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Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Enclosed Mechanical Processing and Composting Alternative Waste Treatment) Methodology Determination 2013

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Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Enclosed Mechanical Processing and Composting Alternative Waste Treatment) Methodology Determination 2013 1
Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011
I, Yvette D’Ath, Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change, Industry and Innovation, make this Methodology Determination under subsection 106(1) of the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
Dated    3/6/13
Parliamentary Secretary for Climate Change, Industry and Innovation
Part 1                           Preliminary
                      1.1      Name of Determination                                                                       4
                      1.2      Commencement                                                                                  4
                      1.3      Definitions                                                                                          4
                      1.4      Kind of project to which this Determination applies                               6
Part 2                           Requirements for declaration as eligible project
                      2.1      Eligible projects                                                                                  7
                      2.2      Requirement 1—Project mechanism                                                     7
                      2.3      Requirement 2—Eligible waste characteristics                                      7
                      2.4      Requirement 3—Processing technology                                               7
Part 3                           Requirements for operation of eligible projects
Division 3.1                 Operation of eligible projects
                      3.1      Operation of eligible projects                                                              8
                      3.2      Waste must be classified                                                                    8
Division 3.2                 Greenhouse gas assessment boundary
                      3.3      Greenhouse gases that must be accounted for                                     8
Part 4                           The net abatement amount
Division 4.1                 The net abatement amount
                      4.1      The net abatement amount                                                                 10
Division 4.2                 Calculations
Subdivision 4.2.1         Preliminary
                      4.2      General                                                                                             10
Subdivision 4.2.2         Calculating the baseline
                      4.3      Calculating the baseline                                                                     11
                      4.4      Calculating the methane generation potential of putrescible eligible waste     12
                      4.5      Calculating the quantity of waste mix types                                        12
                      4.6      Calculating the quantity of putrescible eligible waste                           14
Subdivision 4.2.3         Calculating project emissions (Ep)
                      4.7      Calculating project emissions (Ep)                                                      15
                      4.8      Calculating emissions from fuel use at the AWT plant                         16
                      4.9      Calculating emissions from electricity                                                 16
                    4.10      Calculating emissions from composting                                             17
                    4.11      Calculating emissions from transport                                                 17
Subdivision 4.2.4         Calculating net greenhouse gas abatement
                    4.12      Calculating the net abatement (A)                                                       19
                    4.13      Calculating project abatement for a given reporting period                  19
Part 5                           Monitoring, measurement, record‑keeping and reporting requirements
Division 5.1                 General
                      5.1      General                                                                                             21
Division 5.2                 Measurement requirements
                      5.2      Project measurement                                                                         21
                      5.3      Weighbridge protocol                                                                        23
Division 5.3                 Monitoring and recording requirements
                      5.4      General                                                                                             24
                      5.5      Monitoring requirements                                                                    24
Division 5.4                 Record-keeping requirements
                      5.6      Records that must be kept                                                                25
Division 5.5                 Offsets report requirements
                      5.7      Report requirements                                                                          26
Schedule 1        Average state or territory based landfill gas capture rates
Schedule 2        Percentage of waste mix types
Schedule 3        Waste mix types, degradable organic carbon content and DOCF values
Schedule 4        Instructions for using the Solid Waste Calculator
Part 1              Preliminary
1.1           Name of Determination
                This Determination is the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) (Enclosed Mechanical Processing and Composting Alternative Waste Treatment) Methodology Determination 2013.
1.2           Commencement
                This Determination is taken to have come into force on 1 July 2010.
1.3           Definitions
                In this Determination:
Act means the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Act 2011.
alternative waste treatment (AWT) plant has the meaning given in the Regulations.
biobased product means a recovered resource product manufactured by an AWT plant and containing materials that were previously putrescible eligible waste.
CO2-e means carbon dioxide equivalent.
commercial and industrial waste means legacy waste generated from fixed point sources related to manufacturing, wholesale, retail, professional services and administration sectors.
