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Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Rule 2014

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Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Rule 2014
I, Jamie Briggs, Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development, make the following rule.
Dated: 30 April 2014
Jamie Briggs
Assistant Minister for Infrastructure and Regional Development
Part 1—Preliminary                                                                                                                                        1
1............ Name of rule.................................................................................................................. 1
2............ Commencement............................................................................................................. 1
3............ Authority....................................................................................................................... 1
4............ Definitions..................................................................................................................... 1
Part 2—Rural fire brigades and groups of rural fire brigades                                           2
5............ Constitution for rural fire brigade.................................................................................. 2
6............ Membership of rural fire brigades................................................................................. 2
7............ Probationary membership.............................................................................................. 2
8............ Removal from membership........................................................................................... 3
9............ Review of decisions relating to membership................................................................. 3
10.......... Disciplinary action......................................................................................................... 4
11.......... Appeals concerning disciplinary action......................................................................... 5
12.......... Incident reports.............................................................................................................. 5
Part 3—Fire Management Committee                                                                                                6
13.......... Functions of the Fire Management Committee.............................................................. 6
14.......... Procedure for meetings of the Fire Management Committee......................................... 6
15.......... Chair of the Fire Management Committee..................................................................... 6
Part 4—Fire prevention                                                                                                                                7
Division 1—General                                                                                                                                7
16.......... Burning to demolish buildings...................................................................................... 7
17.......... Burning to destroy sawmill waste material.................................................................... 7
18.......... Use of spark arresters.................................................................................................... 8
19.......... Other safety requirements.............................................................................................. 8
20.......... Roadside fire protection................................................................................................. 9
Division 2—Bush fire danger periods                                                                                          10
21.......... Lighting fires for cooking............................................................................................ 10
22.......... Burning garbage and refuse......................................................................................... 10
23.......... Lighting fires to produce charcoal or distil oils............................................................ 10
24.......... Lighting, using or carrying tobacco product or other object........................................ 11
Part 5—Notices                                                                                                                                                12
25.......... Public notice and display of draft bush fire risk management plan.............................. 12
26.......... Destruction of notices.................................................................................................. 12
27.......... Notice for bush fire hazard reduction work................................................................. 12
28.......... Notice if Minister is to carry out bush fire hazard reduction work.............................. 12
29.......... Notice of intention to burn off or burn firebreak......................................................... 13
30.......... Notice of issue of fire permit....................................................................................... 13
31.......... Giving of notices......................................................................................................... 13
Part 6—Miscellaneous                                                                                                                                 15
32.......... Bravery and other awards............................................................................................ 15
33.......... Voluntary work by rural fire brigades......................................................................... 15
