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Small Charges Act

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Small Charges (CAP. 405 1



Arrangement of Sections

1. Short title.
2. Interpretation.

Arrest of Certain Offenders.

Apprehension of idle and disorderly person, etc.
Arrest of persons trespassing on lands and premises.
Arrest of person found carrying arms, etc.
Warrant for apprehension of idle and disorderly

person, etc.
7. Warrant to search for, and apprehend idle and disor-

derly person, etc.
8. Property of idle and disorderly person, etc.


9. Abuse and bad language.
10. Aiders and abettors in offences punishable on summary

11. Annoyance in public place.
12. Arms and other offensive weapons.
13. Assault.
14. Begging.
15. Boats, removing.
16. Dancing or other amusement.
17. Depasturing stock.
18. Disorderly conduct.
19. Disorderly house.
20. Driving and riding.
21. Animals in public place.
22. Vehicles to be marked.


2 CAP. 405) Small Charges

23. Drunkenness.
24. Escaping from legal confinement or custody.
25. Family, neglect or desertion of.
26. Eire.
27. Fireworks, firearms, etc.
28. Gambling.
29. Harbouring thieves, etc.
30. Incorrigible rogues.
31. Indecency.
32. Summary trial of indictable offences created by certain

sections of the Larceny Act.
33. Malicious damage.
34. Nuisances.
35. Loudspeakers, gramophones, etc.
36. Offences for which no punishment provided.
37. Officers neglecting their duty.
38. Police, hindrance, assault, obstruction of, etc.
39. Posting placards, and defacing buildings, etc.
40. Pretending to tell fortunes, etc.
41. Prostitution.
42. Refusal to assist police officer, etc.
43. Refusing to give name, etc.
44. Riotous conduct.
45. Rogues and vagabonds.
46. Receiving and being in possession of property stolen or

unlawfully obtained.
47. Taking horses, etc.
48. Threats.
49. Throwing missile in thoroughfare.
50. Trading on Sundays, &c.
51. Trespass on lands, etc.
52. Vagrancy.
53. Vagrancy with burglars' tools or with arms, etc.
54. Vagrants assaulting or resisting the police.
55. Violence.
56. Wounding.
57. Deceit of public officer and false information to person

employed in the Public Service.


58. Offences punishable on summary conviction.


Small Charges (CAP. 405 3

59. Form of conviction as idle and disorderly person, elc.
60. Powers of Magistrate as to property of idle and disordci-ly

person, etc.

4/ 1876.





S.R.0.22/ 1956.

(1 st March, 1892.) 7/1963. 9/1965.

1. This Act may be cited as the Small Charges Act. she" title.

2. In this Act- Interpretation.

"public place" includes any road, street, square, side-
walk, alley, court, path, wharf, pier, jetty, bridge,
shop, courthouse or any other place to which the
public have access or are admitted without payment.


Arrest of Certain Offenders.

3. It shall be lawful for any person whatsoever to Apprehensionof
idle and disorderly

apprehend any person who shall be found committing any penon, etc.
offence, upon conviction for which he would be deemed to
be an idle and disorderly person or a rogue and a vagabond
or an incorrigible rogue within the meaning of this Act; and


4 CAP. 405) Small Charges

( a ) forthwith to take and convey him before a
Magistrate; or

(6) to deliver him to any constable or other peace
oyficer of the place where he shall have been appre-
hended, to be taken and conveyed before a Magistrate;

to be dealt with in such manner as herein directed.

(2) In case any constable or other peace officer-

( a ) shall refuse or wilfully neglect to take any such
offender into his custody and to take and convey him
before some Magistrate; or

(b ) shall not use his best endeavours to take and
convey before some Magistrate any person that he shall
find committing any such offence; it shall be deemed a
neglect of duty in any such constable or other peace
officer, and he shall, on conviction, be punished in
such manner as in section 37 directed.

Arrest of persons
trespassing on

4. It shall be lawful for a constable to arrest without
lands and warrant any person whom he sees committing an offence
premises. against section 51.

Arrest of person 5. Any peace officer may arrest any person found car-
found canying
arms, etc. rying abroad any gun, pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon or

other offensive weapon, who shall be unable to afford a sat-
isfactory reason for the possession of the same, and take
such person before a Magistrate.

Warrant for
apprehension of

6. It shall be lawful for any Magistrate upon oath
idle and disorderly being made before him, that any person has committed or
person, etc. is suspected of having committed any offence, upon convic-

tion for which he would be deemed to be an idle and disor-
derly person, or a rogue and a vagabond, or an incorrigible
rogue within the meaning of this Act, to issue his warrant to
apprehend and bring before him or some other Magistrate
the person so charged to be dealt with as directed by this

Warrant to search 7. It shall be lawful for any Magistrate upon informa-
for, and apprehend
idleand&orderly tion on oath before him made, and any person herein
person, etc. described as an idle and disorderly person or as a rogue and


Small Charges (W. 405 5

a vagabond or as an incorrigible rogue, is, or is reasonably
suspected to be, harboured or concealed in any house kept
or purported to be kept for the reception, lodging or enter-
tainment of travellers, by warrant under his hand and seal,
to authorize any constable or other person or persons lo
enter at any time into such house and to apprehend and
bring before him or any other Magistrate every such idle
and disorderly person, rogue and vagabond, and incorrigi-
ble rogue as shall be found therein, to be dealt with in the
manner herein directed.

