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Bermuda Hospitals Board (Hospital Fees) Amendment Regulation

Published: 1997

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Bermuda Hospitals Board (Hospital Fees) Amendment Regulations 1997
Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 1


BR 14/1997


[made under section 13 of the Bermuda Hospitals Board Act 1970 [title 11
item 26] and brought into operation on 1 April 1997]

Citation and commencement
1 These Regulations which amend the Bermuda Hospitals Board
(Hospital Fees) regulations 1980 (hereinafter referred to as "the principal
Regulations") may be cited as the Bermuda Hospitals Board (Hospital
Fees) Amendment Regulations 1997 and shall come into operation on 1
April 1997.

Amends regulation 4 of principal Regulations
2 Regulation 4 of the principal Regulations is amended by deleting
the symbol and figure "$300.00" and substituting the symbol and figure

Revokes and replaces Schedules 1 and 2
3 Schedules 1 and 2 to the principal Regulations are revoked and
replaced by the following—


2 1989 Revision


PART A Residents' Rates

1 The general per diem rate for patients other than new-born
infants, patients classified as geriatric and patients requiring
hospice care, shall be $557 for public ward accommodation,
$665 for semi-private accommodation and $800 for private

2 The per diem rate for new-born infants shall be $215.

3 The per diem rate for patients classified as geriatric shall be

4 The per diem rate for hospice care shall be $291.

PART B Non-Residents' Rates

The general per diem rate for patients who are non-residents
shall be as follows—

(a) for public ward accommodation $973.00

(b) for semi-private accommodation $1,162.00

(c) for private accommodation $1,401.00

(d) for nursery $377.00

(e) for patients classified as geriatric $377.00

(f) for the mental hospital $550.00


Radiology Department
(extra views done within 24 hours $13 per view)

(after 24 hours will be charged as per part being x-rayed)

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 3

Special Procedures


arthrogram - double contrast 264
bronchogram 140
dacryocystogram 209

femoral arteriogram - one side 648
femoral arteriogram - bilateral 1,235
fistulagram or venogram 236
myelogram - cervical and / or dorsal 269

myelogram - lumbar 254
needle biopsy of lung 270
salpingogram 221

scanogram 118
sialogram 236
sinogram 279

tomogram 227
tomogram over 15 films , charge per extra film 8
translumber 1,200

ureterogram 231

Head and Neck

facial bones 113
internal auditory meatus 141
jaw 113
mastoids 146
nose 113

optic foramen 119
orthopantomogram OPG 112
PNS post nasal space 119
salivary glands 113

sinuses 113
skull 117
teeth, 1 to 16 218

teeth, full set 218
temporomandibular joints 98


4 1989 Revision

Genito-urinary Tract

cystogram voiding or stress 201
pyelogram, intravenous 240

pyelogram, retrograde 240
vasogram 200

Obstetrical and Gynaecological

erect lateral pelvimetry 145

pelvimetry 187
survey film 109


standard 102

standard with screening 164


erect and supine 125

plain 109

Gastro-intestinal Tract

barium enema 194
barium enema with air contrast 237

barium meal 165
barium meal with follow through 227
barium swallow 165

cholangiogram 152
cholecystogram 162
small bowel ft only 145

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 5



ankle 108
elbow 105
femur 116

fingers 1,2 or more 108
foot/heel 108
forearm 109
hand 108

hip 117
humerus 118
knee 114

amk knee 224
shoulder/clavicle 118
sterno-clavicular joints 118

subtalar views 131
tibia and fibula 117
toes 1,2 or more 108

wrist 108

Spine and Pelvis

acetabular views 155
cervical spine 123

lumbar spine 124
pelvis 122
pelvis and hip 129

ribs 125
sacroiliac joints 123
sacrum and / or coccyx 123
screening with image intensifier up to 5 mins. 148

screening with image intensifier more than 5 mins 198
screening for scoliosis, erect and supine 141
skeletal survey 168


