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Constitutional Convention Act, 2015

Published: 2016-03-28

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Constitutional Convention Act, 2015
sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
Section Page
§401. Short Title .............................................................................................................................. 3
§402. Interpretation. ....................................................................................................................... 3
§403. Intent. ..................................................................................................................................... 4
§404. The Convention. ................................................................................................................... 4
§405. Members . .............................................................................................................................. 4
§406. Qualification. ......................................................................................................................... 6
§407. Elections. ................................................................................................................................ 6
§408. Vacancies. .............................................................................................................................. 6
§409. Pre-Convention Committee. ............................................................................................... 7
§410. Session of the Convention. .................................................................................................. 7
§411. President of the Convention. .............................................................................................. 7
§412. Procedures of the Convention. ........................................................................................... 8
§413. Duties of the Convention. ................................................................................................... 8
§414. Powers of the Convention. .................................................................................................. 8
§415. Issues of Subpoenas. ............................................................................................................ 9
§416. Contempt. .............................................................................................................................. 9
§417. Staff of the Convention. ....................................................................................................... 9
§418. Compensation. ...................................................................................................................... 9
§419. Appropriation. .................................................................................................................... 10
§420. Administration of Funds. .................................................................................................. 10
Page2 r
§421. Effective Date ...................................................................................................................... 10

sRepublic of the Marshall Islands
Jepilpilin Ke Ejukaan
AN ACT to provide for a Constitutional Convention, prescribing its powers, duties
and functions and for matters connected therewith
Commencement: October 19, 2015
Source: P.L. 2015-46
Amended by: P.L 2016-06 P.L. 2016-07 P.L 2016-08
P.L 2016-09 P.L 2016-19
§401. Short Title
This Act may be cited as the Constitutional Convention Act, 2015.
§402. Interpretation.
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) “Committee” means the Pre-Convention Committee
established under this Act;
(b) “Convention” means the Constitutional Convention
established herein;
(c) “Speaker” means the Speaker of the Nitijela;
(d) “President” means the President of the Constitutional
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§403. Intent.
(1) Whereas the Nitijela is tasked with the responsibility at least once
every ten years to report on the advisability of amending the
Constitution or calling or holding a referendum on the question of
calling or holding a Constitutional Convention, and that a Special
Committee appointed by the Speaker of the Nitijela pursuant to
Nitijela Resolution No.3 of 2013;
(2) Whereas the Special Committee had compiled a report on the
advisability of amending certain parts of the Constitution, and
presented to the Nitijela, and on January 20, 2014 adopted the report;
(3) Whereas all proposals, including those referenced under the Nitijela
Special Committee 2013 Report are reproduced in the document
attached herewith as Schedule 1; and
(4) Now therefore, it is the duty of the Nitijela in accordance with
Article XII Sections 1, 2 and 4 of the Constitution to provide for the
holding of a Constitutional Convention as follows.
§404. The Convention.
There is hereby created in accordance with Article XII Sections 1, 2 and 4 of
the Constitution a convention to be known as the Marshall Islands
Constitutional Convention and referred hereinafter as “the Constitutional
§405. Members .
The Constitutional Convention shall consist of 45 members of who shall be
elected as follows:
(1) Thirty three (33) members to be elected from the electoral districts in
the same manner as provided in Article IV Section 402 of the
Constitution, as follows:
(a) Majuro shall be represented by five (5) members;
(b) Kwajalein shall be represented by three members;
(c) Aillinglaplap shall be represented by two members;
(d) Arno shall be represented by two members;
(e) Jaluit shall be represented by two members;
(f) Mili shall be represented by one member;
(g) Ebon shall be represented by one member;
(h) Lib shall be represented by one member;
(i) Namdrik shall be represented by one member;
(j) Maloelap shall be represented by one member;
(k) Wotje shall be represented by one member;
(l) Likiep shall be represented by one member;
(m) Ailuk shall be represented by one member;
(n) Aur shall be represented by one member;
(o) Namu shall be represented by one member;
(p) Wotho shall be represented by one member;
(q) Enewetak and Ujelang shall be represented by one member;
(r) Kili Bikini Ejit shall be represented by one member;
(s) Rongelap shall be represented by one member;
(t) Mejit shall be represented by one member;
(u) Utrik shall be represented by one member;
(v) Lae shall be represented by one member;
(w) Ujae shall be represented by one member;
(x) Jabat shall be represented by one member.
