
periodicals or other information as may be
conducive to the carrying out of its functions;
(g) to provide training schemes, with the cooperation of
such other persons or bodies as the Authority
thinks fit, for its employees or other persons
concerned with international financial services;
(h) to utilize its property, whether movable or
immovable, in such manner as it thinks fit,
including the raising of loans by using such
property as security for such loans;
(i) establish pension schemes or other welfare schemes
for the benefit of its officers and employees in
accordance with government policy; and
(j) to do all things which may be incidental to any of its
powers and functions.

28 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

6. Board of Directors-(1) The Authority shall be
administered by a Board of Directors, comprising not less than
four or more than seven Directors, who shall be responsible for
the policy and general administration of the Authority.
(2) The Board shall consist of -
(a) the Governor of Central Bank, who shall be the
(b) the Chief Executive Officer of the Ministry of
(c) the Attorney General;
(d) the Chief Executive Officer; and
(e) up to three directors with a financial services
background and with relevant knowledge,
experience and expertise which could aid the
Authority in the performance of its functions.
(3) Any person appointed a director pursuant to subsection
(2)(e) shall:
(a) Be appointed by the Head of State acting on the
advice of Cabinet;
(b) Not be a controller, director, officer, manager or
employee of a licensed trustee company under
the Trustee Companies Act 1987;
(c) Hold office for a period of three years and may be
eligible for re-appointment; and
(d) Be entitled to resign from office by delivering a
written notice to that effect to the Chairperson.
(4) The Board may co-opt any person to assist it at any of its
meetings, provided that such co-opted person shall have no
right to vote at any Board meeting.

7. Deputies of Directors-(1) If any director of the Board,
other than a director appointed under section 6(2)(e), is
temporarily incapacitated for any sufficient cause from
attending a meeting of the Board, such director may authorise a
senior officer from their Ministry, agency, firm or corporation,
as the case may be, to attend that meeting as the deputy of such

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 29

(2) Any deputy whilst acting as such, shall be deemed to be
a member of the Board.
(3) The appointment of any deputy Director, and any act
done by the deputy as a Board member shall:
(a) Not be questioned in any proceedings on the ground
that the occasion for the deputy's appointment
had not arisen or had ceased;
(b) Not be a ground to invalidate the decisions of the
Authority made during any meeting at which
such deputy was purporting to act as appointed.

8. Remuneration of Directors - Directors and deputy
Directors of the Board shall be paid such remuneration, sitting
allowance, travelling and other expenses as may from time to
time be fixed by Cabinet.

9. Meetings of the Board-(1) The Chief Executive Officer
may call meetings of the Board as often as may be required at
such times and such places as the Chief Executive Officer shall
from time to time determine provided that:
(a) The Board shall meet at least once every two
(b) Upon the written request of at least two members of
the Board, the Chief Executive Officer shall call
a meeting of the Board at a date not more than 14
days after receipt of the request.
(2) The quorum at all meetings of the Board shall be 50% of
the appointed directors who are eligible to vote under the
provisions of section 13.
(3) Any matters arising at a meeting of the Board shall be
decided by a simple majority of the members present and
voting, and in the case of an equality of votes, the Chairperson
shall have a casting vote.
(4) All orders and directions of the Board shall be given
under the hand of the Chief Executive Officer or, in the Chief
Executive Officer's absence by a director specifically authorized
and appointed by the Board.

30 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

(5) The Board shall keep proper minutes of its proceedings.
(6) Every meeting of the Board shall be presided over by the
Chairperson, or in the Chairperson's absence, by a director
elected by the Board to chair the meeting.

10. Chief Executive Officer-(1) A Chief Executive Officer
of the Authority may be appointed from time to time by Cabinet
acting on the advice of the Minister on such terms and
conditions as it deems fit.
(2) The Chief Executive Officer shall be a person with
relevant qualifications, experience and competence in
international financial services.
(3) The Chief Executive Officer shall be the Chief
Executive Officer of the Authority and shall in addition perform
such other functions and exercise such other powers as are from
time to time conferred by this or any other Act or regulation.
(4) The Chief Executive Officer may, with the approval of
the Board, delegate the performance of any of the Chief
Executive Officer's functions or the exercise of any of the Chief
Executive Officer's powers to an employee or officer of the
(5) In the event of the removal or suspension from office of
the Chief Executive Officer, Cabinet acting on the advice of the
Minister shall appoint another person to act as Acting Chief
Executive Officer under this Act until the Chief Executive
Officer is appointed or resumes office.
(6) The Chief Executive Officer shall be eligible for re-
appointment upon the expiry of the term of appointment.

11. Delegation-(1) The Board may, either generally or as
otherwise provided by the instrument of delegation under its
common seal, delegate to the Chief Executive Officer any of its
powers and the powers of the Authority under this Act, other
than this power of delegation.

