Instrument number CASA EX82/14
I, GERARD JOHN CAMPBELL, Executive Manager, Operations Division, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998) and subsection 33 (3) of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.
[Signed G.J. Campbell]
Gerard J. Campbell
Executive Manager
Operations Division
25 July 2014
Exemption — Boeing 717 flight data recorder system (National Jet Systems)
1 Duration
This instrument:
(a) commences on 1 August 2014; and
(b) expires at the end of July 2017, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.
2 Repeal
Instrument CASA EX91/11 is repealed.
3 Application
This instrument applies to each Boeing 717 aircraft (the aircraft) operated by National Jet Systems Pty Ltd, trading as Cobham Aviation Services Australia – Airline Services, Aviation Reference Number 436109 (the operator).
4 Exemption
The aircraft are exempt from compliance with paragraph 6.3 of Civil Aviation Order 20.18 (CAO 20.18) for the continuous operation of a flight data recorder (FDR) system, but only to the extent that the FDR system would otherwise be required to operate while the aircraft’s parking brake is applied.
5 Condition
The operator must ensure that, other than this exemption, it complies with all other provisions of paragraph 6.3 of CAO 20.18.