(2) Narikrik, Erikub, Jemo, Taka, Bikar, Bokak, Rongrik and Ailinginae
shall each be included in the electoral district with which it is most
closely associated, pursuant to custom and traditional practice;
(3) In addition to subsection (1) above, twelve (12) other members who
are of Iroij descent shall be represented by four (4) Iroijs and or
Leroijs, elected in the following manner:
(a) Railik Chain (excluding Ujelang and Enewetak) shall be
represented by four (4) Iroijs and/or Leroijs, elected in the
following manner:
(i) one Iroij or Leroij from the domain (mojen) of Laelang
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(ii) one Iroij or Leroij from the domain (mojen) of Jeimata
(iii) one Iroij or Leroij from the domain (mojen) of Loeak;
(iv) one Iroij or Leroij from the domain (mojen) of Litokwa;
(b) Ujelang and Enewetak shall be represented by one Iroij or
(c) Mili shall be represented by one Iroij or Leroij;
(d) Arno shall be represented by one Iroij or Leroij;
(e) Mejit shall be represented by one Iroij or Leroij;
(f) Majuro shall be represented by one Iroij or Leroij;
(g) Airok Maloelap shall be represented by one Iroij or Leroij;
(h) Aur, Wotje, Utrik, Maloelap and Ailuk shall all be represented
by one Iroij or Leroij;
(i) Likiep shall be represented by one Owner;
§406. Qualification.
The qualifications to become a member of the Constitutional Convention
shall be the same as those required to qualify as a member of the Nitijela, as
set out under Article IV Section 404 of the Constitution.
§407. Elections.
(1) The election of members to the Constitutional Convention shall be
governed by the provisions of the Elections and Referenda Act 1981 and
the provisions of such Act shall apply mutatis mutandis to the
conduct of such elections.
(2) All persons who are qualified to vote pursuant to the Constitution
and the Elections and Referenda Act, 1981 shall be eligible to vote at
this election.
(3) The elections anticipated herein shall be conducted within a
reasonable time from the passage of this Act.
§408. Vacancies.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the Elections and Referenda Act 1981, in the
event of a vacancy occurring during the course of the Constitutional
Convention, such vacancy shall be filled by the candidate who polled the
next highest number of votes.
§409. Pre-Convention Committee.
(1) There is hereby established a Pre-Convention Committee which shall
consist of seven (7) members as follows:
(a) the Speaker of the Nitijela or his designee, who shall also serve
as chairman of the Committee;
(b) six (6) other members appointed by the Speaker.
(2) The Pre-Convention Committee shall act as the Coordinating
Committee and shall ensure accommodation, Convention
administrative facilities and staffs are organized for the proper
commencement and functioning of the Convention.
(3) The Committee may be assisted by the staff of the Nitijela as and
when the Chairman deems it necessary.
§410. Session of the Convention.
The Convention shall convene in Majuro within one month of the date of the
election of the members and shall remain in session for a period of not more
than thirty (60) sitting days. The term “sitting days” as used herein shall
have the same meaning as defined under the Rules of the Procedures of the
Nitijela. [Sitting days increase from 30 to 60 by P.L. 2016-25]
§411. President of the Convention.
(1) The Speaker shall preside over the initial meeting of the
Constitutional Convention to elect the President of the Convention
from amongst the membership of the Convention and shall thereafter
vacate the Chair in favor of the President of the Convention.
(2) The President of the Convention shall preside over all sessions of the
Convention and ensure the proper conduct of the meetings of the
(3) In the event that the President is temporary unable to perform his
duties, he or she may designate from amongst the membership of the
Convention, another member to perform such functions until such
time that he or she is able to assume responsibility.
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§412. Procedures of the Convention.