degradable organic carbon content has the meaning given in the NGER (Measurement) Determination.
eligible waste means waste that meets the requirements set out in section 2.3 of this Determination.
end user destination means the point of delivery for a biobased product transported to a customer site either by the operator of the AWT plant or by a contractor engaged by the operator of the AWT plant.
landfill facility has the meaning given in the Act, namely a facility for the disposal of solid waste as landfill and includes a facility that is closed for the acceptance of waste. 
landfill gas means the gaseous emissions arising from the anaerobic decomposition of putrescible waste at a landfill facility.
legacy waste means waste that was physically accepted onto the premises of an AWT plant before 1 July 2012 and that would otherwise have entered landfill.
mixed solid waste has the meaning given in the Regulations.
municipal solid waste means legacy waste generated from the domestic sector which is collected in household garbage, recycling, mixed organics, garden organics and local government clean-up collections.
NGER Act means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Act 2007.
NGER (Measurement) Determination means the determination made under section 10(3) of the NGER Act, as in force from time to time.
NGER Regulations means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Regulations 2008 as in force from time to time.
non-biobased product means a recovered resource product, containing materials that were not previously putrescible waste, that is manufactured by an AWT plant.
project period means the period of time, starting from a date  no earlier than 1 July 2010 and ending no later than 1 July 2012, in which the diversion of legacy waste was undertaken.
putrescible eligible waste means eligible waste that is also putrescible waste.
putrescible waste has the meaning given in the Regulations, namely the organic matter contained within solid waste, which is capable of being decomposed by microorganisms.
Regulations means the Carbon Credits (Carbon Farming Initiative) Regulations 2011 as in force from time to time.
residual waste means the material that remains at the end of processing by an AWT plant, that is not a biobased product or any other recovered product and that is disposed of in a landfill facility.
restricted waste mix type means waste that is the subject of a restriction in accordance with a licence or other authorisation relating to an AWT plant.
Solid Waste Calculator means the National Greenhouse and Energy Reporting Solid Waste Emissions Calculator Version 1.7, which is produced by the Clean Energy Regulator and available at
unrestricted waste mix type means waste that is not a restricted waste type.
                         Note    Other words and expressions used in this Determination have the meaning given by the Act.  These terms include:
                     eligible offsets project
                     greenhouse gas
                     offsets report
                     project proponent
                     reporting period
1.4           Kind of project to which this Determination applies
         Note    See paragraph 106(1)(a) of the Act.
                This Determination applies to a project that diverts mixed solid waste to a composting AWT plant, in circumstances where:
                     (a)   the waste would otherwise have entered a landfill facility;
                     (b)   the waste is legacy waste; and
                     (c)   the waste is processed to manufacture biobased products or to stabilise the waste.
Part 2              Requirements for declaration as eligible project
         Note    See paragraphs 27(4)(c), 35(2)(a) and 106(1)(b) of the Act and regulations 1.12 and 3.26 of the Regulations.
2.1           Eligible projects
                To be declared an eligible offsets project, a project to which this Determination applies must meet the requirements in this Part.
2.2           Requirement 1—Project mechanism
                The project must divert mixed solid waste to a composting AWT plant in circumstances where that waste:
                     (a)   meets the eligible waste characteristics prescribed in section 2.3; and
                     (b)   is processed in accordance with section 2.4.
2.3           Requirement 2—Eligible waste characteristics
         (1)   Waste is eligible waste if it has the characteristics described in subsection (2).
         (2)   The waste is:
                     (a)   mixed solid waste;
                     (b)   legacy waste; and
                     (c)   waste that is comprised of one or a combination of the following streams:
                                 (i)    municipal solid waste; or
                                (ii)    commercial and industrial waste.
         Note    The definition of ‘mixed solid waste’ in subsection 3.28(4) of the Regulations excludes commercial and industrial waste that is putrescible waste only and comes from a single source.
2.4           Requirement 3—Processing technology
                The eligible waste in the project must be processed using a combination of at least 2 of the following processes:
                     (a)   rotating autoclave;
                     (b)   size reduction and/or screening;
                     (c)   aerated static piles;
                     (d)   enclosed agitated bay composting bunkers;
                     (e)   enclosed aerobic composting tunnels; or
                      (f)   compost windrowing.
Part 3              Requirements for operation of eligible projects
         Note    See paragraphs 27(4)(c), 35(2)(a) and 106(1)(b) of the Act and regulation 3.26 of the Regulations.
Division 3.1           Operation of eligible projects
3.1           Operation of eligible projects
                An eligible offsets project to which this Determination applies must be operated in accordance with this Part.
3.2           Waste must be classified
                In order to calculate the net abatement amount for a reporting period for a project, waste that meets the requirements set out in Part 2 of this Determination must be classified into the following waste mix types:
                     (a)   municipal solid waste; or
                     (b)   commercial and industrial waste.
         Note    The net abatement amount is calculated in accordance with Part 4 of this Determination.
Division 3.2           Greenhouse gas assessment boundary
3.3           Greenhouse gases that must be accounted for
                The following greenhouse gases from the following sources within the project must be taken into account when making calculations under Part 4.
         Note    No other gases may be taken into account in respect of a source.
Table of gases accounted for in the abatement calculations
Emissions sources
Greenhouse gas
The decomposition of eligible waste at a landfill facility
Methane (CH4)

