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Quarantine Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Proclamation 2014

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Quarantine Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Proclamation 2014
I, Quentin Bryce AC CVO, Governor‑General of the Commonwealth of Australia, acting with the advice of the Federal Executive Council, make the following Proclamation under the Quarantine Act 1908.
Signed and sealed with the Great Seal of Australia on 25 March 2014
Quentin Bryce
By Her Excellency’s Command
Barnaby Joyce
Minister for Agriculture
1............ Name of Proclamation................................................................................................... 1
2............ Commencement............................................................................................................. 1
3............ Authority....................................................................................................................... 1
4............ Schedule(s).................................................................................................................... 1
Schedule 1—Amendments                                                                                                                          2
Quarantine (Christmas Island) Proclamation 2004                                                                       2
Quarantine (Cocos Islands) Proclamation 2004                                                                             2
Quarantine Proclamation 1998                                                                                                          3
1  Name of Proclamation
                   This Proclamation is the Quarantine Legislation Amendment (2014 Measures No. 1) Proclamation 2014.
2  Commencement
                   This Proclamation commences on the day after it is registered.
3  Authority
                   This Proclamation is made under the Quarantine Act 1908.
4  Schedule(s)
                   Each instrument that is specified in a Schedule to this instrument is amended or repealed as set out in the applicable items in the Schedule concerned, and any other item in a Schedule to this instrument has effect according to its terms.
Schedule 1—Amendments
Quarantine (Christmas Island) Proclamation 2004
1  Readers guide
Repeal the Readers guide.
2  Section 7
Repeal the section.
3  Section 8
Repeal the section, substitute:
8  First port of entry for overseas vessels other than aircraft (Quarantine Act ss 13(1)(aab) and 13(1C))
                   Christmas Island is a first Christmas Island port of entry for overseas vessels, other than aircraft.
4  Section 10
Repeal the section (including table 2), substitute:
10  Ports where imported animals, plants or other goods may be landed (Quarantine Act s 13(1)(b))
                   Each of the following is a port where imported animals, plants or other goods may be landed:
                     (a)  Christmas Island;
                     (b)  Christmas Island International Airport.
Quarantine (Cocos Islands) Proclamation 2004
5  Readers guide
Repeal the Readers guide.
6  Section 7
Repeal the section.
7  Section 8
Repeal the section, substitute:
8  First port of entry for overseas vessels other than for aircraft (Quarantine Act ss 13(1)(aaa) and 13(1B))
                   Cocos Island is a first Cocos Islands port of entry for all overseas vessels other than aircraft.
8  Section 10
Repeal the section (including table 3), substitute:
10  Ports where imported animals, plants or other goods may be landed (Quarantine Act ss 13(1)(b))
                   Each of the following is a port where imported animals, plants or other goods may be landed:
                     (a)  Cocos Island;
                     (b)  Cocos (Keeling) Islands Airport.
Quarantine Proclamation 1998
9  Readers guide
Repeal the Readers guide.
10  Section 7
Repeal the section.
11  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Botany Bay, Sydney”.
12  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “New South Wales”)
Insert “Eden”.
13  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Jackson, Sydney”.
14  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “New South Wales”)
Port of Botany Bay
15  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Twofold Bay”.
16  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “South Australia”)
Omit “Cape Thevenard”.
17  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “South Australia”)
Omit “Port Stanvac”.
18  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “South Australia”)
Insert “Thevenard”.
19  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Abbot Point”.
20  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Insert “Bowen”.
21  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Hay Point (including Dalrymple Bay)”, substitute “Hay Point”.
22  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Mourilyan Harbour”, substitute “Mourilyan”.