34.......... Definition of managed land........................................................................................ 15
35.......... Conditions of fire permit............................................................................................. 16
36.......... Infringement notices.................................................................................................... 16
Schedule 1—Infringement notices                                                                                        17
Part 1—Infringement notice offences created by the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Ordinance 2014                                                                                                                                                                17
Part 2—Infringement notice offences created by this rule                                                   18
Part 1—Preliminary
1  Name of rule
                   This rule is the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Rule 2014.
2  Commencement
                   This rule commences on the day after it is registered.
3  Authority
                   This rule is made under the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Ordinance 2014.
4  Definitions
                   In this rule:
appropriate disciplinary authority: see section 10.
brigade register means the register for a rural fire brigade required to be kept under section 15 of the Ordinance.
light a fire: see subsection 6(1) of the Ordinance.
motorised machine includes any vehicle or machine that is operated by means of an internal combustion engine or other fuel‑burning engine.
Ordinance means the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Ordinance 2014.
Part 2—Rural fire brigades and groups of rural fire brigades
5  Constitution for rural fire brigade
             (1)  The constitution for a rural fire brigade must be in a form approved by the Minister, and must provide for the following matters:
                     (a)  the name of the brigade;
                     (b)  the council or other governing body (however described) of the brigade and its officers;
                     (c)  the classification of members of the brigade other than officers;
                     (d)  arrangements for meetings of the brigade;
                     (e)  voting rights of members of the brigade;
                      (f)  the conduct of fundraising appeals by the brigade and the application of any money or benefit received in the course of a fundraising appeal.
             (2)  The members of a rural fire brigade must review the brigade’s constitution annually to decide whether it should be amended.
             (3)  In determining whether the constitution should be amended, the members must take into consideration any relevant Service Standards.
6  Membership of rural fire brigades
             (1)  A person is eligible to be listed on the register of a rural fire brigade if the person:
                     (a)  complies with the procedures (if any) for attaining membership set out in the constitution for the rural fire brigade; and
                     (b)  satisfies the requirements (if any) for attaining membership of a rural fire brigade determined by the Minister.
             (2)  However, the Minister may refuse to list a person’s name on a brigade register if, in the Minister’s opinion, the person is not a fit and proper person to be a member of the rural fire brigade.
             (3)  If the Minister refuses to list a person’s name of a brigade register, the Minister must notify the person, in writing, of the refusal.
7  Probationary membership
             (1)  Unless the Minister determines otherwise, a person who becomes a member of a rural fire brigade holds his or her membership for an initial probationary period of 6 months.
             (2)  The Minister may remove the person’s name from the brigade register if, at the end of the probationary period, the person:
                     (a)  has not achieved a satisfactory level of competency required by the Service Standards; or
                     (b)  does not satisfy any requirements for the confirmation of membership set out in the brigade’s constitution.
             (3)  If the Minister removes a person’s name from the brigade register under subsection (2), the Minister must notify the person, in writing, of the removal.
8  Removal from membership
             (1)  The Minister must remove the name of a person from a brigade register if the person:
                     (a)  has died; or
                     (b)  applies in writing to have his or her name removed from the brigade register.
             (2)  The Minister may remove the name of a person from a brigade register if the person:
                     (a)  is found to have committed a breach of discipline under section 10; or
                     (b)  becomes mentally incapacitated; or
                     (c)  is convicted in the Territory of an offence punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more; or
                     (d)  is convicted outside the Territory of an offence that, if committed in the Territory, would be an offence punishable by imprisonment for 12 months or more; or
                     (e)  in the Minister’s opinion, is no longer a fit and proper person to be a member of the rural fire brigade.
             (3)  Without limiting paragraph (2)(e), the Minister may form an opinion that a person is no longer a fit and proper person to be a member of a rural fire brigade if the person:
                     (a)  has not been an active member of the brigade for a period of at least 12 months; or
                     (b)  has not paid his or her annual subscription in accordance with the brigade’s constitution.
             (4)  The Minister must notify the person, in writing, before removing the person’s name from the brigade register under paragraph (2)(b), (c), (d) or (e).