The Convention may adopt its own rules of procedure. The Convention may
refer to the Rules of Procedures of the Nitijela for guidance, or in the case
where a matter is not provided for in its own rules.
§413. Duties of the Convention.
(1) The Convention shall consider all proposals adopted by the Nitijela
pursuant to this Act, as per Schedule 1 of this Act.
(2) The Convention shall not consider or adopt amendments that are not
related to or inconsistent with, the proposals referred to it for
consideration by the Nitijela pursuant to Article XII, Section 404(3) of
the Constitution.
(3) Upon the completion of the duties of the Convention, the President of
the Convention shall forthwith, notify the Speaker of the
amendments or proposals it has adopted for submission to a
§414. Powers of the Convention.
(1) The Convention shall have the following powers:
(a) the power to procure and receive all evidence, written or oral
and to examine witnesses;
(b) the power to issue subpoenas requiring the attendance of
witnesses or the productions of books, documents or any other
items of interest related to the work of the Convention;
(c) the power to require that witnesses be sworn under oath or
(d) the power to administer or cause to be administered an Oath
or Affirmation.
(2) The Convention may request information from any government
department and it shall be the duty of a government department to
produce such information, except where in the opinion of the Head of
the Department such information is considered confidential in the
interests of National Security.
§415. Issues of Subpoenas.
(1) Every subpoena issued by the Convention shall be issued under the
hand of the President of the Convention or such other member
authorized by the President and shall be executed or served by the
Department of Public Safety.
(2) Every person served with a subpoena to appear before the
Convention or to produce books, documents or other items of interest
related to the work of the Convention shall appear before the
Convention for such purposes promptly at the time and place
specified in the subpoena.
§416. Contempt.
(1) Any person who, without justification cause:
(a) fails to obey a subpoena issued under this Act;
(b) refuses to be sworn or affirmed for the purposes of the
Convention, shall be liable for contempt.
(2) The President of the Convention shall have the authority to refer the
matter to the Office of the Attorney-General for prosecution.
§417. Staff of the Convention.
The Convention may employ such staff or consultant as it may deem
necessary for the proper functioning of the Convention.
§418. Compensation.
(1) Members of the Convention who are employees of the Public Service
Commission shall be entitled to leave with pay.
(2) All members of the Convention shall be entitled to a sitting allowance
at the Rates of one hundred dollars ($100.00) per sitting day.
(3) Members of the Convention who are residents of Ebeye and other
Outer islands shall be entitled to the necessary travel expenses and
per diem at the standard government rate for Majuro Atoll, in
addition to the sitting allowance.
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(4) Staff of the Convention who are employees of the Public Service shall
be entitled to leave with pay, while staff who are not employees of
the Public Service shall be entitled to renumeration as determined by
the Convention at such rates compatible with the salary rates in the
Public Service Commission.
§419. Appropriation.
(1) A Fund in the initial amount of eight hundred thousand dollars
($800,000.00) shall be appropriated to defray expenses incurred in the
elections to the Convention, the administration of the Convention, the
allowances, fees and per diem of the members and staff of the
Convention and any other cost related to the work of the Convention.
(2) The Fund shall be appropriated as the direct charge on the General
§420. Administration of Funds.
(1) The funds allocated for the purposes of this Act, shall be determined
by the President of the Convention jointly with the Secretary of
Finance strictly for the purposes of this Act. The President of the
Convention shall ensure that all receipts, invoices and any other
records of expenditures of such funds are maintained.
(2) The funds so allocated shall remain available until the work of the
Convention has been concluded. Any balance remaining un-
expended shall be transferred to the General Fund.
§421. Effective Date
This Act shall take effect in accordance with the Constitution and the Rules
of Procedures of the Nitijela.
l Page11
(Section 403(3))
1. Proposal No. SC1 - Article XI, Section 402(1)(b), Citizenship by Registration:
this subsection be amended to add the further requirement that a person applying
for citizenship pursuant to this provision be married to the Marshallese spouse of
the child upon whom citizenship is based;
2. Proposal No. SC2 - Article XI, Section 402(1)(c) be clarified by defining the
term “interest of justice” to relate only to issue of descent and in not to extend
beyond the 7th generation on descendants. This clarification can be defined under
Article XIV, Section 1.