8. It shall be lawful for any constable, peace officer or ~ ; P ~ ; ~ ! ~
other person apprehending any person charged with being perno,,, eke.
an idle and disorderly person, or a rogue and a vagabond or
an incorrigible rogue to take any horse, mule, ass, cart, car,
caravan or other vehicle or goods, in the possession or use
of such person and to take and convey the same as well as
such person before some Magistrate.


9. Any person who makes use of any abusive, blasphe- g;a;.* bad
mous, indecent, insulting, profane or threatening language-

( a ) in any public place; or

( b ) in any place to the annoyance of the public; or

(c) tending to a breach of the peace;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.

10. Every person who aids, abets, counsels or pro- Aiders and
abettors in

cures the commission of any offence which is punishable on
summary conviction shall be liable to be proceeded against ~ ~ ~ ~ l &
and convicted for the same, either together with the princi- con~ction.
pal offender or before or after his conviction, and shall also
be liable on conviction to the same forfeitures and punish-
ments and to make the same payments as those to which the
principal offender would be liable, and he may be proceed-
ed against and convicted either in the place where the prin-
cipal offender may be triable or in that in which the offence
of aiding, abetting, counselling or procuring was committed.


6 CAP. 405) Small Charges

Annoyance in 11. Any person who in any public place persists, after
public place.

being warned not to do so by any other person, or a Police
Officer, Local or Special Constable in accompanying or fol-
lowing such other person about for the purpose of-

( a ) soliciting alms or employment; or

(b ) satisfying idle curiosity; or

(c) annoying;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen days.

Arms and other



12. Any person found carrying abroad any gun, pis-
tol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon or other offensive weapon
whatsoever, or any explosive matter or thing, who is unable
to afford a satisfactory reason for the possession of the
same, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one
month, and in addition to any such penalty, the Magistrate
may take from any such person any gun, pistol, hanger, cut-
lass, bludgeon or other offensive weapon.

13. (1) Any person who shall assault or beat any
other person, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing two months.

(2) Any person who in the opinion of the Magistrate is
guilty of an aggravated assault-

( a ) on any male child whose age does not in the
opinion of the Magistrate exceed fourteen years; or

(b) upon any female;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and
fifty dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months.

14. (1) Any person wandering abroad or placing
himself in any public place to beg or gather alms, shall be
deemed an idle and disorderly person within the meaning
of this Act, and shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing one month.


Small Charges (CAP. 405 7

(2) Any person-

(a) wandering abroad and endeavouring by the
exposure of wounds or deformities; or

(b) going about as a gatherer or collector of alms,
or endeavouring to procure charitable contributions of
any nature or kind under any false or fraudulent pre-

shall be deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months.

15. Any person who takes or attempts to take any Boawlremoving.
boat, canoe or raft from or out of any mooring, wharf,
boathouse, beach, landing stage or other place, for the pur-
pose of using the same, without the consent of the person
or persons entrusted with the charge thereof, and without
having any probable claim or pretence of title thereto, shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, and
the payment of such fine, or the suffering of any imprison-
ment in default of such payment, shall not affect the right of
action of the party aggrieved.

16. (1) Any person who receives in any house or =$"mgz0aer
place for the purpose of dancing or other amusement for
money or other payment or reward, any persons, without
having obtained a licence for such purpose from a
Magistrate under his hand and seal (which licence it shall
be discretionary in the Magistrate to grant or withhold)
shall be deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months.

(2) Any peace officer may enter any house or place
where dancing or other amusement shall be going on for
money or other payment or reward, or where any persons
shall be assembled for such purpose, without a licence as
provided for in subsection ( I ) , and warn all persons
received therein to leave and disperse, and any person
remaining in such house or place after such warning, or not
dispersing when required so to do by any peace officer, shall
be deemed to be an idle and disorderly person within the


CAP. 405) Small Charges

meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding one month.


D e ~ " ~ g s f o " k . t7. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously
places, fastens and depastures any animal on any land or on
any public thoroughfare, shall be liable to a fine not exceed-
ing two hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding one month.

18. (1) Any person who, in any public place con-
ducts himself in a disorderly manner, or conducts himself in
such a noisy manner as to disturb the neighbourhood, shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.

