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CASA 197/13 - Maintenance on warbird and historic and replica aircraft (WHR) - directions and licence condition

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Instrument number CASA 197/13
I, john francis mcCORMICK, Director of Aviation Safety, on behalf of CASA, make this instrument under regulations 11.068 and 11.245 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).
[Signed John F. McCormick]
John F. McCormick
Director of Aviation Safety
24 September 2013
Maintenance on warbird and historic and replica aircraft (WHR) — directions and licence condition
1          Commencement, taking effect and duration
       1.1     This instrument commences immediately after the commencement of Civil Aviation Order 104.0 Amendment Instrument 2013 (No. 1).
       1.2     This instrument takes effect for a COA holder immediately after subsection 8 of CAO 104.0 (Certificates of approval — application, grant and conditions) (CAO 104.0) takes effect for the holder.
       1.3     This instrument takes effect for each of a COA holder’s employed authority or type rating holders, and WHR employees, immediately after the direction takes effect for the COA holder.
       1.4     This instrument takes effect for an independent engineer on and from 1 October 2013.
       1.5     This instrument stops having effect at the end of 30 September 2016, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.
2          Definitions
                 In this instrument:
AEL means aircraft engineer licence.
authority or type rating holder means a person who holds 1 or more of the following:
(a)   an airworthiness authority under paragraph 33B (1) (a) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988) to carry out maintenance on a WHR;
          Note   The abbreviation WHR is used to denote a class of aircraft comprising Warbirds, Historic aircraft and Replica aircraft and is defined in this section.
(b)   an airworthiness authority under paragraph 33B (1) (d) of CAR 1988 to conduct non-destructive testing (NDT) of aircraft and aircraft components;
(c)   an aircraft welding authority under subregulation 33D (1) of CAR 1988;
(d)   an authorisation under subregulation 42ZC (6) of CAR 1988 to carry out maintenance for paragraph 42ZC (4) (e) of CAR 1988;
(e)   a category B1 or B2 licence with a rating for a type rated aircraft type that is a WHR.
Note   Type rated aircraft type is defined in Part 3 of the Dictionary in CASR 1998.
CAR 1988 means the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988.
category B1 licence holder has the same meaning as in subregulation 66.010 (1) of CASR 1998.
category B2 licence holder has the same meaning as in subregulation 66.010 (1) of CASR 1998.
CAO means Civil Aviation Order.
certification authorisation, for an employee of a COA holder, means a certification authorisation issued by the COA holder under subsection 8 of CAO 104.0, authorising the employee to perform Part 1 WHR maintenance.
COA holder means a person who holds a certificate of approval under regulation 30 of CAR 1988 for maintenance of aircraft, aircraft components or aircraft materials.
employed authority or type rating holder means a person who is an authority or type rating holder employed by a COA holder.
independent engineer means a person who is not an employee of a COA holder, and:
(a)   who is either:
             (i)  a licenced aircraft maintenance engineer who may perform maintenance certification for maintenance on a class B aircraft under paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988; or
            (ii)  an authority or type rating holder; and
(b)   whose licence, authority or type rating under subparagraph (a) (i) or (a) (ii) is such as to permit the person to perform maintenance certification for the maintenance of a WHR under paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988.
Note   Paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988 excludes Schedule 7 maintenance. All such licences, authorities and type rating are subject to the condition imposed under section 7.
Part 1 WHR licence means a licence in the Licence Category mentioned for a WHR in column 2 of Part 1 of the table in Schedule 1.
Part 2 WHR licence means a licence in the Licence Category mentioned for a WHR in column 2 of Part 2 of the table in Schedule 1.
Part 1 WHR maintenance means maintenance on a WHR mentioned in Part 1 of the table in Schedule 1.