             (5)  If the Minister gives notice under subsection (4), the Minister must not remove the person’s name until 21 days after giving the notice, or until the conclusion of any review under subsection 9(3).
9  Review of decisions relating to membership
             (1)  A person may apply to the Minister for review of the Minister’s decision:
                     (a)  to refuse to include a person’s name on a brigade register under subsection 6(2); or
                     (b)  to remove a person’s name from a brigade register under paragraph 8(2)(b), (c), (d) or (e).
             (2)  An application for review must:
                     (a)  be in writing; and
                     (b)  set out the reasons for the application; and
                     (c)  be made within 21 days after the decision was made.
             (3)  On receiving an application, the Minister must appoint an officer of the NSW Rural Fire Service, at or above the rank of Assistant Commissioner, as a review officer to review the Minister’s decision.
             (4)  After taking into account all relevant information available to the review officer, the review officer must:
                     (a)  confirm the Minister’s decision; or
                     (b) for review of a decision under subsection 6(2)—include the applicant’s name on the brigade register; or
                     (c)  for review of a decision under paragraph 8(2)(b), (c), (d) or (e)—decide to retain the applicant’s name on the brigade register.
             (5)  The review officer must notify the applicant, in writing, of the review officer’s decision and the reasons for the decision.
             (6)  If a decision to remove a person’s name from a brigade register is subject to an application for review, the person’s name must not be removed from the register until the application is decided by the review officer.
10  Disciplinary action
             (1)  A member of a rural fire brigade commits a breach of discipline if the member:
                     (a)  contravenes the Ordinance or a provision of this rule; or
                     (b)  is negligent, careless, inefficient or incompetent in the discharge of his or her duties; or
                     (c)  fails to comply with the Service Standards.
             (2)  The Minister may appoint an officer of the NSW Rural Fire Service, at or above the rank of Superintendent, to be the appropriate disciplinary authority in relation to an alleged breach of discipline by a member of a rural fire brigade.
             (3)  An appropriate disciplinary authority may take disciplinary action against a member of a rural fire brigade if:
                     (a)  an alleged breach of discipline is dealt with in accordance with the procedure set out in the Service Standards and notice has been given in accordance with subsection 11(1); and
                     (b)  the member is found by the appropriate disciplinary authority to have committed the breach.
             (4)  The appropriate disciplinary authority may take any of the following disciplinary action:
                     (a)  reprimand the member;
                     (b)  suspend the member from service with the rural fire brigade or group of rural fire brigades for a specified period;
                     (c)  recommend to the Minister that the Minister take one or more of the following actions:
                              (i)  demote the member (if the member is an officer);
                             (ii)  disqualify the member from holding rank in the brigade or group;
                            (iii)  remove the member’s name from the brigade register.
             (5)  In this section:
appropriate disciplinary authority, in relation to an alleged breach of discipline by a member of a rural fire brigade, means:
                     (a)  an officer appointed under subsection (2) in relation to the alleged breach; or
                     (b)  if no officer is appointed—a disciplinary panel constituted in relation to the alleged breach in accordance with the procedure set out in the Service Standards.
11  Appeals concerning disciplinary action
             (1)  Before taking disciplinary action under section 10 in relation to a member of a rural fire brigade, the appropriate disciplinary authority appointed under subsection 10(2) must:
                     (a)  investigate the alleged breach of discipline; and
                     (b)  give the member at least 14 days’ notice in writing of the findings of the investigation and of the disciplinary action that the appropriate disciplinary authority proposes to take in relation to the member.
             (2)  The member may, within 14 days after receiving the notice, appeal to the Minister against the findings of the appropriate disciplinary authority, or against any disciplinary action the appropriate disciplinary authority proposes to take.
             (3)  On an appeal, the Minister:
                     (a)  may confirm the decision of the appropriate disciplinary authority; or
                     (b)  may recommend to the appropriate disciplinary authority that no action, or that other disciplinary action, be taken against the member.
12  Incident reports
             (1)  If a rural fire brigade attends a fire or other incident or emergency, the officer in charge of the brigade must ensure that the Minister is given a written report on the fire, incident or emergency.
             (2)  The report must:
                     (a)  be given to the Minister within the time required by the Service Standards; and
                     (b)  include any matters required to be covered in the report by the Service Standards.
Part 3—Fire Management Committee
13  Functions of the Fire Management Committee
