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Australian National University Academic Board and Committees Rules (No. 2) 2012

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Australian National University Academic Board Statute 2012
The Council of The Australian National University makes these Rules under section 11 of the Australian National University Academic Board Statute 2012.
Dated: 27 July 2012.
Professor the Hon Gareth Evans AC QC
1         Name of Rules and commencement 2
2         Definitions. 2
3         University Research Committee. 2
4         Terms of reference of University Research Committee. 3
5         University Research Committee meetings. 3
6         University Education Committee. 4
7         Terms of reference of University Education Committee. 4
8         University Education Committee meetings. 5
9         University Access and Equity Committee. 5
10       Terms of reference of University Access and Equity Committee. 6
11       University Access and Equity Committee meetings. 6
12       Alternates. 7
13       Subcommittees. 7
14       Repeal 7
1       Name of Rules and commencement
1.1        These Rules are the Australian National University Academic Board and Committees Rules (No. 2) 2012.
1.2        These Rules commence on the day after they are registered.
2       Definitions
2.1        In these Rules, unless the contrary intention appears:
ANU College has the meaning given in the Interpretation Statute.
Board means Academic Board.
3       University Research Committee
3.1        There is to be a committee to be known as the University Research Committee.
3.2        Each of the following is to be a member of the University Research Committee:
              (a)   the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) as Chair of the Committee;
              (b)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research and Research Training);
              (c)   the Director of the Division of Research Services;
              (d)   the Chair of each of the University’s Human Research Ethics Committee, the Animal Experimentation Ethics Committee and the ANU Recombinant DNA Monitoring Committee;
              (e)   the Head of each ANU College or his or her alternate;
               (f)   1 academic staff member from each ANU College nominated by the Head of that College and appointed by the Chair;
              (g)   the Director of the ANU National Centre for Indigenous Studies or his or her nominee;
              (h)   the Director of the Tjabal Indigenous Higher Education Centre or his or her nominee;
               (i)   1 senior academic researcher appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
               (j)   1 early career academic researcher appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
              (k)   the University Librarian;
               (l)   1 postgraduate student appointed by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association Inc.;
             (m)   1 undergraduate student appointed by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the President of the Australian National University Students' Association Inc.;
              (n)   1 member of the general staff appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
              (o)   not more than 2 additional members appointed by the Chair of the Committee to provide a diversity of views if the Chair believes the current membership of the Committee does not reflect the academic and cultural diversity of the University.
3.3        The Deputy Chair of the Committee is to be elected from among their number by the members of the Committee.
3.4        Subject to sub-rule 3.5, the term of appointment of each appointed member of the Committee is to be 2 years, but may be renewed.
3.5        The term of appointment of each appointed member of the Committee mentioned in paragraph 3.2(l) and (m) is to be 1 year, but may be renewed.
4       Terms of reference of University Research Committee
4.1        The Committee may advise the Academic Board or the Vice-Chancellor:
              (a)   on matters relating to research and research training at the University; and
              (b)   on major issues relevant to the University's strategic plans and overarching policy; and
              (c)   on any matter referred to the Committee by the Academic Board, the Vice-Chancellor, the Chair of the Committee or a member of the University Executive with portfolio responsibility for research.
4.2        The Committee, in carrying out its role is:
              (a)   to monitor the development of the University’s policies and plans in relation to research; and
              (b)   to advise on the coordination of the University’s research effort; and
              (c)   to monitor the quality of the University’s research activities.
5       University Research Committee meetings
5.1        The Chair of the Committee (or, if the Chair is not present, the Deputy Chair) is to convene all meetings of the Committee and preside at all meetings of the Committee at which he or she is present.
[Note: it is expected that the Committee will meet at least once every 2 months.]
5.2        At a meeting of the Committee, 50% of its members constitute a quorum, or, if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.
5.3        The Chair of the Committee must convene a meeting of the Committee at any time if asked to do so by at least 50% of the members.
5.4        The procedure at meetings of the Committee is to be determined by the Chair taking into account the advice of the members.
5.5        The Vice-Chancellor is to nominate officers of the University to provide secretariat and other support to the Committee.
5.6        At a meeting of the Committee, the Chair has a deliberative and a casting vote.
6       University Education Committee
6.1        There is to be a committee to be known as the University Education Committee.
6.2        Each of the following is to be a member of the University Education Committee:
              (a)   the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) as Chair of the Committee;
              (b)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching and Students);
              (c)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Outreach);
              (d)   the Head of each ANU College or his or her alternate;
              (e)   1 academic staff member from each ANU College nominated by the Head of that College and appointed by the Chair;
               (f)   the Dean of Students;
              (g)   the Director of the Tjabal Indigenous Higher Education Centre or his or her nominee;
              (h)   the Registrar;
               (i)   the University Librarian;
               (j)   1 postgraduate student appointed by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the President of the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association Inc.;
              (k)   1 undergraduate student appointed by the Chair of the Committee in consultation with the President of the Australian National University Students' Association Inc.;
               (l)   one General Manager of a College appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
             (m)   1 member of the general staff appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
              (n)   not more than 2 additional members appointed by the Chair of the Committee to provide a diversity of views if the Chair believes the current membership of the Committee does not reflect the academic and cultural diversity of the University.
6.3        The Deputy Chair of the Committee is to be elected from among their number by the members of the Committee.
6.4        Subject to sub-rule 6.5, the term of appointment of each appointed member of the Board is to be 2 years, but may be renewed.
6.5        The term of appointment of each appointed member of the Committee mentioned in paragraph 6.1(j) and (k) is to be 1 year, but may be renewed.