Transport of eligible waste to landfill facility
Note These emissions are included subject to section 4.11.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Onsite fossil fuel consumption other than for electricity generation at the AWT plant
Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Onsite electricity consumption at the AWT plant
Note These emissions are included subject to subsection 4.9(1).
Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Emissions from the composting process
Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Transport of the eligible waste diverted from landfill to the AWT plant
Note These emissions are included subject to section 4.11.
Carbon dioxide (CO2)

Methane (CH4)

Nitrous oxide (N2O)

Part 4              The net abatement amount
Division 4.1           The net abatement amount
         Note    See paragraph 106(1)(c) of the Act.
4.1           The net abatement amount
                For an eligible offsets project to which this Determination applies, the net abatement amount in relation to a reporting period for the project is taken to be the quantity of CO2-e emissions avoided as a consequence of the project, minus emissions from project activities, calculated in accordance with this Part.
         Note    The Act requires the offsets report to quantify abatement in CO2-e.
Division 4.2           Calculations
Subdivision 4.2.1 Preliminary
4.2           General
                In this Part:
                     (a)   unless otherwise specified, all calculations are in respect of activities undertaken, or outcomes achieved, during the project period for the eligible offsets project;
                     (b)   unless otherwise specified:
                                 (i)    a reference to a project is a reference to an eligible offsets project that meets the requirements of Part 2;
                                (ii)    all references to Parts, Divisions, sections, subsections, paragraphs, Schedules and Equations are references to corresponding parts of this Determination;
                               (iii)    a reference to a year means a reference to that financial year, which ends on 30 June; and
                     (c)   if a calculation in Division 4.2 refers to a factor or parameter that is not otherwise specified in this Determination or a Schedule to this Determination, the person carrying out the calculations must apply the factor or parameter prescribed in the NGER (Measurement) Determination or the NGER Regulations in force at the time that the offsets report was required to be submitted.
Subdivision 4.2.2 Calculating the baseline
         Note    See paragraph 106(4)(f) and section 107 of the Act.
4.3           Calculating the baseline          
                For an eligible offsets project to which this Determination applies, the baseline must be calculated as follows:

Equation 1
Eb =                                       baseline emissions, measured in tonnes of CO2-e.
R =                                        the amount of landfill gas captured, as a percentage of total gas generation, based on the average gas capture rates as prescribed in Schedule 1.
Lo =                                       methane generation potential of the degradable organic carbon        content in the putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill, measured in tonnes of CH4 and calculated in accordance with Equation 2.
OF =                         0.1, which is the oxidation factor for near surface methane in           landfill.
PI =                                       the proportion of methane generation potential that would have       been released up to and including 30 June 2017, had the diverted eligible waste been landfilled, calculated in accordance with the Solid Waste Calculator in the manner prescribed in Schedule 4.       
PR =                                      the proportion of methane generation potential that would have       been released after and including 1 July 2017, had the diverted eligible waste been deposited to landfill, calculated using the Solid Waste Calculator in the manner prescribed in Schedule 4.
GWP1CH4 =                           21, which is the global warming potential conversion factor for tonnes of CH4 into tonnes CO2-e for the period up to and including 30 June 2017.
GWP2CH4 =               25, which is the global warming potential conversion factor for tonnes of CH4 into tonnes CO2-e for the period after 30 June 2017.
4.4           Calculating the methane generation potential of putrescible eligible waste
                Lo is calculated as follows:

Equation 2
Lo =                                       methane generation potential of the degradable organic                    carbon content in the putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill, measured in tonnes of CH4.
QWi =                                   quantity of waste mix type i present in the putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill, measured in tonnes, and calculated in accordance with Equation 3.
DOCi =                                 degradable organic carbon value of waste mix type i, as       prescribed in Schedule 3.
DOCFi =                               fraction of degradable organic carbon dissimilated for waste mix type i, as prescribed in Schedule 3.
MCF =                                  1, which is the methane correction factor for aerobic decomposition.
F =                            0.5, which is the fraction by volume of methane in landfill gas.
1.336 =                                  factor to convert tonnes of carbon to tonnes of methane.
4.5           Calculating the quantity of waste mix types
         (1)   QWi is calculated as follows:

Equation 3
  QWi =                        quantity of waste mix type i present in the putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill, measured in tonnes.
  QMSW =                      quantity of eligible waste from municipal solid waste sources received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
QC&I =                       quantity of eligible waste from commercial and industrial sources received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
QFacility =                    quantity of eligible waste received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
QPUT =                       quantity of putrescible eligible waste diverted by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes and calculated in accordance with Equation 5.
PMSWi =                      percentage of waste mix type i in the putrescible eligible waste from municipal solid waste sources, based on the proportions of waste mix types for municipal solid waste, calculated in accordance with the default percentages prescribed in Schedule 2.
PC&Ii =                       percentage of waste mix type i in the diverted putrescible eligible waste from commercial and industrial sources, based on the proportions of waste mix type for commercial and industrial waste, calculated in accordance with the default percentages prescribed in Schedule 2.
         (2)   Waste mix type percentages must be determined in the following manner:
                     (a)   for a restricted waste mix type—by using the maximum permitted tonnage of the restricted waste mix type received at the AWT plant, as a percentage of the eligible waste received at the AWT plant and adjusting the default percentages prescribed in Schedule 2 for each restricted waste mix type, in accordance with Equation 4;
                     (b)   for an unrestricted waste mix type—by adjusting the default percentages prescribed in Schedule 2 for each unrestricted waste mix type, in accordance with Equation 4;
                     (c)   for inert waste—in the manner prescribed in paragraph (a) where the maximum permitted tonnage is taken to be zero and where the default percentages prescribed in Schedule 2 are adjusted for inert waste in accordance with Equation 4.
                         Note    Default percentages are set out in columns 3 and 4 of the table in Schedule 2. Waste mix types are set out in column 2 of that table.

Equation 4
Wmtuadj =                    the adjusted percentage for each unrestricted waste mix type.
Wmtu =                       the default percentage for each unrestricted waste mix type, as                              prescribed in Schedule 2.
Wmtr =                        the default percentage for each restricted waste mix type, as                                  prescribed in Schedule 2.
Wmtrmax =                   the maximum percentage for each restricted waste mix type.
4.6           Calculating the quantity of putrescible eligible waste
         (1)   The following rules apply when calculating QPUT:
                     (a)   QPUT must include putrescible eligible waste inventory at the start of the project period and at the end of the project period, and material accepted onto the facility for processing during the project period that is yet to be processed.
                     (b)   Subject to paragraph (a), QPUT must be calculated as follows:

Equation 5
                 QPUT =                    quantity of putrescible eligible waste diverted by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes.
                 QFacility =                 quantity of eligible waste received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
PIneligible =                the proportion of waste material types i in the waste stream that is ineligible waste, estimated in accordance with Schedule 2.
QRW =                     quantity of all residual waste sent to landfill from the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
QProductsNB,p =          quantity of non-biobased products of type p, manufactured by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
         (2)   In this section:
ineligible waste means waste that is not eligible waste.
Subdivision 4.2.3 Calculating project emissions (Ep)
4.7           Calculating project emissions (Ep)
                EP must be calculated as follows:

Equation 6
Ep =                           emissions from the project, measured in tonnes of CO2-e.
QPUT =                                   quantity of putrescible eligible waste diverted by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes and calculated in accordance with Equation 5.
QFacility =                                quantity of eligible waste received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes, in accordance with Division 5.2.
EFTij =                                  emissions of gas type j, being carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide, released from the combustion of fuel type i from      the operation of the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2-e and calculated in accordance with Equation 7.
EEU =                                   emissions from electricity usage from the operation of the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2-e and calculated in accordance with Equation 8.
ECompost =                               emissions associated with the composting of diverted putrescible eligible waste (QPUT), measured in tonnes of CO2-e and calculated in accordance with Equation 9.
MTEProduct =                           material transport emissions associated with all biobased products, residual waste and eligible waste diverted to the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2-e and calculated in accordance with Equation 10.
4.8           Calculating emissions from fuel use at the AWT plant
                EFTij must be calculated as follows:

Equation 7
EFTij =                    emissions of gas type j, being carbon dioxide, methane or nitrous oxide, released from the combustion of fuel type i for purposes other than for electricity generation at the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2-e.
FTQi =                     quantity of fuel type i measured in tonnes, cubic metres or kilolitres (for solid, gas and liquid fuels respectively), used in the operation of the AWT plant.
FTECi =                  energy content factor of fuel type i as prescribed in the NGER (Measurement) Determination, measured in gigajoules per tonne, cubic metre or kilolitre.
FTEFijoxec =              emission factor for each gas type j released from the combustion of fuel type i, measured in kilograms of CO2-e per gigajoule of fuel type i, calculated using the relevant emission factor prescribed in Schedule 1 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.
4.9           Calculating emissions from electricity
         (1)   Emissions from electricity (EEU) must be calculated as follows:
                     (a)   for the consumption of grid derived electricity that occurred between 1 July 2010 and 1 July 2012—in accordance with Equation 8; and
                     (b)   for the consumption of grid derived electricity on or after 1 July 2012—EEU must be taken to be zero.
         (2)   Subject to subsection (1), EEU must be calculated as follows:

Equation 8
EEU =                                      emissions from electricity usage from the operation of the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2-e.
EUQ =                                     quantity of electricity used in the operation of the AWT plant, measured in kilowatt hours.
EEF =                           electricity emission factor for the electricity used in the operation of the AWT plant, as prescribed in Schedule 1 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination, measured in kilograms of CO2-e emissions per kilowatt hour.
4.10        Calculating emissions from composting
                ECompost must be calculated as follows:

Equation 9
ECompost =                 the compost emissions associated with the operation of the AWT plant and measured in tonnes of CO₂-e.
QPUT =                     quantity of putrescible eligible waste diverted by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes and calculated in accordance with Equation 5.
EFCompost =               the emissions factor for compost, calculated using the relevant methane and nitrous oxide emission factors prescribed in Division 5.2.6 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination, and converted to tonnes of CO₂-e.
4.11        Calculating emissions from transport
         (1)   MTEProduct must be calculated as follows:
                     (a)   for eligible waste diverted from landfill facilities and residual waste:
                                 (i)    where the landfill facility is outside a radius of 10 kilometres from the AWT plant—­in accordance with Equation 10; or
                                (ii)    where the landfill facility is within a radius of 10 kilometres from the AWT plant—MTEProduct must be taken to be zero;
                     (b)   for biobased products:
                                 (i)    where the end user destination is outside a radius of 10 kilometres from the AWT plant—in accordance with Equation 10; or
                                (ii)    where the end user destination is within a radius of 10 kilometres from the AWT plant—MTEProduct must be taken to be zero;
                     (c)   for products, residual waste or eligible waste type p where transport is not organised or contracted by the facility or a contractor to the facility—MTEProduct must be taken to be zero.
         (2)   Subject to subsection (1), transport emissions must be calculated as follows:

Equation 10
MTEProduct =                           material transport emissions associated with all biobased products, residual waste and eligible waste being transported from, or diverted to, the AWT plant, measured in tonnes of CO2‑e.
QProduct,p =                              quantity of product, residual waste or eligible waste type p transported, measured in tonnes.
ALProduct,p =                            average load weight for each load of product, residual waste or eligible waste type p that is transported to or from the AWT plant.
RDProduct,p =                           return distance travelled transporting a load of product, residual waste or eligible waste type p, measured using a publicly available internet mapping tool, and rounded to the nearest kilometre.  
FUFTi =                      5.62x10-4, which is the fuel usage factor for heavy                                                  diesel trucks, measured in kilolitres per kilometre. 
FTECFTi =                             energy content factor of fuel type i as prescribed in Schedule 1 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination,           measured in gigajoules per cubic metre for gas or per kilolitre for liquid fuels.
FTEFijoxec =                           emission factor for each gas type j released from the combustion of fuel type i, measured in kilograms of CO2-e per gigajoule of fuel type i, calculated using the relevant emission factor prescribed in Schedule 1 of the NGER (Measurement) Determination.
                         Note    For the avoidance of doubt, the return distance travelled in this Equation must take into account both the outgoing and return trips.
Subdivision 4.2.4 Calculating net greenhouse gas abatement
4.12        Calculating the net abatement (A)
                Net abatement must be calculated as follows:
A = Eb Ep
Equation 11
A =                         net greenhouse gas abatement, measured in tonnes of CO2-e.
Eb =                        baseline emissions, measured in tonnes of CO2-e, and calculated in accordance with Equation 1.
EP =                        project emissions measured in tonnes of CO2-e, and calculated in accordance with Equation 6.
4.13        Calculating project abatement for a given reporting period      
         (1)   The net carbon dioxide equivalent abatement for the reporting period is the sum of the abatement for each year in the reporting period, in tonnes of CO2-e, determined in accordance with subsection (2).
         (2)   Project abatement in each year must be calculated using the following formula:

Equation 12
                Ak =                         project abatement in the kth year, measured in tonnes of CH4.
Ek,% =                       the proportion of emissions for each year, in tonnes of CO2-e and determined in accordance with subsection (10) of Schedule 4.
                R =                          percentage of landfill gas that would have been captured and                              thermally oxidised, as prescribed in Schedule 1.
Lo =                          methane generation potential of the degradable organic carbon content in the putrescibles eligible waste diverted from landfill, measured in tonnes of CH4 and calculated in accordance with Equation 2.
Ep =                          project emissions, measured in tonnes of CO2-e, and calculated in accordance with Equation 6.
 OF =                        0.1, which is the oxidation factor for near surface methane in           landfill.
  k =                                       a number from 1 to 100 beginning from the year of project commencement.
         (3)   The net abatement amount for each year must be calculated as follows:
                     (a)   for each year up to and including 2017—Ak must be multiplied by 21; and
                     (b)   for each year after 2017—Ak must be multiplied by 25.
         (4)   The net abatement amount for each year must be rounded to the nearest tonne of CO2-e.
         Note    The sum of the net abatement amounts for all years must be less than or equal to the net abatement (A) calculated in subsection 4.12(1).
Part 5              Monitoring, measurement, record‑keeping and reporting requirements
         Note    See subsection 106(3) of the Act.
Division 5.1           General
5.1           General
                For the purposes of subsection 106(3) of the Act, a project proponent of a project to which this Determination applies must comply with the monitoring, measurement, record-keeping and reporting requirements of this Part.
Division 5.2           Measurement requirements
5.2           Project measurement
                A project proponent must measure the matters specified in the following table, in the manner and frequency specified, for the purposes of calculating baseline emissions and the net abatement amount.
Measurement Procedure
Measurement Frequency

Quantity of eligible waste received by the AWT plant, measured in tonnes and in accordance with Division 5.2.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3.
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Quantity of non-biobased products diverted from landfill of type p, manufactured by the AWT plant.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3.
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Quantity of all residual waste sent to landfill from the AWT plant.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3.
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Quantity of eligible waste from municipal solid waste sources received by the AWT plant.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Quantity of eligible waste received from commercial and industrial sources by the AWT plant.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3.
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Quantity of electricity used in the operation of the AWT plant.
Kilowatt hours (kWh)
Invoiced amount of electricity usage.
Monthly, or as per invoice cycle, and summed for the reporting period.

Quantity of fuel type i, (whether solid, gas or liquid) used in the operation of the composting AWT plant.
Measured in tonnes (t), cubic metres (m3) or kilolitres (kL) - for solid, gas and liquid fuels respectively.
Invoiced amount of fuel for use onsite, or measured onsite use (for example, diesel from an onsite bowser).
Monthly, or as per invoice cycle, or as per onsite use requirements and summed for the reporting period.

Quantity of eligible waste, residual waste and biobased products of type p.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3.
Per load and then summed for reporting period.

Return distance travelled transporting a load of product, residual waste or eligible waste type p.
Kilometres (km)
Measured in accordance with Equation 10.
Reporting period.

ALProduct, p
Average load weight of a given product type p.
Tonnes (t)
Weighbridge protocol, as prescribed in section 5.3, and summing the weight of all loads of product type p and then dividing by the number of loads of product type p.
Reporting period.