             (1)  The Fire Management Committee may draw to the Minister’s attention any matter the committee considers relevant to the protection of land, persons, animals, property or the environment in the Territory from the impact of fires.
             (2)  The committee has no power to conduct or take any other part in fire fighting or fire prevention operations authorised by the Ordinance, this rule or any other Ordinance or legislative instrument.
Note:          Subsection (2) does not prevent individual members of the committee from taking part in fire fighting or fire prevention operations otherwise than as members of the committee.
14  Procedure for meetings of the Fire Management Committee
                   The Fire Management Committee must:
                     (a)  meet in the manner, and at the times, determined by the committee; and
                     (b)  call meetings and conduct business in accordance with the procedures determined by the committee.
15  Chair of the Fire Management Committee
             (1)  The member of the Fire Management Committee nominated by the Jervis Bay Territory Administration is the Chair of the Fire Management Committee.
             (2)  The Chair (or in the absence of the Chair, another member elected to chair the meeting by the members present) presides at meetings of the committee.
Part 4—Fire prevention
Division 1—General
16  Burning to demolish buildings
                   A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire for the purpose of, or in connection with, the demolition of a building or destruction of building materials; and
                     (b)  either:
                              (i)  the person does not hold a fire permit authorising the fire to be lit; or
                             (ii)  the person does not comply with any conditions of a fire permit held by the person authorising the fire to be lit.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
17  Burning to destroy sawmill waste material
             (1)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire for the purpose of destroying sawmill waste material; and
                     (b)  the fire is not lit in accordance with any conditions set out in a fire permit authorising the fire to be lit.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (2)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire for the purpose of destroying sawmill waste material; and
                     (b)  the fire is not lit:
                              (i)  in an incinerator designed to prevent the escape of sparks and burning material; or
                             (ii)  on ground enclosed by a fence of galvanised iron, or other fire resistant material, at least 1.8 metres high and high enough that the top of the waste to be burned is not less than 600 millimetres below the top of the fence at its lowest point; or
                            (iii)  in a pit dug for the purpose and in which the top of the waste to be burned is not less than 600 millimetres below the top of the edge of the pit at its lowest point.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (3)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire:
                              (i)  on the ground enclosed by a fence of galvanised iron or other fire resistant material at least 1.8 metres high and high enough that the top of the waste to be burned is not less than 600 millimetres below the top of the fence at its lowest point; or
                             (ii)  in a pit dug for the purpose and in which the top of the waste to be burned is not less than 600 millimetres below the top of the edge of the pit at its lowest point; and
                     (b)  either or both of the following apply:
                              (i)  the ground within 9 metres of the fence or edge of the pit is not clear of combustible matter;
                             (ii)  the person does not have at least 2 knapsack spray pumps, each of 16 litre minimum capacity, and a supply of not less than 450 litres of water, readily available for use on the fire.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
18  Use of spark arresters
                   A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person drives or uses a steam‑powered machine in connection with the use of land for agricultural or pastoral purposes; and
                     (b)  one or more of the following applies:
                              (i)  the machine is not fitted with a spark arrester constructed of mesh of a width not exceeding 3.2 millimetres;
                             (ii)  the machine’s fire box is not fitted with a tray constructed in such a manner as to prevent the escape of sparks or burning material;
                            (iii)  the machine’s spark arrester or tray are not maintained in a good and serviceable condition;
                            (iv)  the machine’s spark arrester or tray do not comply with Australian Standard AS 1019—2000, Internal combustion engines—Spark emission control devices, published by Standards Australia on 1 August 2000.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
19  Other safety requirements
             (1)  A person commits an offence if the person:
                     (a)  drives or uses a motorised machine in grass, crop or stubble land in connection with the use of the land for agricultural, pastoral or other purposes; and
                     (b)  either or both of the following apply:
                              (i)  the machine is not constructed so that any heated area of the machine will not come into contact with combustible matter;
                             (ii)  the machine is not maintained in a good and serviceable condition so as to prevent the outbreak of fire.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (2)  A person commits an offence if the person:
