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National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Streamlining Reporting) Regulation 2013

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National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Streamlining Reporting) Regulation 2013
Select Legislative Instrument No. 175, 2013
I, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor‑General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following regulation under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.
Dated 11 July 2013
Quentin Bryce
By Her Excellency’s Command
Mark Butler
Minister for Climate Change
1............ Name of regulation.............................................................................. 1
2............ Commencement................................................................................... 1
3............ Authority............................................................................................. 1
4............ Schedule(s)......................................................................................... 1
Schedule 1—Amendments commencing on the day after registration  2
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008                       2
Schedule 2—Amendments commencing on 1 July 2014                              13
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008                     13
1  Name of regulation
                   This regulation is the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Streamlining Reporting) Regulation 2013.
2  Commencement
                   Each provision of this regulation specified in column 1 of the table commences, or is taken to have commenced, in accordance with column 2 of the table. Any other statement in column 2 has effect according to its terms.
Commencement information

Column 1
Column 2
Column 3


1.  Sections 1 to 4 and anything in this regulation not elsewhere covered by this table
The day after this regulation is registered.

2.  Schedule 1
The day after this regulation is registered.

3.  Schedule 2
1 July 2014
1 July 2014

3  Authority
                   This regulation is made under the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.
4  Schedule(s)
                   Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.
Schedule 1—Amendments commencing on the day after registration
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008
1  At the end of regulation 2.02
Note 3:       It is intended that the Global Warming Potential figures will be updated from 1 July 2017 to align with the figures published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change in The Physical Science Basis (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2007).
2  Subregulation 4.07(1)
Omit “the combustion of fuel”, substitute “fuel combustion”.
3  Subregulation 4.07(1) (note)
Omit “The combustion of fuel”, substitute “Fuel combustion”.
4  At the end of subsection 4.07(2)
             ; and (e)  if the person used Method 2 or 3 in the Measurement Determination to estimate the greenhouse gases emitted from the combustion of solid fossil fuels and coal based products—the percentage of carbon in that fuel type, as received by the facility or as combusted from the operation of the facility during the year.
5  At the end of Subdivision 4.4.2
4.08  Fuel combustion—report to include amount of uncertainty
             (1)  This regulation:
                     (a)  applies in relation to a report given about emissions from the combustion of an energy type at a facility if the scope 1 emissions from the combustion are equivalent to 25 kilotonnes or more of carbon dioxide during the year; and
                     (b)  does not apply to a report given under section 22A of the Act.
             (2)  The report must include the amount of uncertainty associated with the estimate for the total amount of scope 1 emissions from the combustion of that energy type.
Note:          For how the uncertainty of estimates is to be assessed, see Chapter 8 of the Measurement Determination.
6  Paragraph 4.16(1A)(b)
Repeal the paragraph.
7  Paragraph 4.17(2)(b)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  if criteria specified in the Measurement Determination are used to estimate the amount of waste in relation to the source—the criteria; and
8  Regulation 4.17A
Repeal the regulation, substitute:
4.17A  Particular sources—report to include amount of uncertainty
             (1)  This regulation:
                     (a)  applies in relation to a source at a facility if the scope 1 emissions for the source are equivalent to 25 kilotonnes or more of carbon dioxide during the year; and
                     (b)  does not apply in relation to a report provided under section 22A of the Act; and
                     (c)  does not apply in relation to fuel combustion.
             (2)  The report must include, for each source mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), the amount of uncertainty associated with the estimate for the total amount of scope 1 emissions from the source.
Note:          For how the uncertainty of estimates is to be assessed, see Chapter 8 of the Measurement Determination.
9  Subregulation 4.22(2)
After “to produce a”, insert “mineral,”.
10  Paragraph 4.24(1)(b)
Omit “under”.
11  At the end of subsection 4.25(1)
             ; and (c)  none of those facilities is a designated generation facility.
12  After subregulation 4.25(2)
          (2A)  If the report includes facilities aggregated by reference to a member of the corporation’s group or to a business unit in accordance with subregulation (2), the person may also report, under this regulation, a single facility by reference to a corporate group member or business unit if the single facility:
                     (a)  meets the thresholds in paragraph 4.25(1)(a); and
                     (b)  is within the same State or Territory, and attributable to the same industry sector, as another facility reported in accordance with subregulation 4.25(2).
13  Subregulation 4.25(3)
After “subregulation (2)”, insert “or an amount in accordance with subregulation (2A)”.
14  After paragraph 4.25(3)(b)
                   (ba)  if the corporation reports on a single facility by reference to a business unit or a corporate group member—the business unit or corporate group member; and
