Key Benefits:
CIRCULAR The Citizenship Act (1985) of the Royal Government of Bhutan, as enacted by the National Assembly at its 62nd Session 1985 corresponding to Bhutanese Wood Ox year is hereby proclaimed for implementing with effect from the date of its approval by the National Assembly. It supersedes all previous regulation and circular. This may please be brought to the attention of all concerned.
Sd/- (N. Wangchuk) Home Minister.
1. This Act may be called the Bhutan Citizenship Act, 1985. It shall come into
force from twenty third day of the fourth month of Wood Bull year of the Bhutanese calendar corresponding to 10th June, 1985. In case of conflict between the provisions of this Act and the provision f any previous laws, rules and regulations relating to citizenship, the provisions of this Act shall prevails.
A person whose parents are both citizens of Bhutan shall be deemed to be a citizen of Bhutan by birth. 3. CITIZENSHIP BY REGESTRATION. A person permanently domiciled in Bhutan on or before 31st December,1958, and, whose name is registered in the census register maintained by the Ministry of Home Affairs shall be deemed to be a citizen of Bhutan by registration. 4. CITIZENSHIP BY NATURALIZATION . A person desiring to apply for Bhutanese citizenship to the Ministry of Home Affairs in Forms KA-1 and KA-2 must fulfil all the following conditions to be eligible for naturalization: a) The person must have attained th age of 21 years, and 15 years in the case of a person either of whose parents is a citizen of Bhutan; b) The person must be mentally sound; c) The person must have resided n Bhutan for 15 years in the case of Government employees and also in the case of applic nts, either of whose parents is a citizen of Bhutan, and 20 years in all other case, and this period of residence must be registered in the records of the Department of Immigration and Census. d) The person must be able to speak, read and write Dzongkha proficiently; e) The person must have good knowledge of the culture, customs, traditions, and history of Bhutan; f) The person must have good moral character and should not have any record of imprisonment for criminal offences in Bhutan or elsewhere; g) The person must have no record of having spoken r acted against the King, Country and People of Bhutan in any manner whatsoever, and h) The person must be prepared to take a solemn Oath of Allegiance to the King, Country and People of Bhutan according to the prescribed From KHA.
On receipt of the application Form KA-1 for naturalization, the Ministry of Home Affairs will take necessary steps to check all the particulars contained in the application. The Ministry of Home Affairs will also conduct written and oral tests to assess proficiency in Dzongkha and knowledge of the culture, customs, traditions andhistory of Bhutan. The decision of the Ministry of Home Affairs on the question of eligibility for naturalization shall be final and binding. The Royal Government of Bhutan also reserves the right to reject any application for naturalization without assigning any reason. 5. GRANT OF CITIZENSHIP: a) A person, whose application for naturalization has been favourably considered by the ministry of Home Affairs, shall t ke the Oath of Allegiance according to Form KHA of this Act and then His Majesty the King may grant citizenship Kasho. b) A person shall then be deemed to be a citizen of Bhutan upon receiving a Kashog from His Majesty the King of Bhutan according to Form GA of this Act. 6. TERMINATION OF CITIZENSHIP: a) Any citizen of Bhutan who acquires the citizenship of another country shall cease to be a citizen of Bhutan. The wife/husband and children of that person if they were Bhutanese citizens, shall have the right to remain as citizens of Bhutan provided they are permanently domiciled in Bhutan and are registered annually in the citizenship Register maintained by the Ministry of Home Affairs. b) Any citizen of Bhutan who has acquired citizenship by naturalization may be deprived of citizenship at any time if it is found that naturalization had been obtained by means of fraud, false representation or the concealment of any materials fact. c) Any citizen of Bhutan who has acquired citizenship by naturalization may be deprived of citizenship at any time if that person has shown by act or speech to be disloyal in any manner whatsoever to the King, Country and People of Bhutan. d) If both the parents are Bhutanese and in case of the children leaving the Country of their own accord, without the knowledge of the Royal Government of Bhutan and their names are also not recorded in the citizenship regist r maintained in the Ministry of Home Affairs, then they will not be considered as citizens of Bhutan.(Resolution No.16 (2) adopted by the National Assembly of Bhutan in its 62nd Session). e) Any citizen of Bhutan who has been deprived of Bhutanese citizenship must dispose of all immovable property in Bhutan within o e year, failing which, the immovable property shall be confiscated by the Ministry of Home Affairs on payment of fair and reasonable compensation.
(See Article2) The Hon’ble Home Minister, Ministry of Home Affairs, Tashichho Dzong, Thimphu Sir, I have the honour to apply for Bhutanese Citizenship according to Article 4 of the Citizenship Act of Bhutan, 1985. In the event that my application for natur lization is approved by the prescribed authority in the Royal Government of Bhutan, I am prepared to take the Oath of Allegiance pledging my full loyalty and devotion to the King, Country and people of Bhutan. I am also prepared to faithfully abide by all the Laws of Bhutan and to perform all the duties required of a faithful subject of His Majesty the King of Bhutan. The Form KA-2 duly filled in is attached. Yours faithfully, (Signature of applicant) Name of applicant: ………………………….. (Stamp for Nu. 100/-: ……………………….. Date: ………………………………………........
(Please fill in Block letters)
Passport Size
1. Name of applicant Mr. / Mrs. / Miss : 2. Date of birth : 3 Place of birth : 4. Home Address : 5. Educational qualification : 6. Profession : 7. Country of present Citizenship : 8. Date of arrival in Bhutan : 9. Purpose for coming to Bhutan : 10. Present address : 11. Height of applicant : Colour of eyes : Identification mark, if any : 12. Name of father : 13. Name of mother : 14. Reason (s) for applying for Bhutan Citizenship 15. If married a) Name of husband/wife : b) Date of birth of husband/wife : c) Whether husband/wife is a Bhutanese citizen : d) Place and date of issue of Marriage Certificate : e) Present address : f) Particulars of each children with birth certificates attached :
(Name of adopted children should not be inserted here): Sl.No Name Sex Date of Birth 1. 2. 3. 4.
16. If in Government Service : 1. Date of appointment : …………………… 2. Department in which employed : ……………………. 3. Designation : …………………………........ 4. Present pay and scale of pay : …………………… 17. If not in Government service, please state nature of employment with full details (Signature of applicant)
(See Article 4 (h)) OATH OF ALLEGIANCE
I ……………………….do solemnly swear as that : 1. I pledge my full allegiance to the sacred institution of monarchy; 2. I shall always serve the King, Country and Peopl of Bhutan with an unwavering love, devotion and loyalty; 3. I shall faithfully observe the Laws of Bhutan; 4. I shall make every effort to preserve the rich cultural heritage of Bhutan; and 5. I shall faithfully perform my duties as a loyal subject of the King of Bhutan. In testimony of having sworn this Oath of Allegiance, I hereby affix my signature on the date and place mentioned hereunder. Place : ……………………………… Date : ……………………………. (Signature)
(See Article 4)
KASHOG OF CITIZENSHIP Number : We are please to accept Mr. / Mrs. / Miss ……………………… .. as our loyal subject from this day, and we do hereby confer on him/her all the rights, privileges and duties of a citizen of Bhutan. Given under our hand and seal this ……………… of …… ………….at the Tashichho Dzong.
Sd /-