(2) If any person shall conduct himself in his own
house or premises, or shall suffer to allow any other person
so to conduct himself therein as to repeatedly annoy or dis-
turb the neighbourhood, any person annoyed or disturbed
thereby may complain to a Magistrate, who may, if he is satis-
fied that there are good grounds for such complaint, cause
the person so offending to be warned, and if after such
warning such person shall within three months so conduct
himself in his own house or premises, or shall suffer or allow
any other person so to conduct himself therein as to annoy
or disturb the neighbourh'ood, he shall be liable to a fine
not exceeding five hundred dollars, or to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding one month.

(3) Any person who behaves profanely or irreverently
or indecently or in a disorderly manner, or who smokes in
any building appropriated for religious worship during the
performance of any religious service therein, or in any
churchyard or cemetery during the performance of any reli-
gious service on the interment of the dead, shall be liable to
a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

(4) Any person who wilfully disturbs, interrupts or dis-
quiets any body of persons assembled for any moral, social
or benevolent purpose by profane discourse, by rude or
indecent behaviour or by making a noise, either within the
place of such assembly or so near it as to disturb the same,
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.


Small Charges (CAP. 405 9

(5) ( a ) Any person who at a lawful public meet-
ing acts in a disorderly manner for the purpose of pre-
venting the transaction of the business for which the
meeting was called together, shall be guilty of an
offence and liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred
and fifty dollars.

( b ) Any person who incites others to commit an
offence under this subsection shall be guilty of a like

19. (1) Any person keeping a disorderly house or a Dhrderly house.
brothel, in any town or village, or allowing his house to be a
disorderly house or to be used as a brothel, shall be liable to
a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

(2) Upon the complaint on oath, made to any
Magistrate by any two or more respectable freeholders or
householders that any person in their neighbourhood keeps
a disorderly house to the nuisance of those in its vicinity, it
shall be lawful for such Magistrate to inquire into the case,
and if the complaint be duly proved, the offender shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars.

20. (1) Any person who shall ride or drive furiously J?z;!md
in any public place in such a manner as is calculated to
endanger the life or limb of persons lawfully in and upon
such public place, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars.

(2) Any person who shall wilfully or carelessly drive any
animal, or drive any vehicle against any other person or
against any other animal or vehicle, being ridden or driven
respectively by any other person in any public place, shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

(3) Any driver of any vehicle who shall be found riding
in or on the sanle without having and holding the reins, or
who shall when holding the reins ride on the shaft of such
vehicle, or shall be at such a distance from the same that he
cannot have proper control over the animal or animals
drawing the same, or who shall not observe the customary
rules of the road when meeting or passing or being passed
or overtaken by any vehicle, shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars.


Animals in public

Vehicles to be


Escaping from
legal confimement
or custody.

CAP. 405) Small Charges

21. Any person in charge of any animal or animals in
any public place who shall wilfully be at such a distance
from such animal or animals that he cannot have proper
contrgl over such animal or animals so in his charge, shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

22. Any person being the owner of any cart, dray or
waggon which is in use, without having the name of the
owner legibly marked on the off or right hand side thereof
with paint, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hun-
dred dollars.

23. (1) Any person found drunk in any public place
or on any licensed premises, shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding one hundred dollars; and on a second conviction
within a period of twelve months, shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars; and on any subse-
quent conviction within such period of twelve months shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

(2) Any person who, in any public place, is drunk when-

(a ) in charge of any motor car or other vehicle
propelled by mechanical power and so constituted that
no smoke or visible vapour is emitted therefrom,
except from any tem~orary or accidental causes; car-
riage, cart, cattle, horse or steam engine; or

(6) in possession of any loaded firearm;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one month.

24. (1) Any person breaking or escaping out of any
place of legal confinement before the expiration of the
term for which he shall have been convicted, or ordered to
be confined, by virtue of this Act, shall be deemed an incor-
rigible rogue within the meaning of this Act, and shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six

(2) Any person in lawful custody of any police officer,
or other person, who escapes, or attempt5 to escape, from
such custody, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months; but this section shall not be held


Small Charges (W. 405 1 1

to prevent any person escaping from lawful custody frorrl
being proceeded against under any other Act:

Provided that no person shall be punished twice for tlrc
same offence.

25. ( 1 ) Any person being wholly or in part able to I.tmfly, neglect or
decrerlian of. maintain his or her children, whether legitimate or illegiti-

mate, and if a male his wife, by work or by other lawful
means, and wilfully refusing or neglecting to do so, shall bc
deemed to be an idle and disorderly person within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonmenl for
a term not exceeding one month.

( 2 ) Any person who deserts his wife or children shall
be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

(3) Any person running away and leaving his wife or
his or her child or children, shall be deemed to be a rogue
and a vagabond within the meaning of this Act, and shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

26. ( 1 ) ~ n y person who in any place carelessly car- Fire.
ries or uses any fire shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
two hundred and fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding one month.

( 2 ) Any person who by the careless or improper use of
fire within any city, town or village endangers any lives or
property therein, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding
three thousand dollars or to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding six months.