6 1989 Revision

soft tissue neck 118

sternum 123
thoracic spine/ dorsal 125
additional copy of any plate 21

aml series 171
additional views within 24 hours 16
additional charge per patient done outside normal hours or
public holidays


Nuclear Medicine Department

an additional $106 for scans done outside
of normal hours and public holidays


blood flow - with static organ imaging 490
bone-flow of extremities 490
bone-whole body survey 517
brain-with flow, time-activity curves 538

brain seizure disorder 554
brain-static only 521
csf-circulation-ventricles 504

cardiac investigations:
muga testing 494
muga stress (in addition) 647

myocardial - pyrophosphate, acute infarct, injury 496
gallium - specific site 662
gallium - whole body 698

intestinal bleed - pyrophosphate 496
hepato - biliary 486
I.13 m.ibg scan 727

liver and / or spleen 478
lung - ventilation or perfusion 494
lung - ventilation and perfusion - same day 523

meckels - ectopic gastric mucosa 486
myocardial infarction assessment 499

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 7


parathyroid 586
renogram- time - activity curves (function) 498
salivary glands study 486
scintimammography 517

testicular - flow & statics 477
thyroid 477
venography- uni- bilateral - mediastinum - inferior /


voiding cystogram 316


iodide sodium I - 131 therapy 108

***note: required drugs will be charged at current cost
Special data processing 140

C.T. Scan

c.t. head plain 534

c.t. head special 580
c.t. body 586
c.t. body special 617

c.t. body biopsy 572
c.t. body drainage 575
c.t. intravenous enhancement 174

c.t. special reconstructions 140
c.t. copy 22
c.t. reproductions of original films 46
additional charge per patient study done outside of
normal hours and public holidays



8 1989 Revision

Diagnostic Ultrasound

B Scans

abdomen 188

aorta 188
pre and post bladder 188
breast 188

colour doppler 242
gallbladder 188
head 188

intra cavity 197
intra cavity pelvic 197
liver/spleen 188

obstetrics and gynaecology 188
pancreas 188
pelvis 188

renal 188
thyroid 188
testicles 188
fertility drug serial - the first and every other scan in the
series is charged


vascular studies 204
review/repeat scan 95

portable study additional $10 charge

Biopsy and Amniocentesis

(does not include standard b scan charge) 193

additional charge per patient done outside normal
working hours or on public holidays


ECG/EEG Department

electrocardiogram 56

electroencephalogram 188
holter monitor of heart with analysis 203

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 9


stress test 209
adult echocardiography - complete study 671

2d & doppler/colour flow
paediatric echocardiography - complete study 805

2d & doppler/colour flow
pacemaker clinic 86
cardiologist attendance fee (echo)-adult-


signal averaged ecg 62
sleep apnea study 318

Pathology Department


bleeding time 39

blood draw for send away specimens 22
body fluid count (pleural, ascitic or spinal) 36
bone marrow examination with aspiration 192

cbc,esr,sickling 78
coagulation screen 57
complete blood count 32

erythrocyte sedimentation rate 40
factor v111 48
factor 1x 48

fibrinogen 47
f.d.p. 32
film examination for parasites 54

foetal haemoglobin 90
haemoglobin a 1 c 49
haemoglobin electrophoresis 62

hepatitis c antibody 61
k.p.t.t. 32
l.e.screen 53



10 1989 Revision

infectious mononucleosis screen 32
prothrombin time 48

reticulocyte count 38
rheumatoid factor - titration 64
rubella antibodies 38

screening test - r.a. 41
sickle test 26
sperm count 79

Blood Transfusion

antibody identification 71

antibody screen 57
antibody titre 77
antigen subtyping - saline per antigen 8

antigen subtyping - ahg per antigen 11
antigen profile 137
beta hcg (total) 66
blood group and antibody screen 71