Part 2 WHR maintenance means maintenance on a WHR mentioned in Part 2 of the table in Schedule 1.
scheduled maintenance, for a WHR, means maintenance that is scheduled by the maintenance schedule that applies to the WHR.
Note   Maintenance schedule is defined in subregulation 2 (1) of CAR 1988.
trained WHR employee means a WHR employee of a COA holder who:
(a)   has successfully completed training and assessment in accordance with subsection 8 of CAO 104.0; and
(b)   holds a current certification authorisation.
unlisted WHR means a WHR that is:
(a)   not mentioned in Part 1 or Part 2 of the table in Schedule 1; or
(b)   deemed by section 6.3 to be an unlisted WHR.
unscheduled maintenance, for a WHR, means maintenance that is neither scheduled maintenance nor maintenance referred to in Schedule 7 of CAR 1988.
WHR means an aircraft that is:
(a)   either:
             (i)  manufactured in accordance with the requirements of, and accepted for use by, an armed force; or
                  Note   Such an aircraft is colloquially known as a warbird.
            (ii)  an historic or replica aircraft that CASA or an authorised person is satisfied meets the airworthiness requirements for the issue of a standard certificate of airworthiness (except any requirements that are inappropriate for the special purpose for which the aircraft is to be used); and
(b)   issued with:
             (i)  a special certificate of airworthiness for limited category aircraft under regulation 21.189 of CASR 1998; or
            (ii)  an experimental certificate for aircraft under paragraph 21.191 (d) or (e) of CASR 1998.
Note   The tables in Parts 1 and 2 of Schedule 1 refer to an aircraft in terms of its combined airframe and engine type as mentioned in the subcolumns of column 1 of the tables.
WHR employee means a person who is an employee of a COA holder and who is:
(a)   a category B1 licence holder in a subcategory that is applicable to the WHR on which he or she proposes to carry out maintenance under subsection 8 of CAO 104.0; or
(b)   a category B2 licence holder.
3          Application
       3.1     This instrument applies for the carrying out of maintenance on a WHR.
Note   The instrument contains directions and conditions variously addressed to COA holders their employees, and independent engineers.
       3.2     This instrument does not affect the operation of regulation 42G of CAR 1988.
Note   Regulation 42G of CAR 1988 concerns who may be qualified as an “appropriate person” to conduct the independent inspection required when an aircraft flight control system is assembled, adjusted, repaired, modified or replaced in the course of maintenance on the aircraft.
       3.3     Subject to section 7, this instrument does not affect the operation of paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988 in respect of a class B aircraft.
Note   Paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988 concerns maintenance on a class B aircraft (other than as mentioned in Schedule 7 of CAR 1988) carried out by an independent engineer not engaged by a COA holder, or carried out by a person employed by such an engineer.
       3.4     This instrument does not affect the operation of paragraph 42ZC (4) (d) of CAR 1988 in respect of a WHR.
Note    Paragraph 42ZC (4) (d) of CAR 1988 concerns maintenance, specified in Schedule 8 of CAR 1988, that may be carried out by a pilot on a class B aircraft. A WHR is a class B aircraft.
       3.5     This instrument does not affect a category B1 licence holder, or a category B2 licence holder, who is authorised to carry out the maintenance mentioned in Schedule 8 of CAR 1988.
Note   Under instrument CASA 155/11, for paragraph 42ZC (4) (e) of CAR 1988, each subcategory B1 licence holder, or category B2 licence holder, is authorised to carry out the maintenance mentioned in Schedule 8 of CAR 1988 on any class B aircraft, including a WHR.
       3.6     To avoid doubt, this instrument does not affect anything done for or under Part 145 of CASR 1998.
4          Direction for Part 1 WHR — COA holders and WHR maintenance
       4.1     A COA holder may only carry out Part 1 WHR maintenance if the maintenance is carried out by:
(a)   a trained WHR employee of the COA holder who holds a Part 1 WHR licence for the WHR and who holds a current certification authorisation; or
(b)   an employed authority or type rating holder who holds a current certification authorisation.