27. ( 1 ) Any person who, except with the permission Fireworks*
firearms, etc.

of the Governor-General-

( a ) discharges any cannon;

( b ) lets off, or assists in letting off any fireworks; or

(c) lights, or assists in lighting any bonfire; or

(d) carries any flaming torch, or naked light for
any purpose other than the exercise of a lawful trade or


12 CAP. 405) Small Charges

in any public place in any city, town or village, or within one
hundred yards thereof, shall be liable to a fine not exceed-
ing two hundred and fifty dollars.

(2) Any person who discharges any gun, pistol or other
firearm in any public place or within one hundred yards
thereof, except on some lawful and necessary occasion shall
be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

Gambling. 28. (1) Any person who knowingly permits any
building or place in his occupation to be used for the pur-
pose of gambling therein shall be deemed to be a rogue and
a vagabond within the meaning of this Act, and shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

(2) Any Magistrate or Justice of the Peace (other than
an officer of the Police) who is satisfied by proof upon oath
that there is reasonable ground for believing that any place
is kept or used as a gaming house, may, by warrant authorize
any police officer, with such assistance and by such force as
may be necessary, by night or by day, to enter such place,
and to search the same and all persons found therein, and
to take into custody all persons, and to seize all instruments
and appliances for gambling, and all moneys or securities
for money found therein o i in the possession of any person
escaping therefrom:

Provided that whenever, owing to the lateness of the
hour, it shall be inconvenient to obtain a warrant, then it
shall be lawful for any commissioned officer of the Police
Force, or any police officer not under the rank of corporal,
by night, without warrant, to enter any place which he has
reasonable grounds for believing is kept as a gambling
house, and any such officer shall, upon such entry, have the
same powers of search, arrest and seizure as may be exer-
cised by a police officer duly authorized by warrant under
this section:

Provided that no such entry without a warrant shall be
made unless such officer is, at the time of entry, in the dress
and uniform of the Police Force.

(3) If any instruments or appliances for gambling are
found in any place entered under the provisions of this


Small Charges (CAP. 405 13

section, or upon any person found therein or escaping
therefrom, it shall be evidence, until the contrary be made
to appear, that such place is used as a gaming house, and
that the persons found therein or escaping therefrom were
playing therein, although no play was actually going on in
the presence of the police officer entering such place,
under the provisions of this Act, or in the presence of those
persons by whom he shall be accompanied as aforesaid: and
shall be lawful for the Magistrate before whom any person
shall be taken to direct all such instruments or appliances of
gaming to be forthwith destroyed.

(4) Every person found in any such place without lawful
excuse shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

(5) Any person who is concerned in holding a lottery
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding three thousand dollars.

(6) Any person playing or betting in any street, road,
highway or any other open or public place at or with any
table or instrument of gaming, at any game or pretended
game of chance, shall be deemed to be a rogue and a
vagabond within the meaning of this Act, and shall be liable
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(7j In this section "gaming house" means any building
or premises kept or used by any person without lawful
authority for the purpose of directly or indirectly making
gain by providing any facilities for betting or for the playing
of any game of chance for money or money's worth.

(8) Nothing contained in the foregoing provisions of
this section shall apply to any lottery, sweepstake,
parimutuel or pool-betting, promoted, organised conducted
or carried on in Antigua and Barbuda by any person in
accordance with the terms and conditions of a valid licence
issued to him for the purpose by the Cabinet.

(9) The Cabinet may either refuse to grant such a
licence or grant such a licence subject to such terms and
conditions as they may deem fit to impose, and any breach


14 CAP. 405) Small Charges

of the terms or conditions of such a licence shall render the
licence null and void. The grant or the refusal of such a
licence shall not be questioned in any legal proceedings.

(16) The Cabinet may in writing delegate to any public
officer or police officer any of the powers vested in them by
virtue of the provisions of the preceding subsection with
respect to lotteries to be conducted solely for charitable pur-
poses or for such other deserving objects as may be specified
by the Cabinet.

( 1 1 ) The Cabinet may make Regulations prescribing the
fees to be paid for the issue of licences under the provisions of
this section, and until such Regulations are made, the Cabinet
shall charge such fees as they may deem fit and proper.

thieves, etc.

29. Any person who knowingly-
(a) lodges or harbours thieves or reputed thieves; or

(b ) suffers thieves or reputed thieves to meet or
assemble in any premises under his control; or

( 6 ) allows the deposit of goods in any premises
under his control, having reasonable cause for believing
them to be stolen;

shall be liable to a fine not Sexceeding five hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.


30. Any person, committing any offence against this
Act, by reason whereof he shall be deemed to be a rogue
and a vagabond within the meaning of this Act, such person
having been, at some former time adjudged so to be and
duly convicted thereof, shall be deemed an incorrigible
rogue within the meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Indecency. 31. ( 1 ) Any person behaving in a public place in an
indecent manner, shall be liable to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding one month.

