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Customs Act 1901 - CEO Instrument of Approval No. 2 of 2014

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CEO Instrument of Approval No 2 of 2014
Customs Act 1901
I, ROMAN QUAEDVLIEG, Chief Executive Officer of Customs, under subsection 33(3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901 and section 4A of the Customs Act 1901 (the Act) and regulation 41 of the Customs Regulations 1926 (the Regulations):
(a)     revoke CEO Instrument of Approval No. 73 of 2005; and
(b)     approve the attached " UNACCOMPANIED PERSONAL EFFECTS (UPE) DECLARATION" as an approved statement for the purpose of communicating electronically to Customs information required under subsection 71AAAB(1) of the Act and regulation 41 of the Regulations in relation to goods that are the unaccompanied personal or household effects of a passenger.
This instrument commences on the day after it is registered.
Dated: 16 October 2014
Chief Executive Officer of Customs
Approved Statement - Customs Act 1901 - subsection 71AAAB(1) and Customs Regulations 1926 - regulation 41
Item No.
Short title
Information required

Applicant Type
Indicate whether the person making the declaration is the:
·                             Owner
·                             Nominee or
·                             Representative

Owner Name
The name of the person who is the owner of the goods.

The ABN of, or code allocated by Customs (the Customs Client Identifier or CCID) to, the owner of the goods.

Nominee Name
The name of the person nominated by the owner of the goods to submit the declaration on behalf of the owner.

Nominee ABN/CCID
The ABN or CCID of the nominee identified in item 4.

Representative Name
The name of the broker, freight forwarder, or HVSO who is the representative of the owner of the goods.

Representative ABN/CCID
The ABN or CCID of the nominee identified in item 6.

Importer Details
Name and address of the owner of the goods.

Date of Birth
The date of birth of the owner of the goods.

The gender of the owner of the goods.

Travel Document Number
The passport number of the owner of the goods.

Passport Country of Issue
The name of the country that authorised the passport as an official travel document.

Spouse Name
The name of the husband or wife (if any) of the owner of the goods.

Spouse Passport Number
The passport number of the owner’s spouse.

Number Of Children Under 18
The number of children under eighteen years of age who own unaccompanied personal effects covered by this declaration.

Owner Arrival Date
The date of arrival in Australia of the owner of the goods.

Owner Arrival Vessel Name
The name of the ship or aircraft on which the owner of the goods arrived.

Owner Arrival Flight Number
If the owner arrived on an aircraft – the airline code (as allocated by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and number of the flight (as assigned by the carrier to identify the journey of the aircraft) on which the owner of the goods arrived.

Owner Arrival Port Code
The port or airport that the owner of the goods arrived in Australia.

Country Of Departure
The country where the goods were exported from.

Period of Absence From Australia
The period of time the owner of the goods has been absent from Australia.

Other Countries Visited
The names of the countries, other than the country of departure, that the owner of the goods has visited whilst absent from Australia.

Number Of Packages
Number of packages that the goods are packed in (not including packages in a container).

If the goods are to be, or were, imported by SEA – Items 24 to 31 are required

Cargo – Arrival Date
Date of arrival of the ship on which the goods were imported at the first Australian port where any goods were discharged.

Cargo Arrival Port Code
The first Australian port that the ship arrived at during its journey.

Vessel Identifier On Which The Cargo Arrived
The identifier, of the ship being:
§  the Lloyds identification number of the ship; or
§  if the vessel does not have a Lloyds identification number, the identification code allocated to the operator of the ship by Customs.

Voyage Number On Which The Cargo Arrived
The unique number assigned by the principal agent of the ship for the journey to Australia which carried the goods.

Cargo Type
Indicate whether the goods are containerised, non-containerised or bulk:
B/B            -       Break Bulk
BLK           -       Bulk
FCL           -       Full Container Load
FCX           -        Full Container Multiple House Bill
LCL           -         Less Than Container Load

Container Number
The unique identifier assigned by the marine industry to the container the goods are packed in.

Ocean Bill Of Lading
The ocean bill of lading number relating to the goods.

House Bill Of Lading
The house bill of lading number relating to the goods.

If the goods are to be, or were, imported by AIR – Items 32 to 34 are required

Flight Number On Which Cargo Arrived
The airline code (as allocated by the IATA), and flight number (as assigned by the carrier to identify the journey of the aircraft) for the flight that carries the goods.

Master Air Waybill Number
The master air waybill number relating to the goods.

House Air Waybill Number
The house air waybill number relating to the goods.

If the goods are imported by AIR or SEA, the following fields are required

Line Number
The number that identifies each separate line of goods on the declaration.