23  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Insert “Port Kennedy”.
24  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Thursday Island”.
25  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Northern Territory”)
Omit “Gove (Nhulunbuy)”.
26  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Northern Territory”)
Omit “Groote Eylandt”.
27  Section 8 (table 1, at the end of the items headed “Northern Territory”)
Melville Bay
Milner Bay
28  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Hobart Including Risdon and Selfs Point)”, substitute “Hobart”.
29  Section 8 (table 1, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Launceston, including Beauty Point, Bell Bay and Long Reach”, substitute “Launceston”.
30 Section 10 (table 3, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Botany, Sydney”.
31  Section 10 (table 3, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Jackson, Sydney”.
32  Section 10 (table 3, at the end of the items headed “New South Wales”)
Port of Botany Bay
33  Section 10 (table 3, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Hobart, including Risdon and Selfs Point”, substitute “Hobart”.
34  Section 10 (table 3, items headed “Northern Territory”)
Omit “Gove (Nhulunbuy)”, substitute “Melville Bay”.
35  Section 11 (table 4, cell at item 7, column 2)
Repeal the cell, substitute:
Port Kennedy
36  Section 11 (table 4, cell at item 11, column 2)
Omit “, including Beauty Point and Bell Bay”.
37  Section 12 (table 5, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Botany, Sydney”.
38  Section 12 (table 5, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Jackson, Sydney”.
39  Section 12 (table 5, at the end of the items headed “New South Wales”)
Port of Botany Bay
40  Section 12 (table 5, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Hobart, including Risdon and Selfs Point”, substitute “Hobart”.
41  Section 12 (table 5, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Launceston, including Beauty Point, Bell Bay and Long Reach”, substitute “Launceston”.
42  Section 13 (table 6, cell at item 3, column 2)
Repeal the cell, substitute:
Port Kennedy
43  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Botany, Sydney”.
44  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “New South Wales”)
Omit “Port Jackson, Sydney”.
45  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “New South Wales”)
Port of Botany Bay
46  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Hobart, including Risdon and Selfs Point”, substitute “Hobart”.
47  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “Tasmania”)
Omit “Launceston (including Beauty Point and Bell Bay)”, substitute “Launceston”.
48  Subsection 13A(1) (table 6A, items headed “Northern Territory”)
Omit “Groote Eylandt”, substitute “Milner Bay”.
49  Subsection 13A(2) (table 6B, items headed “Northern Territory”)
Omit “Gove (Nhulunbuy)”, substitute “Melville Bay”.
50  Subsection 13B(1) (table 6C, item 2)
Repeal the item, substitute:
Port Adelaide
Bulk oil products and waste only
51  Subsection 13B(1) (table 6C, item 5)
Repeal the item, substitute:
Fertiliser and waste only
52  Subsection 13B(2) (table 6D, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Hay Point (including Dalrymple Bay)”, substitute “Hay Point”.
53  Subsection 13B(2) (table 6D, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Mourilyan Harbour”, substitute “Mourilyan”.
54  Subsection 13B(2) (table 6D, items headed “Queensland”)
Omit “Thursday Island”, substitute “Port Kennedy”.
55  Subsections 37(2) and (3)
Repeal the subsections, substitute:
             (2)  However, subsection (1) does not prohibit the importation into Australia from New Zealand of a live domestic cat if:
                     (a)  the cat is accompanied by a health certificate for the cat, in a form approved by the Director of Quarantine and signed by an official veterinarian; and
                     (b)  the certificate was signed not more than 5 days before the day on which the cat is exported from New Zealand; and
                     (c)  the certificate, or a copy of the certificate, is produced to an officer when the vessel on which the cat is imported arrives at its first port of entry in Australia.
             (3)  Also, subsection (1) does not prohibit the importation into Australia from New Zealand of a live domestic dog if:
                     (a)  the dog is accompanied by a health certificate for the dog, in a form approved by the Director of Quarantine and signed by an official veterinarian; and
                     (b)  the certificate was signed not more than 5 days before the day on which the dog is exported from New Zealand; and
                     (c)  the certificate, or a copy of the certificate, is produced to an officer when the vessel on which the dog is imported arrives at its first port of entry in Australia.
56  Schedule 5
Acrodon bellidiflorus
57  Schedule 5
Omit “Aechmea aquadocensis”.
58  Schedule 5
Alcantarea pataxoana