5.3           Weighbridge protocol
         (1)   A weighbridge must be used to collect and record the total tonnes of each of the following:
                     (a)   incoming eligible waste;
                     (b)   products sent to the end user;
                     (c)   other products from recovered resources;
                     (d)   outgoing residual waste to landfill; and
                     (e)   any loads rejected by the end user and sent to landfill.
         (2)   Weighbridge records must be created and maintained for the following information for each load of legacy waste:
                     (a)   vehicle registration;
                     (b)   date and time received;
                     (c)   weight of vehicle; and
                     (d)   source (or provider) of the material.
         (3)   Weighbridge scales must be verified in accordance with the methods prescribed in the National Measurement Act 1960.
         (4)   Any data relating to verification of the weighbridge used in the project must be recorded in the first offsets report only. 
         (5)   Any persons responsible for operating the weighbridge must be suitably qualified and/or trained in relation to weighbridge measurement systems, load classification and reporting software.
Division 5.3           Monitoring and recording requirements
5.4           General
                A project proponent must monitor and record the information specified in this Division.
5.5           Monitoring requirements
Project monitoring plan
         (1)   The project proponent must develop a project monitoring plan that includes the following information:
                     (a)   a project description;
                     (b)   where the proponent is an organisation, a description of the organisation; and
                     (c)   operational information about the project, including:
                                 (i)    variables in baseline emissions;
                                (ii)    project parameters;
                               (iii)    operations and activities requiring control to ensure abatement;
                               (iv)    check of incoming loads;
                                (v)    processing to recover value and meet product specifications;
                               (vi)    identification of risks to abatement;
                              (vii)    control of risks to abatement; and
                             (viii)    where sampling is used, the sampling and analysis protocol.
         (2)   The project monitoring plan must include the following details in relation to any personnel who are involved in implementing the project:
                     (a)   required qualifications for personnel; and
                     (b)   personnel responsibilities for monitoring and measuring.
         (3)   The project monitoring plan must also include the following:
Equipment used
                     (a)   information detailing any monitoring equipment used, the purpose of the equipment and calibration procedures;
                     (b)   information detailing calibration and testing of the weighbridge used in the project;
Project monitoring
                     (c)   information with respect to project monitoring including the following:
                                 (i)    procedures for measuring and monitoring;
                                (ii)    any estimation methods used in accordance with section 5.4;
                               (iii)    any sampling practices;
                               (iv)    any quality control practices; and
                                (v)    statistical error;
                     (d)   information detailing the project records required, the availability of those records, and who has responsibility for maintaining records;
Project verification
                     (e)   information relating to project verification including:
                                 (i)    timing of verification;
                                (ii)    the process of verification; and
Other relevant information
                      (f)   any other information relevant to the project.
Division 5.4           Record-keeping requirements
5.6           Records that must be kept
                The project proponent must keep records of the following:
Project monitoring plan
                     (a)   the project monitoring plan developed in accordance with section 5.5;
General information
                     (b)   process flow description of the AWT plant;
                     (c)   changes in process configuration;
                     (d)   inventory of mobile plant and equipment such as front end loaders and excavators;
                     (e)   any internal reports on product quality;
                      (f)   records of delivery of consignments of products and residuals to end users;
                     (g)   any independent audit records and results;
                     (h)   maintenance records relevant to the operation of the weighbridge;
                      (i)   details of any quality assurance accreditation;
Monitoring Devices
                      (j)   information about weighbridge calibration and testing;
Data—direct and indirect measurement
                     (k)   all values and calculations used to calculate the carbon dioxide equivalent net greenhouse gas abatement amount;
                      (l)   weighbridge records on incoming and outgoing materials;
                    (m)   evidence of fuel use;
                     (n)   evidence of electricity use; and
                     (o)   evidence of any other input use.
Division 5.5           Offsets report requirements
5.7           Report requirements
                The following information is required to be included in all offsets reports:
                     (a)   carbon dioxide equivalent net abatement amount and number of years in the reporting period;
                     (b)   number of years in any previous reporting periods (as applicable);
                     (c)   independent audit report;
                     (d)   total tonnes of eligible waste accepted into the AWT plant;
                     (e)   quantity of eligible waste diverted from landfill;
                      (f)   quantity of all product types produced in the processing of putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill (including biobased product);
                     (g)   quantity of residual waste sent to landfill;
                     (h)   all values and calculations used to calculate net greenhouse gas abatement for both subsections 4.12(1) and 4.13(2) including a copy of the Solid Waste Calculator completed in accordance with Schedule 4;
                      (i)   evidence of project monitoring plan;         
                      (j)   quantity of waste type i present in the putrescible eligible waste diverted from landfill;
                     (k)   quantity of fuel type i used in the operation of the AWT plant to process the eligible waste diverted from landfill;
                      (l)   quantity of electricity used in the operation of the AWT plant;
                    (m)   baseline emissions calculated in accordance with Equation 1;
                     (n)   project emissions calculated in accordance with Equation 6; and
                     (o)   schedule of abatement for the project over a 100 year period calculated using the Solid Waste Calculator in accordance with the instructions set out in Schedule 4 and in accordance with section 4.5.
Schedule 1  Average state or territory based landfill gas capture rates
State or Territory
Percentage capture rate value for R (Equation 1)









Schedule 2  Percentage of waste mix types
Waste Mix Type
Municipal Solid Waste Default (%)
Commercial and Industrial Waste Default (%)


Paper and paper board

Garden and park

Wood and wood waste




Rubber and leather

Inert waste (including concrete, metal, plastic and glass)

Schedule 3  Waste mix types, degradable organic carbon content and DOCF values
To be used for the entire project period