                     (a)  drives or uses a motorised machine in grass, crop or stubble land in connection with the use of the land for agricultural, pastoral or other purposes; and
                     (b)  it is practicable to carry prescribed fire safety equipment on the machine; and
                     (c)  the person does not carry prescribed fire safety equipment, maintained in a serviceable condition, on the machine.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (3)  A person commits an offence if the person:
                     (a)  either:
                              (i)  carries out welding operations; or
                             (ii)  uses explosives, an angle grinder or any other implement that is likely to generate sparks; and
                     (b)  the person does not have prescribed fire safety equipment, maintained in a serviceable condition, in the vicinity of the activity mentioned in paragraph (a).
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (4)  In this clause:
prescribed fire safety equipment means:
                     (a)  a knapsack spray pump of 16 litre minimum capacity filled with water; or
                     (b)  an operational liquid type fire extinguisher of 9 litre minimum capacity; or
                     (c)  an operational dry powder type fire extinguisher of 0.9 kilogram minimum capacity.
20  Roadside fire protection
             (1)  This section applies to a public authority that has the care, control or management of a road, or of vegetation on the side of a road.
             (2)  The public authority may, for the purposes of bush fire hazard reduction work, light a fire on the road, or on the verge of the road, if doing so is consistent with the bush fire management plan.
             (3)  If a prescribed authority lights a fire under subsection (2), the authority may, while the fire is burning, prohibit, direct or regulate the movement of persons, vehicles or animals along the road or along another road of which the authority has the care, control or management.
Division 2—Bush fire danger periods
21  Lighting fires for cooking
                   A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire in the open to cook, heat or prepare meals or boil water, or for a similar purpose; and
                     (b)  the person lights the fire during a bush fire danger period; and
                     (c)  the fire is not surrounded by ground that is clear of all combustible matter for a distance of at least 2 metres from the fire.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
22  Burning garbage and refuse
             (1)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire to destroy household garbage or refuse, or to destroy an animal carcass; and
                     (b)  the person lights the fire during a bush fire danger period; and
                     (c)  either or both of the following apply:
                              (i)  the fire is:
                                        (A)  not lit in an incinerator designed to prevent the escape of sparks and burning material; and
                                        (B)  not surrounded by ground that is clear of all combustible matter for a distance of at least 5 metres from the fire;
                             (ii)  the fire is not lit in accordance with the conditions set out in any fire permit authorising the fire to be lit.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (2)  Nothing in subsection (1) affects the operation of any law that prohibits or regulates the lighting of fires.
23  Lighting fires to produce charcoal or distil oils
             (1)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire for, or in connection with:
                              (i)  charcoal production; or
                             (ii)  the distillation of eucalyptus or other oils; and
                     (b)  the person lights the fire during a bush fire danger period; and
                     (c)  the fire is not surrounded by ground that is clear of all combustible matter for a distance of at least 30 metres from the fire.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (2)  A person commits an offence if:
                     (a)  the person lights a fire to burn waste products resulting from an activity mentioned in subparagraph (1)(a)(i) or (ii); and
                     (b)  the person lights the fire during a bush fire danger period; and
                     (c)  either or both of the following apply:
                              (i)  the person does not comply with a condition set out in a fire permit authorising the fire to be lit;
                             (ii)  the fire is lit less than 30 metres from the site of another fire lit for, or in connection with, the distillation of eucalyptus or other oils.
Penalty:  20 penalty units.
             (3)  In this section:
combustible matter does not include:
                     (a)  charcoal; or
                     (b)  timber to be reduced to charcoal; or
                     (c)  material used for the distillation of eucalyptus or other oils; or
                     (d)  a building or fence.
24  Lighting, using or carrying tobacco product or other object
             (1)  A person commits an offence if the person lights a tobacco product, match or other object within 15 metres of a stack of grain, hay, corn or straw or a standing crop, dry grass or stubble field during the bush fire danger period.
 Penalty: 50 penalty units.
             (2)  A person commits an offence if the person uses or carries a lit tobacco product, lit match or another lit object within 15 metres of a stack of grain, hay, corn or straw or a standing crop, dry grass or stubble field during the bush fire danger period.
Penalty:  50 penalty units.