Aldrovandra vesiculosa

Amaryllis bukasovii

Amaryllis glaucescens

Amaryllis ignea

Amaryllis teyucuarense

Amorphophallus dactylifer

Amorphophallus impressus

Amorphophallus myosurides

Amorphophallus ochroleucus

Amorphophallus rostratus

Amorphophallus thaiensis

Argyroderma octophyllum

Arundinaria nitida

Bobartia lilacina

Bombax vitifolium

Boswellia carteri

Boswellia sacra

Braunsia geminata

Braunsia maximiliani

Brugmansia arborea

Brugmansia aurea

Brugmansia insignis

Brugmansia versicolor

Brugmansia vulcanicola

Brugmansia x cubensis

Brugmansia x rubella

Buchanania lanzan

Caralluma crassa

59  Schedule 5
Omit “Cardaria deaba”.
60  Schedule 5
Carruanthus caninus

Carruanthus ringens

Ceiba chodatii

Ceiba insignis

Cephalophyllum apiculatum

Cephalophyllum cedrimontanum

Cephalophyllum compactum

Cephalophyllum comptonii

Cephalophyllum crassum

Cephalophyllum decipiens

Cephalophyllum loreum

Cephalophyllum niveum

Cephalophyllum primulinum

Cephalophyllum tenuifolium

Cephalophyllum tricolorum

Cephalophyllum truncatum

Ceratozamia beccarrae

Ceratozamia brevifrons

Ceratozamia chimalapensis

Ceratozamia hondurensis

Ceratozamia huastecorum

Ceratozamia matudae

Ceratozamia mixeorum

Ceratozamia morettii

Ceratozamia santillanii

Ceratozamia vovidesii

Ceratozamia zoquorum

Cheiridopsis minor

61  Schedule 5
Omit “Chloris dubia”.
62  Schedule 5
Chorisia chodatii

Chorisia insignis

63  Schedule 5
Omit “Chrysanthemum haradjanii”.
64  Schedule 5
Cochlospermum codinae

Cochlospermum hibiscoides

Cochlospermum luetzelburgii

Cochlospermum serratifolium

Cochlospermum triphyllum

Cochlospermum vitifolium

Codiaeum pancheri

65  Schedule 5
Omit “Cycas falcata”.
66  Schedule 5
Omit “Cycas pranburiensis”.
67  Schedule 5
Cylindrophyllum dyeri

Drakebrockmania crassa

Echinus maximilianii

Fargesia demissa

Ficus deltoidea

Ficus diversifolia

Ficus ovidea

Fontainea pancheri

Heliamphora arenicola

Heliamphora ceracea

Heliamphora ciliata

Heliamphora collina

Heliamphora huberi

Heliamphora macdonaldae

Heliamphora parva

Heliamphora purpurascens

Heliamphora uncinata

Hippeastrum bukasovii

Hippeastrum glaucescens

Hippeastrum igneum

Jurinra mollis

Lampranthus maximilianii

Mesembryanthemum arboriforme

Mesembryanthemum binum

Mesembryanthemum loreum

Mesembryanthemum maximiliani

Mesembryanthemum phillipsii

Mesembryanthemum primulinum

Mesembryanthemum tricolorum

Mestoklema arboriforme

Mestoklema tuberosum

Momordica grosvenori

Nepenthes deaniana

Nepenthes flava

Nepenthes mindanoensis

Nepenthes naga

Oxytenanthera borzii

Parashorea parvifolia

Persicara lapthifolia

Phycella ignea

Pinus thunbergiana

Pinus thunbergii

Rhododendron agyrophillum

Rhododendron atentsiense

Rhododendron aureodorsale

Rhododendron changii

Rhododendron farinosum

Rhododendron gracilipes

Rhododendron hypoglaucum

Rhododendron klossi

Rhododendron monanthum

Rhododendron platypodium

Rhododendron pogonostylum

Rhododendron pseudociliipes

Rhododendron roxieoides

Rhododendron valentinianum var. changii

Rubus ursinus

Sanguisorba canadensis

Sinarundinaria nitida

Siraitia grosvenorii

Stoeberia carpii

Syneilesis aconitifolia

Tabernanthe iboga

Thomsonia thaiensis

Vesicaria arctica

Vesicaria kingii

Vesicaria leiocarpa

Vitex rotundifolia

White‑sloanea crassa

Zamia decumbens

Zamia gomeziana

Zamia grijalvensis

Zamia incognita

Zamia stevensonii

Zamia tolimensis