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Limousine Regulations 2007

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Limousine Regulations 2007


BR 48/ 2007


1951 : 89



1 Citation

2 Interpretation

3 Hire

4 Maximum number of


5 Colour and design

6 Tinting of windows

7 Display of notice in


8 Dress and conduct

9 No advertising matter in

or on limousine

10 Carriage of animals

11 Lost property

12 Keeping of records

13 Inspection of records

14 Limousine reserved for

hire particular journeys

15 Continous periods of

driving: limits and rest


16 Offences

17 Limousine not to stand on

highway more than 30

minutes unattended

The Minister responsible for Transport, in exercise of the powers

conferred by sections 37, 102 and 103 of the Motor Car Act 1951, makes

the following Regulations:


1 These Regulations may be cited as the Limousine Regulations



2 In these Regulations —



“fare” means the charge agreed between a person who hires a

limousine and the person who operates a limousine service;

“limousine” has the meaning given in section 2 of the Motor Car

Act 1951.


3 (1) A limousine shall be hired by reservation or appointment


(2) A limousine shall not be used for the purposes of standing

or plying for hire.

Maximum number of passengers

4 (1) It shall not be lawful to carry more than six passengers in a

limousine at one time:

Provided that, in any case where it appears to the Minister that

by reason of the construction of a particular limousine it is in the public

interest to do so, the Minister may by order limit the number of

passengers which may be lawfully carried in that limousine to four.

(2) No more than one passenger shall be carried in the front

seat of a limousine.

(3) For the purpose of this regulation, a child in arms shall not

be counted as a passenger, and two children under the age of twelve

years shall count as one passenger.

Colour and design

5 (1) Exterior paintwork of limousines shall be of a colour to be

approved by Minister.

(2) Limousines shall be of a design to be approved by the


(3) The Minister shall from time to time publish by public

advertisement or otherwise the colour and design approved for


Tinting of windows

6 For greater certainty, the windscreen and all other windows of a

limousine shall comply with the requirements of section 20(2) of the

Motor Car (Construction, Equipment and Use) Regulations 1952.

Display of notice in limousine

7 (1) There shall be displayed in a prominent place inside every

limousine a permanent notice containing the registration number of the




(2) A form of the notice may be obtained free of charge from the

Minister and the notice shall be displayed in such manner as the

Minister may approve.

Dress and conduct

8 The driver of a limousine, while in charge of it, shall —

(a) be polite and respectful in conduct, be neat and clean in

appearance and be correctly dressed in attire of a style,

including headgear, that is commonly associated with a

chauffeur of a vehicle, as may be determined by the


(b) wear in a prominent position, or display in a

conspicuous place inside the limousine, an identification

badge issued by the Minister on payment of a prescribed

fee, which badge shall bear a photographic likeness of

the driver;

(c) refrain from smoking while any passenger is in the

limousine; and

(d) ensure that while a passenger is being carried in the

limousine any radio other than a radio telephone

installed or carried in the limousine is not used without

the consent of the passenger.

No advertising matter in or on limousine

9 No advertising matter of any description whatsoever shall be

displayed in or on any limousine:

Provided that a limousine hired by a tourist agency for the

carriage of passengers disembarking from or re-embarking on a ship

calling at Bermuda may, subject to such conditions as the Minister may

from time to time impose, have displayed on the windscreen a distinctive

sticker of such size, design and colour as the Minister may from time to

time approve.

Carriage of animals

10 It shall be in the discretion of the driver of a limousine to refuse

to carry any animal, whether or not the animal is carried in a cage, crate

or basket.

Lost property

11 (1) Any person who finds property left in a limousine shall

immediately hand it in the state in which they find it to the driver of the

limousine, who shall deal with it in accordance with this regulation.



(2) On the completion or termination of any hire, the driver

shall search the limousine for any property left in it and shall hand such

property together with any property handed to the driver in accordance

with paragraph (1) to the police officer in charge of a police station:

Provided that if, before such property is handed to a police officer

in charge of a police station, it is claimed by a person who satisfies the

driver or the operator of the limousine service that the person is the

owner, it shall be returned to that person forthwith, without fee or

reward, on that person giving their name and address to the driver or

operator who shall, as soon as practicable, report the facts and give the

claimant’s name and address and a description of the property to the

police officer in charge of a police station.

Keeping of records

12 (1) It shall be the duty of —

(a) the person who operates a limousine service; or

(b) in the case of a limousine working under the general

directions of a dispatching service, the person who

operates the dispatching service,

to maintain a record of such particulars and in such form as may be

prescribed by the Minister by notice published in the Gazette.

(2) Particulars required to be entered in the record shall be

duly entered within twenty-four hours of their occurrence.

(3) Any record so made shall be retained by the operator of the

limousine service or of the dispatching service for at least six months.

Inspection of records

13 A limousine service operator or the operator of a dispatching

service, as the case may be, shall produce for inspection any record

prescribed in regulation 12 whenever requested to do so by any police

officer of or above the rank of sergeant or by any person authorized in

writing by the Minister in that behalf.

Limousines reserved for hire for particular journeys

14 The Minister from time to time may specify by order the number

of limousines which shall be reserved by the operator of a limousine

service for hire to the public for particular journeys; and the operator

shall not hire limousines for periods of time in such manner as to reduce

below the number specified in the order the number of limousines which

is available for hire to the public for particular journeys.



Continuous periods of driving: limits and rest periods

15 (1) No person shall drive a limousine or cause or allow any

person employed by them or subject to their orders to drive a

limousine —

(a) for any continuous period of more than five hours; or

(b) for continuous periods amounting in the aggregate to

more than ten hours in any period of twenty-four hours

commencing two hours after midnight; or

(c) so that the driver has not at least ten consecutive hours

for rest in any period of twenty-four hours calculated

from the commencement of any period of driving:

Provided that it shall be a sufficient compliance with this

sub-paragraph if the driver has at least nine consecutive

hours of rest in any period of twenty-four hours where

he has an interval of at least twelve consecutive hours

for rest in the next following period of twenty-four hours.

(2) For the purposes of this regulation —

(a) any two or more periods of time spent in driving shall be

deemed to be a continuous period unless separated by

an interval of not less than half an hour in which the

driver is able to obtain rest and refreshment.

(b) there shall be reckoned as time spent in driving any time

spent by a driver of a limousine —

(i) in or about the limousine during any time the

limousine is at the disposal of a hirer; or

(ii) on other work in connection with the limousine,

including its maintenance and repair.

(3) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing provisions of this

regulation, a person shall not be liable to be convicted under this

regulation if they prove to the court before which proceedings under this

regulation are taken that the contravention was due to unavoidable delay

in the completion of any journey arising out of circumstances which the

person could not reasonably have foreseen.


16 (1) No person shall —

(a) hire a limousine, knowing or having reason to believe

that they cannot pay the fare and with intent to avoid

payment of the fare; or



(b) fraudulently endeavour to avoid payment of a fare

lawfully due; or

(c) having failed or refused to pay the fare either —

(i) refuse to give the driver of the limousine or

limousine service operator an address at which

they can be found; or

(ii) give, with intent to deceive, a false address.

(2) The whole or any part of any fine imposed in respect of the

breach of this regulation may be applied in compensation to the driver or

operator of a limousine service.

Limousine not to stand on highway more than 30 minutes


17 No person shall cause or allow any limousine to stand on any

highway for a period exceeding half an hour unless it has a driver in the


Made this 23rd day of May, 2007