Indicate whether the owner of the goods is a tourist.

Tourist Length Of Stay
If the owner is a tourist, indicate the proposed length of his or her stay.

Temporary Residence
Indicate whether the owner of the goods is a temporary resident.

Temporary Residence Length of Stay
If the owner is a temporary resident, indicate the proposed length of his or her stay.

Permanent Resident or Australian Citizen
Indicate whether the owner of the goods is resuming permanent residence or is a returning Australian citizen.

Taking Up Permanent Residence in Australia For The First Time
Indicate whether the owner of the goods is taking up permanent residence in Australia for the first time.

Australian Citizen Returning Temporarily
Indicate whether the owner of the goods is an Australian citizen returning to Australia temporarily.

Did You Pack The Goods Yourself
Indicate whether the owner of the goods packed the goods:
·                 Yes 
·                 No

Person Who Packed The Goods
If the answer to item 43 is no, specify the name of the person who packed the goods.

Are You Fully Aware Of The Contents Of Your Packages
Indicate whether the owner is fully aware of the contents of the packages subject to the declaration:
·                 Yes 
·                 No

Unaware Of Content Of The Packages
If the answer to item 45 is no, provide a detailed reason as to why the owner is not fully aware of the contents of the packages.

Do The Packages Contain Goods Belonging To Any Person Other Than You Or Those Who Accompanied You On Your Arrival In Australia
Indicate whether the goods are owned by a person other than those who were accompanying the person making the declaration when he or she arrived in Australia:
·                 Yes
·                 No

If the answer to item 47 is yes – the name of the person not entering Australia with the person making the declaration, whose unaccompanied goods are being declared.

Passport Number
If the answer to item 47 is yes – the passport number of the person not entering Australia with the declaration, whose unaccompanied goods are being declared.

Relationship To You
If the answer to item 47 is yes – describe the nature of your association with this person.

Indicate if the goods contain drugs of any kind including, but not limited to: DHEA, narcotics, hallucinogens, amphetamines, barbiturates, tranquillisers, steroids or performance enhancing drugs.

Drugs Description
If the answer to item 51 is yes, list those goods.

Indicate if the goods contain weapons including, but not limited to: firearms or parts (including air pistols and air rifles), ammunition, replica firearms, spring bladed knives, daggers, knuckle dusters or martial arts equipment.

Weapons Description
If the answer to item 53 is yes, list those goods.

Animal Products
Indicate if the goods contain articles manufactured from wildlife including, but not limited to: reptiles/snakes, elephants, rhinoceri, members of the cat family, whales, dolphins, zebras, antelope, deer or coral.

Animal Products Description
If the answer to item 55 is yes, list those goods.

Offensive Material
Indicate if any of the goods contain material which is likely to cause offence to a reasonable adult. This may include, but is not limited to: child pornographic material, child abuse material, material which may promote, incite or instruct in matters of crime or violence or misuse of a drug, or sexual material (including bestiality).

Offensive Material Description
If the answer to item 57 is yes, list those goods.

Indicate whether the goods contain Australian and/or foreign currency in the amount of $10,000 Australian or more.

Currency Amount
If the answer to item 59 is yes, indicate the Australian dollar equivalent.

Indicate whether the goods contain medicines (whether prescribed by a medical practitioner or not) including but not limited to herbal medicines.

Medicine Description
If the answer to item 61 is yes, list those goods.

Tobacco Products
Indicate whether the goods contain cigarettes, cigars or tobacco.

Alcoholic Products
Indicate whether the goods contain alcoholic liquor including: spirits, wine or beer.

Transport Vehicles
Indicate whether the goods contain motor vehicle, motorcycle, trailers or watercraft.

Goods Belonging To Persons Not Accompanying You
Indicate whether the goods include goods owned by a person other than you or those persons who arrived in Australia at the same time as the person providing the information.

Commercial Goods
Indicate whether the goods are to be used for commercial purposes, including sale, lease, hire or exchange.

Goods Owned For Less Than Twelve Months
Indicate whether the goods contain other goods owned by the person making the declaration for less than 12 months.

If the answer to item 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 or 68 is yes – describe the goods.

Price Or Estimated Price $AUS
If the answer to item 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 or 68 is yes – indicate the purchase price of the goods, or if that is not known an estimate of that price.

Date Of Purchase
If the answer to item 63, 64, 65, 66, 67 or 68 is yes – indicate the date of purchase of the goods, or if that is not known an estimate of that date.

If the field “Spouse Name” is completed, the following field is required

72   Spouse Passport Country       The name of the country that authorised the passport as an of Issue                              official travel document for the spouse.