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 31

(2) Where a power of delegation under subsection (1) relates
to the grant of a licence or certificate, the Chief Executive
Officer shall not issue such licence or certificate except in
accordance with the terms of the delegation, instructions,
guidelines or conditions imposed by the Board.
(3) A power delegated under subsection (1) shall, when
exercised by the Chief Executive Officer, be deemed to have
been exercised by the Authority.
(4) A delegation under this section does not prevent the
exercise of any power by the Board.
(5) A delegation under this section is revocable at the will of
the Board.

12. Board may establish Committees-(1) The Board may
establish special committees to which members shall be
appointed, and may refer to any such committee any matters for
consideration, inquiry or management.
(2) The Board may by special resolution at any of its
meetings adopt written rules of procedure for such committees.

13. Disclosure of Interest-(1) A member of the Board who
has any direct or indirect personal or pecuniary interest in any
matter coming before the Board shall, on each and every
occasion on which the matter comes before the Board, and as
soon as possible after the relevant facts have come to the
member's knowledge, declare their interest in the matter.
(2) Subject to subsection (3), a disclosure under subsection
(1) shall be recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Board
and the member shall not -
(a) be present during any deliberation of the Board with
respect to that matter; and
(b) take part in any deliberations or vote of the Board
with respect to that matter.
(3) Where as a result of the operation of subsection (2) the
Board is unable to maintain a quorum to determine a matter, the
Board member or members affected, after complying with

32 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

subsection (1), may take part in any deliberations of the Board
with respect to the matter and may vote on the matter and the
minutes of the meeting of the Board shall record the reason for
the affected member's or members' participation in any
deliberations and vote.
14. Appointment of Officers of the Authority-(1) The
Authority may appoint, at such remuneration and upon such
terms and conditions as it thinks fit, such officers, employees,
agents, advisers or consultants as it thinks necessary for the
proper and efficient discharge of its functions and may dismiss
any such officer, employee, agent, adviser or consultant as the
Authority determines.
(2) The Authority may make rules for regulating the terms
of service, discipline and training of all persons employed by or
acting on behalf of the Authority.
(3) The officers, employees and other persons acting on
behalf of the Authority shall be responsible to and under the
control of the Chief Executive Officer.

15. Provisions for existing employees of the Office of
Registrar of International and Foreign Companies
Department of Central Bank-(1) Upon the commencement of
this Act, every employee of the Office of the Registrar of
International and Foreign Companies Department of Central
Bank -
(a) may be offered employment with the Authority
on new terms and conditions as may be mutually
agreed upon by such employee and the
(b) may retire or be retired from service on such
terms as may be determined in accordance with
law; or
(c) may be transferred within the Central Bank on
such terms and conditions as may be determined
by the Central Bank.

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 33

(2) All the rights, powers, duties and liabilities, including
loans advanced to the said employees by the Central Bank that
accrued under or in connection with the contract of employment
with the Central Bank, shall be enforceable by or against the
Authority as if it were made between that employee and the

16. Financial provisions - The Authority shall establish a
General Fund –
(a) into which all money received by the Authority shall
be paid; and
(b) out of which all payments required to be made by the
Authority shall be effected, provided that if there
are insufficient moneys in that Fund to meet the
expenses referred to herein, then the deficit shall
be funded by appropriation in accordance with
Article 94 of the Constitution.

17. Revenues of the Authority and fees-(1) The revenues
of the Authority shall consist of –
(a) such fees, charges and penalties payable under
international financial services legislation or
under any other Act or regulation as may be
assigned to the Authority by that Act or
(b) such grants as may from time to time be provided to
it by the Government;
(c) such other funds as may properly accrue to the
Authority from any other source.
(2) Consistent with any policy of the Government and any
applicable law, the Authority may invest any of its monies that
are not immediately required for the discharge of its functions.
(3) The Authority may charge a fee -
(a) in respect of costs reasonably incurred in the
performance of its duties under this or any other
Act; and

34 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

(b) for any services provided by it otherwise than in
pursuance of an obligation imposed by this or
any other Act.

18. Payment to Government - The Authority shall pay
each year into the Government Treasury Fund such amount, if
any, as shall be determined by the Minister acting on the advice
of the Authority.

19. Financial Year - The financial year of the Authority
shall begin on the 1st day of July of each year and shall end on
the 30th
day of June of that year; except that the first financial
year of the Authority shall begin on the date of the
commencement of this Act and shall end on the 30th
day of June
of that year.