(2) Any person who writes or draws any indecent word
or figure or representation in any public place shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.


Small Charges (CAP. 405 15

(3) Any person wilfully-

( a ) exposing in any public place any obscene
print, picture, photograph or other indecent exhibition;

(b) exposing or causing to be exposed to public
view in the window or other part of any shop or other
building situated in a public place, any obscene print,
picture, photograph or other indecent exhibition;

(c) exposing his person in any public place, or in
view thereof;

shall be deemed a rogue and a vagabond within the mean-
ing of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding three months.

( 4 ) Any person who is concerned in the publishing or
circulating or who suffers to be published or circulated in
any newspaper or otherwise-

( a ) any indecent matter;

(6) any advertisement regarding the cure of
venereal complaints or secret diseases;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding three thousand dollars.

32. Any person who commits any of the offences cre- s u m m ~ t r i a l
of indictable ated by sections 4, 6, 7 , 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21 and 27 of offencescreated

the Larceny Act, or who attempts to commit, aids, abets, b ~ g ~ e , " , " ; p n ~
counsels or procures the commission of any such offence AC~.
where the amount or value of the property in respect of Cap.241.
which the offence is committed in the opinion of the
Magistrate does not exceed five hundred dollars, shall be
liable on summary conviction to imprisonment for a term
not exceeding two years:

Provided that the Magistrate may in his discretion
abstain from trying the offence summarily and may commit
the offender for trial for an indictable offence.

33. Any person who unlawfully and maliciously com- Maliciousdamage.
mits any damage, injury or spoil to or upon any real or per-
sonal property whatsoever, the value of which in the opinion
of the Magistrate does not exceed five hundred dollars,
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars,
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.


16 CAP. 405) Small Charges


Provided that the Magistrate may in his discretion
abstain from trying the case summarily, and may commit
the offender for trial for an indictable offence:

Provided also, that if in the opinion of the Magistrate
the ahount of the damage exceeds four hundred and eighty
dollars, and the offender objects to be tried summarily, the
Magistrate shall abstain from trying the case summarily and
shall commit the offender for trial for an indictable offence.

34. (1) Any person who in any public thoroughfare-
(a) causes any vehicle with or without horses to

stand longer than is necessary for the purpose of load-
ing or unloading after being warned to depart;

(b) by any means whatsoever causes an obstruction;

(c) flies any kite, hoists any flag, discharges any
firearm or plays any game in or near to such public
thoroughfare as aforesaid to the common danger or
annoyance of passengers;

(d) lays or throws down any article or thing to the
inconvenience of the passengers or neighbouring resi-
dents (exce~t buildine: materials to be used in the "
immediate neighbourhood or rubbish occasioned by
such building which shall be so placed as not to cause
anv mischief to Dasseaeers or &less anv such act as "
aforesaid is done in conformity with any regulation of a
Town or Country Board or a Board of Health) ;

(e) empties or begins to empty any privy or
remove any nightsoil between the hours of 5 a.m. and
10 p.m. or wilfully and carelessly spills any such offen-
sive matter as aforesaid or thro&sdown anv nightsoil. , "
dirt, litter, ashes, broken glass, carrion, fish offal or
other rubbish, unless any such act as aforesaid is done
in conformity with any regulation of a Town or
Country Board or a Board of Health:

Provided that this paragraph shall not be deemed
to apply to the removal of nightsoil from any prison,
which may be removed not later than 6.30 a.m.;

V) erects or maintains any blind, awning or other
projection unless the same is at least eight feet above
the level of such thoroughfare;


Small Charges (CAI". 405 17

(g) leaves or fixes or maintains any darlgcrou~
thing in upon or over such thoroughfare as aforcsaitl;

(h ) suffers to be at large any vicious or da~tgerous
animal or sets on any dog or other animal t o worry or
put in fear any person or animal;

(i) suffers to be at large and not under proper
control any horse, mule, ass, cattle, swine, or other sim-
ilar animal; or suffers any such animal whether or not
under control to drag any tethering chain or ropf
behind it;

u) cleans, dresses, bleeds or farries any horse or
other animal except in case of accident or necessity;

(k) tethers any animal within such a distance as to
allow the same to stray on to such public thoroughfare;

( 1 ) comes within the limits of any place where any
public work is being carried on as set out by the officer
in charge of such works without the permission of such

(m) makes use of the horn of any motor vehicle in
an unreasonable manner;

(n) makes use of any motor vehicle without the
engine thereof being fitted with an effective silencer or
keep such engine running for an unreasonable period
of time whilst such vehicle is standing still;

(0) washes any motor vehicle or makes a business
of carrying out repairs to vehicles or habitually occu-
pies himself with repairing, assembling or dismantling
any vehicle or any part or parts of a vehicle;

( p ) tethers any horse, ass, mule, swine or cattle on
any highway, road or street so as to suffer or permit the
tethered animal to be thereon;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen days.