Waste Mix Type
Degradable Organic Carbon value (DOCi)
DOCFi value


Paper and cardboard

Garden and green





Rubber and leather

Concrete, metal, plastic and glass

Schedule 4  Instructions for using the Solid Waste Calculator
         (1)   The steps set out in this Schedule must be followed when using the Solid Waste Calculator in accordance with section 4.3 of this Determination.
         (2)   Open the Solid Waste Calculator at the tab labelled ‘Inputs and Results’.
         (3)   Check that the green ‘Region Input’ Cell (Cell A8) is relevant to the state of the AWT plant.
                         Note    If not, click on the cell—a drop down box will appear; change to relevant state.
         (4)   Insert the amount of putrescible eligible waste that is diverted from landfill in tonnes (QPUT) into the column ‘Waste Received Landfill (t)’ for each year.
                      Note 1    For example, if an AWT plant diverts 60,000 tonnes of putrescible eligible waste in the FY 2010–2011, and 40,000 tonnes of putrescible mixed solid waste in the FY 2011–2012: input 60,000 into ‘Waste Received Landfill (t)’ for 2011 (Cell B18) and 40,000 into ‘Waste Received Landfill (t)’ for 2012 (Cell B19).
                      Note 2    The cell year is representative of the FY ending that year, for example, FY2010–2011 is represented as ‘2011’ in the year column.
         (5)   Place a zero in the remaining input waste years up to 2110 (100 years from 2011) and place a zero in the columns ‘Qcap (CH4 only) (m3)’, ‘Qflared (CH4 only) (m3)’ and ‘Qtr (CH4 only) (m3)’.
         (6)   Insert the fraction of the source waste types for the diverted eligible waste as a decimal.
                      Note 1    For example, input Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) (Cell P19) and Commercial and Industrial (C&I) {Cell Q19} into the column ‘Waste Streams (proportions of total)’, for the specified year. The total of these 2 cells will add up to 1.0.
                      Note 2    If the source waste is only MSW (QMSW/QFacility=1), input 1 into the cell ‘Waste Streams – Municipal Solid Waste (Cell P19)’ and year ‘2012’.
                      Note 3    If the source of the waste diverted is 70% MSW (QMSW/QFacility), and 30% C&I (QC&I/QFacilty) put 0.7 in cell Waste Streams – Municipal Solid Waste and year ‘2012’ (P19) and 0.3 in Waste Streams – Commercial and Industrial and year ‘2012’ (Q19).
         (7)   Insert the fraction of waste mix type restrictions as per Wmtrmax in Equation 4, which is found as a subsection of ‘Wmtrmax–waste mix type licence restrictions (proportions of total)’ (column AT to column BB) and the respective year.
                         Note    For example, if there is no allowable non-putrescible material in the diverted waste for FY2011–2012, then input zero into cell ‘Waste Mix Type Proportions - Inert’ and Year 2012 (Cell BB19). If there is a maximum of 5% non-putrescible material in the diverted waste for the year FY2011–2012, then input 0.05 into cell ‘Waste Mix Type Proportions - Inert’ and 2012 (Cell BB19).
         (8)   Once input data has been inserted for the years 2011 and 2012 in accordance with subsections (1) to (6) then the Solid Waste Calculator steps are complete.
Extraction of data
         (9)   From the column titled ‘Total Emissions Ei (CO2-e)’ (Column K), extract data for 100 years (100 Cells) beginning the year of first putrescible eligible waste received and paste into a new spreadsheet file.
       (10)   Change the name of the column titled ‘Total Emissions Ei (CO2-e)’ (Column K), to ‘Annual Emissions Ek (CO2-e)’.
Manipulation of data
       (11)   After completion of subsection (8), the following steps must be followed:
                     (a)   sum the annual emissions to calculate the total emissions for the 100 year period (Ek,total);          
                     (b)   create a new column titled ‘Proportion of Emissions for each year (Ek,%)’ and do the following:
                                 (i)    take the annual emissions (Ek) for each year and divide by the sum of the annual emissions (Ek,total) calculated in accordance with paragraph (a); and
                                (ii)    express the value as a percentage called Ek,%;
                     (c)   calculate the net abatement amount for each year using Equation 12.
       (12)   After completion of subsection (10), PI and PR must be calculated as follows:
                     (a)   create two rows under ‘Ek,total’ titled PI and PR;
                     (b)   calculate PI by summing the Annual Emissions (Ek) from project year zero until the year 2017;
                     (c)   calculate PR by summing the Annual Emissions (Ek) from the year 2018 until 100 years project completion;
                     (d)   express as a percentage, by dividing by the Total Annual Emissions (Ek,total); and
                     (e)   use PI and PR in Equation 1, as in section 4.3 of this Determination.
                         Note    For a project that commenced on 1 July 2010, the project year zero would be 2011, and the year of project completion would be 2110.
1.       All legislative instruments and compilations are registered on the Federal Register of Legislative Instruments kept under the Legislative Instruments Act 2003. See