1. Proposal No. SC3 - Article V, Section 402, Composition of the Cabinet: To
amend Article V, Section 402 by the inclusion of a Vice-President as a member of the
2. Proposal No.SC4 – Article V, Section 403, The President: To amend this
Section to provide for the direct election of the President by the people, rather than
by the Nitijelā, and to provide for the added qualification that a candidate to the
Presidency be a natural born citizen and for other matters connected therewith.
3. Proposal No. SC5 - Article V, Creation of Office of the Vice President: To
amend Article V to provide for the creation of an office of Vice President, the direct
election by the people of the Vice President, the qualifications thereto which shall
include the proviso that a candidate to the Vice-Presidency be a natural born citizen,
the duties and functions of said office and other matters pertaining thereto.
4. Proposal No. SC6 - Article V, Section 407, Vote of No Confidence in the
Cabinet: To amend this Section by the removal of the provisions relating to removal
of Cabinet and the President by motion for and vote of no confidence and the
substitution thereof with provisions providing for the removal of the President,
Page12 r
Vice-President, or individual members of the Cabinet on the same grounds and in
the same manner in which a judge of the High Court or Supreme Court is removed
and for other matters relating thereto.
5. Proposal No. SC7 - Article X, Section 1, Traditional Rights of Land Tenure
Preserved: To amend Subsection (2) to prohibit the sale of customary land except in
instances where the bwij has expired.
6. Proposal No. SC8 - Article X, Traditional Rights: To amend this Article by
inclusion of a provision which restricts the sale and ownership of land to citizens
and the RMI Government.
7. Proposal No. SC9 - Article IV, Membership of the Nitijela: To amend
Section 1 for the purpose of reserving 6 seats from the current 33 seats and from
within the following electorates to be contested exclusively by women candidates: 2
from Majuro, 1 from Kwajalein, 1 from Ailinglaplap, 1 from Arno and 1 from Jaluit.
8. Proposal No. SC10 - Article VIII, Section 406, The Annual Appropriations
Bill: To amend this section by the inclusion of language which provides a mandate
that any and all Annual Appropriations Bill be balanced.
9. Proposal No. SC11 - Article VIII, Section 408, Supplementary
Appropriations Bill: To amend this section by the inclusion of language which
provides a mandate that any and all Supplementary Appropriations Bill be
10. Proposal No. SC13 - Article II, Section 412, Equal Protection and Freedom
From Discrimination: To amend Article II, Section 412(2) to include “sexual
discrimination” as a basis of discrimination.
11. Proposal No. SC14 - Article III, Section 1, The Council of Iroij: To amend
Subsection (2) by increasing the total membership of the Council of Iroij by the
inclusion of one additional iroij member from Mili Atoll.
12. Proposal No. SC15: Article III, Section 405, The Chairman and Vice-
Chairman of the Council of Iroij: To amend Subsection (3)(a) to provide that the
Chairman and Vice Chairman shall vacate their seats on the entry into office of a
new Chairman or Vice-Chairman elected four (4) years thereafter, when the Council
of Iroij first meets in that calendar year.
l Page13
13. Proposal No. SC16 - Article VI, Section 403, The Traditional Right Court: To
amend this Section to confer original jurisdiction in the Traditional Rights Courts to
determine controversies relating to the customary law, traditional practices, land
rights and titles or other related customary or traditional matters.
14. Proposal No. SC17 - Article VIII, Section 403, the Attorney General: to
amend this Section to allow for the instituting, conducting or discontinuing any
proceedings by a separate and independent office or body relating to fraud, misuse
of public funds, misconduct in office, abuse of office, bribery, corruption, or other
ethical conduct contrary to law by elected or high officials.