15  Paragraph 4.25(3)(c)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (c)  the following information in relation to a facility mentioned in subregulation (1) for which the member has operational control or the business unit has administrative responsibility:
                              (i)  the State or Territory to which the facility’s activities are attributable;
                             (ii)  for a facility that has a street address—the street address of the facility;
                            (iii)  for a transport, network or pipeline facility that does not have a street address and is not a single site facility—a brief description of the activities constituting the facility;
                            (iv)  for a facility other than a transport, network or pipeline facility—the latitude and longitude of the site where the activities constituting the facility are undertaken.
16  Subregulation 4.26(1)
Repeal the subregulation, substitute:
             (1)  This regulation applies in relation to a report given to the Regulator under section 19 or 22X of the Act by a controlling corporation, or a responsible member of the controlling corporation’s group, if:
                     (a)  a facility (including a facility that is one of a group of facilities) of the controlling corporation meets the requirements in subregulation (1A) for the reporting year; and
                     (b)  the group of facilities of the controlling corporation to be reported under this regulation meets the requirements in subregulation (1B) for the reporting year; and
                     (c)  the controlling corporation, or the responsible member, is not required to collect or provide information about the greenhouse gas emissions or the consumption or production of energy from the operation of the facility under another Commonwealth law, or a law of a State or Territory.
Note:          This regulation does not apply to a report given under section 22A, 22E or 22G of the Act.
          (1A)  For paragraph (1)(a), the facility:
                     (a)  emits scope 1 emissions with a carbon dioxide equivalence of 3 kilotonnes or less; and
                     (b)  emits scope 2 emissions with a carbon dioxide equivalence of 3 kilotonnes or less; and
                     (c)  produces 30 terajoules or less of energy; and
                     (d)  consumes 30 terajoules or less of energy.
          (1B)  For paragraph (1)(b), the group of facilities to be reported under this regulation:
                     (a)  either:
                              (i)  emit scope 1 emissions with a carbon dioxide equivalence of 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                             (ii)  emit scope 2 emissions with a carbon dioxide equivalence of 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                            (iii)  produce 120 terajoules or less of energy; and
                            (iv)  consume 120 terajoules or less of energy;
                     (b)  or:
                              (i)  emit a total of scope 1 and scope 2 emissions that are less than 5% of the total scope 1 and scope 2 emissions of the total of the corporation’s group of facilities; and
                             (ii)  produce less than 5% of the amount of energy produced by the total of the corporation’s group of facilities; and
                            (iii)  consume less than 5% of the amount of energy consumed by the total of the corporation’s group of facilities.
17  Subregulations 4.27(5), (6) and (7)
Repeal the subregulations, substitute:
             (5)  In this regulation, emissions of greenhouse gas from the operation of a facility are incidental if, in a reporting year:
                     (a)  for emissions from fuel combustion:
                              (i)  the total amount of scope 1 emissions reported under this regulation have a carbon dioxide equivalence of 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                             (ii)  the total amount of scope 2 emissions, reported under this regulation, have a carbon dioxide equivalence of 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                     (b)  for emissions from a source other than the combustion of fuel:
                              (i)  an individual source of scope 1 emissions from the operation of the facility is 3 kilotonnes or less; and
                             (ii)  the total amount of scope 1 emissions from the operation of the facility, reported under this regulation, is 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                            (iii)  an individual source of scope 2 emissions from the operation of the facility is 3 kilotonnes or less; and
                            (iv)  the total amount of scope 2 emissions from the operation of the facility, reported under this regulation, is 12 kilotonnes or less; and
                     (c)  information about the emissions is not required to be collected or provided under any other Commonwealth, State or Territory law.
             (6)  In this regulation, consumption of energy from the operation of a facility is incidental if, in a reporting year:
                     (a)  for sources of emissions other than the combustion of fuel—consumption of a particular fuel or energy commodity from the operation of the facility is less than 30 terajoules of energy; and
                     (b)  the total consumption of all of the fuel or energy commodities from the operation of the facility, reported under this regulation, is less than 120 terajoules of energy; and
                     (c)  information about the consumption of the fuel or energy commodity is not required to be collected or provided under any other Commonwealth, State or Territory law.
             (7)  In this regulation, production of energy from the operation of a facility is incidental if, in a reporting year:
                     (a)  for sources of emissions other the combustion of fuel—production of a particular fuel or energy commodity from the operation of the facility is less than 30 terajoules of energy; and
                     (b)  the total production of all of the fuels or energy commodities from the operation of the facility, reported under this regulation, is less than 120 terajoules of energy; and