             (3)  A person commits an offence if the person leaves or deposits a lit tobacco product or lit match, or incandescent material, on any land, bridge, wharf, pontoon or similar structure during the bush fire danger period.
Penalty:  50 penalty units.
Part 5—Notices
25  Public notice and display of draft bush fire risk management plan
             (1)  For subsection 47(1) of the Ordinance, the Fire Management Committee must publicly display a draft bush fire risk management plan for at least 42 days.
             (2)  The Fire Management Committee must display with the draft plan any other matter that:
                     (a)  the committee considers appropriate or necessary to better understand the draft plan and its implications; or
                     (b)  the public notice given for the draft plan states will be displayed with the draft plan.
             (3)  While the draft bush fire risk management plan is on display, an interested person may make a submission in relation to the draft plan to the Fire Management Committee.
26  Destruction of notices
                   A person commits an offence if the person destroys, defaces or removes a notice displayed for the purposes of the Ordinance or this rule under the authority of the Fire Management Committee, the Minister or a public authority.
Penalty:  5 penalty units.
27  Notice for bush fire hazard reduction work
             (1)  This section applies if:
                     (a)  a hazard management officer requires an occupier or owner of land to take action on the land under a bush fire hazard reduction notice; and
                     (b)  the land is within 8 kilometres (or a shorter distance specified in the bush fire management plan) of Commonwealth land.
             (2)  For subsection 58(3) of the Ordinance, the hazard management officer must give a copy of the bush fire hazard reduction notice to an officer of the authority responsible for the Commonwealth land.
             (3)  The hazard management officer must give the copy of the notice to the officer within 24 hours of giving the notice to the occupier or owner of the land to which the notice relates.
28  Notice if Minister is to carry out bush fire hazard reduction work
             (1)  This section applies if:
                     (a)  the Minister intends to enter land to carry out bush fire hazard reduction work under subsection 59(1) of the Ordinance; and
                     (b)  the land is within 8 kilometres (or a shorter distance specified in the bush fire management plan) of Commonwealth land.
             (2)  The Minister must, no later than 24 hours before entering the land, give written notice to an officer of the authority responsible for the Commonwealth land stating where and when the bush fire hazard reduction work will be carried out.
29  Notice of intention to burn off or burn firebreak
             (1)  For subsection 74(1) of the Ordinance, a person who intends to light a fire:
                     (a)  for the purpose of land clearance, back burning or burning a fire break; or
                     (b)  in circumstances in which the fire is likely to endanger a building;
must give written notice to each person mentioned in subsection (2).
             (2)  The notice must be given to:
                     (a)  the Minister; and
                     (b)  each occupier (or, if there is no occupier, each owner) of land that is:
                              (i)  contiguous to the land on which the fire is to be lit; or
                             (ii)  separated only by a lane, road or waterway (whether fenced or unfenced) from the land on which the fire is to be lit.
             (3)  The notice must include:
                     (a)  the name of the person intending to light the fire; and
                     (b)  the location and purpose of the proposed fire; and
                     (c)  a statement that a fire permit has been issued authorising the lighting of the fire; and
                     (d)  the time the person intends lighting the fire; and
                     (e)  the period for which it is proposed the fire will burn.
             (4)  The notice must be given:
                     (a)  within the time period specified for giving the notice in the fire permit authorising the lighting of the fire; or
                     (b)  if no time period is specified—no later than 24 hours before the fire is lit.
30  Notice of issue of fire permit
                   For section 82 of the Ordinance:
                     (a)  Commonwealth land is prescribed as land to which that section applies; and
                     (b)  the authority responsible for the Commonwealth land is prescribed as the body to which notice must be given.
Note:          Section 82 of the Ordinance provides that if the Minister issues a fire permit to light a fire on land prescribed in the rules, the Minister must give notice in an approved form to the persons or bodies prescribed by the rules.
31  Giving of notices
             (1)  For section 92 of the Ordinance, a notice or direction required to be served on a person may be served in the following ways (unless the Ordinance or this rule makes specific provision for how the notice or direction may be served):
                     (a)  by delivering the notice or direction to the person personally;
                     (b)  by delivering the notice or direction to the premises at which the person lives or carries on business, and leaving it with a person apparently over the age of 14 years resident or employed at the premises;
                     (c)  by posting the notice or direction by prepaid letter addressed to the last known place of residence or business or post office box of the person;
                     (d)  by fax to a number given by the person as a number to which facsimile transmissions to that person may be sent;
                     (e)  by email to an email address given by the person as an address to which emails to that person may be sent;