cold agglutinins 137
coombs direct 38
hiv check 58

htlv 111 antibody screen 71
ige 66
kleihauer 55

pregnancy test 43
rhesus genotype 54
rhogam 132


afb culture (dir.) 3 specimens 164
afb culture (conc.) 3 specimens 181
a.n.a. fluorescent antibody technique 51

blood culture 113

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 11


body fluid (csf, joint) micro and culture 80
catheter tip culture 80
chlamydia serology 51
conjunctional swabs - chlamydia by f.a. 51

cryposporidium stain - regular 51
csf culture 112
dark ground microscopy with clinical examination 144

ear swab - routine culture 57
eye swab - routine culture 57
faecal fat stain 26

fluorescent treponemal antibody 49
fungus culture 69
genital culture 75

gram stain 7
india ink prep 7
knee aspirate crystals 67

legionella , culture and identification
(sputum, bronchial washing, pleural fluid,


mrsa screentest 57
ova and parasites 47
respiratory culture 80

rotavirus latex afflutination 87
rsv (respiratory syncytial virus) dfa 72
semen for culture 68

sputum or tissue for tb smear only 99
stool(or rectal swab) for culture 75
syphillis serology 50

tissue culture 122
throat swab 57
urine micro and culture 57

vre screening test 58
wound culture 112


12 1989 Revision


cytochemical stain (e.g. pas, diastase, grocott) 54

single tissue specimen for examination 99
two tissue specimen for examination 125
three tissue specimens 149

four tissue specimens 245
five tissue specimens 296
six tissue specimens 347

seven tissue specimens 396
barr body count 40
bone marrow biopsy 201

colposcopy biopsy 99
cytology(pap) 40
fine needle aspiration (assisted) 201

frozen section and examination 177
hormonal evaluation 40
immuno peroxidase technique (cea, lca, afp, I26) 86

non-gynaecological smear (e.g.sputa, fluids) 78
p.a.p. peroxidase technique 68
resin section 66
tissue section-single 99

tissue section for macro examination 48
additional set of slides requested by doctor 34
estrogen reception assay 331

**where the examination covers more than one organ
each additional organ will be charged at half price

Nuclear Medicine In-vitro Studies

acid phosphatase (pap) 44

australian antigen 44
b12 51
ca 125 51

cea 51
ck-mb 51

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 13


cyclosporine 66
digoxin 57
estradiol 66
erritin 57

free t4 90
fsh 66
hepatitis b antibody 57

hepatitis b core antibody 57
lh 66
progesterone 66

prolactir 66
prostatic specific antigen (psa) 51
schilling test 273

testerone 66
t.s.h. 57
free t3 57

total t4 90
thyroid profile (free t3, free t4, tsh &t4) 202


acetominophen 40

acid-base balance ( blood gases) 60
albumin only 29
alcohol (blood or urine) 32
alkaline phosphatase 29

amylase 29
b12 51
bence jones protein screen 38

baby bilirubin 29
bilirubin direct 29
bilirubin total 29

blood sugar (glucose) (fasting, random) 29
blood sugar (glucose) (1-6hour p.c.) 39


14 1989 Revision

body fluid chemistry (amylase, bili, chloride, creat, glucose)

(sodium, potassium, LDH, phos, BUN, etc.)

calcium 29
carbamazepine/tegretol 39
cardiac enzymes (sgot & ldh) 62

csf protein only 30
csf sugar only 29
csf chloride only 29

chemistry profile 303
chloride 29
cholesterol 29
clinic profile (u&e,glu,cret,uric) 75

coronary profile (hdl,ldl,vcdl,trig,chol) 56
creatinine 29
creatinine clearance 60

creatinine phosphokinase (cpk) 29
dilantin/phenytoin 39
drug testing for abuse - separate charge for each drug tested 39

ed profile 59
electrolytes 44
ethosuximide 39

gentamicin 39
ggt 29
glucose challenge 44

glucose drink 6
glutamic- oxalacetic transaminase (sgot) 29
glutamic- pyruvic transaminase 29
high density lipoprotein (hdl) 29

