Instrument number CASA EX53/14
I, jonathan aleck, Associate director of Aviation Safety, a delegate of CASA, make this instrument under regulation 11.160 of the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations 1998 (CASR 1998).
[Signed Jonathan Aleck]
Jonathan Aleck
Associate Director of Aviation Safety
3 July 2014
Exemption — for certain aircraft to tow gliders
1 Duration
This instrument:
(a) commences on the day after registration; and
(b) expires at the end of May 2017, as if it had been repealed by another instrument.
2 Application
This instrument applies to the use of:
(a) Piper Pawnee PA25 glider tugs converted to the specifications of glider tugs known as eTugs and issued with experimental certificates under paragraph 21.191 (i) of CASR 1998 following conversion; and
(b) other aircraft issued with experimental certificates under paragraph 21.191 (g), (h), (i), (j) or (k) of CASR 1998 and subsequently approved for glider towing by CASA and the Gliding Federation of Australia Inc, Aviation Reference Number 217932 (the GFA).
3 Exemption — relating to glider towing
(1) This instrument exempts the operator of an aircraft referred to in section 2 (an exempt aircraft) from compliance with subregulation 262AP (1) of the Civil Aviation Regulations 1988 (CAR 1988).
(2) The exemption only applies to the extent mentioned in Schedule 1.
4 Conditions
The exemption is subject to the conditions in Schedule 2.
Schedule 1 Extent of exemption
In spite of subregulation 262AP (1) of CAR 1988, an exempt aircraft may be used to tow gliders in the course of private operations.
Schedule 2 Conditions
1 An exempt aircraft must be operated only in accordance with the GFA manuals approved by CASA for that purpose, as in force from time to time. These include its aerotow manual, ops regs manual and manuals of standard procedures.
2 An exempt aircraft must be maintained in accordance with the Annex to its experimental certificate.