15. Proposal No. SC18 - To make appropriate provisions in the Constitution to
provide for the establishment of an Office of the Ombudsman, the duties and
responsibilities of such office, the manner of appointment, and removal, tenure and
16. Proposal No. 19 – To amend Article IV, Section 4 by adding a new section 3
and insert it after section 2 to stringent the requirements or the qualifications of
candidates to the Nitijela to read as follows:
(3) Any person who is qualified to be a candidate must have land rights by birth and
be of natural born citizen. [Proposal No. SC19 inserted by P.L 2016-06.]
17. Proposal No. 20 – Article X of the Constitution of the Republic: To amend
Article X for inclusion of a new section to be inserted under Article X to provide for
traditional dispute resolution of land tenure system in the Republic of the Marshall
(1) Any disputes regarding customary and traditional land tenure and
traditional practices, and involving title, right and interest to land within a Bwij or
Bōtōktōk, or between Bwij or Bōtōktōk, in the Republic shall, first and foremost, be
resolved within the Mojen, Mōñā or Bed, by the Iroijlaplap, Iroijerik – where
applicable, Alap and Senior Dri Jerbal.
Provided however, where any:
(a) Disputes regarding the Iroijerik title, right and interest, discussions shall be
held between the Iroijlaplap, Alap and Senior Dri Jerbal;
(b) Disputes regarding the Alap title, right and interest, discussion shall be held
between the Iroijlaplap, Iroijerik – where applicable, and Senior Dri Jerbal;
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(c) Disputes regarding the Senior Dri Jerbal title, right and interest, discussion
shall be held between the Iroijlaplap, Iroijerik – where applicable and Alap, and;
(d) Disputes regarding the Iroijlaplap title, right and interest,
discussion shall be held between the Iroijerik – where
applicable, Alap and Senior Dri Jerbal.
(2) The final determination from the Mojen, Mōñā or Bed regarding disputes
between the titleholders pursuant to subsections (a), (b) and (c) above, shall be
decided by the Iroijlaplap, and appealable to the Traditional Rights Court, only
upon clear and convincing evidence that it was reached erroneously.
(3) The final determination from the Mojen, Mōñā or Bed regarding the
Iroijlaplap title, right and interest shall be decided by the Iroijerik – where
applicable, Alap and Senior Dri Jerbal, collectively. This Decision is appealable to
the Traditional Rights Court. [Proposal No. SC20 inserted by P.L 2016-08.]
18. Proposal No. 21 – Article IV, Section 2 (1): To amend Article 4, Section 2(1)
by including Enenkio Island as part of the electoral district with which it is closely
associated in the Republic of the Marshall Islands to read as follows:
Narikrik, Erikub, Jemo, Taka, Bikar, Bokak, Enenkio, Rongrik and Ailinginae shall
each be included in the electoral district with which it is most closely associated,
pursuant to the customary law or any traditional practice. [Proposal No. 21 inserted by P.L 2016-07.]
19. Proposal No. 22 – To amend Article XI, Section 2 (b) to stringent and
prolong the period of resident as one of the citizenship requirements, from 3 to 10
years to read as follows:
(b) that he has been a legal resident in the Republic for not less than 10 years,
and is the parent of a child who is a citizen of the Republic or…”[Proposal No. 22 inserted byP.L 2016-09.]
20. Proposal No. 23. – Article I, Section 4 (7): To amend Article I, Section 4 (7)
which gives legal protection of witnesses giving evidence against himself, spouse,
parent, child, or sibling, etc to read as follows:
(7) No person shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness
against himself, or against his spouse, parent, child, or sibling, or to
give testimonial evidence against any such person whenever that
evidence might directly or indirectly be used to obtain such person’s
criminal conviction. Notwithstanding, where:
l Page15
(a) an allegation of violence is against the spouse or partner;
(b) an allegation of violence against a person who was at the material time
under the age of eighteen years;
(c) an alleged sexual offence against a victim who was at the material time
under the age below 18 years; or
(d) the person is attempting, conspiring or aiding and abetting,
counselling and procuring to commit the offences in the categories
a person may be compelled to testify against his or her spouse, parent, child,
or sibling. [Proposal No. 23 inserted by P.L 2016-19]