5-hydroxy indoleacetic acid screen (5 hiaa) 38
iron profile (iron, tibc, %sat) 66
ldh 29

lipid profile (chol , trif) 38
lithium 34
liver function test (bilirubin, sgpt, total protein albumin,


Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 15


low density lipoprotein 29
lytes, glucose, bun (lgb) 44
magnesium 28
phenobarbital 39

phosphorous 29
porphyrins (early morning spec.) 36
potassium 29

post dialysis profile 75
pre dialysis profile 218
primidone 39

protein (body fluid) 30
proteins (includes albumin and globulin) 36
protein electrophoresis 51

quinidine 39
salicylate 24
sodium (na) 29

stool/ urine reducing substances 17
tegretol 39
theophylline assay 39
triglycerides 29

urea nitrogen (bun) 29
uric acid 29
uric acid - urine 32

urine calcium 32
urine for bile pigments 36
urine for bile products (urobilinogen) 36

24hr urine chemistry (creat, glucose, sodium, potassium
uric acid, BUN, amylase, calcium, etc.)


urine for glucose 32

urine for protein 32
urine for prophyrins 32
valproic acid/ epilim 39
vancomycin 39

xylose test 57


16 1989 Revision

2hr gtt 56
3hr gtt 67

4hr gtt 78
5hr gtt 91
6hr gtt 103

Note: any test sent to a commercial or reference laboratory
will be charged according to current charges of that
commercial or reference laboratory plus a handling charge
of $36 for express postal specimens and $118 for specimens
requiring air freight and/or dry ice

Operating Rooms- General ***

amputation fingers or toes 380
anal and urethral dilatation 349
anal fistula 349
arteriograms 564

arthroscopy - removal loose body 530
removal plica 530
chrondroplasty 530

meniscectomy 530
bilateral augmentation mammoplasty 470
biopsy prostate 349

breast needle localization 448
bronchoscopy 470
cardioversion 311

carpal tunnel release/ dequervains 380
catheterization 330
cautery of cervix 330

circumcision 375
colonoscopy 431
closed reduction of fracture - no cast 510
closed reduction of fracture - minor cast 510

closed reduction of fracture - full cast or body jacket 510
cystoscopy 330
cystoscopy - t.u.r. (t) 364

cystoscopy, dormia 429

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 17


cystometry 364
debridement 349

declotting a.v. fistula 380
dermoid or bartholin's cyst 330
dilatation and curettage 342

dilatation and curettage, tubal washings/polypectomy 362
dilatation and curettage and cone biopsy 380
dorsal slit penis 330

ear lobe repair/ bat ears 383
electro convulsive therapy 311
ERCPendoscopic retrograde cholangio pancreatography 529

examination under anaesthesia 330
excision - breast lumps 470
excision - deep cyst or ganglion 369

excision - gynaecomastia 387
excision - ingrown toenail 349
excision and biopsy - basal cell carcinoma 349
excision and biopsy - bursa 349

excision and biopsy - digital nerve 349
excision and biopsy - epithelioma 349
excision and biopsy - extradiets 349

excision and biopsy - fibroma 349
excision and biopsy - granulomas 349
excision and biopsy - hair follicles 349

excision and biopsy - keloids 349
excision and biopsy - lesions 349
excision and biopsy - leukoplakia 349

excision and biopsy - liver 349
excision and biopsy - melanoma 349
excision and biopsy - moles/warts 349

excision and biopsy - sebaceous cyst 349
excision and biopsy - superficial cyst 349