(2) Any person who-

(a ) discharges any filth or foul water or bathes in
or washes clothes in or otherwise defiles any public
well, spring, pond, watercourse or gutter, unless any


18 CAP. 405) Small Charges

such act aforesaid is done in conformity with any
regulation of a Town or Country Board of Health;

( 6 ) commits a nuisance in any cane-piece within
oAe hundred feet of any town, hamlet, or village or
within ten feet of any public thoroughfare;

(6) commits a nuisance in any place to the annoy-
ance of the public;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

gramophones, etc.

35. Any person who-
( a ) in or in connection with any shop, business

premises or other place which adjoin any street or pub-
lic place and to which the public are admitted; or

( 6 ) in any other premises,

by operating or causing or suffering to be operated any
gramophones, loudspeaker, amplifier, musical instrument or
electrical or mechanical device for producing or reproducing
sound, or causes or suffers to be made any noise which shall
be so loud and so continuous or repeated as to cause a
nuisance to occupants or inmates of any premises in the
neighbourhood shall be guilty of an offence and shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars:

Provided that no proceedings shall be taken against
any person for any offence against this section in respect of
premises referred to in paragraph ( b ) hereof unless the nui-
sance be continued after the expiration of fourteen days
from the date of the service on such person of a notice
alleging a nuisance signed by not less than three persons
residing within the hearing of the instrument complained
of in the said notice.

Offences for 36. Any person who-
which no
provided. ( a ) disobeys, or neglects or refuses to obey the

provisions of any Act, for the breach of which no specific
punishment is by such Act prescribed; or

( 6 ) contravenes any statutory instrument for the
time being in force for the infringement of which no
specific punishment is prescribed;


Small Charges (W. 405 19

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two huntlred and fifty

37. Any constable or other peace officer who shall Of fh rs
ne feting neglect his duty in anything required of him by this Act.

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

38. (1) Any person who shall disturb or hinder ariy police, hindnmce, amaul~ obatruaion
constable or peace officer in the execution of his duty of,etc,
under this Act, or shall be aiding, abetting or assisting therein,
shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars.

(2) Any person who shall assault or beat or wound, o r
resist or wilfully obstruct any member of the police force, or
any local or special constable, while in the execution of his
duty, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve

Provided that the Magistrate may abstain from trying
the case summarily and commit the offender for trial for an
indictable offence.

39. Any person who, without the consent of the :d:T,gf,~$,"g"*
owner or occupier- buildings, etc.

( a ) posts any bill, placard or other paper against
or .upon; or

(b ) shall write upon, soil, mark or deface;

any building, wall, fence, lamp-post or other object, shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.

40. Any person-

(a) pretending or professing to tell fortunes; or

(6) using any subtle craft, means or device, by
palmistry or otherwise;

Pretending to tell
fortunes, etc.

to deceive and impose on any of Her Majesty's subjects,
shall be deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months.


20 CAP. 405) Small Charges

Prostitution. 41. (1) Any person who, being the tenant, lessee,
occupier or person in charge of any premises knowingly
permits such premises or any part thereof to be used for the
purposes of habitual prostitution shall be liable to imprison-
ment for a term not exceeding six months.

(2) Every female who is proved to have, for the purposes
of gain, exercised control, direction, or influence over the
movements of a prostitute in such a manner as to show that
she is aiding, abetting, or compelling her prostitution with
any person, or generally, shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding six months.

(3) Any person loitering or being in any public place
for the purpose of prostitution or solicitation to the annoy-
ance of the public shall be liable to imprisonment for a
term not exceeding two months.

(4) Every male person who in any public place persis-
tently solicits or imporlunes for immoral purposes shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

(5) Any common prostitute wandering in the public
streets or public highways, or in any place of public resort
and behaving in a riotous or indecent manner, shall be
liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Refusal to assist
police officer, etc.

42. Any person who in any public place refuses to
assist any member of the police force or other peace officer
in securing or capturing any person whom such member of
the police force or other peace officer is endeavouring to
secure or capture when lawfully called upon so to do, by
such member of the police force or peace officer, shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding fourteen days.

Refusing to give
name, etc.

43. Any person who, when lawfully required by a
Justice of the Peace or any police officer to give his name or

(a) refuses to give his name, or address, or

(6) gives a false name or address,

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars.


Small Charges (CAP. 405 2 1

44. Any person who- Riotow conduct.

( a ) in any public place is guilty of any riototts
behaviour; or

(b) in any police station house is guilty of any vio-
lent behaviour;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred and fifty
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding o ~ t c

45. Any person committing any offence, on convic- ~ o l ~ u ~ m d
tion for which he shall be deemed an idle and disorderly vspbandn.

person within the meaning of this Act, after having been
convicted as an idle and disorderly person shall be deemed
to be a rogue and a vagabond within the meaning of this
Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding three months.