7       Terms of reference of University Education Committee
7.1        The Committee may advise the Academic Board or the Vice-Chancellor:
              (a)   on matters relating to the University's educational programs including postgraduate coursework and activities; and
              (b)   on major issues relevant to the University's strategic plans and overarching policy; and
              (c)   on any matter referred to the Committee by the Academic Board, Vice-Chancellor, the Chair of the Committee or a member of the University Executive with portfolio responsibility for education.
7.2        The Committee, in carrying out its role is:
              (a)   to monitor the development of the University’s policies and plans in relation to education; and
              (b)   to advise on the coordination of the University’s  educational activities; and
              (c)   to monitor the quality of the University’s educational programs and activities.
8       University Education Committee meetings
8.1        The Chair of the Committee (or, if the Chair is not present, the Deputy Chair) is to convene all meetings of the Committee and preside at all meetings of the Committee at which he or she is present.
[Note: it is expected that the Committee will meet at least once every 2 months.]
8.2        At a meeting of the Committee, 50% of its members constitute a quorum, or, if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.
8.3        The Chair of the Committee must convene a meeting of the Committee at any time if asked to do so by at least 50% of the members.
8.4        The procedure at meetings of the Committee is to be determined by the Chair taking into account the advice of the members.
8.5        The Vice-Chancellor is to nominate officers of the University to provide secretariat and other support to the Committee.
8.6        At a meeting of the Committee, the Chair has a deliberative and a casting vote.
9       University Access and Equity Committee
9.1        There is to be a committee to be known as the University Access and Equity Committee.
9.2        Each of the following is to be a member of the University Access and Equity Committee:
              (a)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor (Learning, Teaching & Students) as Chair of the Committee;
              (b)   the Pro-Vice Chancellor (Research and Research Training);
              (c)   the Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Outreach);
              (d)   1 Head, or Deputy Head, (however called) of an ANU College appointed by the Chair of the Committee;
              (e)   the Dean of Students;
               (f)   the Director of Student Equity;
              (g)   the Director, Facilities and Services, or his or her nominee;
              (h)   the Director, Human Resources, or his or her nominee;
               (i)   the Director, Tjabal Indigenous Higher Education Centre;
               (j)   the Registrar, or his or her nominee;
              (k)   the Deputy Registrar (Student Services);
               (l)   the Director, Residential and Campus Communities;
             (m)   the Manager of Diversity and Inclusion ;
              (n)   1 Student Services representative, nominated by the Registrar;
              (o)   the President of the Postgraduate and Research Students' Association Inc. or his or her nominee;
              (p)   the President of the Australian National University Students' Association Inc. or his or her nominee;
              (q)   the Director, Communications and External Liaison Office, or his or her nominee;
              (r)   1 academic staff member from each ANU College nominated by the Head of the College and appointed by the Chair;
              (s)   1 member of the general staff, appointed by the Chair of the Committee, in consultation with the relevant staff association;
               (t)   not more than 2 additional members appointed by the Chair of the Committee to provide a diversity of views if the Chair believes the current membership of the Committee does not reflect the academic and cultural diversity of the University.
9.3        The Deputy Chair of the Committee is to be elected by the members of the Committee from among their number.
9.4        The term of appointment of each appointed member of the Committee is to be 2 years, but may be renewed.
10     Terms of reference of University Access and Equity Committee
10.1      The Committee may advise the Vice-Chancellor or the Academic Board:
              (a)   on matters relating to the quality and standard of access and equity at the University; and
              (b)   on matters relating to the University community; and
              (c)   on major issues of access, equity and community relevant to the University's strategic plans and overarching policy; and
              (d)   on any matter referred to the Committee by the Vice-Chancellor, the Chair of the Committee or a member of the University Executive with portfolio responsibility  for access and equity.
10.2      The Committee, in carrying out its role is:
              (a)   to oversee the development of the University’s policies and plans in relation to access, equity and community; and
              (b)   to advise on the coordination of the University’s access and equity agenda; and
              (c)   to monitor the University’s access and equity activities.
11     University Access and Equity Committee meetings
11.1      The Chair of the Committee (or, if the Chair is not present, the Deputy Chair) is to convene all meetings of the Committee and preside at all meetings of the Committee at which he or she is present.
[Note: it is expected that the Committee will meet at least once every 2 months.]
11.2      At a meeting of the Committee, 50% of its members constitute a quorum, or, if that number is not a whole number, then the next whole number greater than the first-mentioned number.
11.3      The Chair of the Committee must convene a meeting of the Committee at any time if asked to do so by at least 50% of the members.
11.4      The procedure at meetings of the Committee is to be determined by the Chair taking into account the advice of the members.
11.5      The Vice-Chancellor is to nominate officers of the University to provide secretariat and other support to the Committee.
11.6      At a meeting of the Committee, the Chair has a deliberative and a casting vote.
12     Alternates
12.1      An appointed member of a Committee who is unable to attend a meeting of the Committee may nominate an alternate from the same category of membership to attend the meeting on his or her behalf.
12.2      An alternate must be a person who would otherwise be eligible to be chosen as a member of the Committee.
12.3      An alternate attending a meeting of a Committee has the same rights and obligations as the substantive member in whose place the alternate attends the meeting.
13     Subcommittees
13.1      The Academic Board or a Committee established under these Rules may establish one or more subcommittees to assist it in the carrying out of its functions.
14     Repeal
14.1      The Australian National University Academic Board and Committees Rules 2012, as amended and in force immediately before the commencement of these Rules, are repealed.