       4.2     Subject to section 7, a person may not carry Part 1 WHR maintenance unless:
(a)   the maintenance is carried out under a COA holder; and
(b)   the person is:
             (i)  a trained WHR employee of the COA holder who holds a Part 1 WHR licence for the WHR and who holds a current certification authorisation; or
            (ii)  an employed authority or type rating holder who holds a current certification authorisation.
5          Direction for Part 2 WHR — COA holders and WHR maintenance
       5.1     A COA holder may only carry out Part 2 WHR maintenance if the maintenance is carried out by:
(a)   a WHR employee of the COA holder who holds Part 2 WHR licence for the WHR (whether or not a trained WHR employee or the holder of a current certification authorisation); or
(b)   an employed authority or type rating holder (whether or not the holder of a current certification authorisation).
       5.2     Subject to section 7, a person may not carry out Part 2 WHR maintenance unless:
(a)   the maintenance is carried out under a COA holder; and
(b)   the person is:
             (i)  a WHR employee of the COA holder who holds a Part 2 WHR licence (whether or not a trained WHR employee or the holder of a current certification authorisation); or
            (ii)  an employed authority or type rating holder (whether or not the holder of a current certification authorisation).
Note   Section 5 is consistent with the current privileges of a COA holder, an employed licence holder, and an employed authority or type rating holder under CAR 1988 for Part 2 WHR maintenance. It is included in the Direction both for completeness and in anticipation of regulatory amendments which, in due course, will similarly codify the requirements for WHR.
6          Direction for other WHR — COA holders and WHR maintenance
       6.1     For an unlisted WHR, a COA holder may only carry out maintenance on the WHR as if it were Part 1 WHR maintenance and subsection 4.1 applied to the holder for the WHR.
Note   Over time, where, on the basis of analysis and experience, CASA is satisfied that it is safe to do so, CASA may amend this Direction by adding other WHR to Part 1 or Part 2 of the table in Schedule 1.
       6.2     Subject to section 7, for an unlisted WHR, a person may only carry out maintenance on the WHR as if it were Part 1 WHR maintenance and subsection 4.2 applied to the person for the WHR.
       6.3     For subsection 6.1 and 6.2, a WHR with an airframe mentioned in column 1 of Part 2 of the table in Appendix 3 whose piston engine type has been modified to be a turbine engine type, is deemed to be an unlisted WHR.
7          Condition — on AEL or authority of independent engineer
            For subregulation 11.068 (1) of CASR 1998, it is a condition on the AEL, or the airworthiness authority or the aircraft welding authority of an independent engineer that, for Part 1 WHR maintenance, he or she may only perform maintenance certification for unscheduled maintenance that is not maintenance mentioned in Schedule 7 of CAR 1988.
Note 1   An independent engineer may perform maintenance certification for maintenance, or carry out aircraft maintenance or welding (as the case may be) on a class B aircraft (including a WHR mentioned in Part 2 of the table in Schedule 1) under paragraph 42ZC (4) (b) of CAR 1988. However, for a WHR mentioned in Part 1 of Schedule 1, he or she is restricted by this condition to performing maintenance certification, or carrying out aircraft maintenance or welding for unscheduled maintenance only.
Note 2   Under instrument CASA 155/11, for paragraph 42ZC (4) (e) of CAR 1988, each subcategory B1 licence holder, or category B2 licence holder, is authorised to carry out the maintenance mentioned in Schedule 8 of CAR 1988 on any class B aircraft, including a WHR.
Schedule 1 — WHR
Part 1
Part 1 — for an employed authority or type rating holder and a trained WHR employee – certification required
Note 1   Only an employed authority or type rating holder or a trained WHR employee, issued with a certification authorisation, may carry out maintenance on these aircraft.
Note 2   The “Suggested identification for a certification authorisation” (if any) mentioned in column 3 of the tables in Appendix 3 refers to a suggested means of identifying certification authorisations for Civil Aviation Order 104.0. It is included here for information only.
(See section 4)
Licence categories
Suggested identification for a certification authorisation