                     (c)  information about the production of the fuel or energy commodity is not required to be collected or provided under any other Commonwealth, State or Territory law.
18  Subregulation 4.29(1)
Omit “, 22A, 22E, 22G”.
19  Paragraph 4.32F(3)(b)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  for an amount of natural gas—stated as an amount of gigajoules; and
                     (c)  for an amount of LNG or LPG—stated as an amount of kilolitres.
20  At the end of subregulation 4.32K(2)
             ; and (j)  the amount of any adjustment to the person’s provisional emissions number made in accordance with the Measurement Determination.
21  After Part 6
Part 7—Transitional provisions
7.01  Application of Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Streamlining Reporting) Regulation 2013
                   The amendments made by Schedule 1 to the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Amendment (Streamlining Reporting) Regulation 2013 do not apply to reports given for the 2012‑2013 financial year.
7.02  Expiry of Part 7 at end of 31 October 2013
                   This Part expires at the end of 31 October 2013 as if it had been repealed by another regulation.
22  Source 2 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (b) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  the facility specific emission factor or factors for liquids, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) per tonne of throughput
23  Source 3 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (b) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of CO2‑e per tonne of crude oil
24  Source 4 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraphs (e), (f) and (g) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
                     (e)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) of each gas per tonne of oil refined
                      (f)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) of each gas per tonne of oil stored
                     (g)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) of each gas per tonne of gas flared
25  Source 5 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (b) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of each gas (CO2‑e) per tonne of gas throughput
26  Source 6 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (c) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (c)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of each gas (CO2‑e) per tonne of gas throughput
27  Source 7 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (c) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified’)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (c)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of each gas (CO2‑e) per tonne of gas throughput
28  Source 8 of Part 2 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (b) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) per tonne of gas flared
29  Source 1 of Part 3 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (c) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (c)  the facility specific emission factor or factors for clinker production, in tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions of each gas (CO2‑e) per tonne of clinker produced
30  Source 1 of Part 4 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (c) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (c)  the facility specific emission factor or factors for each fuel type consumed, in kilograms of CO2‑e per gigajoule
31  Source 2 of Part 4 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (b) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (b)  the facility specific emission factor or factors, in tonnes of emissions (CO2‑e) per tonne of nitric acid produced
32  Source 3 of Part 5 of Schedule 3 (paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraphs, substitute:
                     (a)  the facility specific emission factor or factors for each fuel type consumed, in kilograms of CO2‑e per gigajoule
                     (b)  the facility specific carbon tetrafluoride emission factor or factors, in tonnes of CO2‑e emitted per tonne of aluminium production
                     (c)  the facility specific hexafluoroethane emission factor or factors, in tonnes of CO2‑e emitted per tonne of aluminium production
33  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (after subparagraph (e)(iii) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
                          ; (iv)  alternative waste treatment facilities;
                             (v)  shredder flock;
                            (vi)  inert waste
34  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (paragraph (g) of the cell at table item 1, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
Repeal the paragraph, substitute:
                     (g)  the percentages of each waste mix type entering the landfill in each of the following:
                              (i)  municipal solid waste;
                             (ii)  commercial and industrial waste;
                            (iii)  construction and demolition waste;
                            (iv)  shredder flock
35  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (cell at table item 2, column headed “Method”)
Repeal the cell, substitute:
Methods 2, 3 and 4 for the source, as set out in the Measurement Determination
36  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (after subparagraph (f)(iii) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
                          ; (iv)  alternative waste treatment facilities;
                             (v)  shredder flock;
                            (vi)  inert waste
37  Source 1 of Part 6 of Schedule 3 (after subparagraph (i)(viii) of the cell at table item 2, column headed “Matters to be identified”)
                          ; (ix)  alternative waste treatment residues
Schedule 2—Amendments commencing on 1 July 2014
National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008
1  Regulation 1.03 (definition of vertically integrated production process)
Repeal the definition.
2  Regulation 4.29
Repeal the regulation.
3  Subregulations 4.30(3) and (4)
Repeal the subregulations.