20. Accounts, Audit and Annual Report-(1) The
Authority shall at all times keep full and correct records of
accounts of money received and expended by the Authority and
of all transactions, assets, liabilities and funds.
(2) The Authority shall cause a statement of its accounts for
each financial year to be prepared within two months after the
end of the financial year.
(3) The accounts of the Authority shall be audited by an
auditor appointed by the Authority with the approval of the
(4) As soon as practicable, and in any event no later than
three months after the completion of the audit of its accounts for
any financial year, the Authority shall prepare and submit to the
Minister a written report of its operations for that year together
with a copy of the audited accounts.
(5) The Minister shall cause a copy of the report and audited
accounts to be tabled in the Parliament as soon as practicable.

21. Transfer of property to the Authority - As from the
commencement date of this Act –

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 35

(a) all lands, buildings, plant, machinery, apparatus,
equipment and other property, whether moveable
or immovable, which are held, by or on behalf of
the Government or the Central Bank, by the
Office of the Registrar of International and
Foreign Companies; and
(b) all assets, powers, rights, interests and privileges as
well as all debts, liabilities and obligations of the
Office of the Registrar of International and
Foreign Companies,
shall be transferred to and be vested in and held by the

22. Immunity-(1) No action shall lie against the
Government, the Minister, the Authority, the Chief Executive
Officer or any board member, officer, employee or agent of the
Authority or any person acting pursuant to any authority
conferred by the Authority or the Chief Executive Officer, as
the case may be, in respect of any act or matter done or omitted
to be done in good faith in the exercise or purported exercise of
their respective functions conferred by or under this Act or any
regulations made thereunder.
(2) The legal costs of defending any action instituted against
the Minister, the Chief Executive Officer or any board member,
officer, employee or agent of the Authority or any person acting
pursuant to any authority conferred by the Authority or the
Chief Executive Officer, as the case may be, may be borne by
the Authority.

23. Exemption from taxation - The Authority shall not be
liable to taxation except for customs and excise duties and value
added goods and services tax.

24. Regulations-(1) The Head of State, acting on the advice
of Cabinet, may from time to time, make such regulations as are
necessary or convenient for the purpose of carrying out or
giving full effect to the provisions of this Act.

36 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7
(2) Without limiting the generality of subsection (1),
regulations may be made for the purposes of -
(a) prescribing forms for certificates, licenses,
notices, approval or any other matter under this
(b) prescribing the fees payable and the rate at which
such fees are to be calculated, and providing for
the recovery and application of such fees, in
respect of any matter under this Act; and
(c) creating offences and penalties for breaches of
those offences up to a maximum of 100 penalty
(3) Where forms are prescribed under subsection (2) then
the Authority shall use the prescribed forms, but nothing in this
section shall prevent the Authority from using or requiring the
use of forms approved by the Board, if no applicable form has
been prescribed.
25. Savings and transitional arrangements-(1) Any
authorisation, registration, appointment, approval, cancellation,
suspension, condition, declaration, petition, permit, prohibition,
exemption, order, advice, direction or other act of authority
made or imposed by the Minister in relation to the Minister's
powers and functions under international financial services
legislation prior to the coming into operation of this Act, shall,
so far as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
continue in force as if made under this Act.
(2) Any application, registration, approval, or authorisation
or other act of authority made by the Registrar of International
Insurance in relation to the Registrar of International Insurance's
powers and functions under the International Insurance Act
1988 prior to the coming into operation of this Act, shall, so far
as it is not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, continue
in force as if made under this Act.
(3) Where prior to the commencement of this Act an
application, request or petition had been made to the Minister in
respect of any license, permit, authorisation or approval
required to be given by the Minister under international
financial services legislation and which has not been completed
or otherwise determined, such application, request or petition

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 37

shall continue to be dealt with and completed or otherwise
determined in all respects as if this Act had not been enacted.
(4) Where prior to the commencement of this Act an
application had been made to the Registrar of International
Insurance in respect of any registration required under the
International Insurance Act 1988 and which has not been
completed or otherwise determined, such application shall
continue to be dealt with and completed or otherwise
determined in all respects as if this Act had not been enacted.
26. Consequential amendments - The Acts specified in the
Schedule shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of
the Schedule.
SCHEDULE – Section 26
Enactment Extent of Amendment or Repeal
International Companies Act

By amending section 2 by inserting
between the terms “Audit period”
and “Bearer debenture” and their
definition the following term and
“Authority” means the Samoa Inter-
national Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act
By amending sections 8, 22, 158,
159, 163, 186, 200, 210, 224, 225,
and 227 by deleting the word
“Minister” wherever it appears and
substituting the word “Authority”;
By amending section 210(3) by
deleting the word “his” wherever it
appears and substituting the word
“its” and deleting the word “he” and
substituting the word “it” wherever
it appears;

38 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

By amending section 224(1) by
deleting the word “he” and
substituting the word “it”;

By amending section 226 by inserting
after the words “exercise by the Head
of State or any Minister” the words
“or any statutory body or authority of

By amending sections 227(4)(g) and
227(6) by deleting the word “his” and
substituting the word “its”.