18 1989 Revision

excision of lumps/ xyphoid bone 349
excision scars 349

excision neuromas 349
failed procedures 308
gastroscopy 402

haemorrhoids 380
hammer toe / hallux valgus/ chevron osteotomy 349
hernia repair 400

hymenectomy 330
hysteroscopy 349
incision and drainage of abscess or haematoma 349

insertion of intra-uterine contraceptive device/estrogen 330
insertion or removal quinton central line 364


insertion of vasoport 970

instillation of bladder drugs 349
instillation or injection of chemotherapy drugs 349
intercostal block 349

k wire to fingers or toes 364
laparoscopy 425
laparoscopy- appendectomy 454

laparoscopy - t.l./meth blue inj./adhesions 454
laparoscopy- uterine suspension 492
liposuction 380

lumbar puncture 405
major suturing 400
mallet finger/trigger finger 364
manipulation of joints 330

minor dressing and suture or insertion of catheter 349
multiple superficial cysts 400
nail surgery 362

natural fistula/ aneurysm 400
needle biopsy - joints &injection of joints 349

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 19

ochidopexy 375
open reduction 541
orchidectomy 375

perineal reconstruction or revision 416
pessary (removal/insertion) 330
pilionidal sinus 380

repair fallopian tubes 492
removal of - foreign body 494
removal of - jaws wires 364

removal of - k wires 364
removal of - lipomas 364
removal of - nails or pins 364

removal of - neck glands 364
removal of - nodes 364
removal of - papillomas 364

removal of - screws and plates 494
removal of - ptfe shunt 364
removal of - sutures 364
removal of - orthofixator 364

repositioning / reinsertion pacer lead 541
revision of scars 364
rubins test 349

salpingogram code 231
sigmoidoscopy 337
skin graft/ z plasty 364

sphincterotomy 330
sympathetic block/quanethadine block/interplural block/

ganglion block

tendon repair 400
termination of pregnancy 354
therapeutic epidural/ blood patch 406
transrectal biopsy 380

varicose veins ties 380


20 1989 Revision

vasectomy 387
warts/condylomata 349

wurms procedure/ insertion of shirodkar/ circulage 349

Eye Surgery

capsulectomy/ capsulotomy 557
cataract extraction 747

cataract - insertion of intra-ocular lens 1,090
conjunctival flap 499
conjunctival granuloma / angioma 499

corneal crafts 747
cryosurgery 349
ectropion/ blepharosplasty 518

examination under anaesthesia 467
injection of retrobulbar alcohol 349
insertion of contact lens extra-ocular 349

intra ocular lens insertion 863
lateral muscle resection 502
meibomian cyst/ chalazia 483

probing tear duct 483
pterygium/ pfosis 483
removal of eye sutures 467

removal of foreign body 480
repositioning intra-ocular lens 483
retinal photocoagulation/cryo 349

strabismus/ squint 533
tarsorrhaphy 533
trebeculectomy/ vitrectomy 557
keratectomy 557

*** detention time over six hours will result in an
additional charge of 20% of the rate for the procedure

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 21

note: where there is more than one procedure, there will
be a charge of 100% of the rate for the most expensive
procedure and 50% of the rate for any other procedures

Ear, Nose and Throat Surgery


atticotomy 380
bilateral antral lavage 330
bronchoscopy and complete endoscopy 349

cautery of expistaxis area 362
cautery inferior turbinates 330
direct laryngoscopy 330

elevation fractured malar 380
ent - smr (nasal) 502
eua of ears 467
insertion of grommets 502

micro-laryngoscopy 483
modified myringoplasty 380
myringotomy 330

nasal polypectomy 349
oesophagoscopy/ tracheoscopy 349
reduction fractured nose 349

removal of aural granuloma 483
removal of grommets 467
removal of pack with general anaesthesia 330

rhinoplasty 330
straight oesophageal dilation w/o oesophagoscopy 330
tongue tie release 349

combination of any two - ear, nose and throat 557
combination of any three - ear, nose and throat 662

Dental Surgery

jaw wiring 376

minimum charge (30 minutes of time) 376
over 30 minutes of time 492


22 1989 Revision

*** detention time over six hours will result in an
additional charge of 20% of the rate for the procedure

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 23

note: where there is more than one procedure, there
will be a charge of 100% of the rate for the most
expensive procedure and 50% of the rate for any other

