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Alberta Taxpayer Protection Act

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Chapter A‑36
WHEREAS the people of Alberta want to maintain the Alberta Advantage;
WHEREAS Alberta is the only province in Canada that does not have a general provincial sales tax;
WHEREAS a general provincial sales tax is not a desirable tax; and
WHEREAS the opinion of the people of Alberta should be obtained directly before any legislation that levies a general provincial sales tax is introduced; THEREFORE HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta, enacts as follows:
Referendum required
1   A member of the Executive Council may introduce in the Legislative Assembly a Bill that imposes a general provincial sales tax only if, before the introduction of the Bill, the Chief Electoral Officer announces the result of a referendum conducted under this Act on a question that relates to the imposition of the tax.
1995 cA‑37.8 s1
Holding a referendum
2   The Lieutenant Governor in Council may order the holding of a referendum that relates to the imposition of a general provincial sales tax.
1995 cA‑37.8 s2
Question to be asked
3   The question or questions to be put to the electors at a referendum held under this Act shall be determined by a resolution of the Legislative Assembly on the motion of a member of the Executive Council.
1995 cA‑37.8 s3
4(1)  Sections 4 to 11 of the Constitutional Referendum Act apply to a referendum held under this Act.
(2)  An order under section 2 of this Act is deemed to be an order under section 1 of the Constitutional Referendum Act for the purposes of section 5 of that Act.
1995 cA‑37.8 s4