46. ( 1 ) Any person who receives any property know- Receidngmd
being in

ing the same to have been stolen or obtained in any way p u m i o n o f
whatsoever under circumstances which amount to an propePtystolen

or unlawfully
offence under sections 4, 6 , 7, 11, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21 and
27 of the Larceny Act, shall be liable on summary conviction Cap. 241.
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.

(2) Where any person is charged with an offence
under subsection ( 1 ) of this section the Magistrate may in
his discretion abstain from trying the offence summarily
and may commit the offender for trial for an indictable

(3) Any person having in his possession, or conveying
in any manner anything which may reasonably be suspected
of having been stolen or unlawfully obtained, and who shall
not give an account satisfactory to the Magistrate of how he
came by the same, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five
hundred dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceed-
ing three months.

47. Any person who takes or drives, or attempts to T*inghomes,

take or drive any horse, mule or ass from or out of any
enclosure, stable, pasture or other place for the purpose of


CAP. 405) Small Charges

using the same without the consent of the owner or person
entrusted with the charge thereof, and without having any
probable claim or pretence of title thereto, shall be liable to
a fine not exceeding one hundred and fifty dollars and the
paym&nt of such fine, or the suffering of any imprisonment
in default of such payment, shall not affect the right of
action of the party aggrieved.

Threats. 48. Any person who threatens or intimidates-

(a) any other person by reason of his being a wit-
ness, or likely to be a witness in any proceeding; or

(b) any other person in such a manner as would
justify a Magistrate on complaint made to him to bind
over such first mentioned person to keep the peace;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred dollars
or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

Throwing missile
in thoroughfare. 49. Any person who, being in the vicinity of or in any

public place unlawfully throws or discharges any missile to
the damage or danger of any person or property, shall be
liable to a fine not exceeding one thousand dollars, or to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.

Trading on
Sundays, &c.

50. (1) Any person who sells, or cause or procures
to be sold, or exposes for Sale or causes or procures to be
exposed for sale, any goods or articles whatsoever on any
Sunday, Christmas Day or Good Friday, shall in respect of
each act of sale or exposure for sale, be liable to a fine not
exceeding two hundred and fifty dollars.

(2) There shall be excepted from the operation of this

(i) The sale of any drugs or medicines;

(ii) the sale of ice;

(iii) the sale of groceries not later than nine
o'clock in the morning in shops the closing
of which is not controlled by a Shop Hours

(iv) The sale of fresh fish, butcher's meat or fresh
fruit, not later than noon;


Small Charges (CAP. 405 23

(v) The sale of bread or milk;

(vi) The sale of cooked food in hotels, inns t ~ r vict-
ualling houses;

(vii) The sale of petrol; and

(viii) The sale of any article required for the burial
of a dead body, or in the case of illness of arty
person or animal, where the seller thereof
has reasonable grounds for believing the arii-
cle to be required for either of these purpos-
es; the reasonableness whereof is to bc
determined by the Magistrate before whom
the complaint is heard.

51. Any person who-
(a) unlawfully enters in an insulting, annoying, or

threatening manner upon any lands or premises
belonging to or in possession of any other person;

(6 ) unlawfully enters upon any such lands or
premises after having been forbidden so to do;

(c) unlawfully enters and remains on any such
lands or premises having been required to depart

(d) having lawfully entered upon any such lands
or premises, misconducts himself by behaving thereon
in an insulting annoying or threatening manner; or

(e) having lawfully entered on any such lands or
premises persistently remains thereon after having been
lawfully required to depart therefrom;

shall be liable to a fine not exceeding seven hundred and
fifty dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
three months.

52. (1) Any person being able wholly or in part to V a ~ a n c ~ .
maintain himself by work or by other means and wilfully
refusing or neglecting so to do, shall be deemed an idle and
disorderly person within the meaning of this Act, and shall
be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one


24 CAP. 405) Small Charges

- - - - - -

( 2 ) Any person-

( a ) wandering abroad and lodging in any barn or
outhouse, or in any deserted or unoccupied building,
'or in the open air or under a tent, or in any vehicle, or
in any vessel, boat, lighter or drogher, and not having
any visible means of subsistence, and not giving a good
account of himself; or

(b ) being found in or upon any dwelling house,
office, warehouse, coach house, stable or outhouse, or
in any enclosed yard, garden or area, or in any vessel,
boat, lighter or drogher, for any unlawful purpose;

shall be deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months.