Physiotherapy Department

individual treatment

category 1: 47
muscle grading 2-4
hydrotherapy (at pool)
prosthetic review
open wound care
relative instruction
frictions/massage/myofascial release

category 2: 40
lung function test
muscle grading - 1 limb
lumbar traction
cervical traction
therapeutic exercise
gait training
jobst compression

category 3: 30
whirlpool bath
wash bath
hot packs
ice packs

category 4: 63
cybex testing and treating

no show cancellation 40


24 1989 Revision

Occupational Therapy (including outpatient

geriatric rehabilitation)

individual treatment (per quarter-hour) 40

note: equipment is charged at cost

Speech Therapy

individual treatment (per quarter-hour) 12

Emergency Department ***

individual treatment - minor 134
- intermediate 196

- major 242
individual treatment with stay over 6 hours for observation


individual treatment with subsequent admittance 242
recompression chamber 926
crutches 64
canes 16

extrication cervical collars 33

*** note: patients subsequently admitted from the
emergency department will be charged for an
emergency visit in addition to the inpatient room
charge. This will be charged out as a major treatment.

Vein Clinic

initial visit 32

treatment without ultrasound 37
treatment with ultrasound 131

Ambulance *

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 25

per trip 107
airport (to and from) 122

Geriatric Care


geriatric day care 42
respite care 74

Orthopaedic Unit

orthopaedic unit - individual treatment 64

no show cancellation 41

Diabetic Counselling

one week diabetic education programme 407
(12 hours classroom teaching, 3 hours individual

blood glucose testing 11

Dietetic Counselling

individual counselling (per half-hour) 40
group therapy (per half-hour) 23

Renal Dialysis

haemodialysis (non-residents) 642
haemodialysis (residents) 643
capd (per month) 7,310

Chemotherapy **

individual treatment - half hour 46
- three to four hours 175

oncology relationship counselling (per half-hour) 18


26 1989 Revision

oncology individual counselling (per half hour) 18

oncology group therapy (per half-hour) 9
day long chemotherapy 400
** note: required drugs will be charged at current cost

Audio-Vestibular Services

Hearing Testing

audiogram - pure tone air and bone 83
audiogram - speech 83

audiogram - conditioned response 83
impedance audiometry - compliance 83
impedance audiometry - stapedial reflex 83

impedance audiometry - eustachian tube patency 83

Vestibular Testing

caloric testing - cold 48
caloric testing - hot and cold 83

postural testing 47

IV Therapy

immunoglobulin monthly therapy 441

iv antibiotic treatment 100
iv flushing 100
pentamidine 113

Maternity Department

foetal monitoring 46
fetal monitoring- 2hr assessment 83


Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 27

Colposcopy 148

Alcoholism Services

initial intake assessment 72

individual counselling (per half hour) 24
relationship counselling (per hour) 48

group therapy (five sessions per week) 364
educational therapy ( five sessions per week) 364

aftercare counselling ( seventeen sessions) 414
family education (per person / 6 sessions ) 146
oasis adolescent grp.( three sessions) 183

relapse prevention (sixteen sessions) 730
action (motivational grp.- nine sessions) 164


day long care with i.v. infusion/ transfusion 86

day long care 46

Psychiatric Outpatient Clinic

initial consult with psychiatrist 102
followup visits 75



initial mammogram 160
follow- up mammogram 96

localization with 1o.r. specimen 255
(does not include laboratory analysis of specimen)



28 1989 Revision

fine needle biopsy 255
(does not include laboratory analysis of specimen)

ductogram 255
x - ray of specimen 96
recall for cone compression or magnification 57

additional views 29
cyst aspiration 255
missed appointment 43"

Title 11
Laws of Bermuda Item 26(a)

1989 Revision 29

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