                      (f)  by fixing the notice on a conspicuous part of any land, building or premises owned or occupied by the person;
                     (g)  if the notice or direction relates to an offence involving a vehicle—by attaching the notice to the vehicle.
             (2)  In addition to the means of service mentioned in subsection (1):
                     (a)  if the person to be served is, or after inquiry appears to be, absent from the Territory, service may be on the agent of the person in a way mentioned in paragraph (1)(a), (b), (d) or (e); and
                     (b)  if the land, building or premises mentioned in paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (f) are unoccupied, and the owner’s address or place of residence is not known to the person serving the notice or direction, service may be by advertisement in the approved form published in a newspaper circulating in the Territory.
             (3)  For paragraph (1)(b), (c) or (f), a notice or direction may be addressed to the “occupier” or “owner” of the land, building or premises in relation to which the notice or direction is served, and does not need to name the person.
Part 6—Miscellaneous
32  Bravery and other awards
                   The Minister must keep a register of:
                     (a)  the names of each member of the Rural Fire Service who is given a commendation or award for long service, bravery or other forms of meritorious service; and
                     (b)  details of the commendation or award given to the member.
33  Voluntary work by rural fire brigades
             (1)  A function of a public authority is a prescribed function for subsection 27(1) of the Ordinance if:
                     (a)  it is a function mentioned in subsection (2); and
                     (b)  for a function mentioned in paragraph (2)(b)—it is exercised in accordance with an agreement between the Minister and the Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW.
Note:          Subsection 27(1) of the Ordinance allows a rural fire brigade to voluntarily cooperate with a public authority in the exercise of a function of the public authority prescribed by the rules.
             (2)  For paragraph (1)(a), the functions are:
                     (a)  a function that may be exercised by the public authority:
                              (i)  under the Jervis Bay Territory Emergency Management Ordinance 2014; or
                             (ii)  in relation to the prevention and suppression of bush fires and other fires; and
                     (b)  for cooperation with the Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW—a function of the Commissioner of Fire and Rescue NSW in relation to hazardous materials and similar matters; and
                     (c)  for cooperation with the AFP—traffic control by a police officer; and
                     (d)  for cooperation with the Ambulance Service of NSW—a function of the Ambulance Service of NSW in relation to patient care and similar matters.
             (3)  For the definition of public authority in subsection 6(1) of the Ordinance, the Minister is prescribed as a public authority for the purposes of section 27 of the Ordinance.
34  Definition of managed land
                   For the definition of managed land in subsection 6(1) of the Ordinance, the following types of land are managed land:
                     (a)  land dedicated for a public purpose;
                     (b)  a road vested in the Commonwealth.
35  Conditions of fire permit
                   For paragraph 80(1)(d) of the Ordinance, the following conditions are prescribed as conditions of a fire permit authorising the lighting of a fire on land specified in the permit:
                     (a)  the fire may be lit on the land only if to do so is consistent with the bush fire risk management plan;
                     (b)  the fire must be lit on the land in accordance with any direction given to the holder of the permit by the Minister;
                     (c)  unless the permit provides otherwise—at least one person must be present at the site of the fire from the time the fire is lit until it is extinguished.
36  Infringement notices
             (1)  For section 93 of the Ordinance:
                     (a)  each offence created by a provision mentioned in an item in column 1 of the table in Part 1 or 2 of Schedule 1 is prescribed; and
                     (b)  the prescribed penalty for the offence is the amount specified in column 2 of the item.
             (2)  For the definition of authorised officer in subsection 93(9) of the Ordinance, the following persons are prescribed in relation to all infringement notice offences:
                     (a)  members and special members of the AFP;
                     (b)  persons authorised by the Minister for the purposes of this paragraph.
Schedule 1—Infringement notices
Note:       See section 36.
Part 1—Infringement notice offences created by the Jervis Bay Territory Rural Fires Ordinance 2014
Infringement notice offences created by the Ordinance

Column 1
Provision of Ordinance
Column 2
Penalty amount ($)

Subsection 36(1)

Subsection 36(2)

Subsection 39(2)

Subsection 53(1)

Subsection 53(3)

Subsection 56(8)

Subsection 74(1)

Subsection 74(2)

Section 75

Section 76

Subsection 80(2)

Subsection 85(6)

Subsection 86(2)

Subsection 95(3)

Part 2—Infringement notice offences created by this rule
Infringement notice offences created by this rule

Column 1
Provision of rule
Column 2
Penalty amount ($)

Section 16

Subsection 17(1)

Subsection 17(2)

Subsection 17(3)

Section 18

Subsection 19(1)

Subsection 19(2)

Subsection 19(3)

Section 21

Subsection 22(1)

Subsection 23(1)

Subsection 23(2)

Subsection 24(1)

Subsection 24(2)

Subsection 24(3)

Section 26