Engine type

Aero Vodochody L 29 Delphin
Motorlet M‑701C 500
B1.1; B2

Aero Vodochody L 39 Albatross
Ivchenko AI-25TL
B1.1; B2
L 39

BAC Jet Provost
A-S Viper
B1.1; B2
Jet Provost

BAC Strikemaster
Rolls-Royce Viper Mk.535 turbojet
B1.1; B2

Bell Cobra
Lycoming T53‑L‑13
B1.3; B2

Bell Iroquois Huey
Lycoming T53‑L‑11
B1.3; B2
UH series

CAC Sabre
RR Avon
B1.1; B2

Cessna Dragonfly
General Electric J85-GE-17A
B1.1; B2

DH 115 Vampire
DH Goblin
B1.1; B2

English Electric/Handley Page Canberra
RR Avon
B1.1; B2

Folland Gnat
BS Orpheus
B1.1; B2

Fouga CM 170 Magister
Turbomeca Marbore
B1.1; B2
CM 170

Gloster Meteor
RR Derwent
B1.1; B2

Hawker Hunter
RR Avon
B1.1; B2

Lockheed C121 Constellation
Wright R‑3350‑DA3
B1.2; B2

Lockheed P2v Neptune
Wright R-3350 and Westinghouse J 34
B1.1; B1.2; B2

Mikoyan Mig 15
Klimov VK 1
B1.1; B2
Mig 15

Mikoyan Mig 17
Klimov VK-1F
B1.1; B2
Mig 17

Mikoyan Mig 21
B1.1; B2
Mig 21

Savoia Marchetti S211
P&W JT15D-4C
B1.1; B2

Soko Galeb
A-S/RR Viper
B1.1; B2

TS-11 Iskra
B1.1; B2

Part 2
Note   An employed authority or type rating holder, a trained WHR employee, and a WHR employee, who is not a trained WHR employee may carry out maintenance on these aircraft.
                (See section 5)

Licence Categories

Engine type

Aermacchi AM-3 Bosbok
B1.2; B2

Cont IO-360
B1.2; B2

Antonov AN2 Colt
B1.2; B2

Beech 18
PW R 985
B1.2; B2

BA/Klemm Eagle
Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

BA/Klemm L-25 Swallow
B1.2; B2

CAC Boomerang
P&W R-1830
B1.2; B2

CAC Mustang
RR/Packard Merlin
B1.2; B2

CAC Winjeel
P&W R-985
B1.2; B2

CAC Wirraway
P&W R-1340
B1.2; B2

Cessna O2A/B
Cont. IO-360
B1.2; B2

Cessna L19/305 Bird Dog
Cont. O-470
B1.2; B2

Comper Swift
Pobjoy/Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

Consolidated Catalina
PW R-1830
B1.2; B2

Convair CV340
B1.2; B2

Curtis P 40
Allison V‑1710
RR/Packard Merlin
B1.2; B2

DH 84 Dragon
Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

DH 89 Dragon Rapide
Gyspy 6
B1.2; B2

DH 83 Fox Moth
B1.2; B2

DH 60 Moth
B1.2; B2

Dh 82 Tiger Moth
Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

Dh 94 Moth Minor
Gypsy Minor
B1.2; B2

DHA3 Drover
Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

DHC1 Chipmunk
Piston (various types)
B1.2; B2

DHC 4 Caribou
PW R-2800
B1.2; B2

Douglas A-26/B-26 Attacker/Invader
PW R-2800
B1.2; B2

Douglas C47/DC3
PW R‑1830/
Wright R‑1820
B1.2; B2

Douglas DC4
PW R-2000
B1.2; B2

Fiat G59
RR/Packard Merlin
B1.2; B2

Grumman Avenger
Wright R‑2600
B1.2; B2

Grumman S2 Tracker
Wright R‑1820
B1.2; B2

Hawker Sea Fury
Bristol Centaurus
B1.2; B2

Lockheed Hudson
Wright R‑1820
B1.2; B2

Nanchang CJ 6
B1.2; B2

North American Mustang
RR/Packard Merlin
B1.2; B2

North American T28
Wright R‑1820
B1.2; B2

North American T6/SNJ/Harvard
P&W R-1340
B1.2; B2

Percival Provost Mk1
Alvis Leonides
B1.2; B2

PZL Wilga
B1.2; B2

Ryan (all)
Menasco Pirate, Gypsy Major
B1.2; B2

Short Scion
B1.2; B2

Supermarine Spitfire
RR/Packard Merlin
B1.2; B2

Vultee BT 13
P&W R-985
B1.2; B2

Yakovlev Yak‑18A/Yak‑18T
B1.2; B2

Yakovlev Yak 50
B1.2; B2

Yakovlev Yak 52
B1.2; B2

Auster series
Piston (various types)
B1.2; B2

Piper Cub series
Piston (various types)
B1.2; B2

Cessna 100, 200 series
Piston (various types)
B1.2; B2

Piston (various types)
B1.2; B2