Trustee Companies Act


By amending section 2 by inserting
before the term “Carry on business”
and its definition the following term
and definition:

“Authority” means the Samoa Inter-
national Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act

By amending sections 5,6,7,8,9,10,11
and 20 by deleting the word
“Minister” wherever it appears and
substituting the word “Authority”;

By amending sections 6(1), 7 and 9(1)
by deleting the word “he” and
substituting the word “it”;

By amending sections 7, 9 and 10 by
deleting the word “his” wherever it
appears and substituting the word

By amending the section 36 subtitled
“Immunity” by deleting the number
36 and inserting in its place the
number 37;

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 39

International Trusts Act


International Insurance Act

By amending the new section 37 by
inserting after the words “of Samoa,
the Minister” the words “the
Authority,” and by inserting after
the words “the Minister or the
Registrar” the words “or the

By amending section 2 by inserting
before the term “Central Bank” and
its definition the following term and
“Authority” means the Samoa Inter-
national Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act
By amending sections 14, 19, 23, 28
and 28B by deleting the word
“Minister” wherever it appears and
substituting the word “Authority”;
By amending section 28B by
deleting the word “he” wherever it
appears and substituting the word
“it” and by deleting the word “his”
wherever it appears and substituting
the word “its”.

By amending section 2 by inserting
between the terms “Auditor” and
“captive insurance business” and
their definition the following term
and definition:
“Authority” means the Samoa Inter-
national Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act

40 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7

By amending the definition of the terms
“approved securities” and “auditor” in
section 2 by deleting the word
“Minister” and substituting the word
By amending the definition of the term
“captive insurance business” by
deleting the word “Registrar” and
substituting the word “Authority”;
By amending section 5(1) by deleting
the word “Registrar” and substituting
the word “Authority”
By amending section 5(1)(c) and (e)
and 5(2) by inserting before the words
“the Registrar” wherever it appears, the
words “the Authority or”
By amending sections 6, 7, 9, 12, 17(3),
20(3), 22(4), 22(5), 27, 28, and 30 by
deleting the word “Registrar” wherever
it appears and substituting the word
By amending sections 3, 11, 13, 14, 23,
24, 25, 37 and 39 by deleting the word
“Minister” wherever it appears and
substituting the word “Authority”;
By amending sections 7, 9(2), 9(3),
11(1), 22(4), 25(1) and 37(1) by
deleting the word “he” wherever it
appears and substituting the word “it”
and by deleting the word “his”
wherever it appears and substituting the
word “its”;
By amending sections 17(5)(a), 22(2),
24(1), 24(2), 24(3), 24(4), 24(7), 25(8)
and 32(3)(a) by inserting before the
words “the Registrar” the words “the
Authority or”;

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 41



International Partnership
and Limited Partnership Act
By amending sections 22(2), 24(1),
and 24(3) by inserting after the
words “him”, “himself” or “he” as
the case may be where they appear,
the words “or it”;
By amending section 24(4) by
deleting the words “to him”;
By amending section 25(1) by
deleting the word “he” and
substituting the words “the
Authority” and by amending section
25(6) by deleting the word “he” and
substituting the word “it”;
By amending section 26(1) by
inserting after the words “the
Minister” the words “or the
Authority” and by inserting after the
word “he” the words “or it”;
By amending section 38 by inserting
before the words “and the Registrar”
the words “, the Authority” and by
inserting before the words “or the
Registrar” the words “, the

By repealing section 43.

By amending section 2 by inserting
before the term “Contribution” and
its definition the following term and

“Authority” means the Samoa
International Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act

42 Samoa International Finance Authority 2005, No. 7


Segregated Fund Inter-
national Companies Act
By amending section 32 by deleting
the word “Minister” wherever it
appears and substituting the word
“Authority” and in subsection (1) by
deleting the word “his” and
substituting the word “its”;
By amending sections 35, 39, 40, by
deleting the word “Minister”
wherever it appears and substituting
the word “Authority”;
By amending sections 32, 39 and 40
by deleting the word “his” wherever
it appears and substituting the word
“its” and by deleting the word “he”
wherever it appears and substituting
the word “it”;
By amending section 45 by inserting
before the words “the Registrar or
any person” the words “the
Authority,” and by inserting before
the words “or the Registrar” the
words “, the Authority”;
By amending section 2 by inserting
between the terms “articles” and
“charge” and their definition the
following term and definition:
“Authority” means the Samoa
International Finance Authority
established under the Samoa
International Finance Authority Act
By amending section 32 by inserting
before the words “the Registrar or
any person” the words “the
Authority, and by inserting before
the words “or the Registrar” the
words “, the Authority”. * Note: English Print only (This does not form part of Schedule)

2005, No.7 Samoa International Finance Authority 43

The Samoa International Finance Authority Act 2005 is
administered in the Central Bank of Samoa