Vagrancy with
burglars' tooLs or

53. Any person-
with arms, etc.

( a ) having in his custody or possession any pick-
lock, key, crow, jack, bit or other implement, with
intent feloniously to break into any dwelling house,
office, warehouse, coach house, stable, outbuilding or
other building; or

(b ) being armed with any gun, pistol, hanger, cut-
lass, bludgeon or other offensive weapon, or any other
explosive matter or thing with intent to commit any
felonious act; or

(c) having upon him any instrument with intent
to commit any felonious act;

shall be deemed to be a rogue and a vagabond within the
meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding three months, and every such pick-
lock, key, crow, jack, bit or other implement and every such
gun, pistol, hanger, cutlass, bludgeon or other offensive
weapon, and every such instrument, as aforesaid, shall, by
the conviction of the offender, become forfeited to Her

LTtZg or 54. (1) Any person apprehended as an idle and dis orderly person and violently resisting or assaulting any
police. peace officer or constable so apprehending him, and being


Small Charges (CAP. 405 25

subsequently convicted of the offence for which he shall
have been so apprehended, shall be deemed a rogue and a
vagabond within the meaning of this Act, and shall be liable
to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.

(2) Any person apprehended as a rogue and a
vagabond and violently resisting any constable or other
peace officer so apprehending him, and being subsequently
convicted of the offence for which he shall have been so
apprehended, shall be deemed an incorrigible rogue within
the meaning of this Act, and shall be liable to imprisonment
for a term not exceeding six months.

55. Any person who uses violence to any person or violence.
property shall be liable to a fine not exceeding five hundred
dollars or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three

56. Any person wounding any other person shall, if Wounding.
in the opinion of the Magistrate, such wounding is not of a
serious nature, be liable to imprisonment for a term'not
exceeding two years:

Provided that the Magistrate may, in his discretion
abstain from trying the case summarily, and may commit
the offender for trial for an indictable offence.

57. (1) Any person who with intent to defeat, Deceit of public
officer and fal.

obstruct or pervert the course of justice or the due execu- infomation to
tion of the law, or to evade the requirements of the law, or to ~;s~en!",~(:~ed
defraud or injure any person, endeavours to deceive any service.
public officer, acting in execution of any public office or
duty, by personation, or by any false instrument, document,
seal or signature, or by any false statement whether verbal or
in writing, shall be liable to a fine not exceeding fifteen
hundred dollars or imprisonment for a term not exceeding
six months.

( 2 ) Any person who gives to any person employed in
the public service any information which he knows or
believes to be false intending thereby to cause or knowing it
to be likely that he will thereby cause such person employed
in the public service-

punishable on

z z n .

Cap. 255.

Fom of
conviction as idle
a d disorderly
person, etc.


Powen of
Magistrate as to
property of idle
and disorderly
person, etc.


CAP. 405) Small Charges

( a ) to do or omit anything which such person
employed in the public service ought not to do or omit
if the true state of facts respecting which such informa-
tion is given were known to him; or

(6) to use the lawful power of such person
employed in the public service to the injury or annoy-
ance of any person,

shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable to a fine not
exceeding fifteen hundred dollars or imprisonment for a
term not exceeding six months.



58. Any person accused of having committed any of
the offences in this Act set forth may, notwithstanding any
other law to the contrary, be prosecuted before a Magistrate
in the manner prescribed in the Magistrate's Code of
Procedure Act, and shall upon conviction be liable to the
punishments respectively prescribed in this Act, for such

59. Every conviction of any offender as an idle and
disorderly person, or as a rogue and a vagabond, or as an
incorrigible rogue under this Act, shall be in the form set
out in the Schedule or as near thereto as circumstances will

60. (1) It shall be lawful for every Magistrate by
whom any person shall be adjudged to be an idle and disor-
derly person or a rogue and a vagabond or an incorrigible
rogue, to order-

( a ) that such offender shall be searched; and

( b ) that the trunks, boxes, bundles, parcels or
packages of such offender shall be inspected in the
presence of the Magistrate and of such offender; and

(c) that any part, car, caravan or vehicle which
may have been found in the possession or use of such
offender, shall be searched in the presence of such


Small Charges (CAP. 405 2 7

(2) It shall be lawful for every Magistrate by whom any
person shall be adjudged to be an idle and disorderly per-
son or a rogue and a vagabond or an incorrigible rogue, to
order that any money which may be found on or with such
an offender, shall be paid and applied for and toward the
expense of apprehending, conveying to prison, and main-
taining such offender during the time for which he shall
have been committed; and if upon search, money sufficient
for the purposes aforesaid be not found, it shall be lawful
for such Magistrate to order that a part, or if necessary the
whole of such other effects then found, shall be sold, and
that the produce of such sale shall be paid and applied as
aforesaid; and also that the overplus of such money or
effects after deducting the charges of such sale shall be
returned to such offender.


Be it remembered, that on the day of
19 , in district

in Antigua and Barbuda, A.B. is convicted before me the
undersigned Magistrate for district
of being an idle and disorderly person (or a rogue and vagabond,
or an incorrigible rogue) within the intent and meaning of the
Small Charges Act; that is to say, for that the said A.B. on
the day of at
in the said district (here state offence proved before Magistrate)
and for which said offence the said A.B. is ordered to be committed
to the prison at , there to be kept (to
hard labour) for the space of

Given under my hand and seal, the day, year, and at the
place, first above written.
