Commonwealth of Australia
Migration Regulations 1994
(Sub-subparagraph 1231(2)(a)(iv)(A))
I, BRENDAN O’CONNOR, Minister for Immigration and Citizenship, acting under sub-subparagraph 1231(2)(a)(iv)(A) of Part 2 of Schedule 1 to the Migration Regulations 1994 (‘the Regulations’):
1. REVOKE Instrument IMMI 13/010 signed on 18 March 2013, specifying a class of persons for the purposes of item 4 of the table in paragraph 1231(2)(a) of the Regulations; AND
2. SPECIFY for the purposes of sub-subparagraph 1231(2)(a)(iv)(A), each person applying for a Subclass 400 (Temporary Work (Short Stay Activity)) visa, the following classes of persons:
(a) persons who have been invited to Australia by the Australian Government, or by an Australian state or territory government, to assist in providing emergency services in connection with a disaster or emergency; and
(b) crew members of the Pacific Jewel who lodge applications to remain on board the Pacific Jewel prior to the August 2013 dry dock refit.
This Instrument, IMMI 13/073, commences on 1 July 2013 immediately after the commencement of Migration Amendment (Visa Application Charge and Related Matters) Regulation 2013.
Dated 28 June 2013
Brendan O’Connor
Minister for Immigration and Citizenship